Search Results (List)

Dataset: GREE-GREE
Search Criteria: United States of America or USA or U.S.A.; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 3, records 201-300 of 715

University of Northern Colorado Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cerastium brachypodum (Engelm. ex A. Gray) B. L. Rob.
06578B. Koblitz   2062000-05-22
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Phantom Canyon Preserve, ca. 25 mi N of Ft. Collins along US Hwy 287; along E side of N. Fork of Cache La Poudre River Preserve "Reach 3", below shrub bench., 40.014417 -105.005417, 1920m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06553N. Snow   74991998-07-26
USA, Colorado, Morgan, C. 4.0 mi E of Ft. Morgan along US Interstate Hwy 76, c. 300 m W of first exit., 40.266667 -103.699167, 1435m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex xerantica L. H. Bailey
06656T. Kelso   01192001-05-30
USA, Colorado, El Paso, Judge Orr RD. 1.5 mi. S of CO 24., 38.992897 -104.885063, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07451Jody K. Nelson   9221992-07-21
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.546352 -105.851563, 3186m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06631N. Snow   81752000-07-13
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.517181 -105.90205, 3383m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07450Jody K. Nelson   15791998-08-11
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.488181 -105.851573, 3551m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06634Barbara Mayer   1970-10-03
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Trail Ridge road in open meadow at summitt. 20mi. W. of Estes Park, Larimer CO, Colo., 3713m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06606N. Snow & S. Snow   75201998-07-27
USA, Colorado, Otero, Commanche National Grassland, ca. 4.0 mi S of La Junta on Hwy 109 in vicinity of Grassland entrance., 37.898611 -103.531667, 1337m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06554N. Snow   75501998-07-30
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Poudre Canyon; vicinity of trailhead at Young Gulch, CO Hwy 14, ca. 9 air miles W of junction with US Hwy 287., 40.690278 -105.348333, 1830m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06648Jody K. Nelson   10381992-07-24
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.502632 -105.8327, 3444m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06644Jody K. Nelson   10261992-07-23
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.502671 -105.85161, 3505m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex vernacula L.H.Bailey
06624N. Snow   81742000-07-13
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Northeast-facing slope between Cameron Pass and Diamond Peaks, just W of Colorado Hwy 14., 40.517181 -105.90205, 3383m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06613Kevin J. Taylor   40381997-08-02
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 13 air mi ENE of Crested Butte, 38.921185 -106.763045, 3475 - 3536m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Silene hallii S.Watson
06598Earl Lynd Johnston   10281917-08-29
USA, Colorado, Boulder, 2 mi on road to Lyons, 40.18892 -105.496633

Image Associated With the Occurence
06636Jody K. Nelson   15671993-08-09
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.517232 -105.870735, 3459m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06657Earl Lynd Johnston   4111906-09-10
USA, Colorado, Weld, Evans, 40.37637 -104.692187

Image Associated With the Occurence
06621Jody K. Nelson   10591992-07-24
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.502618 -105.813824, 3261m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arenaria lanuginosa var. saxosa (A.Gray) Zarucchi, R.L.Hartm. & Rabeler
06575Ronald L. Hartman   726252001-07-23
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: 1.2 air mi E of top of Cerro PiEon; southwest corner Cerro del Medio near springs., 35.882028 -106.444722, 2621 - 2682m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07452Kevin J. Taylor   46441997-08-15
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 5 air mi ENE of Pitkin. NE1/4 S30., 38.64281 -106.452129, 3414 - 3536m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06625Kevin J. Taylor   41471997-08-02
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 13 air mi ENE of Creste Butte., 38.921185 -106.763045, 3399 - 3505m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex hystericina Muhl. ex Willd.
06629N. Snow   78692000-05-19
USA, Colorado, El Paso, Chico Basin Ranch, Holmes Vega Pasture, 38.533433 -104.458583, 1554m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb.
06600Ronald L. Hartman   12821925-08-01
USA, Colorado, Weld, Evans, Colo. Lathah reservoir, 40.38362 -104.670277

