AUGIE-00015 John Pommier 1985-04-30
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Seventy five meters into the Augustana slough, fifteen meters west into the woods., 41.50131 -90.55228
AUGIE-00014 Jean Misner 1982-05-06
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 10m. northwest of Augustana College Slough., 41.501659 -90.551194
AUGIE-00013 Laura Tasch 2002-09-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, North side of slough widely spread all along forest floor at Augustana College., 41.501806 -90.550779
AUGIE-00012 Tiffany Lyden 1992-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Along the slough oath of Augustana College, 100 feet up from the furthest downstream dam, to the north of the pathway., 41.49999 -90.55252
AUGIE-00011 Britt Burbridge 1992-05-06
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, One hundred meters east of Ryden House, two meters north of the path on the campus of Augustana., 41.50125 -90.55225
AUGIE-00010 Janet S. Glatz 1983-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 100 meters from top of Slough Path, on right side. Augustana College, 41.50133 -90.55219
AUGIE-00009 Tracy Snead 1992-05-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, along slough path on campus of Augustana College., 41.50083 -90.55185
AUGIE-00008 Diane C. Zemaier 1990-04-30
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Twenty meters east of the Slough on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50059 -90.55097
AUGIE-00007 Todd Schoonover 1992-05-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, One hundred meters southand (east) of pond on Augustana campus., 41.499897 -90.550221
AUGIE-00006 Ann Newton 1990-05-02
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Southeast of the Ryden House along the Slough on the campus of Augustana College., 41.5013 -90.55211
AUGIE-00005 Riley MacDonald 2009-05-04
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 3 meters west of the middle of the metal stairs on the Slough path at Augustana College in Rock Island Co, IL, 41.50069 -90.55139
AUGIE-00038 Christine M. Kagel 1982-05-07
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, North end of slough path, 10 meters west, Augustana College campus., 41.50195 -90.55015
AUGIE-00001 Lonn I. McGuire 1986-08-08
United States, Illinois, Carroll, 6 km. south of Savanna, 300 m. west of Highway 84., 42.07096 -90.13012
AUGIE-00002 P. E. Hronik 1975-03-01
United States, Georgia, Charlton, Ware, and Clinch, Okefenokee Swamp, 30.82442 -82.30133
AUGIE-00003 P. E. Hronik
United States, Florida, detailed locality information protected
AUGIE-00004 R.R. Mills 1984-05-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Hidden Meadow Addition - across from Andalusia Slough - on top of hill, 41.50085 -90.55101
AUGIE-00016 Laurie Heinsohn 1985-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Eighty meters south by southwest of the Biology Building on Augustana College campus., 41.503451 -90.552077
AUGIE-00017 Karen V. Jankowski 1982-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Thirty meters southwest of the Augustana slough pond., 41.49989 -90.55227
AUGIE-00018 E. Walthers 1983-05-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 15 meters southwest of lower slough oath enterance of Augustana College., 41.49986 -90.55231
AUGIE-00019 Becky Hinrichs 1983-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Edge of gully 50' north of Westerlin dorm at Augustana College., 41.500464 -90.554603
AUGIE-00020 John Beaver 1982-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, On the north edge of the slough Augustana College., 41.50226 -90.54943
AUGIE-00021 Paul Larson 1991-04-28
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 350 m south of Augustana library, 41.499626 -90.551365
AUGIE-00022 Jona Hull 1995-10-15
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 250 yds. South west of the Augustana Library on slough path, 41.500046 -90.551212
AUGIE-00039 Kevin O'Shea 1982-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana campus, 50 meters from Walberg to the slough path. At the entrance of the path to the right next to the light pole., 41.501384 -90.550625
AUGIE-00040 Jill T. Adams 1995-11-03
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College campus 100 meters south west of Library along ravine pathway, 41.50201 -90.55034
AUGIE-00041 Darryl Johnson 1989-05-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Along the right side of slough path of Augustana. On the left a small dam exists., 41.500485 -90.550311
AUGIE-00042 Dana Shugar 1982-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana Col, slough path. 2 meters southwest of 1st down-campus globed lightpost, 25 meters west of ampitheater plaque., 41.50167 -90.55057
AUGIE-00043 Mary M. McGray 1982-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Two meters from the beginning of slough path down campus on hillside on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50174 -90.550473
AUGIE-00044 karen Bruck 1987-05-19
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Slew path augustana College campus, 41.500901 -90.550866
AUGIE-00045 Robert Andress 1993-10-15
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College 639 38th St. Rock Island. West side of pond path 60m south of library., 41.501312 -90.551501
AUGIE-00046 Tim Johnson 1981-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, On the campus of Augustana. On a forest hill in the southeast corner of the slough., 41.49976 -90.55235
AUGIE-00047 Chris Larsen 1989-05-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana campus approx. 90 meters up the slough path., 41.50138 -90.55006
