Search Results (List)

Dataset: CMN-CANM
Search Criteria: Mexico; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1071

Canadian Museum of Nature

CAN 602310Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209992007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, 17.1 mi NE of Los Pilares on road towards Campo Dos., 28.954 -102.56, 2110m

Juncus L.
CAN 604783Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223262008-09-20
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 7.5 mi N of San Cualimojoyas on road towards Santa Maria Yavesia, 17.18 -96.44, 2760m

Scribneria Hack.
CAN 602242Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213752007-10-11
Mexico, State of Mexico (State), 2.8 mi E of Ocuilán Arteaga near cornfield., 18.981 -99.379, 2478m

CAN 602443Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   211152007-09-27
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra Las Cautivas, 7.7 mi E of Zaragoza on road towards Dulces Nombres.., 23.978 -99.7, 2578m

CAN 604381Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221512008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 1.3 mi W of Curahui, 27.364 -108.684, 1001m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Dioscorea Plum. ex L.
CAN 10091327Pringle, Cyrus G.   73411896-09-13
Mexico, Morelos (State), Near Cuernavaca., 18.95 -99.25, 1524m

CAN 183197Pringle, Cyrus G.   40561891-06-06
Mexico, San Luis Potosi (State), Tamasopo Canyon

CAN 602499Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Stancik, Daniel   214292007-10-19
Mexico, Zacatecas (State), Sierra Los Cardos, 10.7 mi NW of Jerez, W of El Cargadero on road to Monte de los Garcia., 22.708 -103.134, 2535m

Muhlenbergia phleoides (Kunth) Columbus
CAN 602382Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209872007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, 13.8 mi NE of Los Pilares., 28.954 -102.585, 2335m

Muhlenbergia minutissima (Steud.) Swallen
CAN 604611Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224152008-09-28
Mexico, Durango (State), 23 mi N of hwy 40 turnoff on road towards San Luis de Villa Corona, 24.073 -105.49, 2194m

CAN 604735Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223512008-09-22
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 7.7 mi NW of La Cienega on road towards Miahuatlan, 16.245 -96.539, 2110m

Muhlenbergia peruviana (P. Beauv.) Steud.
CAN 602262Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213912007-10-11
Mexico, Puebla (State), Parque Nacional Izta-Popo, 0.5 mi E of Paso de Cortez at entrance to park., 19.0883 -98.6403, 3671m

CAN 602204Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212602007-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 13.1 mi W of El Salto on Hwy 40 and 0.3 mi S on small logging road., 23.757 -105.51, 2800m

Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. ex Roemer & Schultes
CAN 602429Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   210172007-09-22
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, 0.5 mi from Campo Uno, up the road towards the summit., 28.996 -102.611, 2355m

Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) B.S.P.
CAN 602200Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212652007-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 0.4 mi W of Pericos, E of La Ciudad on Hwy 40., 23.74 -105.548, 2804m

CAN 602485Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   211612007-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 1.3 mi SE of San Jose del Molino., 24.188 -104.602, 1880m

Brachypodium mexicanum (Roem. & Schult.) Link
CAN 602278Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213472007-10-09
Mexico, 1.7 mi E of Hwy 10 along road to Nevado de Toluca., 19.135 -99.796, 3688m

CAN 475663Gillett, John M. ; Delgado, A.   170931975-08-20
Mexico, Nuevo Leon (State), Pablillo 5 km. S of Pablillo on Highway 68

CAN 604671Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223622008-09-22
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 1.5 mi E of Santo Domingo Amatlan, 16.294 -96.432, 1724m

Nassella tenuissima (Trin.) Barkworth
CAN 602298Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209332007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, @ 9.7 mi NE of Los Pilares., 28.925 -102.612, 1902m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Machaonia Bonpl.
CAN 10091529Pringle, Cyrus G.   66411897-06-16
Mexico, Tamaulipas (State), Tampico

