Search Results (List)

Dataset: CalBG-RSA
Taxa: Amaranthaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 11796

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl.
RSA0112697D. E. Breedlove   186271970-10-07
Mexico, Sonora, Along Mexico Highway 15, 5 miles North of Estacion Don. Municipio of Huatabampo., 61m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl.
RSA0073163Jim André   289212013-09-20
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Black Mountains; eastern base of range, western end of Golden Valley, approx. 15 mi. west of Kingman, 0.8 mi. south of Hwy 68.; Secret Pass 7.5'., 35.2223 -114.3078333, 877m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl.
RSA0033029Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1903-09-11
Mexico, Chihuahua, Colonia Juarez. Sierra Madre Mts., 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl.
RSA0059859Jim M. André   291142014-10-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave National Preserve; Blind Hills, 0.6 mi. west of Essex Rd, 2.9 mi. north of Interstate 40.; Blind Hills 7.5'., 34.82065 -115.3618833, 656m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl.
RSA0033030Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1926-10-27
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo.

Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl.
Scott D. White   56881997-09-27
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Eastbound I-40, 2 miles south of Yucca.; Yucca, 34.8333333 -114.1333333, 524m

Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl.
G. B. Hinton   166851946-10-23
Mexico, Mexico, Near Saltillo., 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl.
RSA0048752J. M. André   290992014-10-08
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave National Preserve; Blind Hills, 0.3 mi. east of Essex Rd, 1.8 mi. north of Interstate 40; Blind Hills 7.5'., 34.8199833 -115.3403167, 654m

Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl.
B. Pitzer   14951990-10-07
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert, Granit Mountains, Hidden Hill Mine, ca. 3 mi. (airline) E of Granite Pass, & S of Quail Spring.115 32.75’W, 34 48.75 ‘N, 34.8125 -115.545833, 1220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tidestromia suffruticosa (Torr.) Standl.
RSA0141125B. C. Tharp   43-5521943-06-28
United States, Texas, Pecos, [Locality information not provided on label.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tidestromia suffruticosa (Torr.) Standl.
RSA0141119James Henrickson   161951977-05-16
Mexico, Coahuila, Sierra de Paila, in the limestone Cañon de Mimbre, 7 (rd) miles NE of Hipolito. On slopes near Hipolito., 25.75 -101.4666667, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tidestromia suffruticosa (Torr.) Standl.
RSA0141126F. R. Fosberg   S33671930-07-29
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana, Pyramid Peak, W. base., 32.198615 -106.607675, 1400m

L. C. Wheeler   89411966-10-01
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: Big Tujunga at Colby Ranch Road., 34.310068 -118.1131, 975m

L. C. Wheeler   89351966-10-01
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: Millie's Orchard, lower Colby Ranch, Coldwater Canyon, 34.303118 -118.113703, 1006m

Scott D. White   56911997-09-27
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, UnknownAbout 12 road miles west of Seligman. Anvil Rock Road (exit no. 109), just south of I-40.; Yampai SE, 35.2833333 -113.0833333, 1738m

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RSA0048620M. Kuljian   731971-07-26
United States, Colorado, University of Colorado Campus., 40.007294 -105.265654, 1631m

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RSA0149888James Snow   s.n.1932-00-00
United States, California, Orange, Bryant Ranch, near Long Beach. Station #1. Plant #5.

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RSA0148852Grant   13961898-08-29
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Port Allerton, Boston Harbor.

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RSA0148955Ted Bradley   34271966-08-22
United States, South Carolina, Beaufort, Beach City at end of co. rd. 334 on Hilton Head Island.

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RSA0148790unknown   s.n.
United States, Maine, Cumberland, Portland.

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RSA0149111Richard W. Pohl   80171959-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, Along Highways 10 and 52, 4.5 miles northwest of Becker.

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RSA0149114Carl Townsend   203371980-10-21
United States, California, Lake, Three plants at edge of driveway. 6938 Monte Mar Drive, Lucerne., 39.080027 -122.783025

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RSA0149112William A. Weber   89661954-10-01
United States, Colorado, Jefferson, Clear creek canyon between Golden and Central central city., 39.736466 -105.387438

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RSA0149113W. A. Weber   s.n.1955-09-18
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Marshall road, 3 mi. s. of Boulder., 39.959606 -105.208117

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RSA0149110H. Hapeman   s.n.1924-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Kearney, Minden., 40.502792 -98.95036

