Search Results (List)

Dataset: CMN-CANM
Search Criteria: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 1071

Canadian Museum of Nature

CAN 604513Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221962008-09-13
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), @21 mi N of El Huejote on road towards Surutato, 25.739 -107.567, 1456m

Chloris radiata (L.) Sw.
CAN 604420Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222782008-09-19
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 8.3 mi NE of Oaxaca on hwy 175 towards Ixtlan de Juarez, 17.14 -96.625, 1970m

Muhlenbergia virescens (Kunth) Kunth
CAN 604641Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224382008-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 3 mi S of Guachichiles, upper slopes of Cerro Huehento, 24.079 -105.743, 3078m

Commelina Plum. ex L.
CAN 604401Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222632008-09-19
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 6.5 mi NE of Oaxaca on hwy 175 towards Ixtlan de Juarez, 17.118 -96.629, 1793m

CAN 602498Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Stancik, Daniel   214322007-10-19
Mexico, Zacatecas (State), Sierra Los Cardos, 10.7 mi NW of Jerez, W of El Cargadero on road to Monte de los Garcia., 22.708 -103.134, 2535m

Muhlenbergia strictior Scribn. ex Beal
CAN 604661Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224602008-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 3 mi S of Guachichiles, upper slopes of Cerro Huehento, 24.079 -105.743, 3078m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia Schreb.
CAN 10091165Pringle, Cyrus G.   1889-11-05
Mexico, Jalisco (State), State of Jalisco, hills near Guadalajara.

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10090441Pringle, Cyrus G.   86631902-08-31
Mexico, Morelos (State), Near Jojutla, 914m

CAN 600226Peterson, Paul M. ; Sánchez Alvarado, F.   190432005-09-20
Mexico, Durango (State), Sierra Murata in the Sierra Madre Occidental, 5.3 mi W of La Ventana. Moist slopes with Pinus, Arbutus, Quercus and Alnus., 22.96 -104.5, 2540m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acacia Mill.
CAN 10090228Pringle, Cyrus G.   67751897-08-06
Mexico, Near Tehuacan., 1524m

CAN 602286Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213402007-10-09
Mexico, Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca, 4.6 mi above park gate, S of Nevado Toluca., 19.1426 -99.7806, 3789m

Muhlenbergia phleoides (Kunth) Columbus
CAN 602188Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212352007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, Santiago Bayacora., 23.876 -104.676, 1916m

Bromus anomalus Rupr. ex Fourn.
CAN 600212Peterson, Paul M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Teña   178012003-09-16
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Circa 1.5 km below Santa Barbara along Arroyo Santa Barbara. Steep mesic slopes near rio with Cupressus arizonica, Abies durangensis, Picea chihuahuana, Pinus durangensis, Cornus stolonifera, 23.658 -105.431, 2700m

Elymus arizonicus (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould
CAN 602456Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gómez Pérez, S.G.   211412007-09-28
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra do Zapalinamé, above El Penitente., 25.345 -100.906, 3048m

Eriochloa Kunth
CAN 602468Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   211572007-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 1.3 mi SE of San Jose del Molino., 24.188 -104.602, 1880m

CAN 602248Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213342007-10-08
Mexico, 3.6 mi S of Aculco on Hwy 55., 20.044 -99.874, 2602m

CAN 602450Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gómez Pérez, S.G.   211262007-09-28
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra do Zapalinamé, along trail from El Cuatro to El Penitente., 25.349 -100.905, 2925m

CAN 604491Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221262008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Puebla Saguarivo @53 mi N of Alamos, 27.343 -108.665, 1540m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10090267Pringle, Cyrus G.   65531896-09-15
Mexico, Morelos (State), Near Cuernavaca., 1585m

Muhlenbergia uniseta (Lag.) Columbus
CAN 604444Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221492008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 1.3 mi W of Curahui, 27.364 -108.684, 1001m

CAN 602239Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213792007-10-11
Mexico, State of Mexico (State), 6.7 mi E of Amecameca towards Paso de Cortez., 19.071 -98.692, 2488m

Echinochloa P.Beauv.
CAN 602308Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   210012007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, 17.1 mi NE of Los Pilares on road towards Campo Dos., 28.954 -102.56, 2110m

CAN 602423Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   210662007-09-25
Mexico, Veracruz (State), Sierra Las Cautivas, 23.4 mi W of Ejido Guayabas along road towards Dulces Nombres., 23.977 -99.492, 1882m

Carex L.
CAN 602422Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   210622007-09-25
Mexico, Veracruz (State), Sierra Las Cautivas, 23.1 mi W of Ejido Guayabas along road towards Dulces Nombres., 23.976 -99.488, 1844m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salvia L.
CAN 10090494Pringle, Cyrus G.   85041901-05-23
Mexico, Michoacan (State), Zamora, 1524m

