CAN 10142277 Baldwin, William K.W. 10279 1964-08-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Nattabisha Point, 51.2833 -80.1167
CAN 10006474 Malte, M.O. 1916-08-10
Canada, Yukon Territory (Terr.), 64.0667 -139.433
CAN 10006473 Lambert, J.D.H. 5 1966-08-03
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Upper east branch near G.W.S. Delta Station. Lat. 6753--N, 68.8333 -136.417
CAN 10006461 Hustich, I. 1237 1956-07-30
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Fort Severn: near H.B.C. post, 56 -87.63
CAN 10006472 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 5618 1959-07-21
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), The Enterprise - Mackenzie River Highway: Mile 22-1/2., 60.9333 -116.483
CAN 10006462 Jeglum, J.K. 4226 1971-07-18
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Winisk At the mouth of the Winisk River on Hudson Bay, 55.0833 -85.1667
CAN 10006465 Baldwin, William K.W. 2362 1951-08-05
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Reindeer Lake, Sawbill, 57.62 -101.73
CAN 10006471 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 5948 1959-08-03
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), The Enterprise - Mackenzie River Highway: Mile 6, 60.55 -116.2
CAN 10006463 Riley, John L. 8646 1978-07-18
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Not Named Loc. # 283A, 55.9667 -88.05
CAN 10006469 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 5717 1959-07-27
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), The Enterprise - Mackenzie River Highway: Mile 50., 60.9333 -117.417
CAN 584223 Bouchard, André ; Charest, René ; Hay, Stuart G. ; Brouillet, Luc 96-2393 1996-08-03
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Terra Nova Distr., Bonavista South Dist. Little pond at jct. of TCH and Terra Nova Road. Terra Nova National Park, 48.5042 -53.9972
CAN 10142279 Riley, John L. 10449 1979-07-07
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Not Named Loc. # 452A, 51.2833 -83.4333
CAN 10006466 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 7120 1961-06-30
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), The Mackenzie River - Yellowknife Highway: Mile 6.1 S., 62.45 -114.4
CAN 10006468 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 5730 1959-07-27
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), The Enterprise - Mackenzie River Highway: Mile 42, 60.9333 -117.017
CAN 10106993 Argus, Dr. George W. ; White, David J. 9846 1975-08-14
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Ennuyeuse Creek Head of creek southwest of sand dune system., 58.9833 -109.333
CAN 10142280 Riley, John L. 10655 1979-07-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane Distr. (ON), Not Named Loc. # 480, 50 -85.0333
CAN 10006464 Riley, John L. 7166 1977-07-31
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora Distr. (ON), Shagamu River Mouth of the Shagamu River two miles inland one mile west of river Loc. # 227I, 55.8667 -86.8
CAN 10006467 Riewe, R.R. ; Marsh, J. 281 1976-07-21
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), Aubry Lake, 67.3333 -126.417
CAN 10006460 Babiuk, Sandra 2012-07-29
Canada, Nunavut (Terr.), West Kitikmeot Region: Izok Lake area. Site V66, 65.6875 -112.981, 436m
CAN 10006470 Thieret, John W. ; Reich, Robert J. 5579 1959-07-21
Canada, Northwest Territories (Terr.), The Enterprise - Mackenzie River Highway: Mile 10-1/4., 60.5833 -116.333
CAN 10106984 Macoun, John 1948-07-03
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Porcupine Mountains
CAN 10107000 Harms, Vernon L. 6843 1935-08-13
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), 3 1/2 mi N of Geikie River bridge; SW end of Nekweag Bay of Wollaston L., 57.7444 -103.956
CAN 10145729 Anderson, Jacob P. ; Brown, Robert G. 10177 1946-07-12
United States of America, Alaska (State), Richardson Highway 152
CAN 10106987 Scoggan, Homer J. 76859 1906-06-23
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Opposite Hecla Island, Lake Winnipeg
CAN 10106998 Harms, Vernon L. 22354 1975-08-01
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Ballantyne Bay of Deschambault Lake, 54.55 -103.075
CAN 10106985 Scoggan, Homer J. 9153 1951-07-08
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Harbour bay, near Grand Rapids
CAN 10106986 Krivda, Walter 3459 1948-07-07
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), The Pas
CAN 10106996 Harms, Vernon L. 23372 1975-09-05
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Ca 6 1/2 mi S of Sandy Bay village; ca 1/4 mi E of Nemei River, 55.45 -102.3
CAN 10107009 Raup, Hugh M. 3735 1968-07-24
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Along Upper Salt River, 59.57 -112.25
