Search Results (List)

Dataset: GREE-GREE
Search Criteria: United States of America or USA or U.S.A.; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 4, records 301-400 of 715

University of Northern Colorado Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
06823Ronald L. Hartman   729042001-07-25
USA, Colorado, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: from gate at bottom of Redondo Canyon N allong fence line near Deer Creek, E halfway across ridge and S to road, 35.87225 -106.620417, 244 - 2591m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06933Harmon, William E.   80491974-06-09
USA, Colorado, Weld, T12N,R64W,Sec31, 40.964144 -104.590763, 1753m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06886N. Snow   76801998-08-07
USA, Colorado, Conejos, 6.9 road miles W of Las Mesitas on CO Hwy 17, 37.066111 -106.215278, 2560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06784W.E. Harmon   9371968-07-11
USA, Colorado, Pike, Collected at Jefferson on Hwy. 285., 39.377935 -105.799719, 3048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06884Connie Lewis   10771980-07-05
USA, Colorado, Grand, Sagebrush flats and slopes 1.1 mi. NW of Kremmling along Hwy. 40. W facing bluffs on E side of road., 40.0833 -106.5143, 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mentzelia albicaulis (Dougl.) Dougl. ex Torr. & A. Gray
06890Kevin J. Taylor   52801998-05-24
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 4.5 air mi E of Gunnison. SE1/4 S34, 38.551914 -106.849082, 2347 - 2377m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06904N. Snow   75831998-07-31
USA, Colorado, Jackson, CO Hwy 14, 13.7 road miles W of CO Hwy 125., 40.570833 -106.414167, 2484m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Calylophus serrulatus (Nutt.) Raven
06928Craig C. Freeman   149802000-06-23
USA, Colorado, Kit Carson, 39°31'07"N, 102°22'05°W, Bethune, 15 mi N, 3 mi E., 39.540245 -102.360333, 1189 - 1201m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lycopus americanus Muhl. ex W. P. C. Barton
06826Charity Hall   00-942000-07-15
USA, Colorado, El Paso, 2.4 mi. north of Falcon. Ferguson Ranch, 38.962319 -104.580489, 2109m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06840W.E. Harmon   106281980-06-19
USA, Colorado, San Miguel, 1.5 mi N of Juction of US 666 and CO 141; Enger Quad., 37.931745 -108.931248, 2225m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06900Craig C. Freeman   150872000-06-24
USA, Colorado, Kit Carson, Flagler, 4 mi E. Flagler State Wildlife Area, E side, 39.284722 -102.984444, 1436 - 1451m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07469N. Snow   90432002-08-17
USA, Colorado, Grand, Vicinity of Lost Lake, ca 15 air miles N of Granby and NW of Porphyry Peaks., 40.3 -105.95, 2930m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Calylophus hartwegii subsp. pubescens (A. Gray) Towner & Raven
06930Don Hazlett   102541997-09-12
USA, Colorado, Baca, Ridge near Red Canyon, ca. 1 mile from OK boarder, 37.010988 -102.696722, 1295m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06783Johnston and Hedgcock   10381917-08-01
USA, Colorado, Jackson, Walden. 16 miles on way to Fox Park Wye, 40.731643 -106.283637

Image Associated With the Occurence
06787Jody K. Nelson   15701993-08-09
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.517232 -105.870735, 3459m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06893W. E. Harmon   107801980-06-23
USA, Colorado, Montrose, Olathe Quad, 38.598087 -107.884139, 1750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06882Don Hazlett   113282000-06-02
USA, Colorado, Baca, E. of Baca Cty Rd. 13: ca. 1.5 mi. N. of OK, 37.026237 -102.84102, 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06828Sally Turner   501970-10-10
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Waste area at Loveland Waterworks, Larimer County, Colorado., 40.394487 -105.113063, 2164m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06843Bill Lamperton   321968-04-08
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Poudre Canyon, 40.4167 -105.8, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06938N. Snow   76001998-08-01
USA, Colorado, Routt, 12.8 miles along CO Hwy 131 from its junction with US Hwy 40 near Steamboat Springs., 40.330556 -106.966667, 2220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06903N. Snow   75931998-07-31
USA, Colorado, Routt, Routt CR 62, just W of its junction with Road 129., 40.815278 -106.968889, 2481m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mentzelia decapetala (Pursh ex Sims) Urb. & Gilg ex Gilg
06889Don Hazlett   114442000-08-09
USA, Colorado, Las Animas, Near New Delhi, just S. of Otero County on Hwy 350, 37.637548 -104.013266, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
22607Amanda Ennis   42013-07-21
USA, Colorado, Eagle, Various areas of East Fork Meadow Campground (near East Fork Eagle River), 39.419957 -106.290298, 2868m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Meriolix serrulata (Nutt.) Walp.
23778Earl Lynd Jonston   1925-08-02
USA, Colorado, Weld, Grover, Colo, Pawnee Buttes, 40.82332 -103.975325

