CAN 10173204 de Vries, Bernard 2149-64 1964-07-01
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Collecting station approximate 1 mile west of Whiskey Gap, (Wiskey gap 5 mile south of Jefferson) and Approx. 18 miles east of Carway (#2148-64) The only station observed between Whiskey Gap & Carway.
CAN 10173205 de Vries, Bernard 2149-64 1964-07-01
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Collecting station approximate 1 mile west of Whiskey Gap, (Wiskey gap 5 mile south of Jefferson) and Approx. 18 miles east of Carway (#2148-64) The only station observed between Whiskey Gap & Carway.
CAN 10066200 Oldenburg, Margaret E. 45-58 1945-06-21
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Lobstick Pt, 70 miles N. of McMurray on the Athabasca River., 57.752 -111.351
CAN 10091329 Pringle, Cyrus G. 6324 1896-00-00
Mexico, Morelos (State), Near Cuernavaca., 1585m
CAN 10091331 MacBride, James F. 909 1911-06-17
United States, Idaho (State), Owyhee Co., Silver City, 2134m
CAN 167162 Pringle, Cyrus G. 3847 1891-09-17
Mexico, Jalisco (State), Guadalajara Near.
CAN 10091335 Pringle, Cyrus G. 8644 1902-07-15
Mexico, Jalisco (State), Near Guadalajara.
CAN 10091330 Pringle, Cyrus G. 8656 1902-08-16
Mexico, Distrito Federal (MX) (Terr.), Near Tlalpam., 2225m
CAN 10066206 Milne, Mrs. F. B. 45-37 1945-05-01
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Fort Fitzgerald., 59.8617 -111.606
CAN 10066204 Milne, Mrs. F. B. 45-51 1945-06-03
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Fort Fitzgerald., 59.8617 -111.606
CAN 10142770 Wilson, W.J. 53954 1902-07-07
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), W of James Bay; 60 miles up Kapiscow R., 52.3754 -82.9478
CAN 10091333 Lamson 271 1883-06-09
United States, Montana (State), West Gallatin River.
CAN 542012 Soper, Dr. James H. ; Fraser, F.A. 11375 1965-08-29
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Coldwell Lake Just SE of Port Coldwell station., 48.75 -86.5333
CAN 542014 Soper, Dr. James H. ; Fraser, F.A. 11228 1965-07-02
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Rossport Point West of the Rossport railway station Lake Superior., 48.8167 -87.55
CAN 450999 Cecile, Charles P. ; Mohr, P. ; Chamberlain, D. 57 1981-06-02
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Durham Reg. Mun., Oshawa Second Marsh Study Area in Oshawa
CAN 15022 Eastham, J.W. 11521 1944-06-21
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Flying U Ranch., 53.4 -122.033
CAN 381561 Brayshaw, Thomas C. ; Barrett, D. 1971-07-01
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., Between Attachie and Bear Flat., 56.25 -121.333, 610m
CAN 584159 Charest, René ; Brouillet, Luc ; Hay, Stuart G. ; Bouchard, André 96-1903 1996-07-28
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Terra Nova Distr., (Terra Nova National Park). Bonavista South Dist. Blue Hill., 48.6 -53.9333, 229m
CAN 10045645 Raup, L.G. 12975 1944-08-27
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Vicinity of Pine Creek, near mi. 1019., 60.7833 -137.583
CAN 448130 Riley, John L. ; Hoy, Douglas A. 3145 1976-07-01
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Marathon North side of Highway 17, 7.7 mi. east of Marathon Loc. # 118, 48.7 -85.2333
CAN 540948 Haber, Dr. Erich ; Bristow, Valerie N. 3906 1988-08-21
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Victoria Co. (NB), Clearwater Brook Hwy 108, 36 km east of Plaster Rock., 46.8778 -66.9583
