Search Results (List)

Dataset: CMN-CANM
Taxa: Rosaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 13023

Canadian Museum of Nature

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10064134Baldwin, William K.W. ; Hustich, I. ; Kucyniak, James ; Tuomikoski, Risto   8061947-07-27
Canada, Québec (Prov.), East Coast of Hudson Bay; Sucker Creek

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10155784Baldwin, William K.W.   83251960-07-18
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Watcomb 8 mi. W. in Abitibi Company limits near bridge over English River, 49.8667 -91.5333

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10063386Yurtsev, B.A.   102641990-07-26
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Quttinirpaaq National Park Reserve. Tanquary Fiord Quad, Yelverton Pass area, near Yelverton Lake, 81.6167 -78.25, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10122633   1853-07-29
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill, 58.7667 -94.1667

Geum rossii (R. Br.) Ser.
CAN 10062812Pearson, Arthur M.   67-2091967-07-04

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10069603Porsild, R. Thorbjörn   19141969-07-15
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), South Yukon: Braeburn Lake, 61.45 -135.8

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10156227Polunin, Dr. Nicholas V.   19131936-08-13
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill, 58.7667 -94.1667

Potentilla nana Willd. ex Schlecht.
CAN 10116155McIlhenny, E.A.   871898-06-29
United States of America, Alaska (State), mostly near Pt. Barrow

CAN 536347Schueler, Frederick W. IV   184401988-09-24
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cariboo Land Distr., 10 km WSW of settlement 1.8 km east of Boot Lake along Blackwater-Batnuni Road., 53.2833 -123.133

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10122526Scoggan, Homer J.   55791949-07-10
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Hayes River: between Swampy Lake and Brassey Hill, about 120 mi. southwest of York Factory, 55.4475 -93.7804

CAN 10156127Hustich, I.   16861956-08-05
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Big Trout Lake Near Trout Lake H.B.C. post, 53.8167 -89.8833

CAN 69903Reeves, J.   711950-00-00
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Bruce Co. (ON), Oliphant

CAN 69036Macoun, John   1901-05-20
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Niagara Reg. Mun., Niagara, Ont.

CAN 232350Baldwin, William K.W.   55881954-05-28
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Timiskaming Distr. (ON), New Liskeard 1 mi. W. in Dymond Township

CAN 357365Gillett, John M. ; Seaborn, J.R.   139191967-07-04
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Gatineau Park . Transect from east end of Lac Philippe to Lusk Cave and Lac Charette, Lac Lebrun area and return., 45.5833 -76

CAN 10136098Garrah, Katherine   KG 79-202008-07-18
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora, 52.8721 -83.9222

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10116746Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Sokoloff, Paul C. ; Levin, Geoffery A.   124012021-08-20
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Qikiqtaaluk Region, Agguttinni Territorial Park, esker east of Erik River canyon on west side of tributary river, 7.3 km south of mouth of Eric River at head of Gibbs Fiord, 70.5494 -72.5506, 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10116741Gillespie, Dr. Lynn J. ; Sokoloff, Paul C. ; Levin, Geoffery A.   12370b2021-08-20
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Qikiqtaaluk Region, Agguttinni Territorial Park, valley on west coast of Clark Fiord, opposite Ullainnagaq [cape] on Qikiqtaaluk [island], 1.4 km northwest of river mouth, northeast side of valley, 71.0962 -72.1027, 90m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10156039Scoggan, Homer J.   59371949-07-20
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), York Factory: By Hudson Bay post in Silurian formation., 57.0027 -92.3047

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10180130   14974
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)

CAN 69708Jack, J.G.   111899-08-25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Spiraea alba Du Roi
CAN 10156550Bentley, P.A.   576221957-09-02
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Blacky Bay S. shore Kakagi Lake. Bog at E. end of Blacky Bay, 49.1667 -93.8167

CAN 10121640Cantlon, J.E. ; Gillis, William T.   57-17531957-07-31
United States of America, Alaska (State), c. 10 mi North of Jago Lake on Jago River, 69.75 -143.7

CAN 10156053Winterhalder, Keith W.   1968-08-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Near MCL site 416, Cape Henrietta Maria, 54.78 -82.38

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10070290Rossbach, George B.   64311965-07-02
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Above nw. shore of Thelon River at broad part, 12 mi. by river ne. of Grassy I., 63.8333 -104.083

