AUGIE-02789 Mathew Dornbush s.n. 1996-05-23
United States, Illinois, Lee, 145 meters east of main lodge at Green Wing Environmental Laboratory., 41.697797 -89.273428
AUGIE-02790 Meg Pesavento s.n. 1984-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ten meters southeast of the slough path base at Augustana College, 41.501624 -90.549421
AUGIE-02791 C. Patrick Murphy s.n. 1980-05-03
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Rock Island county., 41.404461 -90.500222
AUGIE-02792 Cathy Smith s.n. 1980-04-22
United States, Midwest
AUGIE-02793 James J. Donahue s.n. 1991-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, North west corner of 730 34th street, 41.504062 -90.552779
AUGIE-02794 Cathy Dowd s.n. 1991-04-29
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ravine south of Augustana Library on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50157 -90.550679
AUGIE-02795 Marla Thomas s.n. 1996-10-15
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 3 feet west of garage located at 1815 16th Street in Rock Island, 41.493061 -90.574499
AUGIE-02796 Jean Erickson s.n. 1980-05-11
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Midwest, 41.502415 -90.551065
AUGIE-02797 Cari A. Weber s.n. 1990-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, In back yard of 4215 7th Avenue in Rock Island., 41.50511 -90.542174
AUGIE-02798 Lonn McGuire s.n. 1986-04-12
United States, Iowa, Scott, 600 meters east of Devil's Glen Road, three meters north of Crow Creek., 41.572423 -90.477637
AUGIE-02799 R. Brett Klay s.n. 1986-04-13
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Twenty meters south of Seminary Hall on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50262 -90.548036
AUGIE-02800 Kimberly Lanham s.n. 1986-04-24
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ten meters east of the house at 2173-6th Street Court. East Moline, Illinois., 41.508831 -90.445751
AUGIE-02801 Erika Mark s.n. 1996-05-23
United States, Illinois, Lee, woods on the loop road
AUGIE-02802 Jennifer Siembab s.n. 2002-09-21
United States, Illinois, La Salle, south side of deck at 401 10th Ave, Mendota., 41.544124 -89.122655
AUGIE-02803 Karen Bartelt s.n. 1991-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 50 meters into the ravine near the library at Augustana Collge, 41.501867 -90.550577
AUGIE-02804 Nancy Johnson s.n. 1989-05-02
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Unmaintained hillside 50 meters north of Andreen Residence Hall on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50222 -90.548693
AUGIE-02805 Chris Larsen s.n. 1989-09-29
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Lawn area of a house in Rock Island on 842 44th St. on the front parkway., 41.502556 -90.540613
AUGIE-02806 Jacquelyn Foster s.n. 1996-05-23
United States, Illinois, Lee, growing in open ground, approx. 5m east of the main building at Greenwing Environmental Lab, 41.699559 -89.283122
AUGIE-02807 Darryl Johnson s.n. 1989-04-23
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, In the front lawn of 3825 15th Ave., 41.495871 -90.546726
AUGIE-02808 Amy Brown s.n. 1991-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Twenty meters northwest of 3443 Seventh Avenue., 41.505269 -90.551846
AUGIE-02809 Britt Burbridge s.n. 1992-04-17
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Forty meters southeast of the library on the campus of Augustana college. North side of path., 41.501484 -90.549778
AUGIE-02810 Sergio Villarreal s.n. 1990-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, One meter east of 730 1/2 34th St. R.I., 41.504056 -90.553067
AUGIE-02811 Dave Archibald s.n. 1991-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 50 yards west of Biology building at bottom of slope., 41.504025 -90.551458
AUGIE-02812 Kerry Boudreau s.n. 1988-04-17
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College - 25 meters east of Wallberg., 41.502829 -90.551413
AUGIE-02813 Tracy Snead s.n. 1992-05-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Along slough path on campus of Augustana College., 41.50083 -90.55185
AUGIE-02814 Tim Lewis
United States, Illinois, Ogle, 100 meters north of pole barn Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center. 2km south of Oregon, 41.996341 -89.345792
