44937 Blankinship legit., J.W. 583 1905-06-29
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Flathead Pass, 45.981874 -111.014391, 2286m
44972 M. L. Conrad 6792 1973-05-24
U.S.A., California, Mono, 0.5 miles west of Jct. 395 and Lundy Lake Road on Lundy Lake Rd., 38.041141 -119.167741, 2134m
44990 R. R. Halse 2124 1980-04-13
United States of America, Oregon, Benton, N.E. Corvallis, West of Canterbury Circle., 44.56472 -123.26083, 67m
44998 D.B. Dunn 20855 1973-06-19
USA, California, Kern, 22.8 mi E of Mt. Mesa, on the Hwy 178 to Walker Pass
45001 D. B. Dunn 20959 1973-06-21
United States of America, California, Tulare, 3.0 mi E of Silver City on the Mineral King Rd, 2256m
45021 Hartman, R. L. 49474 1994-08-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: east slope of Darwin Peak. T40N R112W S33 W1/2, 43.389211 -110.303228, 2927 - 3293m
45025 Blankinship legit., J.W. 584 1905-04-30
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Leverich Canyon, 45.583314 -111.04075, 1524m
45027 Blankinship legit., J.W. 582 1905-06-29
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Flathead Pass, 45.981874 -111.014391, 2286m
45028 Harvey, L. H. 5170 1952-07-29
United States of America, Montana, Flathead Co., Garden Wall Trail; Glacier National Park, 48.765198 -113.751079, 2120m
45037 Thomas, R. D. 22839 1971-04-20
USA, Tennessee, Blount, Along creek near Montvale Springs, especially abundant in abandoned logging road beside creek, 35.639806 -83.961848, 305 - 701m
45039 Hartman, R. L. 52174 1995-07-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Mount Leidy Highland Area: Shadow Mountain, 6 air mi NE of Moose from base of mountain to and above Antelope Springs., 43.705845 -110.614994, 2165 - 2226m
45042 Chambers, K. L. 1905 1962-06-28
USA, Oregon, Benton, at top of Grass Mountain; R8W T13S Sect. 21, 44.42401 -123.672885, 1067m
45044 Halse, R. R. 6812 2005-06-20
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, Ca. 2 air mi W of Joseph along Hurricane Creek Road, 45.349284 -117.269685, 1249m
45046 Myers, R. M. 5069 1976-04-14
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Colchester, Argyle Lake State Park, near Blackberry Trail, 40.455319 -90.789022, 177 - 219m
45066 Thomas, R. D. 22349 1971-01-30
USA, Louisiana, Quachita, Weed in lawn behind Garrett Hall, N.L.U. campus Monroe, La, 32.52892 -92.07505, 70 - 80m