Image Associated With the Occurence
06824Earl Lynd Johnston   12941925-08-02
USA, Colorado, Weld, Grover, in the brakes near of Pawnee Buttes, 40.8167 -103.9667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gaura parviflora Dougl. ex Lehm.
06931Harmon, William E.   84581975-08-25
USA, Colorado, Weld, T12N,R64W,Sec32, 40.964336 -104.571646, 1692m

Image Associated With the Occurence
19967Ronald L. Hartman   753882002-06-26
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Jemez Mountains: northeast side of Cerros del Abrigo from road (pipeline) crossing of San Antionio Creek SE about 0.5 mi along road following contour., 35.9501 -106.475, 2652m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06832Kevin J. Taylor   112961998-08-23
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: West Elk Wilderness: ca 15 air mi N of Blue Mesa Reservoir. SW1/4 S12., 38.691835 -107.25579, 3155 - 3200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Mentzelia multicaulis var. multicaulis (Osterh.) A. Nelson ex J. Darl.
06887Johnson & Hedgcock   10561917-08-04
USA, Colorado, Eagle, State Bridge Colo, 39.857765 -106.649758

Image Associated With the Occurence
Claytonia megarhiza (A. Gray) Parry ex S. Watson
07153Jody K. Nelson   8821992-07-20
USA, Colorado, Larimer, SE corner, 40.517232 -105.870735, 3658m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06838Janet Wingate   68062001-06-28
USA, Colorado, Otero, Comanche National Grassland. W of Road 108, NW of US350 and Bloom. 7.5' Bloom quad. T27S R59W Sec10 SW4 of NE4., 37.712614 -103.994951, 1545m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06795L. Limbach   3511970-07-08
USA, Colorado, Mesa, Vega Dam, south of Rifle, 39.224146 -107.810341

Image Associated With the Occurence
23058Matthew King   62010-06-29
USA, Colorado, Boulder, Heil Valley ranch thinning site, 40.1764 -105.300972, 2056m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06902LeMaster   461974-10-11
USA, Colorado, Weld, Along roadside west of Greeley, a disturbed area which is now an empty lot. Aprox. 3 ml. from junction US 85 and US 34 on 34, 40.392496 -104.684739, 1402m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06835Tim Ebana   231973-09-29
USA, Colorado, Weld, collected 1 1/2 mi west of Hwy 85 on Hwy 66, 40.206471 -104.828179, 1433m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nutt.) Rydb.
06905W.E. Harmon   8321975-05-25
USA, Colorado, Montezuma, Gently rolling desert grassland, Scattered clumps of Ephedra, Atriplex and many wild flowes. Aprox. 10 mi, N.E. of four corners area on U.S. 160, 37.05494 -108.873036, 1494m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06790Earl Lynd Johnston   8651916-07-18
USA, Colorado, Weld, Kersey, Colo. 2 miles north. Platto River bed, 40.412684 -104.563495

Image Associated With the Occurence
06901N. Snow   75031998-07-26
USA, Colorado, Morgan, 0.1 mi N on Dodd Bridge Road, N from US Interstate Hwy 76., 40.271667 -103.698056, 1295m