AUGIE-02815 Diane C. Zemaier s.n. 1990-05-03
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Twenty meters left of the Slough on the campus of Augustana College., 41.501343 -90.552338
AUGIE-02816 Lisa Welvaert s.n. 1992-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 15 meters east of Kings Road by the Moline entrance of the Rock Island Arsenal, 41.508913 -90.515297
AUGIE-02817 Robin Natzke s.n. 1986-04-15
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ten meters east of the sidewalk near the east slope infront of Andreen Hall on the Augustana College campus., 41.501237 -90.548251
AUGIE-02818 Ella Ingam s.n. 1996-05-23
United States, Illinois, Lee, thirty meters west of fork to cabins on loop road, south side of trail., 41.700018 -89.286434
AUGIE-02819 Todd Schoonover s.n. 1992-05-04
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Residential lawn of 3400 6th Ave., 41.50619 -90.541187
AUGIE-02820 Shelli Smith s.n. 1984-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Loud Thunder Forest Preserve along a creek trail. East facing slope., 41.424181 -90.837635
AUGIE-02821 Tim Hardine s.n. 1982-05-12
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ten meters north of 14th ave. and ten meters west of 32nd St. in Rock Island., 41.497977 -90.554894
AUGIE-02822 Paula Morris s.n. 1983-05-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, To the south side of the biology bldg. Augustana College campus., 41.503795 -90.550587
AUGIE-02823 Sharon Wiesbrook s.n. 1983-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ryden House, Augustana College., 41.50121 -90.552414
United States, Illinois, Rock Island
AUGIE-02824 Lu Ann Schwickerath s.n. 1983-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ryden House, Augustana College, 41.501213 -90.552472
AUGIE-02825 David Lange s.n. 1984-04-24
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 5 meters NE of corner of 7th ave. and 40th st., 41.505129 -90.544658
AUGIE-02826 Becky Granger s.n. 1981-04-20
United States, Illinois, Cook, Near Waiola and Bell Streets intersection in La Grange, 41.816386 -87.875318
AUGIE-02827 Karen Jones s.n. 1981-05-02
United States, Illinois, Cook, Bemis Woods, 200 feet west cement driveway 200 feet north of Ogden Avenue, 41.821939 -87.902969
AUGIE-02828 Roy Triveline s.n. 1984-04-24
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 5 meters NE of corner of 7th ave, and 40th st., 41.50517 -90.544873
AUGIE-02829 Julie Mathiesen s.n. 1982-05-08
United States, Illinois, Cook, Small clump of woods one kilometer north of Bode road, three kilometers east of the city of Elgin., 42.040156 -88.261506
AUGIE-02830 Ross Campbell s.n. 1981-04-24
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Fifty feet west of the Biology Building on the campus of Augustana College, 41.50401 -90.551869
AUGIE-02831 John Dreixler s.n. 1983-05-12
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Next to the east side of the house at 3037 10th Ave. Rock Island, Il., 41.502054 -90.555532
AUGIE-02832 Betty Grover s.n. 1981-04-18
United States, Illinois, De Kalb, 100 E (Tower Road), 2 km south of Highway 5, 41.89432 -88.926713
AUGIE-02833 E. Walthers s.n. 1983-05-04
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 1 meter from south side of Biology building at Augustana College., 41.503917 -90.550517
AUGIE-02834 Jim Hayden s.n. 1981-05-11
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Wooded area N. of corner 6th Ave. and 34th St, RI., 41.506666 -90.55327
AUGIE-02835 Mary M. McGray s.n. 1982-05-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ten meters from bottom of the wooden steps on the side of hill Biology Building on Augustana College Campus., 41.503945 -90.550635
AUGIE-02836 Janet S. Glatz s.n. 1983-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 3311 11th St. Rock Island, IL. on East side of house., 41.477281 -90.582761
AUGIE-02837 Sharon Sackett s.n. 1985-04-29
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Twenty meters southwest of New Dorms, on the campus of Augustana College., 41.500296 -90.551869
