Search Results (List)

Dataset: CalBG-RSA
Taxa: Athyriaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 300

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Steven A. Junak   SC-11791987-10-08
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. Tinker's Canyon, just E of Pelican Bay., 8m

P. A. Munz   60301922-07-06
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto Mountains: north fork of Tahquitz Creek., 33.7835 -116.6504, 2226m

P. A. Munz   59911922-07-06
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto Mountains: Tahquitz Valley., 33.7729 -116.6541, 2195m

A. C. Sanders   154051994-08-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: North Fork Meadows, upper Whitewater River, San Gorgonio Wilderness. Vicinity of Big Tree Campsite., 34.1166667 -116.8, 2645m

G. Ross Robertson   s.n.1906-08-00
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: Fern Canyon branch Mill Creek in South Mountain, 34.08638 -116.91663, 2286m

Orlando Mistretta   41022009-08-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River Canyon. Barton Creek, At junction of Barton Creek and the Santa Ana River Trail., 34.18428 -116.91761, 1773m

Naomi Fraga   19652007-09-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSan Gorgonio Wilderness, South Fork Meadow.; Moonridge 7.5' USGS Quad, 34.13032 -116.84301, 2561m

L. R. Abrams   28391902-08-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cienega near Bluff Lake., 34.22163 -116.950694

Scott D. White   69421998-07-31
United States, California, Riverside, Idyllwild Area: Strawberry Creek between crossing at Circle Drive and Hymber Park.; San Jacinto Peak, 33.7576667 -116.6903333, 1707 - 1951m

A. C. Sanders   152011994-07-31
United States, California, San Bernardino, Miller Canyon at the road crossing of the Mojave River just above Pilot Rock Conservation Camp, 0.7 miles east of Hwy 138 junction; Silverwood Lake 7.5’ Q., 34.2708333 -117.2797222, 1134m

C. B. Wolf   29151932-03-27
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island: slope near stream in main (west) fork of canyon south of Lady's cove. N side of island., 46m

Steven A. Junak   SC-12061988-08-25
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island: Lower portion of canyon above Lady's Harbor, in first side canyon to the E., 15m

Justin M. Wood   23022010-08-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, Forsee Creek at Highway 38.; Moonridge, 34.1574167 -116.9311667, 1835m

Naomi Fraga   24002008-07-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestAlong Fish Creek Trail to Aspen Grove immediately west of FS 1N05 (survey area is along entire length of trail in section 29). Just outside of San Gorgonio Wilderness.; Moonridge 7.5' USGS Quad, 34.1473 -116.7936, 2226 - 2287m

I. M. Johnston   28831921-07-17
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains, North Fork, Deep Creek., 34.22098 -117.06186, 1921 - 1951m

Naomi Fraga   26012008-08-27
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSouth Fork cabin tract just south of Highway 38 along South Fork of Santa Ana River.; Moonridge 7.5' USGS Quad, 34.1637 -116.83874

R. F. Thorne   479081976-07-14
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National Forest. ca. 2 miles along Mill Creek Road and 2N10 from Coldbrook Campground, 34.22565 -116.93898, 2226m

I. W. Clokey   48441930-07-29
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Ladies' Canyon. Santa Cruz Island., 34.1088889 -118.5013889, 75m

Anonymous   s.n.1926-05-00
United States, California, San Bernardino, Near Lake Arrowhead., 34.25127 -117.188695

P. A. Munz   62711922-08-25
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: South Fork of Santa Ana River., 34.13438 -116.84358, 2438m

P. A. Munz   86091924-07-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, Lost Creek, San Bernardino Mountains, 34.15427 -116.83271, 2134m

J. C. Roos   s.n.1961-08-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, N slope of Green Canyon, San Bernardino Mts, 34.2125 -116.7913889, 2499m

C. W. Tilforth   11841975-10-06
United States, California, Inyo, Along Tinemaha Creek, ca. 21 air miles S of Bishop., 37.0473 -118.2943, 1433m

Tina J. Ayers   8031989-09-14
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island: Steep short western fork of drainage to Baby's Cove., 305m

L. C. Wheeler   70741954-09-01
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: Little Rock Creek, ca. 1 mile downstream from Cooper Creek.

RSA0069310Katie Gallagher   3252014-07-01
United States, California, Tuolumne, Stanislaus NF, Rim Fire 2013, on 3N01 200 m west of junction with 3N01C., 37.929478 -119.995794, 1158m

P. A. Munz   87941924-07-27
United States, California, Riverside, Dark Canyon, San Jacinto Mountains, 33.8118 -116.7194, 2134m

Duncan S. Bell   18652010-08-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National Forest: at an unnamed spring at the head of May Van Canyon; approximately 0.9 air mile from the junction of Wildhorse Meadows road and forest service road 2N92.; Moonridge, 34.21277 -116.77711, 2588m

L. C. Wheeler   10431932-07-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, South Fork Meadows. Santa Ana River, San Bernardino Mountains., 34.12626 -116.84511, 2591m

Naomi Fraga   24882008-08-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestHanging meadow adjacent to spring off of Fish creek Trail, ca. 0.3 miles west of Fish Creek Camp.; San Gorgonio Mountain 7.5' Quads, 34.11961 -116.79502, 2683m

Mary DeDecker   13131960-09-04
United States, California, Inyo, Sierra Nevada: Georges Creek, at falls., 2286m

LeRoy Gross   13842004-07-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, Deep Creek; North of Running Springs and west of Rainbow Lake.; Keller Peak 7.5 Quad., 34.21268 -117.10202, 1738m

