Search Results (List)

Dataset: GREE-GREE
Search Criteria: United States of America or USA or U.S.A.; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 715

University of Northern Colorado Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mahonia Nutt.
06964W.E. Harmon   9671968-07-12
USA, Wyoming, Albany, Woods Creek Campground, 6 mi west of Woods Landing, Wyo. on Hwy. 230, 41.08016 -106.087458, 271m

Image Associated With the Occurence
22369Erin Foley   110982004-08-07
USa, Colorado, Grand, Gore Range: Pump House Recreation Area: ca 8.5 air mi SW of Kremmling and ca 3 air mi ENE of Radium., 39.9785 -106.505, 2134 - 2213m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby
22746Don Hazlett   111791999-09-03
USA, New Mexico, Colfax, Along Van Bremmer Canyon Rd. Vermejo Park Ranch (within 0.5m. E or W of Rd.). From Hwy. 64, 36.590961 -104.799765, 1900 - 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nutt.) G.L. Nesom
23073Jayson Bomar   212012-10-12
USA, Colorado, Weld, Near the Big Thomson River at the Riverside close to highway 85, 40.22137 -104.41291, 1420m

Image Associated With the Occurence
23678N. Snow   100212006-08-09
USa, Colorado, Pitkin, 0.3 road miles west of Independence Pass along Colorado State Highway 82., 39.108325 -106.5690444, 3676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
23681W.E. Harmon   65411971-08-17
USa, Colorado, Gunnison, 1 mi E of Jct. of Jack's Cabin Cut-Off & Colorado Hwy. 135., 38.737369 -106.836178

Image Associated With the Occurence
23686Ronald L. Hartmand   779562003-07-18
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Jemez Mountains: trip from 7 roads to "Redondito peak" and down the La Jara Creek to headquarters: 7 roads up road to Redondo Peak., 35.8968 -106.560583, 2966 - 3039m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07483B. A. Packer   50641998-08-05
USA, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Range: off of U.S. Hwy 287, ca 15 air mi SE of Laramie., 41.0386 -105.4688, 2378 - 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Descurainia incana (Bernh. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Dorn
29184W.F. Grey   4781980-07-21
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Ca. 1/3 mi. S. of US Hwy. 50 on Alpine Plateau access road; cliffs to NE of road., 38.399046 -107.40259, 747m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pediocactus simpsonii (Engelm.) Britton & Rose
06880N. Snow   90012002-05-06
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Red Feather Lakes; banks above southern edge of West Lake., 40.88199997 -105.5728302, 2501m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lonicera involucrata Banks ex Spreng.
06556Kevin J. Taylor   13631997-06-13
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: along Red Creek, ca 17 air mi W of Gunnison. E1/2 S6; also W1/2 S5, 38.540589 -107.214065, 2590 - 2636m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06558N. Snow   76911998-10-23
USA, Coloado, Larimer, Young Gulch trail, ca 15 air miles NW of Ft. Collins. Rocky ravine, ca 1.5mi S of US Hwy 14., 40.676111 -105.348889, 1830m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07464Earl Lynd Johnston   11311918-06-17
USA, Colorado, Park, Coleman, Colo. Ranch, 39.309492 -105.996979

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schoenocrambe linearifolia (A. Gray) Rollins
07490T. Kelso   95-6441995-06-19
USA, Colorado, Pueblo, 2 miles noth of Rt. 96. 38 16'N, 104 48'W, 38.280208 -104.820079, 1478m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Opuntia davisii Engelm. & Bigel.
07459Shaver, Keith   3031963-07-04
USA, Colorado, Weld, Bluffs 1 mi. N of Milliken, 40.34392 -104.85525, 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06592Johnston and Hedgcock   12121917-07-10
USA, Colorado, Douglas, Larkspur Colorado, 39.228602 -104.887203