Image Associated With the Occurence
Vaccaria segetalis Garcke ex Aschers.
06590I. Sonnier   2251963-08-02
USA, Colorado, Weld, Vacant lot, Platteville, weedy and untended, 40.214983 -104.822749

Image Associated With the Occurence
Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) Torr. & A. Gray
22939D.P. Beverly   00092010-09-06
USa, Colorado, Weld, Greeley, of 83rd Ave. Poudre Learning Center, LTER., 40.443656 -104.817186, 1858m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06663Jody K. Nelson   9131992-07-21
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.560784 -105.851541, 3048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex jonesii L.H. Bailey
06632Jody K. Nelson   7651992-07-08
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.531635 -105.813746, 3109m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06643Johnston, Earl Lynd   2171926-05-24
USA, Colorado, Weld, Grover, bluffs northwest of West Pawnee school., 40.8667 -104.2167

Image Associated With the Occurence
Silene acaulis subsp. subacaulescens (F.N. Williams) Hultén
06591M.F. Wojciechowski   10981980-07-24
USA, Colorado, Park, T95, R79W, S1, SW1/4, Climax Quad. SE slope Mosquito Pk. drainage to lake., 39.300259 -106.182613, 3840m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rhodiola rhodantha (A. Gray) Jacobsen
06566N. Snow   75671998-07-30
USA, Colorado, Jackson, Cameron Pass, CO Hwy 14, at boundary with Larimer County., 40.518611 -105.889444, 3132m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb.
06616Jody K. Nelson   11221992-08-04
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.560784 -105.851541

Image Associated With the Occurence
06667Earl Lynd Johnston   1851926-07-01
USA, Colorado, Weld, Greeley, Swamp west of College, 40.423314 -104.709132

Image Associated With the Occurence
06618Earl Lynd Johnston   9371917-06-18
USA, Colorado, Las Animas, along rocks, 37.302079 -104.239166

Image Associated With the Occurence
04693N. Snow   75491998-07-30
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Poudre Canyon; vicinity of trailhead at Young Gulch, CO Hwy 14, ca. 9 air miles W of junction with US HWY 287., 40.690278 -105.348333

Image Associated With the Occurence
10295Neil Snow   95892005-05-09
USA, New Mexico, San Miguel, State Hwy 104, ca. 11.0 road miles west of State Hwy 419 in Trementina., 35.495833 -104.628333, 1615m

Image Associated With the Occurence
22952D.P. Beverly   00162010-09-11
USA, Colorado, Grand, Winter Park, off Co Hwy 40, north of Berthoud Pass., 39.800486 -105.769761, 3280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01792Neil Snow   95612004-10-17
USA, Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Hwy 66, ca. 1.0 road mi. E of US Hwy 36, ca. 2.0 air mi SE of "downtown" Lyons, just W of roadside on County Road 49., 40.2118889 -105.432175, 1642m

Image Associated With the Occurence
08996W.E. Harmon   83511975-05-25
USA, Utah, San Juan, 16.7 mi N.W. of Colorado border on Utah 262. 2.5 mi. N. of Monteryuma Co., 37.450544 -109.730157, 1387m

Image Associated With the Occurence
00543Ronald L. Hartman   575101997-06-11
USA, Wyoming, Natrona, Laramie Range: County Road 403, ca 0.2 to 1.2 air mi W of Twin Buttes., 42.539432 -106.448049, 1859 - 1951m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Trifolium dasyphyllum Torr. & A. Gray
23140A. Schwabe   512012-07-23
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Mt. Bross, Dolly Varden Mine, 38.481111 -106.006667

Image Associated With the Occurence
00728B. A. Packer   29261997-10-13
USA, Wyoming, Natrona, Laramie Range: Bates Creek Reservoir, ca 21 air mi SE of Casper. NW1/4 S18. Along reservoir edges., 42.488497 -106.240594, 2277m

Image Associated With the Occurence
14948Michael Schiebout   43532005-05-25
USA, New Mexico, Harding, Jack and Tuta Cruwz's Ranch: 15 miles north on NM Hwy 102., 35.847222 -103.717778, 1381m

