BRIT499373 R. E. Gereau 5367 1994-02-25
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haute-Zaire Ituri: Zone de Mambasa; ca. 4 km SSW of Epulu on NW bank of Epulu River at mouth of Sakoma Stream. GPS, AFG (Somalia) Datum, PDOP 5.2 01°21'59"N 28°33'05"E 730 m, 1.366389 28.551389, 730m
BRIT499372 Amsini 138 1998-07-22
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haut-Zaire Zone de Mambasa (Ituri Forest), Afarama, forêt mixgte d'Edoro/Afarama. 01°33'N 028°32'E 800 m, 1.55 28.533333
BRIT499371 OA Kibure 246 1998-07-10
Tanzania, Pwani, Rufiji District Forest near WWF Office. 08°18'57"S 038°57'39"E 250 m, -8.315833 38.960833, 250m
BRIT499370 G. Gobbo 408 1999-07-10
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural District T4. Gombe Stream National Park, sides of Rutanga River. 04°40'22"S 029°39'00"E 1269 m, -4.672778 29.65, 1269m
BRIT499369 G. Gobbo 831 2001-10-03
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural District. Gombe National Park, top ridge, hill between Kakombe and Mkenke Valleys.; -4.676667 29.630833, -4.676667 29.630833, 1100m
BRIT499368 G. Gobbo 440 1999-09-25
Tanzania, Kigoma, Kigoma Rural District T4. Gombe Stream National Park, hill between Kahama and Mkenke Valleys. 04°41'S 029°37'E 1010 m, -4.683333 29.616667, 1010m
BRIT499367 P. P. Lowry II 6773 2006-02-10
Madagascar, Toliara: Anosy Region Région de l'Anosy. Bemangidy Forest, ca. 3 km W of Antsotso, along RN 12a, 65 km N of Ft. Dauphin. E of Ivohibe Peak. 24°34'17"S 047°12'07"E 200-350 m, -24.571389 47.201944, 200 - 350m
BRIT499366 C. J. Kayombo 2727 1999-07-30
Tanzania, Iringa, Mufundi District Bottom of Lulanda Escarpment, Kigulumati area. 08°36'48"S 035°37'49"E 1000 m, -8.613333 35.630278, 1000m
BRIT499365 D. Price WK248 1999-12-11
Tanzania, Iringa, Iringa Rural District Udzungwa Mountains Miombo woodland. Valley floor. 07°45'46"S 036°25'53"E 1550 m, -7.762778 36.431389, 1550m
BRIT499364 Gail Renehan 20 1996-07-28
Zambia, Copperbelt Chingola; Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage and Chimpanzee Sanctuary, ca. 57 km NW of Chingola along Kafue River. UTM Coordinates: 557812.985, 8633679.801. 12°20'00"S 027°30'00"E, -12.333333 27.5