Image Associated With the Occurence
06583B. Koblitz   8012001-06-29
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Along trail to Cap Rock, vicinity of property held by The Nature Conservancy; ca. 1.5 mi S of WYoming state line; ca. 3 mi W of US Hwy 287; accessed by going ca. 16 mi W on Cherokee Park Rd. from its intersection with US Hwy 287; ca. 3 mi on right fork leading to Laramie, Wy.; right onto road to Mill Creek for 3 mi; in forested area, 40.01625 -105.007556, 2380m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontana
06668Hazlett, Donald, T.   112572000-06-02
USA, Colorado, Otero, along Timpas Creel: ca/0.5 mi. W. of Hwy 350, 37.725544 -103.885318, 1425m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06622Jody K. Nelson   8161992-07-09
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.502632 -105.8327, 3581m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis xyridiformis Fern. & Brack.
06662Weber, Wittmann & Clark   193821997-09-07
USA, Colorado, Cheyenne, CO, 38.82794 -102.603396, 1250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eremogone fendleri (A. Gray) Ikonn.
06571Ronald L. Hartman   739252001-08-15
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: San Antonio Hot Spring, hillside above, vicinity of buildings, and 0.5 air mi down San Antonio Creek., 35.971833 -106.560611, 2560 - 2591m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06623Earl Lynd Johnston   2201926-05-24
USA, Colorado, Weld, Grover, "Squaw Peak" northwest West Pawnee, school, 40.871373 -104.225228

Image Associated With the Occurence
06577Jody K. Nelson   13031992-08-18
USA, Colorado, Larimer, R76W, T6N, Sec. 1, NE corner, 40.506507 -105.882786, 3444m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07492N. Snow   75521998-07-30
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Poudre Canyon; vicinity of trailhead at Young Gulch, CO Hwy 14, ca .9 air miles W of junction with US Hwy 287., 40.690278 -105.348333, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06581Weber & Whittmann   193871998-04-25
USA, Colorado, Boulder, City of Boulder; grounds of Nat. Inst. Standard & Technology, 39.99617 -105.261682, 1707m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex brevipes W. Boott
06646Jody K. Nelson   12501992-08-17
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.560773 -105.832552, 3292m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06568N. Snow   76381998-08-05
USA, Colorado, Chaffee, Old Monarch Pass Road, 0.1 road mile off US Hwy 50, just E of Monarch Pass., 38.507222 -106.328056, 3350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06619Earl Lynd Johnston   4561908-06-08
USA, Colorado, Weld, Platteville., 40.214983 -104.822749

Image Associated With the Occurence
Juniperus monosperma (Engelm.) Sarg.
06609N. Snow & S. Snow   75271998-07-27
USA, Colorado, Otero, Commanche National Grassland, Vogel Canyon trail, near small waterhole at base of rock embankment, 37.75 -103.466667, 1311m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06655Kevin J. Taylor   6571997-05-27
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 12 air mi E of Gunnison., 38.523249 -106.720228, 2576 - 2621m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06633Harmon, William E.   76491973-07-13
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Wet ditches and road banks along Gothic Road below Crested Butte Ski Area., 38.899904 -106.966823, 2728m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06564N. Snow   76061998-08-01
USA, Colorado, Routt, CO Hwy 134, 4.9 road miles E of its junction with CO Hwy 131 in Topanas., 40.086111 -106.720833, 2660m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Minuartia obtusiloba (Rydb.) House
06582Vera Kormakova   042061971-06-22
USA, Colorado, Boulder, Niwot Ridge, Vegetation of the Indian Peaks Area, 40.05162 -105.55404, 3353 - 3840m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gastrolychnis drummondii (Hook.) A.& D. Löve
06594Jody K. Nelson   10671992-08-03
USA, Colorado, La Plata, Larimer County, CO. R76W, T7N, Sec. 36, NW corner, 40.535492 -105.874932

Image Associated With the Occurence
Forsellesia meionandra (Koehne) Heller
06561Don Hazlett   112492000-06-02
USA, CO, Las Animas, W. of Hwy 350, ca. 0.5 mi. S. of Otero County Line, 37.895695 -103.712539, 1521m

