RSA0058247 O. F. Clarke s.n. 2010-04-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, Fontana; cultivated at John Radich residence, 8174 Oleander Ave, "New Stone Age Farm".; Fontana 7.5 Q., 34.10528 -117.44889, 396m
RSA0042959 A. C. Sanders 41196 2014-07-17
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Narragansett, along Kinney Ave. near Point Judith Rd./Hwy 108, west of Crooked Brook crossing; Narragansett Pier 7.5 Q., 41.41768 -71.47737, 27m
RSA0046868 J. Richard Carter 20718 2013-04-06
United States, Georgia, McIntosh, Sapelo Island, vic. UGAMI dormitory, near S end of island.
RSA0126496 Robert F. Thorne 62971 1987-05-15
United States, Florida, Manatee, Terra Ceia Key, Tampa Bay., 27.57948 -82.580375
RSA0139113 R. K. Godfrey 84085 1991-04-08
United States, Florida, Wakulla, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge; by road leading to lighthouse.
RSA0509749 Breedlove, Dennis E.; Bourell, Mona 68292 1988-05-19
Mexico, Chiapas, Paraje Jokosik., 2700m
RSA0112892 S. Moreno G. 215 1973-05-29
Mexico, Michoacan, Sierra de San Joaquin, 11km al S de Tlalpujahua, municipio de Tlalpujahua.
RSA0509771 Dennis Breedlove 66086 1986-11-29
Mexico, Chiapas, NE of Cerro Boqueron on road from El Rosario to Niquivil., 2255m
A. C. Sanders 29149 2005-02-13
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley: Walnut, Mt. San Antonio College, at south foot of the San Jose Hills.; San Dimas 7.5 Q, 34.0480556 -117.845, 244m
RSA0069460 Michael Nee 62263 2015-06-13
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3 miles SE of center of Richland Center, 43.3063889 -90.3383333, 218m
RSA0069461 Michael Nee 62263 2015-06-13
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3 miles SE of center of Richland Center, 43.3063889 -90.3383333, 218m
RSA0051358 M. Nee 61537 2014-09-03
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Chequamegon National Forest, along Forest Road 568, 1.9 km (by road) NW of junction with Mondeaux Avenue/Forest Road 102., 45.3080556 -90.5030556, 446m
RSA0051354 M. Nee 61532 2014-09-03
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Chequamegon National Forest, along Forest Road 568, 0.7 km SSE of junction with Forest Road 1557., 45.3094444 -90.5030556, 438m
RSA0051379 M. Nee 61590 2014-09-07
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3 miles SE of center of Richland Center., 43.3063889 -90.3383333, 218m
RSA0045615 Michael Nee 61563 2014-09-05
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Chequamegon National Forest, between Chub Lake and Marion Lake, along Winter Sports Road/Forest Road 119., 45.1730556 -90.6377778, 431m
RSA0037550 Michael Nee 61241 2014-06-12
United States, Wisconsin, Juneau, Between Hwy. 80 and railroad, at intersection with 12th Street, 10.3 km NNW of Hwy. 21 junction in Necedah., 44.1113889 -90.1163889, 280m
RSA0031193 R. F. Thorne 1127 1942-09-14
United States, New Jersey, Monmouth, About 2.5 miles SW of Belmar
RSA0035603 Mare Nazaire 1053 2003-09-15
United States, New Hampshire, Coos, Town of Errol, Lake Umbagog NWR, Harpers MeadowAlong transect B.
RSA0039588 Michael Nee 60575 2013-11-17
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, St. Louis. Around the parking lot of Monsanto Building, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6163889 -90.2627778, 150m
RSA0116467 A. C. Sanders 25407 2002-07-12
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Narragansett Bay Region: Bonnet Shores, along Bonnet Shores Rd. in north and NW part of community, from creek crossing at community center to Boston Neck Rd.; Narragansett Pier 7.5', 41.48222 -71.43222, 9 - 15m
RSA0106865 A. C. Sanders 42595 2016-06-29
United States, Rhode Island, Washington, Great Swamp Mgmt. Area, along powerline road east of L shaped impoundment, c. 400 m SW of junction with berm road along NW side of impoundment.; Kingston 7.5', 41.45806 -71.5925, 32m
RSA0142854 Michael Nee 63102 2016-07-20
United States, Wisconsin, Price, 14km SE of Fifield, Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. Forest Road 136, just E of junction with Salior Lake Road/F.R.139., 45.8261111 -90.2627778, 476m
RSA0259311 M. Nazaire 203 2001-09-17
United States, New Hampshire, Rockingham, Brentwood, adjacent to Exter town line. Constructed wetlands off of Pine Rd., 43.006763 -71.013547, 37m
RSA0114301 J. Richard Carter 16876 2006-06-29
United States, Georgia, Camden, Along N side Douglas Fish Club Rd, SSW from Old Merrow Community Rd, S from Old Hwy GA 259., 31.02687 -81.896237
RSA0088233 William L. Stern 3090 1974-03-24
United States, Hawaii, Kauai, Wahiawa Bog., 21.973867 -159.505641, 610m
RSA0464207 Sherwin Carlquist 1680 1964-12-12
United States, Hawaii, Honolulu, Summit area of Mt. Kaala, Waianae Mts. Oahu., 21.508238 -158.142294
RSA0464206 Sherwin Carlquist 1848 1966-06-21
United States, Hawaii, Maui, Near Haelaau Cabin, Puu Kukui, W. Maui., 20.93536 -156.6194, 762m
RSA0464205 Sherwin Carlquist 1789 1965-07-31
United States, Hawaii, Kauai, Near Kalalau Lookout, Kokee Park., 22.150709 -159.645844
RSA0464204 Sherwin Carlquist 1970 1966-07-11
United States, Hawaii, Kauai, Ridge leading to Mt. Kahili, E. of Kanaele Bog (Wahiawa Swamp), inland from Kalaheo, S. Kauai., 21.971902 -159.495805, 792m
RSA0464203 Sherwin Carlquist 2084 1966-07-29
United States, Hawaii, Hawaii, Alakahi Bog, S. end of summit area of Kohala Mts., 20.069826 -155.667826, 914m
P. F. Zika 22930 2007-03-20
United States, California, Alameda, Strawberry Creek, W end of campus of University of California, near Frank Schlessinger Way, Berkeley., 37.8716667 -122.2633333, 70m
RSA0170449 A. C. Sanders 41886 2015-12-22
United States, California, San Mateo, San Francisco Bay Region: San Bruno Mountain, Summit Loop Trail above April Brook.; San Francisco South 7.5, 37.6916667 -122.4438889, 274m
RSA0060549 Michael Nee 61705 2014-10-21
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Shawnee National Forest, along Oakwood Bottoms Road, 1.8km W of Big Muddy River., 37.6733333 -89.4325, 106m
RSA0078470 James R. Davis 378 1972-06-25
United States, Arkansas, Lee, Cow Bayou.