Image Associated With the Occurence
23041Alyssa Leonard   062010-07-01
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Red Feather Lakes. Collected among tall Asteracceae in back yard off of Hatchetumi Dr., 40.84835 -105.661067, 2679m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06698Kevin J. Taylor   15801997-06-17
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 5.5 air mi NNE of Parlin, 38.578068 -106.72045, 2789 - 2896m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06781Johnston and Hedgcock   11141917-07-16
USA, Colorado, Boulder, Allenspark, Roadside enroute to Lyons 5 miles out, 40.190372 -105.510089

Image Associated With the Occurence
Phacelia sericea (Graham) A. Gray
27965N. Snow   75731998-07-30
USA, Colorado, Jackson, Cameron Pass, CO Hwy 14, at boundary with Larimer County., 40.518611 -105.889444, 3132m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06695N. Snow   75011998-07-26
USA, Colorado, Morgan, 4.0 mi E of Ft. Morgan along US Interstate Hwy 76, c. 300m W of first exit., 40.25391 -103.706524, 1435m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06782Jody K. Nelson   14871992-09-05
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.538984 -105.8041362, 3156m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06674F.T. Rowe   67
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Trail between dream and bear lakes Colorado, rocky mountain national park, 40.310841 -105.651758

Image Associated With the Occurence
06984Earl Lynd Johnston   13951927-06-05
USA, Colorado, Weld, Cornish, 40.523037 -104.413287

Image Associated With the Occurence
06672F.T. Rowe   1341939-07-23
USA, Colorado, Conejos, Hayden Canyon, 37.313014 -106.466062, 3200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06780A. Mead   50911-151995-09-11
USA, Colorado, Fremont, McIntyre Hills, upper Arkansas River valley. 5 Points Recreation Area, 6 miles west of Parkdale. South hill above Arkansas River., 38.458326 -105.476667, 1890m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Muell.-Arg.
06692Craig C. Freeman   164132000-08-23
USA, Colorado, Lincoln, Co 94, 2.2 mi W of Cheyenne county line, 38.856967 -103.209861, 1417m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Frankenia jamesii Torr. ex A. Gray
06749Craig C. Freeman   153442000-06-26
USA, Colorado, Bent, Las Animas, 12 mi N Adobe Creek Reservoir State Wildlife Area, SE side, 38.255556 -103.236667, 1262m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia chamaesyce auct. non L.
06691N. Snow   80482000-07-07
USA, Colorado, Pueblo, Chico Basin Ranch; above Burnt Creek Pasture; roadside, 38.444431 -104.390686, 1522m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06683W.E. Harmon   106911980-06-19
USA, Colorado, San Miguel, 4.4 mi. E of Gypsum Gap on Colo. 141, Gypsum Gap Quad, 38.015727 -108.639812, 1981m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06678Johnston and Hedgcock   12981917-06-18
USA, Colorado, Las Animas, Stonewall, 37.152242 -105.017224

Image Associated With the Occurence
Frasera coloradensis (C.M. Rogers) D.M. Post
06751L.K. Schlueter   11221980-07-15
USA, Colorado, Las Animas, Comanche Grasslands Map, S. Half Rock shelf w/ shallow sandy soil., 39.995469 -104.30508

Image Associated With the Occurence
06761Helm Schroider   1903-05-12
USA, Colorado, Weld, On seventh avenue between 10th and 11th streets of Greeley, 40.421833 -104.688982

Image Associated With the Occurence
06555Ronald E. Abbott   4261993-09-10
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 1/4 mi SE along US Highway 34 from village of Little Dam, northeast side of highway. T5N,R70W,sec10,NE1/4 of NW1/4, 40.416748 -105.219664, 1634m

Image Associated With the Occurence
30679Hendricks Sands   2221957-08-15
USA, Illinois, Jackson, along roadside route 13, about 5 miles of Murphysboro on steep west facing slope., 37.749964 -89.424989

