Search Results (List)

Dataset: CMN-CANM
Taxa: Araceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 357

Canadian Museum of Nature

CAN 542075Ley, Linda M. ; Ireland, Robert R.   28651989-06-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Ottawa Approx. 5 miles south of Albion Road Woodlands, east side of road., 45.3 -75.6167

CAN 29859Munro, J.A.   1351944-06-12
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Ootsa Lake, 53.8 -126.05

CAN 584969Garneau, Michelle ; Gauthier, Robert ; Koro, Nadoum ; Roy, Claude   93-4421993-09-22
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de Lévis, Tourbière \"La Grande Plée Bleue\", grand fossé du sud-ouest, au niveau du pont qui enjambe le fossé., 46.8 -71.1833, 90m

CAN 10141682Shchepanek, Michael J.   48221982-08-13
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Lake Winnipeg N.W. shore. Sandspit on south shore of Long Point. Loc. # 14., 52.9167 -98.7833, 218m

CAN 500878Dugal, Albert W.   585B1980-07-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), South Gloucester Gloucester Township east of Highway 31, east side of Hawthorne Road. N of Dawson\'s woods., 45.3 -75.55

CAN 451231Cecile, Charles P. ; Chamberlain, D. ; Mohr, P.   2911980-08-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Durham Reg. Mun., Oshawa Second Marsh Study Area in Oshawa

CAN 501822Dugal, Albert W.   18271984-09-14
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), South Gloucester Gloucester Township east of Highway 31. East side of Hawthorne Road. Swamp forest next to cattail marsh north of Dawson\'s Woods., 45.3 -75.55

CAN 275248Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J.   67301961-06-18
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Mackenzie River-Yellowknife Highway. Mile 26.6 S

CAN 29860Macoun, John   1875-05-29
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cariboo Land Distr., 53 -122.5

CAN 455292Brunton, Daniel F.   23581980-06-20
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Nipissing Distr. (ON), Findlayson Township 100 m. E. of Park boundary 50 m. N. of Hwy. 60, Algonquin Provincial Park, 45.4667 -78.55

CAN 29861Macoun, John   1875-05-29
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cariboo Land Distr., 53 -122.5

CAN 536180Schueler, Frederick W. IV   174041987-09-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Hastings Co. (ON), Scootamata River At Picnic area, Hwys 7 & 37.

CAN 441022Garton, Claude E.   191551979-08-30
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Pardee Township Abandoned farm Lot B Conc. VIII Pardee Township on H. 593, 5 km. N. of Pigeon River, 48.05 -89.7

CAN 542202Ley, Linda M.   30021989-08-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Ottawa Approx. 5 miles south of Albion Road Woodlands (wetland), east side of Albion Road. Along and around small stream coursing through woods., 45.3 -75.6167

CAN 527464Gazendam, Gerben   24691987-06-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), South Gloucester Gloucester Township east of Highway 31. West side of Hawthorne Road., 45.3 -75.55

CAN 29862Macoun, John   1875-05-29
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cariboo Land Distr., 53 -122.5

CAN 521024Shchepanek, Michael J.   57631984-08-10
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Charlotte Co. (NB), Saint James Parish Near outlet of Canoose Stream from south end of Canoose Flowage. 4 km N.E. of Hwy 745. Loc. No. 2., 45.4 -67.35

CAN 522455Camfield, M.   22331986-08-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), South Gloucester Gloucester Township east side of Hawthorne Road., 45.3 -75.55

CAN 523870Schueler, Frederick W. IV   140651984-09-02
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Bruce Co. (ON), Tobermory 2.3 km east of and 4.8 km south of. Bruce Peninsula National Park

CAN 523847Schueler, Frederick W. IV   12910B1984-06-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Bruce Co. (ON), Mar 3.5 km NNW of.

CAN 475020Shchepanek, Michael J.   38681981-08-11
Canada, Prince Edward Island (Prov.), Kings Co. (PE), Caledonia 2 mi. NW of Caledonia along road from Prowses Pond, 46.0833 -62.7667

CAN 536298Schueler, Frederick W. IV   11070C1982-05-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Wellington Co. (ON), Luther Marsh South end of near Mount View.