Image Associated With the Occurence
20627N. Snow   85532001-06-10
USA, Colorado, Jackson, Vicinity of Agnes Lake trailhead, ca. 2.0 air mi SSW of Cameron Pass., 40.485111 -105.9040055, 3200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06817Earl Lynd Johnston   5971909-08-17
USA, Colorado, Weld, Evans, Colo, 40.37637 -104.692187

Image Associated With the Occurence
06940N. Snow   75551998-07-30
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Bliss State Wildlife Area, ca. 9 road mi W of Rustic along CO Hwy 14., 40.709444 -105.759722, 2379m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06841J Wachholz   1967-07-09
USA, Colorado, Douglas, 4 miles N of Deckers, 39.312696 -105.226938, 1981m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06792Jody K. Nelson   12611992-08-17
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.546309 -105.832566, 3231m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06833N. Snow   74781998-07-25
USA, Colorado, Weld, Pawnee Nat. Grassland: Crow Valley Campground. Banks above Crow Creek., 40.644722 -104.341944, 1475m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06883N. Snow   76821998-08-08
USA, Colorado, Alamosa, Ca 2 road miles E of Alamosa on US Hwy 160., 37.473889 -105.743889, 2284m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Juncus hallii Engelm.
06794N. Snow   76771998-08-07
USA, Colorado, Archuleta, San Juan National Forest, 4.0 road mi. along USFS Rd. 663 from its junction with US Hwy. 84, 37.096667 -106.835278, 2620m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06785W.E. Harmon   11781968-08-09
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Kettle Ponds south of Gothic, 38.94578 -106.988916, 2871m

Image Associated With the Occurence
23120Don L. Hazlett   119212003-06-18
USA, Texas, Dallam, Frequent < 0.2 km W. of Hwy. 385: ca. 7.5 km S. of OK state line. Near Hwy 385 & Near Coalwater Ck./ Rita Blanca N. Grassland., 36.975 -102.158889, 1250 - 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06786N. Snow   76591998-08-06
USA, Colorado, Hinsdale, 3.4 road miles SE of Lake City of CO Hwy 149, 37.991111 -107.280556, 2775m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07470Jody K. Nelson   14921992-09-05
USA, Colorado, Larimer, NE corner, 40.531635 -105.813746, 3156m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06796Jody K. Nelson   11181992-08-04
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.560784 -105.851541, 3033m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Linum puberulum (Engelm.) Heller
06885Don Hazlett   113272000-06-02
USA, Colorado, Baca, ca. 4 miles E. of Kim, 37.242831 -103.291741, 1676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Nuttallia densa (Greene) Greene
06888A. Mead   50911-021995-09-11
USA, Colorado, Fremont, McIntyre Hills; upper Arkansas River valley; 5 Points Rec. Area; 6.0 mi W of Parkdale; S hill above Arkansas River, 38.458326 -105.476667, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07466W.E. Harmon   1973-07-13
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Wet ditches and road banks along Gothic Road below Crested Butte Ski Area., 38.898469 -106.967456, 2728m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Luzula spicata (L.) DC.
06821Jody K. Nelson   4181992-06-22
USA, Coloado, Larimer, 40.490658 -105.846088, 3383m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06791Harmon, William E.   76481973-07-13
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Gothic Road below Crested Butte Ski Area, 38.899904 -106.966823, 2728m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07471Brian Reif   72292003-07-24
USA, New Mexico, San Miguel, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Mountains: Forest Road 156 at Wesner Springs, 1 air mi ENE of Elk Mountain summit., 35.773 -105.537, 3069 - 3103m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07152Connie Lewis   12711980-07-10
USA, Colorado, Park, My. Sherman-- Mt. Sheridan Area. Mt. Sherman Quad. Mtn. peaks and saddle between varied tundra, 39.2167 -106.1667, 3749 - 4278m