CAN 604547Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222252008-09-14
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 3.1 mi N or San Jose de los Hornos, 25.925 -107.638, 1726m

Muhlenbergia virescens (Kunth) Kunth
CAN 602205Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212592007-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 13.1 mi W of El Salto on Hwy 40 and 0.3 mi S on small logging road., 23.757 -105.51, 2800m

Pennisetum villosum R. Br. ex Fresn.
CAN 602184Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212442007-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 56 km W of Durango along Hwy 40 towards El Salto and 0.4 mi E of entrance to Parque El Tecuan., 23.911 -105.025, 2536m

Bromus anomalus Rupr. ex Fourn.
CAN 600208Peterson, Paul M. ; Valdés   187992005-09-02
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra Zapalinamé, E of Saltillo. Grassy ridgetop \"El Penitente\", with Muhlenbergia, Bromus, Trisetum, Pinus, and Quercus., 25.347 -100.902, 3070m

Muhlenbergia cenchroides (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) P.M. Peterson
CAN 604548Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222242008-09-14
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 3.1 mi N or San Jose de los Hornos, 25.925 -107.638, 1726m

Bromus anomalus Rupr. ex Fourn.
CAN 600216Peterson, Paul M. ; Valdés   187822005-09-02
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra Zapalinamé, E of Saltillo. Calcareous slopes with Quercus greggii, Quercus sp, Cercocarpus montanus and Juniperus flaccida., 25.354 -100.919, 2400m

Piptochaetium fimbriatum (Kunth) A.S. Hitchc.
CAN 604595Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220292008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 24.7 mi N of San Juanito on road towards Cuauhtemoc, 28.264 -107.493, 2233m

CAN 604762Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223732008-09-22
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 4 mi E of San Ildefonso Amatlan on road towards Santo Domingo Amatlan, 16.312 -96.471, 1700m

CAN 602195Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212282007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, Santiago Bayacora., 23.876 -104.676, 1916m

Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) A.S. Hitchc.
CAN 604798Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223092008-09-20
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 8.3 mi N of San Cualimojoyas on road towards Santa Maria Yavesia, 17.182 -96.445, 2794m

CAN 602469Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   211562007-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 1.3 mi SE of San Jose del Molino., 24.188 -104.602, 1880m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tradescantia Ruppius ex L.
CAN 10089655Pringle, Cyrus G.   66951897-08-21
Mexico, Morelos (State), 18.95 -99.25, 1500m

CAN 602220Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212752007-10-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 0.5 mi W of turnoff to El Alazan on Hwy 40 towards Concordia., 23.532 -105.827, 1986m

Muhlenbergia cenchroides (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) P.M. Peterson
CAN 602355Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213282007-10-08
Mexico, 3.6 mi S of Aculco on Hwy 55., 20.044 -99.874, 2602m

Carex L.
CAN 602496Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   211722007-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 1.3 mi SE of San Jose del Molino., 24.188 -104.602, 1880m

Bulbostylis funckii (Steud.) C.B. Clarke
CAN 602414Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212102007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental: 2.1 mi S of Tableteros on road towards La Flor., 23.668 -104.721, 2563m

Muhlenbergia peruviana (P. Beauv.) Steud.
CAN 602402Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212032007-10-01
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, S of Durango on road towards La Flor and @ 3 mi N of Tableteros., 23.711 -104.744, 2327m

Peyritschia pringlei (Scribn.) S.D. Koch
CAN 604636Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224232008-09-29
Mexico, Durango (State), 23 mi N of hwy 40 turnoff on road towards San Luis de Villa Corona, 24.073 -105.49, 2194m

Tripsacum zopilotense Hern.-Xol. & Randolph
CAN 604646Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224332008-09-29
Mexico, Durango (State), 23 mi N of hwy 40 turnoff on road towards San Luis de Villa Corona, 24.073 -105.49, 2194m

