Search Results (List)

Dataset: BRIT-BRIT
Taxa: Bromeliaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 658

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT217717Didi Riley   221986-03-30
United States, Texas, Travis, Town Lake Park, Austin., 30.251369 -97.737539

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BRIT463473W. Hess   64601989-08-08
United States, Texas, Burnet, Inks Lake St. Park, SW of Lampasas., 30.734261 -98.36707

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BRIT463472D. S. Correll   137201946-08-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, Boot Canyon, Chisos Mountains

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BRIT463471C. H. Muller   s.n.1932-07-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mts. Boot spring - on rocks

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BRIT463469Edward McWilliams   111977-02-27
United States, Texas, Burnet, Growing on Querus virginiana three miles west of Smithwick on Ranch Road 1431., 30.585443 -98.173426

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BRIT463470Edward McWilliams   121977-02-27
United States, Texas, Burnet, Abundant on Ulmus sp. on south side of White Bluff facing Lake Buchanan on Ranch Road 2341., 30.845456 -98.380586

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BRIT12503Chris Nielsen   s.n.1983-05-15
United States, Texas, Burnet, Spicewood., 30.474911 -98.158372

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BRIT463467James Kessler   52781982-03-02
United States, Texas, Burleson, Old River Ranch in Clay, 3 miles E of Hwy 50, in vicinity of barn, 30.408634 -96.322203

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BRIT463468Edward McWilliams   21977-02-27
United States, Texas, Burleson, Growing quite abundantly throughout Querus virginiana 1 mile south of Snook, 30.473611 -96.464399

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BRIT463466U. T. Waterfall   131771957-08-04
United States, Texas, Blanco, Prairie opening, 8 miles north of Johnson City.

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BRIT463464Lynda Bilodeau   112003-09-20
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio. 1466 Aaron Drive.

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BRIT463463O. W. Van Auken   04221994-11-12
United States, Texas, Bexar, Camp Bullis; 1 km NW of Lewis Hill, E of Malabang Trail. UTM: (⁰⁵420³²896)., 29.735896 -98.565678

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BRIT463465L. Sanchez   8961995-09-25
United States, Texas, Blanco, Blanco State Park: Nature Trail southeast corner of the park, 0.3 miles east of Park Road 32.

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BRIT463462Ralph Fairchild   1211976-04-04
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio, Breckenridge Park, 29.458591 -98.47187

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BRIT463461Wm. C. Dohnke Jr   811962-11-24
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio [No additional locality data on sheet]

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BRIT463460Raul Gutierrez   21342008-08-12
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio, Castle Hills, ca. 0.1 mi SW of Larkspur along Link, in undeveloped lot; 29.539 -98.5196, 29.539 -98.5196, 266m

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BRIT463459D. S. Correll   197091958-07-17
United States, Texas, Bee, Limy slopes 10-12 miles southwest of Beeville.

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BRIT463457Edward McWilliams   51977-03-07
United States, Texas, Austin, 2.3 miles west of Wallis on Ranch Road 1093.

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BRIT463458L. Lackey   3391993-11-13
United States, Texas, Bandera, Hill Country State Natural Area: South eastern area of the park, along Trail 2.

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BRIT463456M. Trécul   12971849-11-00
United States, Texas, Téxas occidental.

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BRIT463455Edward McWilliams   1977-11977-01-15
United States, Texas, Grimes, three (3) miles east of Anderson on Texas 2019.

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BRIT463453C. W. Beasley   s.n.1971-02-20
United States, Texas, Gillespie, 4 mi. N of Fredericksburg; Balanced Rock area.

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BRIT463452C. W. Beasley   s.n.1971-02-20
United States, Texas, Gillespie, 4 mi. N of Fredericksburg; Balanced Rock area.

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BRIT463451Alfred Traverse   19851961-04-09
United States, Texas, Fayette, Monument Hill State Park, S of LaGrange., 29.889301 -96.874652, 107m

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BRIT463450Geyata Ajilvsgi   82261979-12-05
United States, Texas, Duval, ca. 5 mi. n. of Hebbornville.