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0049570Jim André   286942014-03-27
United States, California, Inyo, Unknown1.0 mi. ENE of town of Tecopa.; Tecopa 7.5' Quad, 35.85225 -116.2095, 436m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0112082Duncan S. Bell   19822010-10-23
United States, California, Riverside, BLMArica Mountains; northwest section of range; collecting in the vicinity of the California Aqueduct.; East of Granite Pass, 34.06697 -115.02748, 282m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149145E. C. Twisselmann   174721970-09-08
United States, California, Kern, Edwards Air Force Base: Rosamond Boulevard just west of Rosemond Dry Lake., 34.86329 -118.26432, 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149249A. C. Sanders   272942003-10-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, Southern Mojave Desert: NE side of Dale Dry Lake, west of Ironage Rd. at a point ca. 2 miles NW of Hwy 62.; Dale Lake, 34.1422222 -115.6883333, 360m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0148228B. A. Prigge   34451979-06-07
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mesquite Valley, 4 air miles SSW of Sandy, NV., 35.75 -115.6333333, 780m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0148438P. A. Munz   183301973-03-21
United States, California, Riverside, Sandy flat across Highway 111 from Shields Date Gardens between Indio and Palm Desert., 33.7 -116.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149204T. C. Fuller   152171966-09-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, S. of Interstate 40 freeway to Daggett, 2 mi. e. of Barstow. Mojave Desert., 34.88238 -116.97682

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RSA0149148B. A. Prigge   43041980-09-16
United States, California, Riverside, Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel; east of Point Happy at Washington St. x channel, 33 -116, 21m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0148801LeRoy Gross   11762003-10-21
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert; North Central Mojave Desert region. Cat Mountain; In the Cronise Mountains, just north of the Interstate 15 freeway, west of Baker.Exit at Basin Road. Southeast side of the mountains above East Cronise Dry Lake., 35.1191944 -116.2980833, 355m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149202T. C. Fuller   126441964-09-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, S. side of Hwy 66 to Daggett, e. limits of Barstow, Mojave Desert., 34.88061 -116.97447

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0055749R. F. Thorne   486881976-10-30
United States, California, San Bernardino, Granite Mountains, eastern Mojave Desert: Southern, flat, sandy margin of Kelso Dunes., 34.8917 -115.7201, 793m

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RSA0149207Martha Hilend   2321928-04-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, North of Victorville. Mohave Desert.

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RSA0108638Reid Moran   211521973-11-10
Mexico, Baja California, 4 miles west of Ojos Negros., 31.8833333 -116.3666667, 600m

T. C. Fuller   152161966-09-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, s. of Interstate 40 freeway to Daggett, 2 mi. e. of Barstow, San Bernardino Co. Mojave Desert

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149142G. Fred Hrusa   167362005-09-27
United States, California, Inyo, South of Tecopa on rd. to China Ranch date farm. Corner of Old Spanish Trail Rd. & Furnace Ck. Rd. +/- 1/4 mi. up Furnace Ck. Rd., 35.8475 -116.2022222, 457m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149140Thomas Stoughton   10562011-04-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMSouth side of Bristol Lake, SSE of Amboy Crater; Bristol Lake SW 7.5' USGS, 34.44314 -115.74608, 202m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149143Charles Convis   1251980-04-08
United States, California, Imperial, Western Salton Basin, 27 km due WNW of Westmorland; Mark’s wash 200m S of Harper’s Well, 2km E of confluence of Carrizo and San Felipe creeks., 33.09449 -115.90631, -36m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149147R. F. Thorne   553591982-10-08
United States, California, Riverside, Mouth of Whitewater Canyon near Whitewater Post Office in sandy wash between old and new highway bridges and along Whitewater River., 33.9242 -116.6358, 412m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149208T. C. Fuller   188371969-08-21
United States, California, Kern, S. side of highway at w. limits of Boron. Mojave Desert., 34.9941 -117.66016, 747m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149146R. D. Goeden   s.n.1979-03-29
United States, California, Riverside, Coachella Valley: Indio, Monroe St.; Indio33 40' 30''N, 116 16'W, 33.667 -116.267, -6m

Naomi Fraga   41392012-09-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMAt the mouth of Rattlesnake Canyon. Bighorn Mountain Wilderness.; Rattlesnake Canyon 7.5' quad, 34.32945 -116.68867, 1220 - 1250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0149845Duncan S. Bell   21792011-04-07
United States, California, Riverside, The northeast side of the Arica mountains; approximately 2.5 air miles northwest of Priests Well, or approximately 4.3 air miles southwest of the ghost town of Rice., 34.04928 -114.91114, 339m

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RSA0149141Thomas Stoughton   10002011-04-06
United States, California, Riverside, BLMIron Mountains, on southwest side of mountains in wash.; Granite Pass 7.5' USGS, 34.06706 -115.21239, 423m

