AUGIE-00728 N. P. Tulen 1293 1893-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, On Middle Loup River near Thedford, 41.977223 -100.575136
AUGIE-00741 N.P. Tulen 1302 1893-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, On Middle Loup River, near Thedford, Thomas County, 41.978112 -100.574588
AUGIE-00742 N.P. Tulen 1303 1893-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, On Middle Loup River, near Thedford, Thomas County, 41.977991 -100.575393
AUGIE-00770 N. P. Tulen 1343 1893-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, On Middle Loup River, near Thedford, 41.975124 -100.575703
AUGIE-01022 N. P. Tulen 1460 1893-07-03
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, Near Plummer Ford, Dismal River, Thomas County, 41.820378 -100.724712
AUGIE-01026 N. P. Tulen 1463 1893-07-11
United States, Nebraska, Hooker, Near the Forks of Dismal River, Hooker County, 41.852489 -101.034236
AUGIE-01076 N. P. Tulen 1510 1893-07-06
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, Near Plummer Ford, Dismal River, Thomas County, 41.817192 -100.7037
AUGIE-01077 N. P. Tulen 1510 1893-07-06
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, Near Plummer Ford, Dismal River, Thomas County, 41.817192 -100.7037
AUGIE-01103 N. P. Tulen 1603 1893-07-31
United States, Nebraska, Grant, In the Lake Region of Grant County, 3 miles N. E. of Whitman, 42.060211 -101.504589
AUGIE-01104 N. P. Tulen 1603 1893-07-31
United States, Nebraska, Grant, In the Lake Region of Grant County, 3 miles N. E. of Whitman, 42.060211 -101.504589
AUGIE-01120 N. P. Tulen 1556 1893-07-17
United States, Nebraska, Hooker, On Middle Loup River, near Mullen, Hooker County, 42.067408 -101.040534
AUGIE-01121 N. P. Tulen 1556 1893-07-17
United States, Nebraska, Hooker, On Middle Loup River, near Mullen, Hooker County, 42.067408 -101.040534
AUGIE-01137 N. P. Tulen 1576 1893-07-18
United States, Nebraska, Hooker, On Middle Loup River, near Mullen, 42.068111 -101.039519
AUGIE-01141 N. P. Tulen 1578 1893-07-17
United States, Nebraska, Hooker, On Middle Loup River, near Mullen, Hooker County, 42.067408 -101.040534
AUGIE-01147 N. P. Tulen 1586 1893-07-00
United States, Nebraska, Hooker, On Middle Loup River, near Mullen, Hooker County, 42.067638 -101.041047
AUGIE-01827 Jason Koontz s.n. 2021-07-20
USA, Illinois, Rock Island, Forested area to the south of 3716 Pine Ridge Ct, 41.47257 -90.474205
AUGIE-2909 Lonn I. McGuire s.n. 1986-06-26
Canada, Ontario, 49.53 -94.02
AUGIE-2910 Lonn I. McGuire s.n. 1986-08-08
United States, Illinois, Carroll, 6.2 km. south of Savanna, 200 m. west of Highway 84., 42.037686 -90.117573
AUGIE-2911 Denisa Muller s.n. 1995-09-23
United States, Illinois, Lee, 60 yards into the prairie at Greenwing Lab, 41.69861 -89.27554
AUGIE-2912 Jill T. Adams s.n. 1995-09-23
United States, Illinois, Lee, Green Wing Laboratory 500 meters east of Canteen, 41.69796 -89.27319
AUGIE-2913 Tim Beagle s.n. 1995-09-23
United States, Illinois, Lee, Green Wing Env. Lab 160m east of main bld., 41.69952 -89.275179
AUGIE-2914 Amy E. Larson s.n. 1995-09-23
United States, Illinois, Lee, 300 meters east and slightly south of main enterance to Greenwing Lab, 41.69754 -89.273
AUGIE-2915 Dana deRaismes s.n. 1997-10-04
United States, Illinois, Kane, Campton Hills Archery and Preserve, 41.91275 -88.37358
AUGIE-2916 Erin Roti s.n. 1999-09-26
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Rock Island Augustana Campus back of science building 100yds. S. of 1st science parking lot, 41.50339 -90.54999
AUGIE-2917 Amy Driskell s.n. 1993-10-18
United States, Illinois, Lee, 5 km southeast of Amboy Greenwing Environmental Laboratory, 41.700442 -89.276447
AUGIE-2918 Elissa Gora s.n. 1997-09-27
United States, Illinois, Du Page, Preservation on St. Charles road in Carol Stream, about 30 feet from road and 20 feet from creek., 41.88897 -88.04527
AUGIE-2919 Mickie Erb s.n. 1993-10-16
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, The east prairie area at Severson Dells; 200 meters off the road., 42.21275 -89.20235
AUGIE-2920 Jeannine Young s.n. 1993-09-18
United States, Illinois, Lee, 5 km. southeast of Amboy at the Greenwing Environmental Laboratory. About 30 meters from the main building into the forest., 41.69786 -89.27529
AUGIE-2921 Robert Andress s.n. 1993-09-18
United States, Illinois, Lee, Green Wing Environmental Laboratory 5km SE of Amboy. On north side of entrance drive, 70m east of gate., 41.69905 -89.2765
AUGIE-2922 R. Medina 1635a 2019-05-30
United States, Utah, Emery, Salt Wash overlook in I-70, 38.83275 -111.11243
AUGIE-2923 R. Medina 1635b 2019-05-30
United States, Utah, Emery, Salt Wash overlook in I-70, 38.83275 -111.11243