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BRIT463449Lindheimer   12011850-07-00
United States, Texas, Comanche Spring: New Braunfels. etc. [Need more research to determine which locality]

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BRIT463448Lindheimer   12011850-07-00
United States, Texas, Comanche Spring: New Braunfels. etc. [Need more research to determine which locality]

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BRIT463447Lindheimer   12001849-12-00
United States, Texas, Comanche Spring: New Braunfels. etc. [Need more research to determine which locality]

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BRIT463446Robert Runyon   52611949-01-06
United States, Texas, Cameron, Vicinity of Brownsville. Known distribution in The Lower Rio Grande Valley - throughout the Valley.

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BRIT463445C. L. Lundell   87051940-05-05
United States, Texas, Cameron, 7 1/2 miles west of La Paloma

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BRIT463444Alfred Traverse   10661959-04-23
United States, Texas, Cameron, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, ca. .9 mi. S of entrance to Unit 1, near main road., 2m

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BRIT463443D. E. Lemke   6611986-07-18
United States, Texas, Caldwell, Roadside along FM 713, 3.7 mi. E of junction with FM 86, between McMahan and Delhi.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT463442John Taylor   132041973-05-23
United States, Texas, Llano, Collected about 18 mi. SW of Llanos from the Enchanted Rock., 30.506579 -98.81893

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT463440Elaine Horlen   s.n.1977-03-12
United States, Texas, Llano, near Lake L.B.J. about one (1) mile west of the Llano County line on Texas 2147., 30.544543 -98.366305

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT463441Raul Gutierrez   27062012-07-03
United States, Texas, Llano, 1.4 miles west of FM 1431 on FM 3404 at Llano River crossing., 30.68358 -98.48265, 256m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT463439Ann Grimes   1591969-03-31
United States, Texas, Live Oak, Roadside park 1 m. W of junction of Hwy. 9 and 59.

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BRIT463437Alfred Treverse   17991960-10-13
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Highway 771, ca. 1 mi. W of water edge at Riviera Beach, 100 mi. N of rd., 5m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT463438Felix G. Gongora   87921963-03-09
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Riviera Beach

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BRIT463435L. L. Sanchez   40862005-08-25
United States, Texas, Kerr, At Kerr Wildlife Management Area, in West Bobcat Pasture, at the gate into East Bobcat Pasture. UTM 4495 33269., 30.072187 -99.523976

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT383406Marshall C. Johnston   5421261954-11-24
United States, Texas, Jim Wells, Near a creek, 12.4 miles south of Alice.

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BRIT463434Joe C. Johnson   11641953-03-15
United States, Texas, Karnes, Roadside, 2.2 miles East of Karnes City.

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BRIT463433Harold Sentry   60941956-04-15
United States, Texas, Jackson, Near Edna

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT463431Geo. L. Fisher   430361943-07-31
United States, Texas, Hays, San Marcos [No additional locality data on sheet], 29.883038 -97.9389, 168m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT463432Edward McWilliams   1977-181977-03-07
United States, Texas, Jackson, On Ranch Road 530 along the north and south sides of the Navidad River

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BRIT463430Geo. L. Fisher   245-11921-07-08
United States, Texas, Hays, San Marcos [No additional locality data on sheet], 29.883335 -97.941646

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BRIT463555Harold Gentry   24591956-04-15
United States, Texas, Wharton, 1.3 miles N. of New Taiton.

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BRIT463556Simon E. Wolff   893-S1935-02-23
United States, Texas, Willacy, 8 miles southwest of Lyford.

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BRIT463554Edward McWilliams   1977-241977-03-07
United States, Texas, Wharton, About 3.5 miles south of Wharton on Ranch Road 1299 near the Colorado River.

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BRIT463553Edward McWilliams   s.n.1977-04-04
United States, Texas, Washington, Collected on Ranch Road 1935 along the banks of the south side of the Brazos River.