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RSA0112097Duncan S. Bell   4282009-08-15
United States, California, Riverside, BLMNortheast side of the Arica Mountains, where the railroad tracks cross Midland Road.; Rice, 34.06794 -114.85705, 251m

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RSA0127855G. Rink   119112013-03-22
United States, California, Riverside, About twelve miles west of Blythe, along the power line for the proposed Quartzite solar power plant, NE of the power transfer station., 33.590048 -114.806579, 145m

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RSA0149108Philip A. Munz   s.n.1967-09-07
United States, Utah, San Juan, 5 miles southwest of Mexican Hat., 37.119896 -109.943672

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RSA0149205James Henrickson   162361977-10-17
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ca 18 (air) miles SE of Baker, on road towards Devil's Playground, off Kelbaker Road.

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RSA0149109George Helmkamp   s.n.1993-05-01
United States, Nevada, Nye, Along Nev-160, two miles south of the junction with US-95., 231m

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RSA0203649Sarah J. De Groot   97422018-04-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMValjean Hills; east of old Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad grade D1612, ca. 4.7 road miles north of the Kingston Wash route D152, east of Highway 127. Southwest of the Kingston Range, south of the Dumont Hills, north of Baker.; Valjean Hills 7.5' quad. San Bernardino meridian, 35.65949 -116.1108, 522m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0158312Sarah J. De Groot   89302017-04-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, BLMEast tip of Iron Mountains, south of Danby Lake, west side of Ward Valley, north of pumping station. Ca. 70 m southwest of powerline and Water Road (054).; Danby Lake 7.5'. San Bernardino meridian, 34.16409 -115.11997, 315m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0380818Maria Jesus   4432019-05-19
United States, California, Inyo, Inyo Mountains, Malpais Mesa Wilderness, ~0.9 mi E of jct with CA-136 and CA-190., 36.430177 -117.808284, 1237m

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RSA0541682R. Burgess   71252005-10-07
United States, California, Ventura, Upper Cuyama Valley, Reyes Creek flood plain S of Hwy 33, Los Padres National Forest., 34.696833 -119.321267, 1128m

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RSA0586439Sarah J. De Groot   113262019-07-16
United States, California, Inyo, Death Valley National Park: Saddle at head of Last Chance Canyon, ca. 0.8 air miles southeast of Willow Spring and Cucomungo Canyon; northeast Last Chance Range, Death Valley Wilderness., 37.32524 -117.69356, 1848m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0541585Robert F. Thorne   s.n.1990-10-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, East Mojave Desert: Clark Mountains; Start [mile marker] 6077.3, Junction I-15 and Cima road N to [mile marker] 6249.5, junction Powerline road and Cima road mile marker] 6257.6, junction Powerline road and road to Colosseum mine [mile marker] 6263.6., 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0638899Peri Lee Pipkin   18582022-09-17
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, On the side of yolumne road 0.25 mi North of Hwy 264., 37.5883 -117.9938, 1519m

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RSA0638898Peri Lee Pipkin   18292022-09-02
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, McAffe Canyon rd, about midway., 37.673 -117.8981, 2320m

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RSA0638897Peri Lee Pipkin   18682022-10-01
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, On the road to cow camp 6.6 mi south of the town of Silver Peak., 37.6666 -117.6785, 1345m

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RSA0640075Peri Lee Pipkin   19072022-10-08
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Silver Peak Range. 7.7 road miles from Hwy 266 in White wolf canyon., 37.5969 -117.8796, 1879m

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RSA0640074Peri Lee Pipkin   19072022-10-08
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Silver Peak Range. 7.7 road miles from Hwy 266 in White wolf canyon., 37.5969 -117.8796, 1879m

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RSA0640073Peri Lee Pipkin   13672022-06-23
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Silver Peak Range. McAffe Canyon entrance., 37.6601 -117.9407, 1958m

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RSA0640072Peri Lee Pipkin   18452022-09-16
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Silver Peak Range. South of Gap Spring by 1.4 miles., 37.956 -117.9922, 1417m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
R. F. Thorne   492731977-05-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, Kelso Dunes: east of dunes, c. 4 miles south of Kelso on Kel-Baker Road, 34.95814 -115.64121, 732m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Justin M. Wood   8442009-06-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, City of Colton?Colton Dunes, abandoned building sites 0.5 miles W of the intersection of North Pepper Ave and San Bernardino Ave.; San Bernardino South, 34.075 -117.3583333, 335 - 345m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Scott D. White   35811995-08-23
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto Valley. San Jacinto Riv, just N of City of San Jacinto boundary, ca. 1 mi SE of bridge at State St.; San Jacinto, 33.8166667 -116.95, 463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
RSA0043498Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1913-06-07
United States, Utah, Grand, Moab., 38.573316 -109.54984