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10122646   
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)

CAN 10122335   
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)

CAN 118371Fletcher   1879-07-19
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Dominion Springs Near Ottawa

CAN 10065765Oldenburg, Margaret E.   48-11211948-08-21
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), District of Mackenzie. \"Big Lake\", southwest of Melville Mountains., 68.4167 -119.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10156218Baldwin, William K.W.   77851958-07-26
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Wabuk Point Along coast Hudson Bay Lowlands, 55.3333 -85.0833

Sibbaldia tridentata (Aiton) Paule & Soják
CAN 10063876Johansen, Frits   2191920-08-06
Canada, Québec (Prov.), East coast of Hudson Bay

CAN 411897Gillett, John M. ; Boudreau, Mireille J.   175331977-07-28
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cassiar Land Distr., Bank of Katharine Creek. Bay near outlet stream., 57.4333 -126.8, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10104686Harper, Francis   36811953-07-25
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Lake Marymac, 57.02 -68.62, 229m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10083101Klymko, John   02-P162014-07-27
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Nunavik: Island 16, 62.3229 -78.1766

Image Associated With the Occurence
Potentilla arenosa subsp. chamissonis (Hultén) Elven & D.F. Murray
CAN 10121352Bartlett, Rupert W.   4221939-08-12
Denmark, Greenland (Terr.), East Greenland: Grant Fjord (a smaller fjord off Clavering Fjord), Payer Land

Geum vernum (Raf.) Torr. & Gray
CAN 486919Oldham, Michael J.   24781982-05-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Essex Co. (ON), Bois Blanc Island Detroit River, 42.1 -83.1167

Amelanchier arborea (Michx. f.) Fern.
CAN 417885Gillett, John M. ; Shchepanek, Michael J.   179751978-09-14
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Renfrew Co. (ON), Wilberforce Township Lake Dore Hills. Pine ridge NW of Lake Dore, 45.6333 -77.15

CAN 69324ATaylor, Thomas M.C. ; Hosie, R.C.   21891935-07-18
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Algoma Distr. (ON), Mamainse Mountain, 47 -84.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10065761Oldenburg, Margaret E.   43-10581943-09-03
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Victoria I. (NU), District of Franklin. Read Island, Victoria Island., 69.2014 -113.833

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10180144   18247
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)

Amelanchier bartramiana (Tausch) M. Roemer
CAN 69361Fernald, Merritt L. ; Wiegand, Karl M.   55771911-08-08
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Harbour Main-Whitbourne Distr., Headwaters of Rocky River, Avalon Peninsula

CAN 575431Moore, Mary I. ; Turner, Nancy   66251977-06-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Renfrew Co. (ON), Thomas Field, P.F.E.S, by road. Chalk River, 45.9833 -77.4667

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 510976Porsild, Dr. Morten P.   no data1942-08-09
Greenland (Terr.), Disko I., Arctic Station, Lynqmarken

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10069993Baldwin, William K.W. ; Hustich, I. ; Kucyniak, James ; Tuomikoski, Risto   8231947-07-23
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Cape Jones; East Coast of James Bay

CAN 406506Bobbette, Richard S.W. ; Bobbette, S.A.   46941976-06-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Grey Co. (ON), Eugenia Lake. Artemisia Tp, Conc. XII, Lot 29, South Quarter, 2000 ft. E of Eugenia Lake Flume dam. Loc. no. 143P, 44.3333 -80.5167

CAN 10182632Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J.   32741952-07-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Matheson, Cochrane District: around McDougal Falls on banks of Black River, 48.5333 -80.4667

Prunus serotina var. rufula (Woot. & Standl.) McVaugh
CAN 554569Higgins, Larry C.   180981989-04-20
United States, Arizona (State), Gila Co., East of Superior on highway 60, just east of County Line., 33.3558 -110.98, 1402m

CAN 445531Houle, Gilles   76-12361976-09-11

Sibbaldia tridentata (Aiton) Paule & Soják
CAN 10156514Gardner, G.   911930-07-03
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Flin-Flon, 54.7773 -101.848

CAN 497140Vogg, Adolf ; Vogg, Heddy   1881983-07-31
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lennox and Addington Co. (ON), Denbigh 4.25 miles east of on road crossing Glenfield Creek 1 mile north of Glenfield Denbigh Township., 45.125 -77.1792