RSA0089052 E. L. Richards 4508 1965-10-03
United States, Arkansas, Greene, Walcott Lake. Crowley's Ridge.
RSA0521557 R.F. Thorne 17003 1955-09-04
United States, Florida, Liberty, Near Old Camp Torreya, 11 miles N of Bristol (due west of Rock Bluff post office).
R. F. Thorne s.n. 1940-06-26
United States, New Jersey, Monmouth, Belmar.
RSA0058888 Peter F. Zika 26484 2013-11-30
United States, Massachusetts, Barnstable, N shore of Eagle Pond, Cotuit, town of Barnstable., 41.6383333 -70.4283333, 6m
RSA0192266 Donald J. Drapalik 3893 1984-11-04
United States, Georgia, Emanuel, From the junction of Route 56 and Old Nunez Roadin Swainsboro go about 3.2 miles west on Route 56. About 0.05 to 0.10 mile east of Yam Grandy Creek and 13 m south of the road near an old sand logging road.
RSA0569856 M. H. Nee 64871 2019-04-13
United States, Florida, Leon, Apalachicola National Forest, along Forest Road 320, 2.7km SE of junction with Road 375 and just SE of junction with western end of loop road 320A., 30.343333 -84.631389, 35m
RSA0569855 M. H. Nee 64905 2019-04-24
United States, Florida, Wakulla, Apalachicola National Forest, Forest road 340, 0.65 km SSE of junction with Hwy. 375., 30.077778 -84.568056, 14m
R. F. Thorne s.n. 1940-09-08
United States, New Jersey, Monmouth, Belmar.
R. F. Thorne 19324 1956-09-09
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Wolf Laurel Gap, Hyatt's Cove.
R. F. Thorne 19325 1956-09-09
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Wolf Laurel Gap, Hyatt's Cove.
RSA0078469 James R. Davis 216 1973-04-07
United States, Arkansas, Lee, Bear Creek Lake area.
RSA0076025 J. Richard Carter 17358 2006-10-27
United States, Georgia, Camden, Ca. 3.75 airmiles SSE Woodbine jct. Hwy US 17 and Hwy GA 25, "Little Pasture" unit of Cabin Bluff, E of Hwy. US 17, along W side of powerline right-of-way., 30.90677 -81.70725
RSA0141109 Francis R Fosberg 64282 1983-09-11
United States, Virginia, Fairfax, Site of proposed New Providence Community., 38.872701 -77.273967
RSA0464201 Sherwin Carlquist 507 1958-07-12
United States, Hawaii, Kauai, At edge of pali overlooking Kalalau Valley, along Kalalau-Pihea road., 22.154166 -159.618272, 1280m
RSA0035604 Mare Nazaire 972 2003-08-13
United States, New Hampshire, Coos, Town of Errol, Lake Umbagog NWR, Harpers MeadowVHMJ22., 44.790518 -71.072321
RSA0142469 M. Nee 63062 2016-07-18
United States, Wisconsin, Price, Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. Along Forest Road 512., 45.9747222 -90.2686111, 471m
RSA0445300 M.H. Nee 64224 2018-06-04
United States, Michigan, Gogebic, Ottawa National Forest, opposite Taps Lake trailhead along Forest Road 8100., 46.306111 -89.753611, 480m
RSA0112891 Jose Luis Leon de la Luz 3777 1989-04-26
Mexico, Baja California, Palo Extrano Sierra de La Laguna., 23.5166667 -109.9666667, 1780m
RSA0059750 Robert F. Thorne 46158 1971-10-07
Mexico, Chiapas, Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacan, Jitotol Ridge, northern highlands: 3 km northwest of Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacan, slopes below Highway 195 in the vicinity of Clinica Yerba Buena., 17.1833333 -92.9166667, 1646m
RSA0000817 A. S. Ton 2169 1967-03-14
Mexico, Chiapas, South of the center of Amatenango del Valle. Municipio of Amatenango del Valle., 1799m