Image Associated With the Occurence
21039Jody K. Nelson   6971992-07-07
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.560784 -105.851541, 2984m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06617Jody K. Nelson   15681993-08-09
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.517232 -105.870735, 3459m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06551Freeman, Craig C.   158282000-10-19
USA, Colorado, Kit Carson, Burlington, S side of town. Ditch on E side of US 385, 1 block S of jct with US 24. Disturbed, sitly soil., 39.299444 -102.278333, 1271m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pseudostellaria jamesiana (Torr.) W.A. Weber & R.L. Hartman
07491Kevin J. Taylor   21371997-06-27
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 3.5 air mi WNW of Kebler Pass., 38.8623 -107.1567, 2646 - 2682m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06584W.F. Grey   3921980-07-17
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Cliff area adjacent to National Forest Road 721, at south end of Little Soap Park., 38.582222 -107.332778, 2485m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06562Connie Lewis   11401980-07-06
USA, Colorado, Summit, Vicinity of Boreas Pass E side of Pass Rd. T75, R77W, Boreas Pass Quad. Open alpine tundra, areas of red sandstone scree. Soils carious, sest facing, moderate slope., 39.411099 -105.969461, 3499 - 3597m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06614Vera Kormakova   1972-07-15
USA, Colrado, Boulder, around the small lake (11883') just SW of Paiute peak, and between this lake and Blue Lake in Blue Lake Valley, 39.927077 -105.31205, 3536 - 3719m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06627Jody K. Nelson   7961992-07-09
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.517073 -105.813812, 3383m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06647Jody K. Nelson   8171992-07-09
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.502632 -105.8327

Image Associated With the Occurence
06637Earl Lynd Johnston   7871910-08-13
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Estes Park, Colorado, Livig's Peak Trail, 3200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sedum integrifolium (Raf.) A. Nelson
06563N. Snow   76641998-08-06
USA, Colorado, Hinsdale, 0.5 road mile W of Slumgullion Pass along CO Hwy 149, ca miles SE of Lake City. Along small rivulet in forest dominated by Picea engelmanii, 37.988056 -107.220556, 3460m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06641Jody K. Nelson   14081992-08-20
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.502632 -105.8327, 3505m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Torr. & A. Gray
06607Ronald E. Abbott   3651993-08-29
USA, Colorado, Weld, Along US Hwy 85, 1/4 mi. S of Evans, at bridge over South Platte River; riparian area E & W of highway. Flat aspect, 0° slope, 40.369692 -104.679305, 1417m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sabina virginiana (L.) Antoine
06610Weber & Whittmann   192681997-08-31
USA, Colorado, Logan, Vicinity of Sterling; "Lewis Canyons, south of breaks of Peetz Table, 3 mi S of Peetz, 1300 msm:clay-sand substrate, 40.925278 -103.152778

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stellaria media (L.) Vill.
06604KeithShavel   561963-06-20
USA, Colorado, Weld, Colorado State College Campus, 40.410837 -104.692806

Image Associated With the Occurence
06576Harmon, W. E.   72141973-05-25
USA, Colorado, Jefferson, Edge of pinderosa pine and Douglas fir forest. 18.7 mi. E of Jct. of US 40 to Granby on I 70, 39.760269 -105.654015, 2408m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex foenea Willd.
06649Jody K. Nelson   4541992-06-22
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.473981 -105.832738, 3292m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex albonigra Mackenzie
06611Jody K. Nelson   5801992-06-26
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.5535423 -105.8420445, 3243m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06567Connie Lewis   103701980-07-02
USA, CO, Park, Alma Quad. Hoosier Pass, NW of Hwy 9 on road to North Star Mtn. S11, T85, R78W, 39.361659 -106.062589, 3597 - 3780m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Alsine longifolia (Muhl. ex Willd.) Britt.
06602Johnston and Hedgcock   11151917-07-17
USA, Colorado, Boulder, Allenspark, CO on road to Estes Park, CO, 40.194429 -105.525555

Image Associated With the Occurence
06653Kevin J. Taylor   24951997-07-05
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: southeast side of Snodgrass Mountain, ca 3.5 air mi N of Creste Butte., 38.927737 -106.981242, 2957 - 3170m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex illota L. H. Bailey
06630Jody K. Nelson   9571992-07-22
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.531635 -105.813746, 3109m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Paronychia jamesii Torr. & A. Gray
06586Ronald L. Hartman   231905-08-10
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Glen Haven, Colo. Common, 40.453872 -105.449161