Trachypogon plumosus (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Nees
CAN 602210Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212542007-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 56 km W of Durango along Hwy 40 towards El Salto and 0.4 mi E of entrance to Parque El Tecuan., 23.911 -105.025, 2536m

CAN 602311Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209972007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, 17.1 mi NE of Los Pilares on road towards Campo Dos., 28.954 -102.56, 2110m

CAN 602521Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Stancik, Daniel   214472007-10-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra El Astillero, @ 1.8 mi SW of Santa Rosa and 5.4 mi SW of San Pedro at trail head above water pump., 24.635 -101.113, 2550m

CAN 604655Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224452008-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 3 mi S of Guachichiles, upper slopes of Cerro Huehento, 24.079 -105.743, 3078m

Bouteloua aristidoides (Kunth) Griseb.
CAN 604391Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222512008-09-15
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 26.2 mi S of Surutato on road towards El Huejote, 25.534 -107.611, 354m

Muhlenbergia minutissima (Steud.) Swallen
CAN 602511Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212222007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 2.7 mi SW of Tableteros. Slopes above small barranca, 23.667 -104.718, 2485m

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn.
CAN 600203Peterson, Paul M. ; Valdés   187942005-09-02
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra Zapalinamé, E of Saltillo. Grassy ridgetop \"El Penitente\", with Muhlenbergia, Bromus, Trisetum, Pinus, and Quercus., 25.347 -100.902, 3070m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10089642Pringle, Cyrus G.   45,5461894-09-21
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), Sierra de San Felipe

Image Associated With the Occurence
Buceragenia Greenm.
CAN 10091520Pringle, Cyrus G.   65061896-09-21
Mexico, Morelos (State), Above Cuernavaca., 18.95 -99.25, 1981m

CAN 604666Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224552008-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 3 mi S of Guachichiles, upper slopes of Cerro Huehento, 24.079 -105.743, 3078m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10091823Pringle, Cyrus G.   39631891-12-09
Mexico, San Luis Potosi (State), Cascades of the Conception River near Micos

Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.
CAN 604579Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220052008-09-04
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 27.4 mi W of Ojinaga on hwy 16 to Chihuahua, 29.534 -104.794, 1006m

CAN 10091779Pringle, Cyrus G.   5885A1894-05-01
Mexico, Jalisco (State), Barrancas near Guadalajara, 1524m

Muhlenbergia Schreb.
CAN 602263Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213902007-10-11
Mexico, Puebla (State), Parque Nacional Izta-Popo, 0.5 mi E of Paso de Cortez at entrance to park., 19.0883 -98.6403, 3671m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dicliptera Juss.
CAN 10091521Pringle, Cyrus G.   66021896-11-03
Mexico, Morelos (State), Near Cuernavaca., 18.95 -99.25, 1524m

Muhlenbergia pectinata C.O. Goodding
CAN 602193Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212302007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, Santiago Bayacora., 23.876 -104.676, 1916m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 174765Pringle, Cyrus G.   1887-10-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10091174Palmer, E.   2431886-07-17
Mexico, Guadalajara

Muhlenbergia ligulata (E. Fourn) Scribn. & Merr.
CAN 604634Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224162008-09-28
Mexico, Durango (State), 23 mi N of hwy 40 turnoff on road towards San Luis de Villa Corona, 24.073 -105.49, 2194m

Piptochaetium J.Presl
CAN 604795Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223142008-09-20
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 8.3 mi N of San Cualimojoyas on road towards Santa Maria Yavesia, 17.182 -96.445, 2794m

Commelina Plum. ex L.
CAN 604383Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222412008-09-14
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 2.2 mi S of San Jose de los Hornos on road to Surutato, 25.8918 -107.628, 1951m

Agrostis rosei Scribn. & Merr.
CAN 602367Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212692007-10-03
Mexico, Durango (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 7 mi W of Pericos on Hwy 40 towards La Ciudada., 23.74 -105.613, 2828m

CAN 10090006Johnston, M.C. ; Wendt, T.L. ; Chiang, F.   105361973-04-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 25.5 km. N. of the Camargo-Jiemenez hiway on the road to La Perla; and 11.5 km. S. of Restaurante El Herradero., 27.8 -104.85, 1250m

Muhlenbergia rigida (Kunth) Kunth
CAN 602182Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212402007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, Santiago Bayacora., 23.876 -104.676, 1916m

CAN 600223Peterson, Paul M. ; Valdés   189202005-09-08
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, Wooded canyon above Campo El Dos with Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Cupressus, Abies, Quercus, Ceanothus and Cornus stolonifera., 28.99 -102.612, 2280m