CAN 10045646 Drury, William H. Jr. ; Raup, Karl A. 13241 1948-06-25
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Vicinity of Pine Creek, Alaska Highway near mi. 1019, 60.7833 -137.583
CAN 541967 Soper, Dr. James H. ; Fraser, F.A. 11220 1965-07-01
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Cavers Along Lake Superior shore east of the railway station., 48.8833 -87.6667
CAN 10142750 Riley, John L. 6335 1977-07-03
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Attawapiskat River South side of island about 13 miles from town of Attawapiskat Loc. # 214A, 52.9 -82.6667
CAN 544186 J.E. 1960-06-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Algoma Distr. (ON), Pancake River One mile south of Pancake River on Hwy 17., 46.95 -84.6833
CAN 455686 Brunton, Daniel F. 2489 1980-08-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Shirley\'s Bay Point of land on W. side Shirley\'s Bay, 45.3667 -75.9
CAN 10173231 Lewis, G. ; Kulyk, V. 77-43 1977-06-06
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Along north escarpment 1.5 miles west of Medicine Lodge Fire Tower., 1433m
CAN 15023 Eastham, J.W. 11521 1944-06-21
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Flying U Ranch., 53.4 -122.033
CAN 10142745 Riley, John L. 10370 1979-07-05
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Albany River Albany River northwest of the Forks Loc. # 442, 51.2833 -84.8
CAN 10045643 Pearson, A.M. 118 1965-06-27
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), (Kluane National Park and Reserve). Near conflux of Dezadeash, Kaskawulsh & Alsek Rivers, 12 mi. SW Haines Junction, on north side of Kaskawulsh River., 60.7 -137.8, 579m
CAN 10045647 Drury, William H. Jr. ; Raup, Karl A. 13251 1948-06-25
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Vicinity of Pine Creek, Alaska Highway near mi. 1019., 60.7833 -137.583
CAN 544190 Soper, Dr. James H. ; Stebelsky, Ihor 9096 1960-06-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Algoma Distr. (ON), Pancake River Along Hwy 17 about 1 mile south of., 46.95 -84.6833
CAN 434453 Garton, Claude E. 18237 1978-06-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Kaministiquia River Old gravel quarry on L. bank of Kaministiquia R. 800 m. W. of river on Strawberry Creek off H. 102, Dawson Rd. Lots 12 km. NNW. of+, 48.5333 -89.5833
CAN 276826 Correll, Donovan S. 1943-07-02
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., 57.2333 -122.717
CAN 526287 Shchepanek, Michael J. 6895 1985-07-15
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Charlotte Co. (NB), Digdeguash 2 km north of Digdeguash River Saint Patrick Parish Loc. # 17., 45.2 -66.95
CAN 10045641 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 4881 1959-06-29
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway. Mile 20., 60.8667 -116.5
CAN 544169 Dumais, Madelaine G. 536 1963-06-08
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leeds and Grenville United Co., Mallorytown Ca 2.5 miles E of Mallorytown, N of Hwy 401, Yonge Township township line Elizabeth and Yonge Townships, Lansdowne Township. (Loc. 5). St. Lawrence Islands National Park, 44.4833 -75.8833
CAN 494848 Gillett, John M. 19235 1985-07-10
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de Témiscamingue, Ile Du College Igneous bare rock shore, 47.3333 -79.5
CAN 436448 Shea, Garry A. 10636 1976-08-15