Muhlenbergia cenchroides (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) P.M. Peterson
CAN 604669Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224502008-09-30
Mexico, Durango (State), 3 mi S of Guachichiles, upper slopes of Cerro Huehento, 24.079 -105.743, 3078m

CAN 602381Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   211792007-10-01
Mexico, Durango (State), 23.7106 -104.721, 2135m

CAN 602417Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   210522007-09-25
Mexico, Veracruz (State), Sierra Las Cautivas, 11.7 mi W of Ejido Guayabas on road towards Dulces Nombres., 24.068 -99.456, 1175m

CAN 604645Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224342008-09-29
Mexico, Durango (State), 5 mi E of San Luis de Villa Corona, 24.104 -105.6, 2540m

Trichophorum analecta (Beetle) Lev.-Bourret & J.R. Starr
CAN 10190077Pringle, Cyrus G.   31751890-08-15
Mexico, San Luis Potosi (State), State of San Luis Potosi: San Jose Pass

Pseudognaphalium jaliscence (Greenm.) A. Anderb.
CAN 10091844Pringle, Cyrus G.   86281902-08-09
Mexico, Jalisco (State), Near Guadalajara.

Muhlenbergia mucronata (Kunth) Trin.
CAN 604554Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222362008-09-14
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 2.2 mi S of San Jose de los Hornos on road to Surutato, 25.8918 -107.628, 1951m

Sporobolus indicus (L.) R. Br.
CAN 602387Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Stancik, Daniel   214212007-10-19
Mexico, Zacatecas (State), Sierra Los Cardos, 10.7 mi NW of Jerez, W of El Cargadero on road to Monte de los Garcia., 22.708 -103.134, 2535m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Caesalpinia Plum. ex L.
CAN 10090260Pringle, Cyrus G.   37301891-05-30
Mexico, Michoacan (State), Monte Leon Pass

Commelina Plum. ex L.
CAN 604788Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223202008-09-20
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 7.5 mi N of San Cualimojoyas on road towards Santa Maria Yavesia, 17.18 -96.44, 2760m

Muhlenbergia phalaroides (Kunth) P.M. Peterson
CAN 604615Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   224102008-09-28
Mexico, Durango (State), 23 mi N of hwy 40 turnoff on road towards San Luis de Villa Corona, 24.073 -105.49, 2194m

CAN 602507Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212152007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 2.7 mi SW of Tableteros. Slopes above small barranca, 23.667 -104.718, 2485m

CAN 602221Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212742007-10-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 0.5 mi W of turnoff to El Alazan on Hwy 40 towards Concordia., 23.532 -105.827, 1986m

CAN 604442Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221522008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 1.3 mi W of Curahui, 27.364 -108.684, 1001m

Muhlenbergia Schreb.
CAN 604464Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221602008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 1 mi E of Puebla Saguarivo, 27.354 -108.663, 1490m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salvia L.
CAN 10090498Pringle, Cyrus G.   85871901-00-00
Mexico, Puebla (State), Near Tehuacan., 1707m

Muhlenbergia glauca (Nees) B.D. Jackson
CAN 602431Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   210212007-09-22
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, 0.5 mi from Campo Uno, up the road towards the summit., 28.996 -102.611, 2355m

Typha domingensis (Pers.) Steud.
CAN 602185Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212412007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, Santiago Bayacora., 23.876 -104.676, 1916m

CAN 602241Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213762007-10-11
Mexico, State of Mexico (State), 2.8 mi E of Ocuilán Arteaga near cornfield., 18.981 -99.379, 2478m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Coulterophytum B.L.Rob.
CAN 10090528Pringle, Cyrus G.   63901896-07-30
Mexico, Morelos (State), Above Cuernavaca., 1981m

Muhlenbergia rigens (Benth.) A.S. Hitchc.
CAN 604489Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221292008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Puebla Saguarivo @53 mi N of Alamos, 27.343 -108.665, 1540m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10092013Pringle, Cyrus G.   87171902-11-07
Mexico, Morelos (State), Yantepec Near Yantepec. Limestone hills altitude 4500 FT