Setaria P.Beauv.
CAN 602334Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209392007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, @ 9.7 mi NE of Los Pilares., 28.925 -102.612, 1902m

Muhlenbergia Schreb.
CAN 604601Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220402008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), @7 mi NE of San Rafael on road towards Creel, at Divisidero lookout, 27.537 -107.822, 2240m

Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Lamb.; Solms-Laub.
CAN 604384Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222482008-09-15
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), Surutato, 25.807 -107.561, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10091800Pringle, Cyrus G.   83901900-10-11
Mexico, Guerrero (State), Mountains above Iguala, 1219m

Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr.
CAN 604680Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223712008-09-22
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 4 mi E of San Ildefonso Amatlan on road towards Santo Domingo Amatlan, 16.312 -96.471, 1700m

CAN 604532Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222112008-09-13
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 1 km S or Surutato, 25.749 -107.557, 1500m

Festuca Tourn. ex L.
CAN 604673Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223612008-09-22
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 4.5 mi W of San Filipe Cieneguilla, near La Reforma, 16.232 -96.398, 2411m

Oplismenus P.Beauv.
CAN 604533Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222132008-09-14
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 2.4 km N of San Jose de los Hornos and 1.7 mi S of Ocuragui, 25.921 -107.64, 1760m

CAN 602299Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209322007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, @ 9.7 mi NE of Los Pilares., 28.925 -102.612, 1902m

Calamagrostis eriantha (Kunth) Steud.
CAN 602282Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213442007-10-09
Mexico, Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca, gated area to volcanic crater., 19.119 -99.748, 4134m

Muhlenbergia cenchroides (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) P.M. Peterson
CAN 604499Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221372008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Puebla Saguarivo @53 mi N of Alamos, 27.343 -108.665, 1540m

CAN 597103Soreng, Dr. Robert J.   23041984-04-13
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Babicora, W of, 29.247 -107.766, 2135m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Scirpus Tourn. ex L.
CAN 10089646Pringle, Cyrus G.   1887-09-11
Mexico, State of Chihuahua, near Guerrero.

Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv. ex Roemer & Schultes
CAN 604569Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   219932008-09-04
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 27.4 mi W of Ojinaga on hwy 16 to Chihuahua, 29.534 -104.794, 1006m

Muhlenbergia uniseta (Lag.) Columbus
CAN 604604Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220442008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Yamuco, 1 mi E of hwy N of Rio Uriquecrossing towards Basihuare and Creel, 27.4 -107.489, 1890m

Carex L.
CAN 604414Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222802008-09-19
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 8.3 mi NE of Oaxaca on hwy 175 towards Ixtlan de Juarez, 17.14 -96.625, 1970m

Trifolium Tourn. ex L.
CAN 396211Gillett, John M. ; Delgado, A.   170391975-08-17
Mexico, Durango (State), Rio Mimbres 46 km from Durango on Hwy. 40

Muhlenbergia Schreb.
CAN 604689Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221022008-09-07
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), At Mirador de Cascada de Basaseachic, 28.169 -108.208, 2084m

Sporobolus indicus (L.) R. Br.
CAN 604725Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220562008-09-06
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Yamuco, 1 mi E of hwy N of Rio Uriquecrossing towards Basihuare and Creel, 27.4 -107.489, 1890m

CAN 604582Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220212008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 24.7 mi N of San Juanito on road towards Cuauhtemoc, 28.264 -107.493, 2233m

CAN 10092007Pringle, Cyrus G.   86861902-11-27
Mexico, Morelos (State), Sierra De Tepoxtlan, 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10091409Pringle, Cyrus G.   67021897-07-17
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), Tomellin Canyon, 1524m

Muhlenbergia implicata (Kunth) Trin.
CAN 604407Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222662008-09-19
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 8.3 mi NE of Oaxaca on hwy 175 towards Ixtlan de Juarez, 17.14 -96.625, 1970m

CAN 600193Peterson, Paul M. ; Valdés   189072005-09-08
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, Wooded canyon above Campo El Dos with Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Cupressus, Abies, Quercus, Ceanothus and Cornus stolonifera., 28.99 -102.612, 2280m

Pennisetum Rich.
CAN 604509Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221862008-09-12
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 10.1 mi SW of Badiraguato on road towards Pericos, 26.846 -109.371, 49m

Muhlenbergia rigida (Kunth) Kunth
CAN 604598Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220272008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 24.7 mi N of San Juanito on road towards Cuauhtemoc, 28.264 -107.493, 2233m

Carex L.
CAN 604541Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222312008-09-14
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 3.1 mi N or San Jose de los Hornos, 25.925 -107.638, 1726m