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Algoma Distr. (ON), Barrel Rapids Near Barrel Rapids along Missinaibi River, 48.55 -83.3167, 259m
CAN 10045642 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 5036 1959-07-08
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Along Yellowknife Highway 16 1/2 miles north of Mackenzie River., 61.3333 -117.333
CAN 544188 Soper, Dr. James H. ; Britton, Donald M. 9719 1963-06-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Nipigon Five miles west of Nipigon on Hwy 17. JHS Loc. No. 626., 49.0167 -88.3333
CAN 448044 Riley, John L. ; Hoy, Douglas A. 3274 1976-07-02
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Pic Township Roadside disturbed meadow .75 mi. north of the centre of South Huron Bay (Indian Reserve Community) Loc. # 124, 46.6167 -86.2667
CAN 10045644 Raup, L.G. 11971 1944-06-26
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Vicinity of Pine Creek, near mi. 1019., 60.7833 -137.583
CAN 435499 Shea, Garry A. 10594 1976-08-19
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Algoma Distr. (ON), Peterbell Along Missinaibi River, 48.6 -83.35, 259m
CAN 521904 Brown, B. ; Riman, J. 1986-06-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Marlborough Ward Conc. 5, Lot 16., 45.0667 -75.8
CAN 15024 Abbe, Ernst C. 3555 1932-06-12
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr., North bank of Peace Riv. at Taylor Flat. Alt 1600 ft., 56.1333 -120.667
CAN 482397 Dugal, Albert W. 230 1976-06-16
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Shilo C.F.B. Shilo North Cypress Rural Municipality ca 15 miles E.S.E. of Brandon, 49.7833 -99.6333
CAN 440169 Forsythe, J.A. 982 1978-08-02
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Northumberland Co. (NB), Burnt Lake 6 km. S.W. of Burnt Lake. Route 108, 50 km. west of Renous, 46.7833 -66.4167
CAN 544187 Soper, Dr. James H. ; Dickinson, W.S 11819 1967-07-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Keemle Lake Ca 20 miles north of Nipigon on Hwy 11. JHS Loc. No. 764., 49.2833 -88.1
CAN 323528 Koski, W.R. 1969-06-29
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Sudbury Distr. (ON), Geneva Creek Hart Twp. north of Sudbury, 46.6833 -81.7
CAN 544189 Soper, Dr. James H. ; Britton, Donald M. ; Lindsay, D.R. 9683 1963-06-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Mount McQuaig Near Fort William (Thunder Bay City). JHS Loc. No. 624., 48.2833 -89.4
CAN 451837 Webber, J.M. 2403 1980-05-29
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Peel Reg. Mun., Mississauga SW of junction of QEW and Mississauga Road, 42.55 -79.6333
CAN 452150 Garton, Claude E. 19470 1980-06-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Paipoonge Township W. side of H. 130, 1 km. N. of Candy Mt. Road. Lot 16, Conc. II. 6 km. SW. of Thunder Bay City, 48.3 -89.4833
CAN 504993 Brownell, V.R. ; Catling, Dr. Paul M. 83-73 1983-06-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Elgin Co. (ON), Clearville 2.5 miles NE of Elgin - Kent County Shoreline candidate nature reserve Aldborough Township UTM 450023., 42.4833 -81.6667, 175m
CAN 10045640 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 5473 1959-07-19
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway; along road near east bank of Kakisa River near ford across river., 60.9667 -117.25
CAN 276825 Correll, Donovan S. 10204 1943-06-21
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Peace River Land Distr.