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis pauciflora (Lightf.) Link
06661Kevin J. Taylor   34871997-07-15
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: West Brush Creek, ca 8 air mi NE of Crested Butte. NE1/4 S9; also NW1/4 S10, 38.944845 -106.891833, 3109 - 3139m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex nebraccasis
06635N. Snow   76581998-08-06
USA, Colorado, Hinsdale, 3.4 road miles SE of Lake City on CO Hwy 149., 37.991111 -107.280556, 2774m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult.
07478Jody K. Nelson   9271992-07-21
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.546352 -105.851563, 3186m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06587Jody K. Nelson   4281992-06-22
USA, Colorado, Larimer, R75W, T6N, Sec. 18 SE corner, 40.482962 -105.845372, 3353m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06579Ronald L. Hartman   8741916-09-02
USA, Colorado, Weld, Fort Lupton, Colo. Abund out in several lumps, 40.084706 -104.813028

Image Associated With the Occurence
Evolvulus nuttallianus Roem. & Schult.
06552Freeman, Craig C.   150792000-06-24
USA, Colorado, Kit Carson, Flagler, 4 mi E. Flagler StateWildlife Area, E side. Rocky, shortgrass prairie above Flagler Lake and muddy shoreline of lake., 39.451389 -102.984444, 1436 - 1451m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Silene scouleri var. pringlei (S. Wats.) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire ex Kartesz & Gandhi
33472Ronald L. Hartmand   768082002-08-20
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldere National Preserve: Jemez Mountains, Southwest side of Redondo Peak, 35.51427 -106.32699, 3036 - 3261m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eremogone fendleri (A. Gray) Ikonn.
06570Ronald L. Hartman   723312001-07-21
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Calera National Preserve: ca 1 air mi SW of La Jara Creek., 35.849056 -106.529556, 2652 - 2682m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06658E.J. Palmer   289321925-09-30
USA, Missouri, Jasper, 37.336164 -94.301336

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex stenophylla auct. non Wahlenb.
06651Johnston and Hedgecock   11031917-06-10
USA, Colorado, Las Animas, Stonewall, 37.152242 -105.017224

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stellaria umbellata Turcz. ex Kar. & Kir.
06605Jody K. Nelson   14071992-08-20
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.502632 -105.8327, 3467m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06574Harmon, W. E.   83381975-05-25
USA, Colorado, Montezuma, Aprox, 10 mi. N.E. of four corners area on U.S. 160, 37.055506 -108.873828, 1494m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult.
06660Don Hazlett   103621998-06-28
USA, Colorado, Otero, 1/2 mile E of Timpas & US-350, 37.828864 -103.773384, 1348m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex gravida L. H. Bailey
06626janet L. Wingate   61881998-05-26
USA, Colorado, Yuma, Bonny Reservoir. 20 miles N of Burlington on HW 385, 2 miles E on Rd 2. Praire dominated by Buchloe dactyloides and Stipa commata. Small drainage., 39.593982 -102.221857

Image Associated With the Occurence
06615Earl Lynd Johnston   8411913-06-01
USA, Colorado, Weld, Luplin Colo, 40.695895 -104.468506

Image Associated With the Occurence
Jody K. Nelson   7741992-07-08
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.531635 -105.813746, 3261m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sagina saginoides (L.) Karst.
06589Johnston and Hedgcock   11221917-07-29
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Elkhorn, Columbine ranela, 40.745102 -105.539666