Image Associated With the Occurence
14345Michael Schiebout   37472005-05-19
USA, New Mexico, San Miguel, Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge 5.7 air miles south-southeast of Las Vegas; collected in a trail into a canyon., 35.516667 -105.195278, 1944m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata (W. P. C. Barton) Fernald
06834Kevin J. Taylor   85531998-07-15
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: along Smith Fork Creek, ca 6.5 air mi ENE of Crawford, 38.722587 -107.492079, 2240m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06935W.E. Harmon   84311975-08-25
USA, Colorado, Weld, 40.964336 -104.571646, 1692m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07154N. Snow   82112001-05-06
USA, Colorado, larimer, 5.8 road mi W of Ted's Place on Colorado Hwy 14., 40.697572 -105.2535, 1710m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06788Kevin J. Taylor   15771997-06-17
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 5.5 air mi NNE of Parlin. E1/2 S23/, 38.578068 -106.72045, 2789 - 2896m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Luzula comosa E. Mey.
06818Jody K. Nelson   7671992-07-08
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.531635 -105.813746, 3109m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06941John Bredehoft   151979-06-02
USA, Colorado, Weld, Greeley proper, corner of 20th. St. and 4th. Ave, along No. 3 ditch, on bank were it was burned within the year., 40.406049 -104.684026

Image Associated With the Occurence
Oenothera harringtonii W.L.Wagner, Stockh. & W.M.Klein
06944T. Kelso   04-172004-05-12
USA, Colorado, Otero, W of CO350 along County Rd 88., 37.64068 -104.01887, 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
23195Jody K. Nelson   15641993-08-09
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.517232 -105.870735, 3459m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06896N. Snow   80352000-07-07
USA, Colorado, Pueblo, Chico Basin Ranch; area adjacent to seep above Burnt Creek, just W of main road ca. 8.7 road mi SSE of ranch headquarters., 37.423347 -104.402222, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06797W.E. Harmon   84441975-08-25
USA, Colorado, Weld, 40.964336 -104.571646, 1692m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Luzula parviflora (Ehrh.) Desv.
06820Jody K. Nelson   14431992-08-21
USA, Colorado, Larimer, 40.488149 -105.832727, 3261m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06836W.E. Harmon   89121978-09-01
USA, Colorado, Weld, Eagle Rock Sanctuary, 40.920732 -104.648376

Image Associated With the Occurence
07468A.E.B.   1896-08-12
USA, Colorado, Weld, Greeley, Colo, 40.423314 -104.709132

Image Associated With the Occurence
07472Jody K. Nelson   13121992-08-18
USA, Colorado, Larimer, NW Corner, 40.517229 -105.851676, 3475m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Agastache urticifolia (Benth.) Kuntze
06822Kevin J. Taylor   86231998-07-15
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 7 air mi ESE of Gould Reservoir. SW1/4 S19., 38.577329 -107.445084, 2652m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Luzula spicata (L.) DC.
23213Kevin J. Taylor   86521998-07-18
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: Collegiate Peaks Continental Divide, ca 9 air mi N of Taylor Park Reservoir. SW 1/4 S19, 38.989479 -106.592886, 3536m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Calylophus lavandulifolius (Torr. & A. Gray) Raven
06929N. Snow   90612003-05-17
USA, Colorado, Rio Blanco, 2.0 road mi. S of Colorado Hwy 64 on County Road 21, ca 6 air mi S of Dinosaur, at Mormon Gap., 40.133333 -109.016667, 1705m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Crunocallis chamissoi (Ledeb. ex Spreng.) Rydb.
07158A. L. Hershey   38991946-06-10
USA, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Brazos River, 36.746615 -106.389919, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07385Don Hazlett   113152000-06-02
USA, Colorado, Baca, E. of Baca Cty Rd. 13: ca. 1.5 mi. N. of OK, 37.026237 -102.84102, 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06939M.F. Wojciechowski   11571980-07-09
USA, Colorado, Park, Alma Quad. S-Facing slope. Red sandstone rocks & soil., 39.35469 -106.022759

Image Associated With the Occurence
06842Jody K. Nelson   15291993-07-01
USa, Colorado, Larimer, 40.488149 -105.832727, 3162m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Teucrium canadense var. occidentale (A. Gray) E. M. McClint. & Epling
06837Craig C Freeman   154402000-06-26
USA, Colorado, Kiowa, T20S, R47W, sec 27, E 1/2. Eads, 12 mi S, 6 mi E. Queens State Wildlife Management Area. Neeskah Reservoir, NW side., 38.296389 -102.660556, 1183 - 1189m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06937N. Snow   76621998-08-06
USA, Colorado, Hinsdale, 0.5 road mile W of Slumgullion Pass along CO Hwy 149, ca miles SE of Lake City., 37.988056 -107.220556, 3460m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07160E. L. Johnston   1907-09-20
USA, Colorado, Weld, Platterville, Colo. Allen district. Me Muller's field, 39.6 -107.1333