CAN 10142744 Baldwin, William K.W. 10096 1964-07-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Low Shoal Island, 50.9667 -79.55
CAN 478212
CAN 10173229 Macoun, John 4391 1891-07-14
CAN 10173230 Samson 68871 1905-06-20
CAN 10142763 Baldwin, William K.W. 8751 1961-06-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora District; Upper English River Forest Section; Lac Seul: near Hudson\'s Bay Company Post, 50.32 -92.28
CAN 10173243 264
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10142796 Scoggan, Homer J. 8426 1951-06-17
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Bird\'s Hill: 10 mi. ne. of Winnipeg, 49.975 -97.0053
CAN 10103272 4557
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10173014 8937
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)
CAN 10145537 Porsild, Alf Erling 8453 1941-09-04
Denmark, Greenland (Terr.), Godthaab Distr.: Ameralik Fj, Ameragdla Arm, Kilaersarfik, 64.25 -50.17, 305m
CAN 10173237 13794
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10142758 Hustich, I. 1356 1956-07-21
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Fort Severn: near H.B.C. post. 10 miles up the river., 56 -87.63
CAN 10142804 Scoggan, Homer J. 9329 1951-07-11
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Grahamdale, 120 mi. nw. of Winnipeg, 51.3922 -98.4997
CAN 10142777 Baldwin, William K.W. ; MacPherson, J. 10351 1966-07-04
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Wasagaming, east road towards Norgate along Whirlpool River, Riding Mountain National Park; Loc. No. 32N, 50.67 -99.85
CAN 10173257 22349
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10142800 Scoggan, Homer J. 6294 1949-07-30
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Nelson River: opposite Gillam Island, near head of tide about 15 miles above Port Nelson., 56.9323 -92.8202
CAN 10173250 1373
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10142756 Baldwin, William K.W. 1562 1949-06-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), James Bay; Moose River Estuary: Moose Factory, large island with settlement., 51.2628 -80.5993
CAN 10173024 4386
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)
CAN 10145539 Hustich, I. ; Kallio, Paavo 536 1963-07-19
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Northwest River area, 50.5333 -60.1333
CAN 10173195 2034
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)
CAN 10142782 Macoun, John ; Herriot, William H. 70386 1906-06-19
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Collected along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway; 4 miles east of Forest
CAN 10142773 Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Dugal, Albert W. 9211 1992-06-13
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Carberry. Spruce Woods Provincial Forest: South east corner, 20 km south of Carberry. Loc. #11., 49.73 -99.28
CAN 10142771 Macoun, John 27350 1880-06-26
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), East of Pipestone Creek
CAN 10103154 3709
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10142803 Scoggan, Homer J. 9613 1951-07-16
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), St. Laurent, east coast of Lake Manitoba, 50 mi. nw. of Winnipeg, 50.4128 -97.9408
CAN 10173246 1032
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10173198 13796
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)
CAN 10173236 25143
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10142762 Moir, D.R. 4273 1957-07-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Vicinity of Sandy Lake. Small island at east end of lake., 53.0333 -92.9167
CAN 10173253 448
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10180422 Oldham, Michael J. 36279 2009-07-05
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane, James Bay coast, southeast side of James Bay, 50 km ENE of the mouth of the Moose River, 11 km W of the Quebec border, East Point Important Bird Area (IBA 147), 51.4036 -79.6784
CAN 10173239 15520
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10171682 Garton, Claude E. 12033 1969-07-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay District; main line C.N.R. at Armstrong, 50.3 -89.13
CAN 10142755 Spreadborough, William 62646 1904-07-15
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Moose Factory, James Bay, 51.2667 -80.65
CAN 10142775 Cairnes, C.E. 89672 1915-07-20
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill River, 58.7958 -94.2042
CAN 10142784 Scoggan, Homer J. ; Baldwin, William K.W. 7168 1950-06-14
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Souris River: about 8 miles north of Minto (Route 10)., 49.5158 -100.017
CAN 10142768 Moir, D.R. 4084 1957-07-10
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Vicinity of Sandy Lake; Margin of small island off north shore of Sandborn Bay., 52.9679 -93.4138
CAN 10142743 Dickinson, W.S. ; Haber, Dr. Erich 555 1968-08-03
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane County; Moosonee; At Lands & Forest Check Point ca. 10 mi. NE. of Moosonee on NW. bank of Moose River on point S. & opposite Shipsand\'s Is. of * * N. of Nicholson\'s Creek. Moose Tp, 51.3 -80.5
CAN 10173242
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)
CAN 10173200 13792
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)
CAN 10142772 Bennett, Bruce A. ; Stewart, H. 10-279 2010-07-12
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Wapusk National Park, Owl River, 57.8192 -92.8825, 5m
CAN 10173029 2031
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)
CAN 10142752 Porsild, Alf Erling ; Baldwin, William K.W. ; Sjörs, Hugo ; Sjörs, Gunnel 20311 1957-07-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Hudson Bay Lowlands: Attawapiskat River: General vicinity of junction with Muketei R., 53.13 -83.3