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BRIT463552Edward McWilliams   1977-251977-03-07
United States, Texas, Waller, Collected at the intersection of Austin Street and 14th Street near the Post Office in Hempstead.

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BRIT463551Barton H. Warnock   112821953-04-03
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Along Devil's River at Fawcett Ledge 20 - 30 miles up river, 747m

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BRIT463549W. Hess   94202001-05-05
United States, Texas, Uvalde, On FR 1050, 9 mi. E of U.S. 83 & 8 mi. E of Garner St. Pk. 99*37.26W, 29*35.98N., 29.599667 -99.621

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BRIT463550John Taylor   337481986-05-29
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Collected along the bank of the Sabinal River at Utopia, TX.

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BRIT463548Randy Dooley   s.n.1971-08-07
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Beside Tex. 187, 2 miles south of Utopia, Texas

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BRIT463547Joe Moore   90251964-03-27
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Dry Frio River, 21 miles north of Uvalde.

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BRIT463546John Cohn   132631943-07-11
United States, Texas, Travis, Three miles northwest of Austin., 30.309125 -97.776143

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BRIT463545Fred B. Jones   7661953-03-11
United States, Texas, San Patricio, 9 miles north of Mathis

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BRIT463543Rogers McVaugh   70441945-06-01
United States, Texas, Real, Along the Frio River, about 1/2 mile east of Leakey.

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BRIT463544Joe Morre   90311964-03-27
United States, Texas, Real, U.S. Highway 83, 1 mile south of Leakey.

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BRIT463542Felix G. Gongora   85291962-11-03
United States, Texas, McMullen, State Highway 173, 10 miles north of Tilden.

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BRIT463541Adela Paez   1551962-04-15
United States, Texas, McMullen, Highway 173 Herreras ranch, 18 miles north of Tilden.

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BRIT463540Edward McWilliams   1977-221977-03-07
United States, Texas, Matagorda, around intersection of Texas 35 and Texas 71.

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BRIT463539Leroy Chapoy   3551981-04-04
United States, Texas, Mason, Collected 8 mi. NE of Mason on the Slocum Ranch., 30.830869 -99.135063

BRIT56132A. K. Neill   34392012-05-04
Jamaica, Middlesex, Saint Catherine, Hellshire Hills mainland, trail near South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8605 -76.967, 62m

BRIT9275L. Sanchez   9461995-10-05
United States, Texas, Gillespie, LBJ State Historical Park: along Ranch Road 1, 0.6 miles west of US Highway 290.

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BRIT530138John Taylor   72631970-12-24
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Along the Rio Guayalejo about 1 mile down stream from Colonia Mirador.

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BRIT468282W. R. Carr   259992007-05-29
United States, Texas, Jim Wells, Near SE end of NW-SE runway Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Orange Grove, ca. 3.2-3.3 airmiles E of jct. US Rt. 281 and Co. Rd. 220, San Diego NE Quadrangle., 27.887778 -98.033806, 67m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT217718Allison Evans   81987-03-27
United States, Florida, Brevard, Brevard Community College Campus. Cocoa, Florida

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BRIT555870K. A. Heuberger   341997-04-10
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus. Southwest of Museum Rd. and Center Dr. intersection. Located on north side of the Benton hall.

BRIT446716W. R. Carr   367612017-06-30
United States, Texas, Burnet, In cabin area in developed part of Inks Lake State Park, along E shoreline of Inks Lake ca. 1.0 airmiles NE of center of Inks dam., 30.73855556 -98.36972222, 271m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT420797John T. Atwood   32941970-01-11
Nicaragua, Masaya, Lake Masaya.

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BRIT420796John T. Atwood   14111968-12-30
Nicaragua, Boaco, Route 9, 1 km W of Boaco.

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BRIT420795John Taylor   58791969-08-07
Mexico, Zacatecas, About one mile W of Sierra Vieja., 1829m

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BRIT420794Wm. F. Mahler   57941970-04-07
Mexico, Zacatecas, 53 mi N of Jalpa on Hwy 41.