CAN 604704Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220762008-09-06
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Yamuco, 1 mi E of hwy N of Rio Uriquecrossing towards Basihuare and Creel, 27.4 -107.489, 1890m

CAN 604452Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221662008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 1 mi E of Puebla Saguarivo, 27.354 -108.663, 1490m

CAN 604584Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220202008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 24.7 mi N of San Juanito on road towards Cuauhtemoc, 28.264 -107.493, 2233m

CAN 602329Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209452007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, @ 9.7 mi NE of Los Pilares., 28.925 -102.612, 1902m

Piptochaetium pringlei (Beal) Parodi
CAN 602324Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209532007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, 11.2 mi NE of Los Pilares., 28.937 -102.606, 1953m

CAN 602539Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gómez Pérez, S.G.   211372007-09-28
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra do Zapalinamé, above El Penitente on ridge top., 25.346 -100.904, 3086m

Kyllinga Rottb.
CAN 604528Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221992008-09-13
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), @21 mi N of El Huejote on road towards Surutato, 25.739 -107.567, 1456m

Bouteloua Lag.
CAN 604563Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   219982008-09-04
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 27.4 mi W of Ojinaga on hwy 16 to Chihuahua, 29.534 -104.794, 1006m

Setaria P.Beauv.
CAN 602359Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213192007-10-08
Mexico, State of Mexico (State), 10.5 mi N of Aculco on Hwy 55 towards San Juan Del Rio. Dry rocky slopes and flats alongside Puerto Taxhe, 20.225 -99.898, 2208m

Festuca hephaestophila Nees ex. Steud.
CAN 602530Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Stancik, Daniel   214602007-10-21
Mexico, Nuevo Leon (State), Near summit of Cerro Potosí., 24.875 -100.232, 3674m

CAN 554875Ben, M.A.   56721987-11-28
Mexico, Baja California (State), Valle San Telmo. Growing in farmyard at Sinaloa., 180m

CAN 602178Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Flores, M. J.   213382007-10-09
Mexico, State of Mexico (State), Parque Nacional Nevado de Toluca, 4.6 mi above park gate, S of Nevado Toluca., 19.1426 -99.7806, 3789m

CAN 604390Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222492008-09-15
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 26.2 mi S of Surutato on road towards El Huejote, 25.534 -107.611, 354m

CAN 604463Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221252008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Puebla Saguarivo @53 mi N of Alamos, 27.343 -108.665, 1540m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10090543Ball, Carleton R. ; Bell, C. Ritchie ; Bell, Sarah F.   13551953-02-04
Mexico, Baja California (State), 6 mi N of American Smelter Co. mine (which is 4.4 mi NW of Rancho Arenoso). Near Las Lomas Amarillas.

Setaria P.Beauv.
CAN 604474Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221172008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Puebla Saguarivo @53 mi N of Alamos, 27.343 -108.665, 1540m

CAN 604465Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221572008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), 2.1 mi W of Curahui on road towards Puebla Saguarivo, 27.364 -108.679, 1328m

CAN 604503Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221802008-09-12
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 10.1 mi SW of Badiraguato on road towards Pericos, 26.846 -109.371, 49m

CAN 604405Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222702008-09-19
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 8.3 mi NE of Oaxaca on hwy 175 towards Ixtlan de Juarez, 17.14 -96.625, 1970m

Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn.
CAN 600199Peterson, Paul M. ; Valdés   189452005-09-10
Mexico, Nuevo Leon (State), Sierra El Pinal Alto, @ 3.7 mi N of San Pablo. Grassy flats with Nassella tenuissima, Bouteloua and Muhlenbergia., 25.099 -100.421, 2640m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Deanea J.M.Coult. & Rose
CAN 10090533Pringle, Cyrus G.   66741897-08-14
Mexico, Distrito Federal (MX) (Terr.), Serrania de Ajusco, 3048m