CAN 10141677Baldwin, William K.W.   50821953-07-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane, Cochrane District; 2 miles north at Lillabelle Lake; ditch in marshy lakeshore., 49.1086 -81.0331

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10141676Baldwin, William K.W. ; Porsild, Alf Erling   73931957-08-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane District; Abitibi River, Mouth of Abitibi River. Junction of Moose, Abitibi and Cheepash Rivers, Hudson Bay Lowlands, 51.07 -80.9

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10141684Macoun, John ; Herriot, William H.   768861906-06-20
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10141688Scoggan, Homer J.   54891949-07-07
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Hayes River above Knee Lake, 55.2174 -94.2456

CAN 10136752Smith, Galen   18931953-07-08
United States of America, Alaska (State), \"Moose Lake\", a small boggy lake ca. 3 miles northwest of Blair Lake; south side of the Tanana River valley ca. 45 miles south-southwest of Fairbanks, 305m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10136749Anderson, Jacob P. ; Brown, Robert G.   92421946-06-09
United States of America, Alaska (State), Edgerton Highway 9

CAN 10141679Porsild, Alf Erling   43541929-07-06
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), James Bay; Charlton Island, 52 -79.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10141678Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J.   38591952-08-08
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane District

CAN 10141689Scoggan, Homer J. ; Baldwin, William K.W.   71041950-06-16
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Turtle Mt, South of Boissevain., 49.0555 -100.066

CAN 10141683Schofield, Wilfred B. ; Crum, Howard A.   70131956-07-27
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Vicinity of Churchill. Fort Churchill, Goose Creek., 58.77 -94.17

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10141686Scoggan, Homer J.   68501949-08-20
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Wekusko Lake: ... shore of Crowduck Bay., 54.8796 -99.7084

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10141687Scoggan, Homer J.   66631949-08-15
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Wekusko Lake; at portage to Snow Lake road, Berry Bay, 54.8161 -99.9519

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10141675Winterhalder, Keith W. ; Soper, Dr. James H.   10631976-07-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Manitoulin District; Dawson Township, lots 37-39, Conc. XI-XII. Along trail from west side of Totten Lake NW to the shore. Manitoulin Is, L. Huron. JHS Loc. No. 834B, 45.93 -83.18

CAN 10141681Bennett, Bruce A. ; McLennan, D. ; Stewart, H. ; Gibbs, B.   10-2262010-07-10
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Wapusk National Park, Nelson River, mouth of 10 km N of Fort Nelson, 57.1643 -92.5057, 2m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10141680Baldwin, William K.W. ; Hustich, I. ; Kucyniak, James ; Tuomikoski, Risto   4461947-07-14
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Fort George: large sandy island in river mouth with H.B. C. post and settlement., 53.8333 -78.9939

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10141685Scoggan, Homer J.   28131948-06-22
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Norway House, off north end of Lake Winnipeg: swampy shores of island in Little Playgreen Lake, 54.0124 -97.7896

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10136750Spetzman, Lloyd A.   4952A1963-08-10
United States of America, Alaska (State), Oxbow Lake in Yukon Valley near Circle

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CAN 10136751Anderson, Jacob P.   69411941-06-26
United States of America, Alaska (State), Eklutna

CAN 10031737Porsild, Alf Erling ; Porsild, R. Thorbjörn   34721928-08-24
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), 1500 ft. Etacho Point (Big Point), 66 -121.5

CAN 517024Shchepanek, Michael J.   55521983-08-15
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Rainy River Distr. (ON), Wilson Creek Mouth of Creek at Rainy River Atwood Township Loc. #17., 48.8 -94.6833

CAN 435726Darbyshire, Stephen J. ; Burgham, M.   4551978-08-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Northumberland Co. (ON), Presqu\'Ile Point Swampy area south of fingers. Presqu\'Ile Provincial Park, 44 -77.7167

CAN 521931L\'Arrivée, Louis ; Brown, B.   1986-07-07
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lanark Co. (ON), Merrickville Marsh Conc. A, Lots 11-15, Rideau River Montague Township., 44.9 -75.85

CAN 549785Vogg, Adolf   1990-05-21
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Renfrew Co. (ON), McNab Township Concessions A & B Braeside Plateau - Sand Point Alvar., 45.4667 -76.4833