AUGIE-02838 Laurie Heinsohn s.n. 1985-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Forty meters southeast of the Biology Building on Augustana College campus., 41.50384 -90.55049
AUGIE-02839 Kim Schwartz s.n. 1982-05-07
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 715 1/2 42nd Street, Rock Island on the west side of the house., 41.503957 -90.542615
AUGIE-02840 Jim Wheeler s.n. 1981-04-21
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana Campus, behind the old union, on the hill, by the parking sign about 10ft. above it., 41.503912 -90.548941
AUGIE-02841 Margaret O'Connor s.n. 1981-04-21
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana Campus, behind the old union, on the hill, by the parking sign, about 10ft. above it., 41.503882 -90.549005
AUGIE-02842 Ann Young s.n. 1981-04-24
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Fifty feet west of the Biology Building on the campus of Augustana College, 41.503868 -90.551692
AUGIE-02843 Nancy Joslin s.n. 1985-05-13
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, West of the tennis courts up campus at Augustana College., 41.501181 -90.548371
AUGIE-02844 Andrew Chan s.n. 1992-04-16
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Sixty meters south-west of Ryden Hill on the Campus of Augustana College., 41.500995 -90.553001
AUGIE-02845 Linda Renneke s.n. 1988-04-19
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 730 34th Street, 41.503995 -90.552852
AUGIE-02846 Brett Wegner s.n. 1988-05-07
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana Campus, 120 m E of Westerlinn N side of slough path., 41.500757 -90.553499
AUGIE-02847 Robyn Hubbard s.n. 1988-04-14
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 150 meters southeast of Alleman High School. Opposite Lincoln Park in a ravine., 41.498943 -90.542653
AUGIE-02848 Michael Hayes s.n. 1989-05-05
United States, Illinois, Whiteside, Small woodlot 1/4 mi. S of Rock River bridge, described as follows: Pt. of the SE 1/4 of S17, T19N, R4E., 42.118329 -89.253162
AUGIE-02849 Connie Manke s.n. 1988-04-17
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, One hundred meters south of slough, on a hill at Augustana College., 41.498886 -90.5523
AUGIE-02850 Michael Hayes s.n. 1989-05-03
United States, Illinois, Whiteside, Sm. woodlot 1/4 mi S. of R.River Bridge, desc. as follows: Pt. of the SE1/4 of S17, T19N, R4E., 42.119098 -89.250339
AUGIE-02851 L. Karris s.n. 1987-05-21
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Side of Garage at 915 34th st. Rock Island., 41.50235 -90.552734
AUGIE-02852 Elizabeth Chapman s.n. 1987-04-11
United States, Illinois, Henry, Rt. 78, near road 1900N., 41.118995 -89.357869
AUGIE-02853 Lisa Barth s.n. 1987-05-12
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Five hundred meters west of Andreen Hall on the campus of Augustana College., 41.500896 -90.553117
AUGIE-02854 Jason Burgwald s.n. 1992-05-14
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, The back yard of 2905 7th Avenue., 41.505438 -90.558271
AUGIE-02855 Linda Whitaker s.n. 1982-05-06
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, In the back yard of 1116 53 Street in a garden., 41.504149 -90.464346
AUGIE-02856 Susan Erickson s.n. 1988-06-12
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Shaded area on 34th St. and 7th Ave. East side of street., 41.5053 -90.55284
AUGIE-02857 Chris Kaelke s.n. 1991-04-30
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 100 meters from the east end of Sylvan Island., 41.512519 -90.531391
AUGIE-02858 Julie Lauth s.n. 1982-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 60 feet east of the Augustana College Stairs., 41.503099 -90.551482
AUGIE-02859 Meg Pesavento s.n. 1984-05-07
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Twenty meters southeast of the Biology Building at Augustana College., 41.503839 -90.549993
AUGIE-02860 Roy Triveline s.n. 1994-04-25
United States, Illinois, Jo Daviess, 500 meters N of farmhouse, 16611 W Tim's Lane, E. Dubuque, 42.487065 -90.557383
AUGIE-02861 Greg Corcoran s.n. 1984-05-01
United States, Illinois, Lee, 10 miles north of West Brooklyn inside a woodlot about 50 meters., 41.751464 -89.149369
AUGIE-02862 P.E. Hranik s.n. 1975-03-04
United States, Florida, Everglades
AUGIE-02863 Jim Hayden s.n. 1981-05-15
