BRIT217717 Didi Riley 22 1986-03-30
United States, Texas, Travis, Town Lake Park, Austin., 30.251369 -97.737539
BRIT463473 W. Hess 6460 1989-08-08
United States, Texas, Burnet, Inks Lake St. Park, SW of Lampasas., 30.734261 -98.36707
BRIT463472 D. S. Correll 13720 1946-08-07
United States, Texas, Brewster, Boot Canyon, Chisos Mountains
BRIT463471 C. H. Muller s.n. 1932-07-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mts. Boot spring - on rocks
BRIT463469 Edward McWilliams 11 1977-02-27
United States, Texas, Burnet, Growing on Querus virginiana three miles west of Smithwick on Ranch Road 1431., 30.585443 -98.173426
BRIT463470 Edward McWilliams 12 1977-02-27
United States, Texas, Burnet, Abundant on Ulmus sp. on south side of White Bluff facing Lake Buchanan on Ranch Road 2341., 30.845456 -98.380586
BRIT12503 Chris Nielsen s.n. 1983-05-15
United States, Texas, Burnet, Spicewood., 30.474911 -98.158372
BRIT463467 James Kessler 5278 1982-03-02
United States, Texas, Burleson, Old River Ranch in Clay, 3 miles E of Hwy 50, in vicinity of barn, 30.408634 -96.322203
BRIT463468 Edward McWilliams 2 1977-02-27
United States, Texas, Burleson, Growing quite abundantly throughout Querus virginiana 1 mile south of Snook, 30.473611 -96.464399
BRIT463466 U. T. Waterfall 13177 1957-08-04
United States, Texas, Blanco, Prairie opening, 8 miles north of Johnson City.
BRIT463464 Lynda Bilodeau 11 2003-09-20
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio. 1466 Aaron Drive.
BRIT463463 O. W. Van Auken 0422 1994-11-12
United States, Texas, Bexar, Camp Bullis; 1 km NW of Lewis Hill, E of Malabang Trail. UTM: (⁰⁵420³²896)., 29.735896 -98.565678
BRIT463465 L. Sanchez 896 1995-09-25
United States, Texas, Blanco, Blanco State Park: Nature Trail southeast corner of the park, 0.3 miles east of Park Road 32.
BRIT463462 Ralph Fairchild 121 1976-04-04
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio, Breckenridge Park, 29.458591 -98.47187
BRIT463461 Wm. C. Dohnke Jr 81 1962-11-24
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT463460 Raul Gutierrez 2134 2008-08-12
United States, Texas, Bexar, San Antonio, Castle Hills, ca. 0.1 mi SW of Larkspur along Link, in undeveloped lot; 29.539 -98.5196, 29.539 -98.5196, 266m
BRIT463459 D. S. Correll 19709 1958-07-17
United States, Texas, Bee, Limy slopes 10-12 miles southwest of Beeville.
BRIT463457 Edward McWilliams 5 1977-03-07
United States, Texas, Austin, 2.3 miles west of Wallis on Ranch Road 1093.
BRIT463458 L. Lackey 339 1993-11-13
United States, Texas, Bandera, Hill Country State Natural Area: South eastern area of the park, along Trail 2.
BRIT463456 M. Trécul 1297 1849-11-00
United States, Texas, Téxas occidental.
BRIT463455 Edward McWilliams 1977-1 1977-01-15
United States, Texas, Grimes, three (3) miles east of Anderson on Texas 2019.
BRIT463453 C. W. Beasley s.n. 1971-02-20
United States, Texas, Gillespie, 4 mi. N of Fredericksburg; Balanced Rock area.
BRIT463452 C. W. Beasley s.n. 1971-02-20
United States, Texas, Gillespie, 4 mi. N of Fredericksburg; Balanced Rock area.
BRIT463451 Alfred Traverse 1985 1961-04-09
United States, Texas, Fayette, Monument Hill State Park, S of LaGrange., 29.889301 -96.874652, 107m
BRIT463450 Geyata Ajilvsgi 8226 1979-12-05
United States, Texas, Duval, ca. 5 mi. n. of Hebbornville.