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ribes montigenum McClatchie
06776Connie Lewis   11611980-07-06
USA, Colorado, Summit, Vicinity of Boreas Pass E side of Pass Rd. T75, R77W, Boreas Pass Quad., 39.404036 -105.961844, 3499m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06697N. Snow   75101998-07-26
USA, Colorado, Morgan, Dodd Bridge State Wildlife Area, just E of bridge over South Platte River., 40.285278 -103.696111, 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06983Allen   1968-05-06
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Glen Haven Colorado, 40.453872 -105.449161, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Argythamnia mercurialina (Nutt.) Muell.-Arg.
06685Don Hazlett   112892000-06-02
USA, Colorado, Baca, Comanche National Grassland, 37.010963 -102.751022, 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce glyptosperma (Engelm.) Small
06690John Bredehoft   661979-08-15
USA, Colorado, Logan, Sterling, Hwy 6 east 3 miles, Hwy 61 south and east 2.5 miles, south on dirt rd. 2 miles

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaesyce glyptosperma (Engelm.) Small
06688N. Snow   74921998-07-25
USA, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee Nat. Grassland: Crow Valley Campground. Near picnic area., 40.644722 -104.341944, 1475m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ribes wolfii Rothr.
06777Kevin J. Taylor   71061998-06-20
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 13.5 air mi WNW of Gunnison. NE1/4 S23., 38.579736 -107.157907, 2850 - 2987m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06682N. Snow   76511998-08-05
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, ca 5 miles along dirt road W of Old Mountain Pass., 38.500278 -106.401111, 3147m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06675Hershey, A.L.   24971939-08-23
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Sulphur Springs, 35.907761 -106.616047, 2743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06748Brian Reif   100932004-08-07
USA, New Mexico, San Miguel, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Mountains: Anton Chico Grant: 5 air mi ENE of Villanueva, near Pecos River., 35.24527 -105.266687, 1719m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06747N. Snow   76711998-08-07
USA, Colorado, Archuleta, San Juan National Forest, 1.5 road miles along USFS Rd. 663 from its junction with US Hwy 84., 37.080278 -106.8375, 2455m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06680B. Koblitz   8812001-08-16
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Ca. 2 mi E of Waverly; Smith Lake, (Colorado Division of Wildlife State Wildlife Area); at intersection of Larimer County Rd. 11 & Larimer County Rd. 66; 10 m S of lakeshore, 40.716667 -105.033333, 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06684W.E. Harmon   83341975-05-25
USA, Colorado, Montezuma, Aprox. 10 mi. N.E. of four corners area on U.S. 160, 37.056288 -108.864732, 1494m

Image Associated With the Occurence
30678R. Dale Thomas   825891982-10-30
USA, Louisiana, Cameron, Hackleberry, 31 -92

Image Associated With the Occurence
chamaesyce lata (Engelm.) Small
06689Don Hazlett   112322000-06-02
USA, Colorado, Otero, Comanche National Grassland, Near old cemetery ca. 1 mi. SE of Timpas, 37.797173 -103.75951, 1374m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ribes cereum Douglas
06763W.E. Harmon   83081975-05-24
USA, Colorado, Chaffee, 3 mi. E. of Jct of U.S. 24 and 285, 38.815424 -106.090564, 2423m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06669Ronald L. Hartman   716602001-06-28
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Calera National Preserve: Rito de los Indios, ca 2.3 air mi NE of intersection with the pipline, 35.5945 -106.2805, 2682 - 2774m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06679Johnston and Hedgcock   13611917-06-25
USA, Colorado, Custer, West Cliff, Clay Ranger Station, 38.13578 -105.463446

Image Associated With the Occurence
06757N. Snow   76181998-08-01
USA, Colorado, Grand, 12.4 road miles along CO hwy 134 E of its junction with CO hwy 131 in Toponas, 40.071111 -106.610833, 2680m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Frasera speciosa Douglas ex Griseb.
06752B. Koblitz   5162000-07-12
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Colorado Division of Wildlife Parvin Lake, ca. 20 mi W on Red Feather Lakes Rd. from its intersection with US Hwy 287; ca 50 m from lakeshore, 40.785 -105.555, 2469m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hér. ex Aiton
06758Kevin J. Taylor   48311998-05-15
USA, Colorado, Delta, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 2.5 air mi NNE of Crawford. E1/2 S18., 38.748611 -107.604284