United States, Illinois, Ogle, 3.5 km N. of Byron on Oak Grove Rd. west of Tower Rd. 1.2 km along N. side of road., 42.174605 -89.291149
AUGIE-02864 Rob Lindgren s.n. 1981-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Black Hawk State Park, 41.466866 -90.571632
AUGIE-02865 Jennifer Siembab s.n. 2003-05-27
United States, Illinois, La Salle, 401 10th Ave, Mendota IL 2m from front door, 41.544188 -89.122615
AUGIE-02866 Laura Tasch s.n. 2002-09-21
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Bottom of Olin stairs. Augustana College, 41.503048 -90.551171
AUGIE-02867 R. Medina 1479 2018-04-04
United States, Kansas, Sedgwick, Lot next to gas station, 37.60711111 -97.31611111
AUGIE-02868 Riley MacDonald s.n. 2009-05-13
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 20 meters west of the Science Building at Augustana College., 41.503909 -90.551959
AUGIE-02869 Kerry Grim s.n. 1992-05-12
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, One mile from public boat access turn-off at Loud Thunder Forest Preserve, 41.42431 -90.838068
AUGIE-02871 Kim Weiss s.n. 1992-05-12
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, One mile from public boat access turn-off at Loud Thunder Forest Preserve, 41.426287 -90.828167
AUGIE-02872 Tiffany Lyden s.n. 1992-05-18
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Two meters SE of walkway to Guest House strairs on Augustana College campus., 41.50182 -90.55045
AUGIE-02876 Chris Guerrieri s.n. 1990-04-07
United States, Illinois, Du Page, Four blocks east of the Korean church and 5 meters south of Belden street., 41.91927 -87.92527
AUGIE-02875 Julie Bay s.n. 1983-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 14713 42nd St. W, Milan. 50 meters NE of house., 41.38623 -90.62608
AUGIE-02874 Doug Savage s.n. 1983-05-02
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 25 meters north of the foot bridge on Sylvan Island., 41.51177 -90.53612
AUGIE-02873 Jason Burgwald s.n. 1992-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, along the Campus Pond about halfway between the dorms and the library on the Augustana College campus, 41.5013 -90.55176
AUGIE-02877 Cathy Dowd s.n. 1991-04-29
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ravine south of Augustana Library on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50157 -90.55068
AUGIE-02878 Tim Johnson s.n. 1981-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Blackhawk State Park nature trails, 41.46627 -90.57193
AUGIE-02879 Chris Kaelke s.n. 1991-05-04
United States, Illinois, Adams, 1.1 km north of Hugenberg Lane on west side of gravel road., 39.96994 -91.30002
AUGIE-02880 M. Rousey s.n. 1982-05-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Shady slope on south side of Riverside Park Moline, IL., 41.50583 -90.49014
AUGIE-02881 Tim Hardine s.n. 1982-05-15
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Lake George near Andalusia ILL. Fifty meters south of the boat launch which is on the eastern side of the lake., 41.43083 -90.82837
AUGIE-02882 Tracy Snead s.n. 1992-05-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Behind Biology on Augustana College campus. On hillside., 41.50295 -90.55129
AUGIE-02883 Troy Tady s.n. 1990-04-29
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Loud Thunder Forest Preserve, 100 meters north of Lake George., 41.43599 -90.83337
AUGIE-02884 Amy Brown s.n. 1991-05-02
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Two kilometers west of Illinois City. Along Highway 92., 41.43748 -90.74484
AUGIE-02885 James Jennings s.n. 1990-04-17
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 100 meters East 11th Ave A Moline, 41.500758 -90.486287
AUGIE-02886 Jim Wheeler s.n. 1981-05-02
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Black Hawk Park; about 20 M, down the path on the right side, 5M in., 41.46741 -90.57131
AUGIE-02887 Julie King s.n. 1985-05-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Backyard of 1520 29 1/2 St, Rock Island, Illinois., 41.49632 -90.55876
AUGIE-02888 John Beaver s.n. 1982-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 20 meters off the north side of the boat docking road, 50 meters east of Lake George-Loud Thunder., 41.43208 -90.827