BRIT463449 Lindheimer 1201 1850-07-00
United States, Texas, Comanche Spring: New Braunfels. etc. [Need more research to determine which locality]
BRIT463448 Lindheimer 1201 1850-07-00
United States, Texas, Comanche Spring: New Braunfels. etc. [Need more research to determine which locality]
BRIT463447 Lindheimer 1200 1849-12-00
United States, Texas, Comanche Spring: New Braunfels. etc. [Need more research to determine which locality]
BRIT463446 Robert Runyon 5261 1949-01-06
United States, Texas, Cameron, Vicinity of Brownsville. Known distribution in The Lower Rio Grande Valley - throughout the Valley.
BRIT463445 C. L. Lundell 8705 1940-05-05
United States, Texas, Cameron, 7 1/2 miles west of La Paloma
BRIT463444 Alfred Traverse 1066 1959-04-23
United States, Texas, Cameron, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, ca. .9 mi. S of entrance to Unit 1, near main road., 2m
BRIT463443 D. E. Lemke 661 1986-07-18
United States, Texas, Caldwell, Roadside along FM 713, 3.7 mi. E of junction with FM 86, between McMahan and Delhi.
BRIT463442 John Taylor 13204 1973-05-23
United States, Texas, Llano, Collected about 18 mi. SW of Llanos from the Enchanted Rock., 30.506579 -98.81893
BRIT463440 Elaine Horlen s.n. 1977-03-12
United States, Texas, Llano, near Lake L.B.J. about one (1) mile west of the Llano County line on Texas 2147., 30.544543 -98.366305
BRIT463441 Raul Gutierrez 2706 2012-07-03
United States, Texas, Llano, 1.4 miles west of FM 1431 on FM 3404 at Llano River crossing., 30.68358 -98.48265, 256m
BRIT463439 Ann Grimes 159 1969-03-31
United States, Texas, Live Oak, Roadside park 1 m. W of junction of Hwy. 9 and 59.
BRIT463437 Alfred Treverse 1799 1960-10-13
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Highway 771, ca. 1 mi. W of water edge at Riviera Beach, 100 mi. N of rd., 5m
BRIT463438 Felix G. Gongora 8792 1963-03-09
United States, Texas, Kleberg, Riviera Beach
BRIT463435 L. L. Sanchez 4086 2005-08-25
United States, Texas, Kerr, At Kerr Wildlife Management Area, in West Bobcat Pasture, at the gate into East Bobcat Pasture. UTM 4495 33269., 30.072187 -99.523976
BRIT383406 Marshall C. Johnston 542126 1954-11-24
United States, Texas, Jim Wells, Near a creek, 12.4 miles south of Alice.
BRIT463434 Joe C. Johnson 1164 1953-03-15
United States, Texas, Karnes, Roadside, 2.2 miles East of Karnes City.
BRIT463433 Harold Sentry 6094 1956-04-15
United States, Texas, Jackson, Near Edna
BRIT463431 Geo. L. Fisher 43036 1943-07-31
United States, Texas, Hays, San Marcos [No additional locality data on sheet], 29.883038 -97.9389, 168m
BRIT463432 Edward McWilliams 1977-18 1977-03-07
United States, Texas, Jackson, On Ranch Road 530 along the north and south sides of the Navidad River
BRIT463430 Geo. L. Fisher 245-1 1921-07-08
United States, Texas, Hays, San Marcos [No additional locality data on sheet], 29.883335 -97.941646
BRIT463555 Harold Gentry 2459 1956-04-15
United States, Texas, Wharton, 1.3 miles N. of New Taiton.
BRIT463556 Simon E. Wolff 893-S 1935-02-23
United States, Texas, Willacy, 8 miles southwest of Lyford.
BRIT463554 Edward McWilliams 1977-24 1977-03-07
United States, Texas, Wharton, About 3.5 miles south of Wharton on Ranch Road 1299 near the Colorado River.
BRIT463553 Edward McWilliams s.n. 1977-04-04
United States, Texas, Washington, Collected on Ranch Road 1935 along the banks of the south side of the Brazos River.
BRIT463552 Edward McWilliams 1977-25 1977-03-07
United States, Texas, Waller, Collected at the intersection of Austin Street and 14th Street near the Post Office in Hempstead.