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BRIT420793R. S. Felger   54351961-10-22
Mexico, Sonora, 9.9 miles SW of San Antonio, Sierra Saguaribo.

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BRIT420792Robert Pearce   22751966-05-28
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Near creek Rio Santa Maria (near town of Rio Santa Maria).

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BRIT420791M. Nee   245871982-06-23
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 6.5 km WNW of Villa de Reyes on road towards Bledos, 38 km (by air) S of san Luis Potosí., 21.833333 -100.983333, 1850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT420790U. T. Waterfall   156781959-08-20
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 11 miles NE of San Luis Potosi.

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BRIT420789A. Eduardo Estrada   9661987-06-09
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, "Y" de Galeana, Carr. Iturbide, desviación hacia Poblado de Galeana., 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT420788U. T. Waterfall   138511957-08-15
Mexico, Jalisco, 13 miles NW of Lagos de Mareno.

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BRIT420787David M. Spooner   2088a1982-07-03
Mexico, Oaxaca, Near Monte Alban., 1829m

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BRIT420786F. J. Santana M.   60181992-02-12
Mexico, Jalisco, Cerro del Palacio. 5-6 Km. al WSW de Tuxcacuesco; 5-6 Km. al ENE de Zenzontla., 19.687778 -104.034722, 1150m

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BRIT420785U. T. Waterfall   164951961-08-22
Mexico, Hidalgo, 12 miles SE of the junction of Highway 85 & 45, NW of Pachuca.

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BRIT420784Frank A. Rinehart   3201959-03-29
Mexico, Coahuila, At Guadalupe.

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BRIT420783Roxana S. Ferris   86161934-03-09
Mexico, Baja California, 17 miles E of Meoquital Rancho on the Millers Landing-Calmalli Road.

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BRIT420782C. Yen   69961997-05-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Km 60 carr. Chih.-Cd. Juárez, desv. a la izq. 15 km, hasta Las Tinajas., 1760m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT420619Chris Doffitt   32172014-04-29
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Plants growing on Ulmus limb hanging over Woodyard Rd. (AKA Fish Hatchery Rd.) along the banks of Cane River Lake.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT420618Chris Doffitt   32172014-04-29
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Plants growing on Ulmus limb hanging over Woodyard Rd. (AKA Fish Hatchery Rd.) along the banks of Cane River Lake.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT420617Paul O. Schallert   60941957-09-15
United States, Florida, Seminole, [No additional locality data on sheet]

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BRIT420616Paul O. Schallert   60941955-01-06
United States, Florida, Seminole, my home.

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BRIT420615James D. Ray, Jr.   107151961-04-26
United States, Florida, Seminole, ca. two miles east of Oviedo off Fla. Rte 416.

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BRIT420614Anita Dennison Johnson   211980-03-12
United States, Florida, Sarasota, Cattlemans Rd. 1/2 mi. so. of Bee Ridge Rd.

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BRIT420613Wm. L. McCart   104761969-02-02
United States, Florida, St. Lucie, three miles southwest of Fort Pierce.

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BRIT420612P.O. Schallert, M.D.   302661941-03-05
United States, Florida, Polk, [No additional locality data on sheet]

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BRIT420611Ronald S. Senykoff   95711968-04-06
United States, Florida, Palm Beach, Forest Hill Blvd, seven miles west of West Palm Beach

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BRIT420610Howard L. Clark   34611968-08-29
United States, Florida, Osceola, 12 miles south of Holopaw, US 441; 27.960982 -81.003734, 27.960982 -81.003734

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRIT420609Loran C. Anderson   215132005-11-16
United States, Florida, Leon, Parking lot at 1545 Raymond Diehl Rd in Tallahassee.

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BRIT420608Andy Mixon   94941968-02-04
United States, Florida, Okeechobee, State Highway 70, two miles west of Okeechobee.

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BRIT420607John Taylor   51951969-04-02
United States, Florida, Highlands, ca. 8 miles North of Sebring.

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BRIT420606F.H. Sargent   64231953-08-27
United States, Florida, Highlands, Lake Placid

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