Image Associated With the Occurence
06573Donald L. Hazlett   94871995-06-02
USA, Colorado, Otero, Rocky Ridges West of Hwy 109 ca. 1.1 mi. W of Jct. with 804 Comanche Grassland. T. 26 S. / R. 54 W; Sec 17 south, 37.779155 -103.484979, 1317m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fimbristylis puberula (Michx.) Vahl
21240Colao   1968-05-01
USA, Colorado, Weld, greeley, weld county, 40.423314 -104.709132, 1433m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhodiola rhodantha (A. Gray) Jacobsen
06565M.F. Wojciechowski   10561980-07-24
USA, Colorado, Park, Climax Quad. Mosquito Pass Rd. W of London Mtn. Slight S.E. facing slope., 39.282194 -106.185364, 3871m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Spergularia media (L.) C. Presl
06601George W. Jones   042331956-10-19
USA, Colorado, Weld, NW Greeley 3 mi. Poudre River Bottom, 40.437291 -104.688371, 244m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis wolfii (A. Gray) A. Gray ex Britton
07477Weber & Whittmann   192741997-08-31
USA, Colorado, Logan, Vicinity of Sterling; Peetz Table, W of Peetz., 40.925262 -103.1532538, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eremogone eastwoodiae (Rydb.) S. Ikonnikov
06569Caleb A. MOrse   34011999-06-01
USA, Colorado, Mesa, 2.2 mi S. 17.2 mi W DeBeque. (Take X. 50/222 Road [to Wild Horse Area] 11.5 roadmi E from junction with 204/45 Road, then O.90 Road 6.5 roadmi SE. Site on N size of O.90 Road.), 39.304167 -108.533333, 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06597Harmon, W. E.   76301973-07-13
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Wet ditches and road banks along Gothic Road below Crested Butte Ski Area, 38.910384 -106.961471, 2728m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Kobresia sibirica (Turcz. ex Ledeb.) Boeckeler
06665Vera Komarkova   1972-07-17
USA, Colorado, Grand, 40.0667 -106.0833, 3810 - 3822m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06608N. Snow & S. Snow   75631998-07-30
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Co Hwy 14, 6.5 road miles E of Cameron Pass, 40.588333 -105.843056, 2743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06603Jody K. Nelson   11651992-08-05
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.517229 -105.851676, 3505m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07481Earl Lynd Johnston   6501910-07-18
USA, Colorado, Weld, Evans, Platte River bed, 40.267549 -103.782975

Image Associated With the Occurence
06595Jody K. Nelson   11491992-08-05
USA, Colorado, Larimer, R75W, T6N, Sec. 5, NE corner, 40.52087 -105.828032, 3261m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06642Jody K. Nelson   16081993-08-12
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.6667 -105.4667, 3156m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06572Harmon, W. E.   80641974-06-09
USA, Colorado, Weld, T11N, R64W, S10, 40.94007 -104.530495, 1783m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06659Craig C. Freeman   158152000-08-18
USA, Colorado, Kit Carson, T06S,R47W,sec 36, SW 1/4, Stratton, 12 mi N, 1 mi W, 39.475278 -102.6125, 1292m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06654N. Snow   75941998-07-31
USA, Colorado, Routt, Routt CR 62, just W of its junction with Road 129. Edge of small pond., 40.815278 -106.968889, 2481m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gastrolychnis drummondii (Hook.) A.& D. Löve
06593Jody K. Nelson   12541992-08-17
USA, Colorado, Larimer, R75W, T7N, Sec 20, SW corner, 40.560773 -105.832552

Image Associated With the Occurence
22935Mario Bretfeld   0252010-09-11
USa, Colorado, Grand, Alpine meadow, near Berthoud Pass (Mines Peak trail)., 39.797494 -105.769722, 3627m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06580Harmon, W. E.   79001973-07-24
USA, Colorado, Chaffee, Buena Vista, 38.842218 -106.131129

Image Associated With the Occurence
Paronychia depressa (Torr. & Gray) Nutt. ex A. Nels.
06585Ronald L. Hartman   4651907-06-14
USA, Colorado, Weld, High, dry hillsides also common near, 40.684988 -104.341175

Image Associated With the Occurence
06639Jody K. Nelson   16001993-08-12
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.502632 -105.8327, 3505m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06650Sandy Buckner   1976-07-16
USA, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee National Grasslands, 40.79389 -104.08364

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex occidentalis L. H. Bailey
06638Johnston and Hedgcock   11011917-07-06
USA, Colorado, Golden, 4 miles NW road to Black Hawk, 39.837916 -105.547244

Image Associated With the Occurence
06588Ronald L. Hartman   14031928-07-13
USA, Colorado, Weld, Sligo Colorado, Rock Ridge, 40.798549 -104.129737

Image Associated With the Occurence
07479Jody K. Nelson   12761992-08-17
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.560784 -105.851541, 3048m

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