Piptochaetium fimbriatum (Kunth) A.S. Hitchc.
CAN 604741Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223942008-09-28
Mexico, Durango (State), 23 mi N of hwy 40 turnoff on road towards San Luis de Villa Corona, 24.073 -105.49, 2194m

Muhlenbergia pubescens (Kunth) Hitchc.
CAN 602213Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212502007-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 56 km W of Durango along Hwy 40 towards El Salto and 0.4 mi E of entrance to Parque El Tecuan., 23.911 -105.025, 2536m

Dalea L.
CAN 475661Gillett, John M. ; Delgado, A.   170891975-08-20
Mexico, Nuevo Leon (State), Galeana Off the road between San Roberto and Linares

Liliaceae Juss.
CAN 604589Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220142008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 24.7 mi N of San Juanito on road towards Cuauhtemoc, 28.264 -107.493, 2233m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fuirena Rottb.
CAN 10127918Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212392007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, Santiago Bayacora., 23.876 -104.676, 1916m

CAN 604507Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221882008-09-13
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), @21 mi N of El Huejote on road towards Surutato, 25.739 -107.567, 1456m

Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) A.S. Hitchc.
CAN 604610Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220462008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Yamuco, 1 mi E of hwy N of Rio Uriquecrossing towards Basihuare and Creel, 27.4 -107.489, 1890m

Muhlenbergia minutissima (Steud.) Swallen
CAN 602312Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209952007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, 17.1 mi NE of Los Pilares on road towards Campo Dos., 28.954 -102.56, 2110m

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn.
CAN 600209Peterson, Paul M. ; Valdés   187852005-09-02
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra Zapalinamé, E of Saltillo. Forested slopes with Abies, Quercus emoryi, Thalictrum, Pachistima myrsinites, and Campanula rotundifolia., 25.347 -100.902, 2700m

Cyperaceae Juss.
CAN 604590Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220132008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 24.7 mi N of San Juanito on road towards Cuauhtemoc, 28.264 -107.493, 2233m

Portlandia P. Br.
CAN 10091532Palmer, E.   2981887-00-00
Mexico, Sonora (State), Guaymas

CAN 602488Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   211642007-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 1.3 mi SE of San Jose del Molino., 24.188 -104.602, 1880m

Macroptilium gibbosifolium (Ortego) A. Delgado
CAN 475664Gillett, John M. ; Delgado, A.   170151975-08-16
Mexico, Zacatecas (State), Punta Tapias Ca 2 km. NW of Enrique Estrada ca 38 km. from Zacatecos on Highway 49

Coulterophytum B.L.Rob.
CAN 10090529Pringle, Cyrus G.   38311891-09-15
Mexico, Jalisco (State), Near Guadalajara.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salvia L.
CAN 10090497Pringle, Cyrus G.   85931901-08-23
Mexico, Puebla (State), Near Tehuacan., 1707m

Sporobolus pyramidatus (Lam.) A.S. Hitchc.
CAN 602487Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   211632007-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 1.3 mi SE of San Jose del Molino., 24.188 -104.602, 1880m

Peyritschia pringlei (Scribn.) S.D. Koch
CAN 602543Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Stancik, Daniel   214382007-10-20
Mexico, Zacatecas (State), Sierra Los Cardos, Rancho El Robles, @ 17.8 mi NW of Jerez on road towards Monte de las Garcia., 22.69 -103.199, 2820m

Muhlenbergia uniseta (Lag.) Columbus
CAN 604398Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222592008-09-19
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 6.5 mi NE of Oaxaca on hwy 175 towards Ixtlan de Juarez, 17.118 -96.629, 1793m

Scirpus Tourn. ex L.
CAN 165278Pringle, Cyrus G.   31751890-08-15
Mexico, San Luis Potosi (State), San Jose Pass

Echinochloa polystachya (Kunth) A.S. Hitchc.
CAN 602477Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   211602007-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 1.3 mi SE of San Jose del Molino., 24.188 -104.602, 1880m

Vulpia myuros (L.) K.C. Gmel.
CAN 604663Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224582008-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 3 mi S of Guachichiles, upper slopes of Cerro Huehento, 24.079 -105.743, 3078m

Cyperus manimae var. asperimus (Liebmann) Kukenthal
CAN 602531Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   214002007-10-12
Mexico, Puebla (State), 9 mi E of paso de Cortez., 19.08 -98.559, 2904m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Manihot Mill.
CAN 10090411Pringle, Cyrus G.   86871902-08-21
Mexico, Michoacan (State), Monte Leon

Page 2, records 101-200 of 1071


The maps feature provides users an interactive map that can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.


This creates an KML file for use in Google Earth or any other application using KML files.
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