AUGIE-00048 Cathy Dowd 1991-04-29
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ravine south of Augustana Library on the campus of Augustana College, 41.50157 -90.55055
AUGIE-00024 Scott D. Jackson 1982-05-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Five meters west of slough path on Augustana College campus., 41.501282 -90.551966
AUGIE-00025 David Conner 1982-05-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, East facing hillside eighty meters southwest of the Indian Boundary Line stone on Augustana College campus., 41.50087 -90.55151
AUGIE-00050 Chris Kaelke 1991-05-03
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 150 meters southwest of the library on the north side of the slough trail at Augustana College., 41.50102 -90.55157
AUGIE-00049 Stefanie Jankman 1991-05-03
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 75 meters south west of New Library at Augustana College, 41.502 -90.54991
AUGIE-00052 Dave Archibald 1991-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 500 yds south of Augustana's library on the hillside of the road, 41.5014 -90.5502
AUGIE-00051 Lonn McGuire 1986-04-12
United States, Iowa, Scott, 800 meters east of Devil's Glen Road, 40 meters south of Crow Creek., 41.5672 -90.4837
AUGIE-00054 Kristine M. Lakota 1990-04-30
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Twenty meters east of the Slough on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50106 -90.55141
AUGIE-00053 Nancy Johnson 1989-05-04
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 250 meters southeast of the Biology Building on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50384 -90.55092
AUGIE-00026 Ann Young 1981-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Blackhawk State Park, Rock Island, 41.466616 -90.573354
AUGIE-00056 Nancy Joslin 1985-05-14
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Along the edge of the slough on the campus of Augustana College, 41.50127 -90.55089
AUGIE-00055 Amy Brown 1991-05-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Revine, 100 meters southeast of the biology building at Augustana College., 41.5025 -90.54983
AUGIE-00058 Jason Burgwald 1992-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, along the Campus Pond sixty meters west of the library, 41.50116 -90.55125
AUGIE-00057 Lisa Barth 1987-05-12
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, One hundred meters west of the slough on the campus of Augustana College, 41.5023 -90.54974
AUGIE-00059 Kim Altvatter 1988-04-09
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 20 meters S.E. of slough pond on campus., 41.50084 -90.5503
AUGIE-00060 Kerry Boudreau 1988-04-17
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, South end of campus on slough path- Augustana College., 41.49975 -90.55254
AUGIE-00061 Brett Wegner 1988-04-27
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana Campus 40 m E, 20 m S of slough dam, 41.501054 -90.549847
AUGIE-00063 Ross Campbell 1981-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Blackhawk State Park, Rock Island, 41.467 -90.57312
AUGIE-00062 Linda Renneke 1988-05-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, West side of the slough path., 41.50114 -90.55184
AUGIE-00027 Tim Lewis 1982-05-07
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 100 m west of ampetheater memorial near slough at Augustana College, Rock Island., 41.50069 -90.55246
AUGIE-00065 Kim Weiss 1992-05-06
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, One hundred meters from the start of the slough path by the library on the Augustana campus, 41.50225 -90.55011
AUGIE-00028 Lori Miller 1982-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana campus, 50 meters from Walberg to the slough path. At the entrance of the path to the right next to the light pole., 41.50186 -90.55027
AUGIE-00064 Bradley D. Pence 1996-10-27
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Blackhawk Park, right fork of main trail at Girl Scout cabins app. 3/4 mile around at ravine top., 41.4671 -90.57185
AUGIE-00066 James Jennings 1990-04-26
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, One hundred meters east of 11th Ave. A in Moline., 41.505399 -90.492123
AUGIE-00029 Julie Lauth 1982-05-15
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 5 feet from the southwest side of the Augustana College Slough Path, 41.5004 -90.55258
AUGIE-00067 John Dreixler 1983-05-13
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Fifty meters north of the Wester-lin Dormitory, Augustana College., 41.500926 -90.554683
AUGIE-00069 Julie Mathiesen 1982-05-08
United States, Illinois, Kane, Fifty meters east of Duncan avenue in Trout Park woods, just north of the city of Elgin., 42.06451 -88.26663
AUGIE-00068 Lu Ann Schwickerath 1983-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College slough path., 41.50145 -90.5501
AUGIE-00071 Doug McCoy 1983-05-10
United States, Illinois, Whiteside, Sinnissippi park in Sterling Ill, thirty feet from the top of the sleid slide., 41.79625 -89.65204
AUGIE-00070 Julie Bay 1983-05-10
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College 5 meters West of Slough Path, 41.50083 -90.5523
AUGIE-00080 James Wheeler 1981-04-30
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 25 meters west of college center on the south side of the walkway between Augustana College center and Old Main, 41.50241 -90.54928
AUGIE-00073 Ron Brusa 1982-05-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Thirty meters southeast of the Biology Building on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50248 -90.54993
AUGIE-00072 Lisa Welvaert 1992-05-14