Image Associated With the Occurence
Woodsia scopulina D. C. Eaton
06677Beardsley, Arthur Eugene   s.n.1899-08-06
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Big Thompson Canyon, 40.3667 -105.4667

Image Associated With the Occurence
06696W.A. Weber   192641997-08-31
USA, Colorado, Logan, Vicinity of Sterling: "Lewis Canyons, south breaks of Peetz Table, 3 mi S of Peetz, 40.925278 -103.152778, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
23071Tom Vincent   42012-10-02
USA, Colorado, Weld, Near Hwy, 85 just south of the town of Evans., 40.377 -104.689

Image Associated With the Occurence
06775W.E. Harmon   83091975-05-24
USA, Colorado, Chaffee, 3 mi. E. of Jct of U.S. 24 and 285, 38.815424 -106.090564, 2423m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Elaeagnus commutata Bernh. ex Rydb.
06681Dale Herndon   1966-10-15
USA, Colorado, Weld, Greeley, Colorado,S of McCowen Hall, 40.423314 -104.709132, 1481m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Centaurium calycosum (Buckl.) Fern.
06750Don Hazlett   117312001-07-07
USA, New Mexico, Mora, W. of Roy ca. 9 mi. Near Hwy 120 bridge, along Canadian River, 35.917874 -104.354137, 1625m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06670Jody K. Nelson   7541992-07-08
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.531635 -105.813746, 3109m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06762N. Snow   74831998-07-25
USA, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee nat. Grassland: Crow Valley Campground. Near picnic area., 40.644722 -104.341944, 1475m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06759N. Snow   7547b1998-07-30
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Poudre Canyon; vicinity of trailhead at Young Gulch, CO Hwy 14, ca .9 air miles W of junction with US Hwy 287., 40.690278 -105.348333, 1830m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Jamesia americana Torr. & A. Gray
06779W.E. Harmon   66121972-06-22
USA, Colorado, Jefferson, South-facing hillside under yellow pine; 1.1 mi. W of Evergreen, 2130m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06755W.E. Harmon   6631967-08-03
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, South of Gothic townsite, 38.947554 -106.991657

Image Associated With the Occurence
06753Ronald L. Hartman   788562003-08-21
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Jemez Mountains: Pajarito Mountain, east side of summit to Los Alamos county line; Pajarito Canyon drainage, 35.888633 -106.401817, 3109 - 3170m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tithymalus robustus (Engelm.) Small
06693Johnston and Hedgcock   11501917-06-24
USA, Colorado, Custer, West Cliff, 6 miles southwest of town, 38.102428 -105.487979

Image Associated With the Occurence
Geranium richardsonii Fisch. & Trautv.
06760B.E. Nelson   601492003-08-11
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Jemez Mountains: from the north base of San Antonio Mountain N along the west boundary fence to San Antonio Creek, ca 18-18.5 air mi WNW of Los Alamos., 35.9463 -106.6204, 2560 - 2743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
euphorbia albomarginata Torr. & A. Gray
06686W.E. Harmon   83331975-05-25
USA, Colorado, Montezuma, Aprox. 10. mi. N.E. of four corners area on U.S. 160., 37.009685 -109.023002, 1494m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pneumonanthe parryi (Engelm.) Greene
06754Jody K. Nelson   11431992-08-05
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.531635 -105.813746, 3139m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06778M.L. Conrad   66121973-05-19
USA, Colorado, Mesa, 2.2 miles south of Jct. 50 & 141 on Hwy. 141., 38.966667 -8.466667, 1494m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Euphorbia robusta (Engelm.) Small ex. Britt. & Br.
06694Connie Lewis   13721980-07-19
USA, Colorado, Chaffee, .3 mi. N of jct. US 285 and Colo. 291. Poncha Quad. Road cuts on both sides of Hwy., 38.64302 -106.084046

Image Associated With the Occurence
06985Kevin J. Taylor   97521998-07-29
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: West Elk Wilderness: ca 12 air mi SSW of Kebler Pass. N1/2 S25, 38.718801 -107.175472, 3261 - 3536m

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