Oplismenus P.Beauv.
CAN 604625Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221072008-09-08
Mexico, Sonora (State), 2.5 mi S of Los Chinacas and 38 mi N of Alamos, 27.242 -108.682, 1416m

CAN 602327Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Lara Contreras, S. ; Reyna Alvarez, J.   209492007-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Madera del Carmen, 11.2 mi NE of Los Pilares., 28.937 -102.606, 1953m

Bouteloua gracilis (Willd. ex Kunth) Griffiths
CAN 604757Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223912008-09-28
Mexico, Durango (State), 23 mi N of hwy 40 turnoff on road towards San Luis de Villa Corona, 24.073 -105.49, 2194m

Luzula DC.
CAN 604751Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223822008-09-23
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 1.6 mi N of San Miguel Suchixtepec along hwy 175, 16.116 -96.474, 2722m

Nassella mucronata (Kunth) R.W. Pohl
CAN 602373Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   210932007-09-26
Mexico, Tamaulipas (State), Sierra Las Cautivas, 4.1 mi SW of Dulces Nombres and 22.7 mi E of Zaragoza., 23.9798 -99.5955, 2017m

CAN 602442Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   211162007-09-27
Mexico, Coahuila de Zaragoza (State), Sierra Las Cautivas, 7.7 mi E of Zaragoza on road towards Dulces Nombres.., 23.978 -99.7, 2578m

CAN 602401Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212042007-10-01
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, S of Durango on road towards La Flor and @ 3 mi N of Tableteros., 23.711 -104.744, 2327m

CAN 10091518Pringle, Cyrus G.   86071901-09-02
Mexico, State of Mexico (State), Sierra De Las Cruces, 3048m

Anthoxanthum mexicanum (Rupr. Ex E. Fourn.) Mex.
CAN 604789Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   223252008-09-20
Mexico, Oaxaca (State), 7.5 mi N of San Cualimojoyas on road towards Santa Maria Yavesia, 17.18 -96.44, 2760m

Muhlenbergia pectinata C.O. Goodding
CAN 604498Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221382008-09-09
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Puebla Saguarivo @53 mi N of Alamos, 27.343 -108.665, 1540m

CAN 604727Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220582008-09-06
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Yamuco, 1 mi E of hwy N of Rio Uriquecrossing towards Basihuare and Creel, 27.4 -107.489, 1890m

CAN 604619Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   220492008-09-05
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Yamuco, 1 mi E of hwy N of Rio Uriquecrossing towards Basihuare and Creel, 27.4 -107.489, 1890m

CAN 604510Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   221872008-09-13
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), @21 mi N of El Huejote on road towards Surutato, 25.739 -107.567, 1456m

CAN 604546Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   222262008-09-14
Mexico, Sinaloa (State), 3.1 mi N or San Jose de los Hornos, 25.925 -107.638, 1726m

Calamagrostis pringlei Scribn. ex Beal
CAN 602208Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212572007-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 13.1 mi W of El Salto on Hwy 40 and 0.3 mi S on small logging road., 23.757 -105.51, 2800m

Muhlenbergia ramulosa (Kunth) Swallen
CAN 602207Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M.   212582007-10-03
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental, 13.1 mi W of El Salto on Hwy 40 and 0.3 mi S on small logging road., 23.757 -105.51, 2800m

Rhynchospora durangensis Kral & W.W. Thomas
CAN 602397Peterson, Paul M. ; Saarela, Jeffery M. ; Gonzalez Elizondo, M. Socchoro ; Rosen, David J. ; Reid, Christopher S.   212092007-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua (State), Sierra Madre Occidental: 2.1 mi S of Tableteros on road towards La Flor., 23.668 -104.721, 2563m

Page 9, records 801-900 of 1071


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