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 100 meters south of Augustana College library., 41.50189 -90.55024
AUGIE-00075 J. Livingston 1987-05-21
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Lower sloug path, Augustana College., 41.500872 -90.552412
AUGIE-00077 Mark Pace 1990-04-26
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, one hundred meters east of 11 Ave. A in Moline., 41.50324 -90.4932
AUGIE-00074 Doug Savage 1983-05-11
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 5 meters west of the slough on the campus of Augustana College, 41.50169 -90.5491
AUGIE-00030 Meg Pesavento 1984-05-07
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ten meters west of the Wallberg Chemistry Building at Augustana College., 41.503764 -90.551743
AUGIE-00076 L. Karris 1987-05-21
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, lower slough path, Augustana College., 41.50175 -90.55038
AUGIE-00079 Jim Hayden 1981-05-11
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana Coll. campus, 20 meters South of Library., 41.50238 -90.54961
AUGIE-00078 Amanda Burns 1997-09-29
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College Lower Campus, 41.50252 -90.54977
AUGIE-00031 Greg Corcoran 1984-05-07
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana slough: 50 meters off the path., 41.500709 -90.550853
AUGIE-00082 Ann Young 1981-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Fifty feet south east of the library on the campus of Augustana Collge, 41.50159 -90.55175
AUGIE-00083 Susan Erickson 1988-06-15
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, E. side of Denkman library. 50m from building., 41.50421 -90.55023
AUGIE-00084 Jona Hull 1995-10-07
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 5 yards south of the Biology Building at Augustana college, 41.50289 -90.55061
AUGIE-00085 E. Runden 1996-09-21
United States, Indiana, Harrison, 200ft. E of 1150 Smith Hill Rd. Corydon, 38.18084 -86.09561
AUGIE-00086 Brett Wegner 1988-04-27
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana Campus, 10 m S of Denkmann Library, 41.50371 -90.55157
AUGIE-00087 Patrick Wren 2002-10-25
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 10 meters west of Science Building on the campus of Augustana College, 41.50323 -90.55023
AUGIE-00088 Laura Johnson 1982-05-19
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College Campus 30 meters south of Denkmann Memorial Library, 41.50389 -90.55167
AUGIE-00032 Shelli Smith 1984-04-30
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana slough path. One meter off the path., 41.50103 -90.55121
AUGIE-00090 Betty Grover 1981-05-03
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College, 15 meters south of Denkmann Memorial Library., 41.5038 -90.55182
AUGIE-00089 Kevin Smith 1982-05-16
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 10 meters south of Denkmann Memorial Library on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50435 -90.55027
AUGIE-00092 Trevor Wukasch 2002-09-13
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Found 10 meters south of Olin on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50271 -90.55089
AUGIE-00091 Ross Campbell 1981-05-01
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Fifty feet southeast of the library on the campus of Augustana College, 41.50307 -90.54997
AUGIE-00094 Jason Stella 1995-10-28
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 20 m south of the biology building at Augustana College, 41.50285 -90.55134
AUGIE-00093 Martha Dreher 1981-05-12
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College, 100m. south of Library., 41.50229 -90.54975
AUGIE-00096 Jim Hayden 1981-05-11
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College campus, 20 meters NW of front door of Library., 41.50385 -90.55178
AUGIE-00095 John Dreixler 1989-05-12
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Ten meters northwest of the west side of the House On The Hill, Augustana College., 41.50118 -90.55507
AUGIE-00098 Tiia Maekask 1997-10-05
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 10 meters south of Denkman west entrance., 41.50389 -90.55186
AUGIE-00097 Cari Nelson 1993-09-22
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, behind college center, east of door, 41.50417 -90.54857
AUGIE-00033 Paula Morris 1983-05-07
United States, Iowa, Scott, About two miles down the bike path be-hind Duck creek park. In a wooded area to the north of the three houses beyond the two mile marker., 41.54295 -90.52639
AUGIE-00099 Jennifer Gary 1999-09-25
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Seventy-five yards east of the Olin Technology Building on the campus of Augustana College., 41.50313 -90.55028
AUGIE-00100 Laura Johnson 1982-05-19
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College Campus 15 meters north of Denkmann Memorial Library, 41.50394 -90.55202
AUGIE-00101 P. E. Hrenik 1975-03-04
United States, Florida, Everglades, 25.47248 -80.79645
AUGIE-00102 Greg Corcoran 1984-05-13
United States, Illinois, Lee, North of WestBrooklyn; 100 meters outside of a marshy area, 42.24101 -89.0999
AUGIE-00103 Lonn I. McGuire 1986-08-02
United States, Iowa, Poweshiek, .5 km. west of Victor, 15 m. north of County Road F-29., 41.73012 -92.323
AUGIE-00034 Sharon Wiesbrook 1983-05-08
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Augustana College slough path., 41.500542 -90.551439
AUGIE-00104 Linnea Carlson 1963-09-28
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, 41.67635 -90.32131
AUGIE-00105 Jennifer Gary 1999-10-02
United States, Illinois, DuPage County, On immediate west shore of Easton Pond at Easton Pond Park off of Geneva Road., 41.88999 -88.09582