CAN 10145737 Wassén, Gunnar 203 1967-08-27
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Sandgirt Lake, at outlet of a little creek, 53.92 -65.25
CAN 10172272 Gagnon, Réjean ; Barabé, Denis 7447 1974-08-01
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Territoire de la Baie James; Lac Nathalie, 1/4 mi. au nord, 50.8436 -72.2537
CAN 10145735 1874-07-00
United States of America, Alaska (State), Salen
CAN 10145727 Anderson, Jacob P. ; Brown, Robert G. 10247 1946-07-25
United States of America, Alaska (State), Northway
CAN 10145736 Macoun, James M. 1891-08-29
United States of America, Alaska (State), Attu Island
CAN 10172196 Moir, D.R. 4141 1957-07-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Vicinity of Sandy Lake; about 1/2 mile upstream, north extension of West Arm, 53.0238 -92.9318
CAN 10172271 Lepage, Ernest 33280 1955-07-31
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Riviere Eastmain; behind the Post, 52.242 -78.383
CAN 10107002 Raup, Hugh M. 6615 1935-07-19
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Vicinity of William Pt, L. Athabaska, 59.125 -109.32
CAN 10142278 Brunton, Daniel F. 4627 1983-08-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), 2.0 km S along E shore Newnham Bay at creek, Kesagami Prov. Park; Cochrane District, 50.32 -80.1867
CAN 10172197 Baldwin, William K.W. 9109 1961-07-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora District; Abram Lake: 10 miles northeast into Botsford L. on Sturgeon R., 50.12 -91.72
CAN 10107008 Malte, M.O. 4423 1932-08-28
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Jasper
CAN 10142276 Spreadborough, William 62658 1904-07-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Albany, James Bay, 52.25 -81.6167
CAN 10106988 Scoggan, Homer J. 28063 1881-07-31
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), 45 mi. north of Lake Winnipeg; head of small stream entering Nelson R. between Whitemud Falls and Ebb-and Flow Rapids; north of lake
CAN 10172268 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J. 4285 1952-08-29
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Taschereau, West Abitibi County: road through Privat Township to Proulx Mills. 3 miles southwest of Tascherau, 48.65 -78.75
CAN 10103641 Oldham, Michael J. ; Sutherland, Donald A. 24832 2000-08-28
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora, Polar Bear Prov. Park, fen on both sides of road to Peawanuck Airport, near Winisk River, Hudson Bay Lowlands, 54.9932 -85.4251
CAN 10106999 Harms, Vernon L. ; Skoglund, N.A. ; Wright, R.A. 22452 1975-08-01
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), 1 1/2 - 2 km (about 1 mi.) W. of Island Lake; about 8km. (5 mi.) W. of Cluff Lake; N.E. of prominent dolomite outcrop ridges, 58.2 -109.7
CAN 10172270 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J. 4216 1952-08-24
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Duparquet, West Abitibi County: 7 miles west around L. Hebecourt, 48.5056 -79.3933
CAN 10180436 Oldham, Michael J. ; McMurtry, M.J. ; Page, Stewart ; Howard, A. 40150 2012-07-07
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane, Cockispenny Point, southern James Bay coast, Albany River Estuary Important BIrd Area (IBA), ca. 52 km SE of Fort Albany, 52.0139 -80.9887
CAN 10106997 Harms, Vernon L. 24520 1977-07-18
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), 20 1/2 mi SW of Sandy Bay village (23 1/2 mi SW of Sandy Bay village), 55.35 -102.642
CAN 10106989 Macoun, John ; Herriot, William H. 5228 1996-07-12
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), 4 miles west of Hamiota
CAN 10145732 Drury, William H. Jr. 2342 1949-08-02
United States of America, Alaska (State), near Farewell Lake, 62.55 -153.62
CAN 10107012 Dumais, M. G. ; Anderson, K. 1934-06-25
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Between Round Hill and Logan River, Mile 38 N. of Lac La Biche
CAN 10107011 Dumais, M. G. ; Anderson, K. 153 1981-07-12
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), NE of Lac La Biche, 1 mi. from lake
CAN 10142282 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Porsild, Alf Erling 7416 1957-08-28
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane District; Abitibi River; below Abitibi Junction. Junction of Moose, Abitibi and Cheepash Rivers; Hudson Bay Lowlands, 51.07 -80.9
CAN 10106995 Harms, Vernon L. 23355 1975-09-04
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Ca 2 1/2 mi NE of Bervin Lake (ce % mi SW of SW end of McLennan Lake); 19 mi NE of Otter Rapids crossing of Churchill River (ca 71 mi NE of La Ronge village), 55.83 -104.53
CAN 10183973 Miller, T. 2018-08-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Bruce County, Hay Bay Southwest, Tobermory, Northern Bruce Peninsula, ON