Image Associated With the Occurence
06827Barbara Mayer   1970-09-26
USA, Colorado, Weld, Along seep ditch, 5 mi. SE of LaSalle, Weld CO, Colo., 40.305518 -104.671984, 1448m

Image Associated With the Occurence
20611J. Wachholz   201967-07-09
USA, Colorado, Douglas, 4 miles N of Deckers, 39.312696 -105.226938, 1981m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06829Criag C Freeman   158312000-08-19
USA, Colorado, Kit Carson, Flagler, 3.5 mi E. Flagler State Wildlife Area, N size. T09S,R50W,sec 03, S 1/2, NW 1/4, 39.294722 -102.988333, 1426m

Image Associated With the Occurence
06831N. Snow   75421998-07-29
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Poudre Canyon; CO Hwy 14, 5.7 road mi W of junction with US Hwy 287, near mile marker 116., 40.6975 -105.255278, 1716m

Image Associated With the Occurence
30264Chelsea Gonwa   462015-06-02
USA, Colorado, Mesa, Uncompahgre National Forrest. Found along the divide road., 38.510811 -108.595949

Image Associated With the Occurence
41236N. Snow   87142001-07-10
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Rocky Mountain National Park, Upper Beaver Meadows. Site 3, treatment., 40.370833 -105.606944, 2560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
01440Lindauer, Ivo E.   301983-06-18
USA, Colorado, Las Animas, Common in drainages and on the uplands near Taylor Arroyo and it major spring., 37.437028 -103.890363, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
23127Adam Bush   62013-07-24
USa, Colorado, Park, Mosquito range, 39.13625823 -106.11047687

Image Associated With the Occurence
25973W.F. Grey   9011980-08-27
USA, Colorado, Gunnison, Near Blue Creek, on south shoulder of US Hwy 50, 1.1 mi. N of Alpine Plateau access road., 38.41416667 -107.4058333, 2536m

Image Associated With the Occurence
22255Erin Foley   53262003-08-18
USA, Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Mount Evans Wilderness Trail: Lost Creek, ca 9.5 air mi S of Idaho Springs., 39.6033 -105.5219, 2683 - 2768m

Image Associated With the Occurence
22251Erin Foley   10122003-06-20
USA, Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Middle Park: just N of U.S. Hwy 40, ca 3 mi W of Parshall; ca 9 mi E of Kremmling. W1/2 S10., 40.06 -106.23, 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Spartina pectinata Bosc ex Link
25956Ronald Abbott   3531993-08-28
USA, Colorado, Weld, Along US Hwy 85, 1/4 mi. S of Evans, at bridge over South Platte River; riparian area E & W of highway., 40.249983 -104.863353, 1417m

Image Associated With the Occurence
42600H.W.B.   1831942-08-19
USA, New Mexico, Quay, 34.93395 -103.76052

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn. ex Beal
42601T. Nash   99511972-11-24
USA, Arizona, Pinal, 16 miles SSW of Casa Grande. Route 87. Tat Momoli Mountains, 32.670204 -111.88529

Image Associated With the Occurence
Spartina pectinata Bosc ex Link
25953J. Sasser   632001-09-14
USA, Colorado, Pueblo, Edge of Typha latifolia wetland amongst various aquatic species, grazed area. Chico Basin Ranch, Burnt Creek area., 38.455551 -104.395567, 1512m

Image Associated With the Occurence
07390Earl Lynd Johnston   3791906-08-15
USA, Colorado, Larimer, Estes Park, Colo. trail to Chasm Lake, 40.377206 -105.521665

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thalictrum dasycarpum Fisch. & Avé-Lall.
07229Shaver, Keith   4591963-07-23
USA, Colorado, Weld, Area 1 of Project. 1 mi N of Milliken, 40.34392 -104.85525

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