BRIT463551 Barton H. Warnock 11282 1953-04-03
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Along Devil's River at Fawcett Ledge 20 - 30 miles up river, 747m
BRIT463549 W. Hess 9420 2001-05-05
United States, Texas, Uvalde, On FR 1050, 9 mi. E of U.S. 83 & 8 mi. E of Garner St. Pk. 99*37.26W, 29*35.98N., 29.599667 -99.621
BRIT463550 John Taylor 33748 1986-05-29
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Collected along the bank of the Sabinal River at Utopia, TX.
BRIT463548 Randy Dooley s.n. 1971-08-07
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Beside Tex. 187, 2 miles south of Utopia, Texas
BRIT463547 Joe Moore 9025 1964-03-27
United States, Texas, Uvalde, Dry Frio River, 21 miles north of Uvalde.
BRIT463546 John Cohn 13263 1943-07-11
United States, Texas, Travis, Three miles northwest of Austin., 30.309125 -97.776143
BRIT463545 Fred B. Jones 766 1953-03-11
United States, Texas, San Patricio, 9 miles north of Mathis
BRIT463543 Rogers McVaugh 7044 1945-06-01
United States, Texas, Real, Along the Frio River, about 1/2 mile east of Leakey.
BRIT463544 Joe Morre 9031 1964-03-27
United States, Texas, Real, U.S. Highway 83, 1 mile south of Leakey.
BRIT463542 Felix G. Gongora 8529 1962-11-03
United States, Texas, McMullen, State Highway 173, 10 miles north of Tilden.
BRIT463541 Adela Paez 155 1962-04-15
United States, Texas, McMullen, Highway 173 Herreras ranch, 18 miles north of Tilden.
BRIT463540 Edward McWilliams 1977-22 1977-03-07
United States, Texas, Matagorda, around intersection of Texas 35 and Texas 71.
BRIT463539 Leroy Chapoy 355 1981-04-04
United States, Texas, Mason, Collected 8 mi. NE of Mason on the Slocum Ranch., 30.830869 -99.135063
BRIT56132 A. K. Neill 3439 2012-05-04
Jamaica, Middlesex, Saint Catherine, Hellshire Hills mainland, trail near South Camp. Research site: Hellshire Hills mainland, 17.8605 -76.967, 62m
BRIT9275 L. Sanchez 946 1995-10-05
United States, Texas, Gillespie, LBJ State Historical Park: along Ranch Road 1, 0.6 miles west of US Highway 290.
BRIT530138 John Taylor 7263 1970-12-24
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Along the Rio Guayalejo about 1 mile down stream from Colonia Mirador.
BRIT468282 W. R. Carr 25999 2007-05-29
United States, Texas, Jim Wells, Near SE end of NW-SE runway Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Orange Grove, ca. 3.2-3.3 airmiles E of jct. US Rt. 281 and Co. Rd. 220, San Diego NE Quadrangle., 27.887778 -98.033806, 67m
BRIT217718 Allison Evans 8 1987-03-27
United States, Florida, Brevard, Brevard Community College Campus. Cocoa, Florida
BRIT555870 K. A. Heuberger 34 1997-04-10
United States, Florida, Alachua, University of Florida campus. Southwest of Museum Rd. and Center Dr. intersection. Located on north side of the Benton hall.
BRIT446716 W. R. Carr 36761 2017-06-30
United States, Texas, Burnet, In cabin area in developed part of Inks Lake State Park, along E shoreline of Inks Lake ca. 1.0 airmiles NE of center of Inks dam., 30.73855556 -98.36972222, 271m
BRIT420797 John T. Atwood 3294 1970-01-11
Nicaragua, Masaya, Lake Masaya.
BRIT420796 John T. Atwood 1411 1968-12-30
Nicaragua, Boaco, Route 9, 1 km W of Boaco.
BRIT420795 John Taylor 5879 1969-08-07
Mexico, Zacatecas, About one mile W of Sierra Vieja., 1829m
BRIT420794 Wm. F. Mahler 5794 1970-04-07
Mexico, Zacatecas, 53 mi N of Jalpa on Hwy 41.