CAN 10145734 Anderson, Jacob P. 7650 1941-08-09
United States of America, Alaska (State), Talkeetna
CAN 10145731 Jordal, Louis H. 3528 1950-07-12
United States of America, Alaska (State), Along Chena Slough, near Fairbanks
CAN 10106991 Hudson, John H. 23382 1975-09-05
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), LSD 8 in 3-45-IW. 3rd
CAN 10142274 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J. 4629 1952-08-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane, Cochrane District: 6 miles west at Welsh L., 49.0584 -81.1627
CAN 10142275 Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J. 3794 1952-08-05
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Hearst, Cochrane District: 8 miles north at L. Therese, 49.8039 -83.6578
CAN 10107007 Argus, Dr. George W. 1539 1928-07-09
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Northeastern corner of Saskatchewan; Vicinity of Hasbala Lake; Southeast side of lake, 59.92 -102.08
CAN 10145724 Smith, B.M. ; Purdy, Barbara ; Basso, A.C. ; Chengalath, Ramachendron CC3207 1987-07-08
United States of America, Alaska (State), 35 km north of Coldfoot, MP 196-197, Dalton Highway
CAN 10145725 Hanson, Herbert C. 502 1950-07-08
United States of America, Alaska (State), Anchorage
CAN 10106992 Breitung, August J. 22771 1975-08-07
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), McKague
CAN 10107001 Harms, Vernon L. 6997 1935-08-26
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Ca 12 mi N of Geikie River crossing; W of Wollaston Lake; ca 2 m E of Micheal Lake. Area of inlet stream from Micheal Lake to lake just S of Huggins Lake, 57.8583 -103.88
CAN 10107010 Raup, Hugh M. ; Abbe, Ernst C. 3829 1968-07-25
Canada, Alberta (Prov.), Shelter Pt. north shore of L. Athabaska, 58.83 -110.83, 213m
CAN 10107003 Raup, Hugh M. (22)62017 1888-07-00
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), S.E. of camp about 2 mi. W. of Ennuyeuese Cr., 59.05 -109.57
CAN 10145733 Drury, William H. Jr. 4703 1950-08-29
United States of America, Alaska (State), McGrath Region; in brook near area 5 runs to Kuskokwim. Across river from McGrath -> Roundabout, 62.95 -155.67
CAN 10107005 Macoun, John 134-63 1963-07-10
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Methye River
CAN 10107004 Raup, Hugh M. 429-63 1963-07-24
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Just N. of base of Bay; Vicinity of base of Cornwall Bay, L. Athabaska., 59.4583 -108.458
CAN 10106994 Harms, Vernon L. 23348 1975-09-03
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Ca 1 mi E of Ballantyne Bay of Deschambault Lake; Ca 5 1/2 mi S of Ballantyne Bay Resort Camp, 54.575 -103.48
CAN 10145728 Anderson, Jacob P. 9070 1944-07-15
United States of America, Alaska (State), Northway Airbase
CAN 10145726 Anderson, Jacob P. ; Brown, Robert G. 10177 1946-07-12
United States of America, Alaska (State), Richardson Highway 152
CAN 10142283 Porsild, Alf Erling ; Baldwin, William K.W. ; Sjörs, Hugo ; Sjörs, Gunnel 20045 1957-07-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Hudson Bay Lowlands; Attawapiskat River: General vicinity of junction with Muketei R., 53.13 -83.3
CAN 10172269 Marie ; Rolland ; Meilleur, René 43701 1953-08-21
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Rouyn; rives du la Dufarret; Abitibi, 48.241 -78.958
CAN 10106990 Macoun, John 466 1936-07-07
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Red Deer Lake
CAN 10145730 Porsild, Alf Erling ; Porsild, R. Thorbjörn 593 1926-06-29
United States of America, Alaska (State), Lake 10 miles west of Fairbanks, 64.87 -148
CAN 10142281 Riley, John L. ; Creighton, P. 4580 1976-07-19
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay District; west side of Highway 643 about 7 mi. north of Cavell cutoff on Highway 643 (182), 50.3 -80.0583
CAN 10107006 Argus, Dr. George W. 1917-08-01
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Northeastern corner of Saskatchewan; Vicinity of Hasbala Lake, 59.92 -102.08
CAN 10142273 Hustich, I. 1213 1952-07-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Mattagami River, Smoky Falls, 50.0612 -82.1655
CAN 10172267 Porsild, Alf Erling 4290 1929-07-06
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), James Bay; Charlton Island
CAN 534730 Shchepanek, Michael J. 8232 1988-06-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Rainy River Distr. (ON), Grassy Portage Bay South side of (Rainy Lake) 1 km south of Nickel Lake Watten Township. Site # 21., 48.7 -93.1167
CAN 551580 Vogg, Adolf 1193 1988-07-17
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lanark Co. (ON), Cedarhill 7.3 m west of hamlet, south of gravel road.