CAN 530463Shchepanek, Michael J.   3322B1980-06-03
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Stormont Dundas & Glengarry United Co., Summerstown Ca 2 miles NE of, at Fraser Creek Charlottenburgh Township., 45.0833 -74.55

CAN 437341Dickson, H. Loney ; Simpson, H.   14021977-08-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Renfrew Co. (ON), Aumond Bay Madawaska Wild River Reserve, 45.2667 -77.3833

CAN 527461Camfield, M.   24661987-06-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), South Gloucester Gloucester Township north of Regional Road 8, west of Hawthorne Road., 45.3 -75.55

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10105646Shchepanek, Michael J.   48231982-08-13
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Lake Winnipeg N.W. shore. Sandspit on south shore of Long Point. Loc. # 14., 52.9167 -98.7833, 218m

CAN 536297Schueler, Frederick W. IV   11070B1982-05-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Wellington Co. (ON), Luther Marsh South end of near Mount View.

CAN 10031735Porsild, Alf Erling   73751935-06-12
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Mackenzie River Delta: East branch., 68.6667 -134.117

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10105659Shchepanek, Michael J.   50511982-08-17
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Qu\'Appelle River Valley Qu\'appelle River near Marieval. Loc. # 26, Grayson Rural Mun., 50.5833 -102.633

CAN 548011Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Ireland, Robert R.   86791990-07-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leeds and Grenville United Co., South Crosby Township East end of Opinicon Lake, Davis Lock (Rideau Canal) 7.5 km SW of Elgin., 44.5667 -76.3, 122m

CAN 10031736Porsild, Alf Erling   73051934-09-01
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), 68.2 -135

CAN 523929Schueler, Frederick W. IV   156151985-11-07
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Range 5 Coast Land Distr., Fraser Lake South shore of 18.1 km west of Fort Fraser ca 2 km east of Fraser Lake (town)., 54.05 -124.833

CAN 10031734Porsild, Alf Erling   69321933-11-02
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Between Eskimo Lakes and Mackenzie E. Branch., 68.6667 -132.283

CAN 445855Chevalier, P.   81979-07-24
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de la Vallée-du-Richelieu, Ile A Bleury Ile du Fleuve Saint-Laurent Archipel de Boucherville, 45.6333 -73.4667

CAN 459814Botham, Wilfred   7871968-08-31
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), (Point Pelee National Park). Point Pelee, 41.9667 -82.5167

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CAN 10031733Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J.   1961-08-03
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Mile 49 S., 62.7333 -115.733

CAN 500877Dugal, Albert W.   585A1980-07-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), South Gloucester Gloucester Township east of Highway 31, east side of Hawthorne Road. N of Dawson\'s woods., 45.3 -75.55

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CAN 10031732Aiken, Dr. Susan G.   88-4301988-07-21
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Inuvik 20 km south of., 68.1667 -133.717

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CAN 10031742Porsild, R. Thorbjörn   17581968-08-05
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Ogilvie Mountains: along Dempster Highway near Mile 82; S. end of Chapman Lake

CAN 10031739Porsild, R. Thorbjörn   3211966-07-25
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Ogilvie Mts.: lake west of Dempster Rd. near mile 65, 1143m

CAN 10031738Porsild, Alf Erling ; Breitung, August J.   11.5271944-08-08
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Canol Rd.: Mile 200 Ross R. valley; lake west of Lewis Lake

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10031740Porsild, R. Thorbjörn   4851966-08-16
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Ogilvie Mts.: lake west of Dempster Rd. near mile 65, 1143m

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CAN 10031743Schofield, Wilfred B.   80261957-07-28
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Vicinity of Mackintosh (Mile 1022, Alaska Highway): Sulphur Lake (Mile 1038).