BRIT420793 R. S. Felger 5435 1961-10-22
Mexico, Sonora, 9.9 miles SW of San Antonio, Sierra Saguaribo.
BRIT420792 Robert Pearce 2275 1966-05-28
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Near creek Rio Santa Maria (near town of Rio Santa Maria).
BRIT420791 M. Nee 24587 1982-06-23
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 6.5 km WNW of Villa de Reyes on road towards Bledos, 38 km (by air) S of san Luis Potosí., 21.833333 -100.983333, 1850m
BRIT420790 U. T. Waterfall 15678 1959-08-20
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, 11 miles NE of San Luis Potosi.
BRIT420789 A. Eduardo Estrada 966 1987-06-09
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, "Y" de Galeana, Carr. Iturbide, desviación hacia Poblado de Galeana., 2000m
BRIT420788 U. T. Waterfall 13851 1957-08-15
Mexico, Jalisco, 13 miles NW of Lagos de Mareno.
BRIT420787 David M. Spooner 2088a 1982-07-03
Mexico, Oaxaca, Near Monte Alban., 1829m
BRIT420786 F. J. Santana M. 6018 1992-02-12
Mexico, Jalisco, Cerro del Palacio. 5-6 Km. al WSW de Tuxcacuesco; 5-6 Km. al ENE de Zenzontla., 19.687778 -104.034722, 1150m
BRIT420785 U. T. Waterfall 16495 1961-08-22
Mexico, Hidalgo, 12 miles SE of the junction of Highway 85 & 45, NW of Pachuca.
BRIT420784 Frank A. Rinehart 320 1959-03-29
Mexico, Coahuila, At Guadalupe.
BRIT420783 Roxana S. Ferris 8616 1934-03-09
Mexico, Baja California, 17 miles E of Meoquital Rancho on the Millers Landing-Calmalli Road.
BRIT420782 C. Yen 6996 1997-05-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Km 60 carr. Chih.-Cd. Juárez, desv. a la izq. 15 km, hasta Las Tinajas., 1760m
BRIT420619 Chris Doffitt 3217 2014-04-29
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Plants growing on Ulmus limb hanging over Woodyard Rd. (AKA Fish Hatchery Rd.) along the banks of Cane River Lake.
BRIT420618 Chris Doffitt 3217 2014-04-29
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Plants growing on Ulmus limb hanging over Woodyard Rd. (AKA Fish Hatchery Rd.) along the banks of Cane River Lake.
BRIT420617 Paul O. Schallert 6094 1957-09-15
United States, Florida, Seminole, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT420616 Paul O. Schallert 6094 1955-01-06
United States, Florida, Seminole, my home.
BRIT420615 James D. Ray, Jr. 10715 1961-04-26
United States, Florida, Seminole, ca. two miles east of Oviedo off Fla. Rte 416.
BRIT420614 Anita Dennison Johnson 21 1980-03-12
United States, Florida, Sarasota, Cattlemans Rd. 1/2 mi. so. of Bee Ridge Rd.
BRIT420613 Wm. L. McCart 10476 1969-02-02
United States, Florida, St. Lucie, three miles southwest of Fort Pierce.
BRIT420612 P.O. Schallert, M.D. 30266 1941-03-05
United States, Florida, Polk, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT420611 Ronald S. Senykoff 9571 1968-04-06
United States, Florida, Palm Beach, Forest Hill Blvd, seven miles west of West Palm Beach
BRIT420610 Howard L. Clark 3461 1968-08-29
United States, Florida, Osceola, 12 miles south of Holopaw, US 441; 27.960982 -81.003734, 27.960982 -81.003734
BRIT420609 Loran C. Anderson 21513 2005-11-16
United States, Florida, Leon, Parking lot at 1545 Raymond Diehl Rd in Tallahassee.
BRIT420608 Andy Mixon 9494 1968-02-04
United States, Florida, Okeechobee, State Highway 70, two miles west of Okeechobee.
BRIT420607 John Taylor 5195 1969-04-02
United States, Florida, Highlands, ca. 8 miles North of Sebring.
BRIT420606 F.H. Sargent 6423 1953-08-27
United States, Florida, Highlands, Lake Placid