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10180747   
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)

CAN 411997Gillett, John M. ; Boudreau, Mireille J.   176321977-07-31
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cassiar Land Distr., North of Spiked Peak., 57.6667 -126.75, 1150m

CAN 69278   34297
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lambton Co. (ON), Point Edward

CAN 10120836Hansen, Carlo ; Kliim ; Øllgaard, Benjamin   67-9591967-07-03

CAN 475782Dugal, Albert W.   75-107a1975-07-29
Canada, Nova Scotia (Prov.), Digby Co. (NS), Comeau Cove Clare Municipality, 44.1722 -66.1833

CAN 439427Forsythe, J.A. ; Majka, M.   2091978-06-21
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Albert Co. (NB), Cape Enrage Munson Pond brackish lagoon ca. 2 km. west of Cape Enrage and adjoing beach and field, 45.6167 -64.7833

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10121043Shetler, Stanwyn G. ; Stone, Karl J.   32531959-07-13
United States of America, Alaska (State), Northwest Arctic Coast; west of Pitmegea River about 12 km southeast of Cape Sabine, 68.92 -164.5, 150m

CAN 10064026Russell, J.   361923-08-01
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Fort Rae., 62.8286 -116.052

Sibbaldia tridentata (Aiton) Paule & Soják
CAN 10182857Low, Albert P.   631841899-07-15
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Fort George, James Bay, 53.8333 -78.9939

CAN 10062438Soper, J.   1925-08-31
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Koukdjuak River., 66.7167 -73

CAN 10180745   372
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10070489Aiken, Dr. Susan G. ; LeBlanc, Michelle   04-0322004-07-09
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Baffin I., Ogac Lake, Ney Harbour, inner basin., 62.8367 -67.3578

CAN 10063051McEwen, E.H.   3171955-07-03
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Banks I. (NT), Egg River, 72.5 -124.083

Image Associated With the Occurence
Potentilla hyparctica subsp. elatior (Abrom.) Elven & D.F. Murray
CAN 10001152Consaul, Laurie L. ; Ip, Morgan ; Charette, Don ; Kattuk, Emily ; Ekidlak, Christine ; Meeko, Betsy ; Ippak, Louisa ; Narlik, Johnny ; Narlik, Mary ; Uppik, Sarah ; Ippak, Lucassie ; Kavik, Joe ; Ippak, Shirley ; Ippak, Ronnie ; Inuktaluk, Mina   38132010-06-28
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Flaherty Island. Rocky ledges above fresh lake in lowlands 1 km W of Kihlbay., 56.4722 -79.0417, 30m

CAN 72112Macoun, John   125671896-07-08
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Prince Albert, 53.2 -105.767

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10064542Michaud, Guy   1979-08-01
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de Caniapiscau, Nouveau-Quebec; Lac Caniapiscau, 54.68 -69.37

CAN 401893Brayshaw, Thomas C. ; Barrett, D.   V645101971-07-15
Canada, British Columbia (Prov.), Cassiar Land Distr., Warm Bay, 15 miles (24km ) S of Atlin., 59.4 -133.567, 670m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10070263Brooke, R.A.   21919-06-17
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Mouth of Little Buffalo R, Great Slave Lake, 61 -113.783

CAN 10063029Tener, John Simpson ; Soper, Dr. James H.   8146B1958-07-08
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Ellesmere I., Vicinity of Lake Hazen: southeast slope of McGill Mountain., 81.8333 -71.5833, 457m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 545527Bouchard, André ; Hay, Dr. Stuart G. ; Brouillet, Luc ; Saucier, I.   871401987-07-18
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), The Straits and White Bay Distr., White Bay North Dist.; Burnt Island; 21UWH 869 140; 18-07-1987-31, 61m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10156231Porsild, Alf Erling   54721930-07-03
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill, 58.78 -94.23

Potentilla arenosa subsp. chamissonis (Hultén) Elven & D.F. Murray
CAN 10064011Bell, Dr. Robert   1884-09-15
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Digges I., Digges Islands., 62.5833 -77.8333

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 451497Champagne, J.   681980-07-21
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté D\'Autray, Ile Dupas Iles de Berthier-Sorel Iles du fleuve St-Laurent, 46.1167 -73.1167