CAN 10031744Porsild, Alf Erling ; Breitung, August J.   11.1691944-07-07
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Canol Rd.: Pelly R. Valley; south of Pelly R.. Mile 136-138

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CAN 10031741Porsild, R. Thorbjörn   12001967-08-21
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Vicinity of Mayo, 63.5833 -135.75, 503m

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CAN 10031731Porsild, Alf Erling   1929-07-06
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Charlton I., Charlton Island, 52 -79.5

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CAN 10105669Harms, Vernon L.   183861971-07-23
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), McAneely Creek; Turnor Lake area; 2 mi. SW of Turnor Lake Village. Bridge-site over McAneely Creek., 56.45 -108.73

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CAN 10105645Bernard, J.   58-2281958-06-18
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), ruisseau a 1 1/2 mille a l\'ouest d\'Otterburne

CAN 10105661Richardson, Dr.   281151820-06-00
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Saskatchewan [likely]

CAN 10105649Scoggan, Homer J. ; Baldwin, William K.W.   71051950-06-15
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Max Lake; Turtle Mountain, south of Boissevain

CAN 10105666Macoun, John   625011896-07-20
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Brandon; near railway bridge in Brandon

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CAN 10141694Dutilly, Arthème H. ; Lepage, Ernest   166891946-09-05
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lake River (Nakitawisagi), James Bay, 54.3667 -82.5333

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CAN 10141690Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Dugal, Albert W.   92671992-06-14
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Longbow Lake, Kenowa District, Kirkup Twp.; East end of Longbow Lake off Hwy 71., 49.72 -94.25

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CAN 10105658Johansen, Frits   2421920-07-00
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Moose Factory, 51.2667 -80.65

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CAN 10105652Macoun, John ; Herriot, William H.   768881906-06-23
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), 4 miles west of Hamiota, along Grand Trunk Pacific Railway

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CAN 10141691Baldwin, William K.W.   14711949-06-21
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), James Bay; Moose River Estuary: Moosonee, around railhead settlement., 51.2796 -80.6355

CAN 10105662Macoun, John   281141880-08-14
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Cypress Hills

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CAN 10141693Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J.   38161952-08-05
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Hearst, Cochrane District: 8 miles north at L. Therese., 49.8039 -83.6578

CAN 10105651Scoggan, Homer J.   28121948-06-22
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Little Playgreen Lake; Norway House, off north end of Lake Winnipeg; island in lake

CAN 10105670Baldwin, William K.W.   111841967-07-08
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Meadow Lake Provincial Park; Waterhen River Bridge; Loc. No. 3P, 54.63 -107.78

CAN 10105664Macoun, John   139941896-07-02
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), south of Prince Albert

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CAN 10105663Macoun, James M.   281171888-07-20
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Methye River

CAN 10105665Macoun, John   139931895-08-16
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Indian Head; Experimental Farm

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CAN 10136754Smith, Galen   23011954-05-16
United States of America, Alaska (State), Tok Highway 29 miles north east of Gulkana, Copper River basin., 610m

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CAN 10105647Scoggan, Homer J.   90511951-07-05
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Lake Winnipeg; opposite Hecla Island; Riverton

CAN 10136756Gjaerevoll, Olav   13851953-08-22
United States of America, Alaska (State), Tangle Lake.

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10105674Dumais, Madelaine G. ; Anderson, K.   3368b1968-07-15
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Cold Lake; on E side of French Bay along the Alta-Sask. Boundary.

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10136755Smith, Galen   18941953-07-08
United States of America, Alaska (State), \"Moose Lake\", a small boggy lake ca. 3 miles northwest of Blair Lake; south side of the Tanana River valley ca. 45 miles south-southwest of Fairbanks, 305m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10105650Scoggan, Homer J.   35391948-07-08
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Cross Lake; 45 mi. north of Lake Winnipeg

CAN 10105675Macoun, John   281191872-09-07
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Athabasca Plains

CAN 10105654Garton, Claude E.   30441944-06-24
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Sturgeon Creek

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CAN 10105672Dumais, Madelaine G. ; Anderson, K.   19901968-05-27
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), 18 mi. W of Ryley, on road to Miquelon Lake, ca. 30 mi SE of Edmonton

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CAN 10136758Anderson, Jacob P.   92091944-07-18
United States of America, Alaska (State), Midway Lake; Mile 1292, Alaska Highway

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CAN 10105657Smith, R.H.   1111944-07-07
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), west shore of James Bay; Eckwan River, 53.17 -82.27

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CAN 10105656Gillett, John M. ; Cody, William J.   18041948-06-24
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill; near Warkworth Creek, 57.63 -94.08

CAN 10136757Anderson, Jacob P.   13791931-08-18
United States of America, Alaska (State), Matanuska

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CAN 10136753Anderson, Jacob P.   13791931-08-18
United States of America, Alaska (State), Matanuska

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