CAN 496897 Vogg, Adolf ; Vogg, Heddy A83 1982-08-02
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Renfrew Co. (ON), La Passe 3.5 miles north of swamp near Ottawa River Westmeath Township., 45.8583 -76.7833
CAN 551684 Vogg, Adolf 1297 1988-08-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lanark Co. (ON), California 3 km northwest of hamlet, at Raycroft Creek.
CAN 517036 Shchepanek, Michael J. 5564 1983-08-15
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Rainy River Distr. (ON), Wilson Creek Mouth of Creek at Rainy River Atwood Township Loc. #17., 48.8 -94.6833
CAN 533424 Vogg, Adolf ; Watters, Sloan 891 1987-09-07
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lanark Co. (ON), Joes Lake 1.9 km west of hamlet on Clyde River., 45.1333 -76.65
CAN 10106923 Baldwin, William K.W. 11167 1967-07-08
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.), Meadow Lake Waterhen River bridge. Meadow Lake Provincial Park Loc. # 3P, 54.6333 -107.783
CAN 458269 Brunton, Daniel F. 2875 1981-06-04
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leeds and Grenville United Co., Gananoque 3 km W of Ivy Lea N shore St. Lawrence River Point Comfort. St. Lawrence Islands National Park, 44.35 -76.0333
CAN 463597 Hrabek, J. ; Reaume, K.C 156 1979-07-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lake St. Clair On Lake St. Clair approx. 5 mi N of where Thames River drains into Lake. Part lot 1,2,3. Conc. 4. St. Clair National Wildlife Area, 42.3667 -82.4
CAN 530388 Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Gillett, John M. 1914 1976-08-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Prescott and Russell United Co. (ON), Casselman West bank of the South Nation River Cambridge Township., 45.3167 -75.1
CAN 319667 Dickinson, W.S 450 1968-07-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Durham Reg. Mun., Scugog Lot 9-10, Conc. XI. ca. 1.7 mi. E. of Scugog Scugog Tp., 44.1833 -78.85
CAN 534469 Shchepanek, Michael J. 7974 1988-06-18
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Rainy River Distr. (ON), Big Traverse Bay (Lake of the Woods). Point of land 3 km west of Hwy 600. Site 6., 48.95 -94.5833
CAN 438051 Simpson, Robert C. 1182 1976-09-05
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Peterborough Co. (ON)
CAN 459789 Botham, Wilfred 95 1962-06-14
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), (Point Pelee National Park). Point Pelee Marsh, 41.9667 -82.5167
CAN 533459 Vogg, Adolf 830 1987-08-03
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Lanark Co. (ON), Pakenham 9.5 km NW of village, on Madawaska Lake, south of Arnprior., 45.3833 -76.35
CAN 474854 Shchepanek, Michael J. 3703 1981-08-08
Canada, Prince Edward Island (Prov.), Kings Co. (PE), Montague Just W of Wightmans Point 4 mi. E of Montague, 46.1667 -62.55
CAN 534684 Shchepanek, Michael J. 8187 1988-06-21
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Rainy River Distr. (ON), Pocket Pond East side of (Rainy Lake) 3 km north of Hwy 11 off Hwy 502, Watten Township. Site # 17., 48.7333 -93.0667
CAN 469789 Brunton, Daniel F. 3575 1982-07-08
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Gloucester Greens Creek Conservation Area SE shore of Green Creek ca. 1 km N of Innis Road, 45.3333 -75.5833
CAN 456167 Brunton, Daniel F. 2722 1980-09-16
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Shirley\'s Bay W. of Grandview Drive 1 km. SE. of Beatty Point, 45.35 -75.85