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Lester H. Cushman   s.n.1931-10-04
United States, California, Riverside, Near Riverside., 33.966 -117.466

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
L. C. Wheeler   9381932-07-09
United States, California, Riverside, Santa Ana River at Chino Creek., 33.9 -117.65, 152m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
F. W. Peirson   50611924-08-29
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana River, bridge near Santa Ana., 33.74523 -117.91076

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
A. C. Sanders   102031990-10-06
United States, California, Orange, Newport Bay, North Star County Beach area on the SW end of the bay, ca. 2 km inland of Highway 1., 33.6283333 -117.8916667, 1 - 3m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
L. C. Wheeler   11261932-08-06
United States, California, Los Angeles, Citrus grove 2 mi. NNE Claremont, 488m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
J. C. Roos   12301937-06-16
United States, California, San Diego, San Pasqual Valley., 33.0952 -116.9483

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
I. M. Johnston   s.n.1918-08-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, Between Ontario and Colton., 34.0676 -117.4124, 305m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
I. M. Johnston   s.n.1924-08-29
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana River bed, between Aneheim and Santa Ana, 33.792 -117.8803

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
L. C. Wheeler   9601932-07-18
United States, California, Los Angeles, 2 mi. N Claremont., 412m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
J. C. Roos   s.n.1965-09-26
United States, California, Riverside, In Indio., 33.724 -116.234

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
J. C. Roos   s.n.1965-09-26
United States, California, Riverside, In Indio., 33.724 -116.234

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Beecher Crampton   1701941-06-08
United States, California, Merced, 1.5 miles south of Delhi.

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
L. C. Wheeler   63771946-09-28
United States, California, Orange, Newport Bay: Near point where main coast highway crosses.. ., 33.61683 -117.90509, 2m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Lester H. Cushman   s.n.1932-08-24
United States, California, Riverside, Near Vineland, where the Valley Blvd. crosses the San Bernardino Co. line.

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
P. H. Raven   168481961-10-15
United States, California, Orange, Anaheim: Santa Ana River Bed at Anaheim Street crossing, 33.74523 -117.91076, 61m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Steve Boyd   20871987-05-09
United States, California, Riverside, City of Riverside, J.V. Boyd residence, 2307 Oak Crest.

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
B. Pitzer   17341991-06-04
United States, California, San Diego, De Luz Canyon: Along De Luz-Murrieta Road and De Luz Creek., 33.45 -117.2916667, 150m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
J. T. Howell   9681928-05-13
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana River bottom, Rancho Santa Ana., 33.8726 -117.7073, 152m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Joseph A. Ewan   77291932-07-29
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana River near Costa Mesa., 33.6551 -117.92484

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
RSA0105829Alan Romspert   s.n.2000-07-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Santa Ana Riverbed and Riverside Avenue transect., 34.025664 -117.363406

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
C. B. Wolf   101941941-05-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert. S.E. end of Kelso Sand Dunes. 7 mi. S. of Kelso on Amboy Rd., 34.91565 -115.66442, 762m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
I. M. Johnston   13631917-07-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ontario., 34.0647 -117.64376

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
A. R. Roos   15321938-09-05
United States, California, San Joaquin, Manteca, San Joaquin Valley.

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Justin M. Wood   1782008-09-30
United States, California, Riverside, SW Perris Basin: Temecula - Murrieta Creek, downstream of 1st street bridge.; Temecula, 33.4833333 -117.1416667, 293 - 305m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
R. F. Thorne   512131978-05-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, Kelso Dunes: southern edge of Kelso Dunes near Bull Canyon Wash from Granite Mountains., 34.88207 -115.73737, 732m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
I. M. Johnston   s.n.1920-05-08
United States, California, San Bernardino, Wineville., 33.98847 -117.50915

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Ralph Hoffmann   s.n.1930-05-19
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave River, Daggett., 34.86287 -116.88755

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Steve Boyd   117742007-10-10
United States, California, San Bernardino, City of Colton, remnant of Colton Dunes, vacant lot between Colton Municpal Golf Course and Arrowhead Regional Medical Center at end of 200 block of Eucalyptus Ave;between Valley Blvd to south and San Bernardino Ave. to north., 34.07279 -117.35723, 335m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Christopher Davidson   58671977-05-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, East Mojave Desert, ca. 2 miles S of Kelso on Kelbaker Rd. (E of Kelso Dunes), 34.97803 -115.6476, 671m

Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult.
Scott Martens   1221980-05-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, Old Dad Mountains- Kelso Mountains Area: 9 mi. N, 15.5 mi. W of Kelso., 35.144586 -115.929997, 518m

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