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10063646Gillett, John M.   157541972-07-15
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Rankin Inlet, 62.8167 -92.0833

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10070351Pack, G.B.   1927-07-20
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Keno, Mayo District., 63.9167 -135.3

CAN 10061617Porsild, Alf Erling   65091932-06-26
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Mackenzie River Delta: East branch., 68.6667 -134.117

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10180686   27899
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)

CAN 434597Garton, Claude E.   183601978-07-19
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Jacques Township Sideroad 3.2 km. NE. of H. 591, 16 km. N. of Thunder Bay City. L.U. Forest, 48.5167 -89.35

CAN 446331McKay, Sheila M.   6031969-05-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Niagara Reg. Mun., Niagara River 3.5 miles south of Niagara-on-the-Lake

CAN 549205Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Janssen, Elisabeth ; Ley, Linda M.   87151990-08-01
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lanark Co. (ON), Bolton Creek Near 2 km west of Bennett Lake, 9.5 km SW of Fallbrook Bathurst Township., 44.9167 -76.4833

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 229491Rolland   109
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Pont-Blanc, sur la rivière Rideau

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10122305   
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10064392Low, Albert P.   631811899-06-29
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Little Whale River

Image Associated With the Occurence
Geum glaciale J.E. Adams ex Fisch.
CAN 10121132Smith, B.M. ; Purdy, Barbara ; Basso, A.C. ; Chengalath, Ramachendron   CC32511987-07-08
United States of America, Alaska (State), Chandalar River, Atigun Pass, Brooks Range, D.O.T. checkpoint, MP 245

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sorbus decora (Sarg.) Schneid.
CAN 10182865Argus, Dr. George W.   94671974-07-23
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Opinaca Lake Quad; Eastmain River; 15 miles south of Lac Low Camp; Can. Forestry Sv. Locality No. 181, 52.25 -76.38

CAN 416311Thaler, G.R.   5821970-07-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Muskoka (Distr.) (ON), Georgian Bay Islands National Park. Beausoleil Island Park headquarters, 44.8333 -79.8667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amelanchier bartramiana (Tausch) M. Roemer
CAN 10155739Shchepanek, Michael J.   53901983-08-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Pike Lake 1 km SE of junction of Hwys 599 and 642, Loc. #11., 49.7833 -91.1833

Potentilla effusa Dougl. ex Lehm.
CAN 224417   

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10121272Grontved, Johs.   4171932-07-14
Denmark, Greenland (Terr.), Nugssuaq peninsular, Ata

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10069592Porsild, Alf Erling ; Breitung, August J.J.   106261944-07-19
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Canol Rd. mile 102. Rose-Lapie R. Pass. Meadows and grassy slopes near headwaters of Lapie R.

CAN 10064560Rosie, R.M.   3281975-08-21
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Frances Lake East arm of Frances Lake, 61.425 -129.333

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10069781Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J.   48521959-06-28
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Along the Enterprise-Mackenzie River Highway. Mile 12., 60.6667 -116.383

CAN 10064321Baldwin, William K.W. ; Hustich, I. ; Kucyniak, James ; Tuomikoski, Risto   7871947-08-03
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), Bill of Portland I., Bill of Portland Island, 55.375 -77.7167

CAN 486874Oldham, Michael J.   24811982-05-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Essex Co. (ON), Bois Blanc Island Detroit River, 42.1 -83.1167

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10064385Porsild, Alf Erling ; Porsild, R. Thorbjörn   36641928-08-15
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Great Bear Lake: McTavish Arm: North East Fiord in Conjuror Bay., 65.8333 -117.25

CAN 10063130Porsild, Alf Erling ; Porsild, R. Thorbjörn   30371927-08-20
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Eskimo Lake Basin: Narrows between 3rd and 4th lake, 68.75 -133

CAN 10156121Macoun, James M.   1910-07-30
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill, Hudson Bay, 58.7333 -94.1167

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAN 10064555Johansen, Frits   5501916-08-01
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), Herschel I., Herschell Isl.

CAN 222767Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J.J.   45021952-09-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Timiskaming Distr. (ON), Lake Timiskaming Ile du College. 6 mi. N.W. of Ville Marie. On adjacent Mann Island

CAN 10156170Macoun, John   791811910-07-26
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill, 58.7667 -94.1667

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