Mary DeDecker   13131960-09-04
United States, California, Inyo, Sierra Nevada: Georges Creek, at falls., 2286m

L. R. Abrams   28391902-08-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cienega between Bear Valley and Bluff Lake., 34.22163 -116.950694

P. A. Munz   118331930-04-10
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Lady's Harbor, Santa Cruz Island., 34.0543 -119.7882

Richard Noyes   7381988-09-11
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto Mountains: Lake Fulmor, 6 air miles northwest of Idyllwild., 33.80468 -116.78012, 1616m

I. W. Clokey   65041935-08-21
United States, California, Riverside, Fuller's Creek, San Jacinto Mountains, 1500m

E. R. Blakley   37781960-07-26
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Seep spring in the canyon wall of the canyon at Pelican Bay; Santa Cruz Island, 6m

Naomi Fraga   25952008-08-27
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSouth Fork cabin tract just south of Highway 38 along South Fork of Santa Ana River.; Moonridge 7.5' USGS Quad, 34.1637 -116.83874

Duncan S. Bell   16912010-07-27
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National Forest: below an old abandoned mining road above Green Canyon, approximately 0.4 air mile southwest of Green Spring.; Moonridge Quad., 34.20963 -116.79433, 2607m

Duncan S. Bell   14992010-06-30
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National Forest: in Green Canyon, about 0.75 air miles southeast (upstream) of junction of Green Canyon and Wildhorse Meadows road.; Moonridge Quad., 34.214331 -116.79648, 2467m

Orlando Mistretta   41242009-08-25
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River Canyon. E Fork of Barton Creek near San Gorgonio Wilderness boundary, 0.23 miles S of Jenks Lake Road., 34.15593 -116.8856, 2325m

Scott D. White   87562001-08-03
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestBig Bear Valley and west. USFS Road 2N13.; Fawnskin, Butler Pk, Keller Pk.Between YMCA Camp Whittle (T2N / R1W / Sect 3) and Green Valley Lake (T2N / R2W / Sect. 23)., 34.25 -117, 2134 - 2256m

Duncan S. Bell   39932012-08-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSan Gorgonio Wilderness area; nearing the head of South Fork Meadows just off of the Dollar Lake Trail.; Moonridge, 34.12724 -116.84644, 2618m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0121360J. William Thompson   80591931-08-20
United States, Washington, Whatcom, Slopes below Welcome Pass, Mt. Baker region., 1219m

D. L. Crawford   s.n.
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains, Fall Creek, 34.09967 -116.87637, 2438m

L. R. Abrams   20031901-07-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Strawberry Peak ., 34.23208 -117.23458

Ralph Hoffmann   s.n.1932-05-23
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Border of stream, upper Orizaba Canyon, Santa Cruz Island.

F. W. Peirson   32851922-08-25
United States, California, San Bernardino, South fork of Santa Ana River, San Bernardino Mountains, 34.127134 -116.84344, 2560m

Christopher Davidson   47041976-08-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: Lower South Fork Meadow, San Gorgonio Wilderness Area., 34.12714 -116.84358, 2317 - 2439m

Naomi Fraga   31282009-07-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestBarton Creek south of its intersection with Stetson Creek Road.; Big Bear Lake 7.5' quad, 34.17857 -116.90923, 1707m

Mary DeDecker   13121960-09-04
United States, California, Inyo, Sierra Nevada: Georges Creek, at falls., 2286m

Elizabeth S. Shapiro   s.n.2008-08-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: San Gorgonio Wilderness above Poopout on the Dollar lake Trail., 34.130483 -116.842983, 2475m

R. F. Thorne   546881980-08-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National Forest: South Fork Meadows of the Santa Ana River and adjacent Pinus jeffreyi Abies concolor forest, San Gorgonio Wilderness Area., 34.130634 -116.843418, 2439m

Sarah J. De Groot   61842009-07-07
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSan Bernardino Mountains: Along South Fork of Santa Ana River, lower section near Highway 38.; Moonridge, 34.16154 -116.83868, 2026m

Duncan S. Bell   17712010-08-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National Forest: at the head of Balky Horse Canyon; at an unmapped spring just below forest service road 1N19.; Moonridge Quad., 34.20616 -116.76122, 2651m

Mary DeDecker   28311971-08-29
United States, California, Inyo, Sierra Nevada: West of Independence. North end Onion Valley along streamlet running parallel to cliff near falls., 3002m

Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1900-07-19
United States, California, San Bernardino, Bear Valley., 34.25471 -116.92641, 2012m

LeRoy Gross   13842004-07-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, Deep Creek; North of Running Springs and west of Rainbow Lake.; Keller Peak 7.5 Quad., 34.21268 -117.10202, 1738m

Orlando Mistretta   40272009-07-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River Canyon. E fork of Barton Creek, about 0.11 S of its intersection with Jenks Lake Road, just E of Camp Ta Ta Pochon., 34.15743 -116.88528, 2290m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0122136Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1902-06-17
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver Island.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0127632Louis C. Wheeler   46151937-08-29
United States, Massachusetts, Middlesex, Winchester: Long Pond., 42.454925 -71.12418, 61m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0122128Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1910-08-04
United States, Montana, Flathead, Avalanche Lake, Glacier National Park., 1067m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0122124Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1894-08-03
United States, Utah, Sevier, Fish Lake., 38.543142 -111.700363, 2743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0122133Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1876-00-00
United States, Iowa, Poweshiek, Grinnell.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0122125Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1879-08-08
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Alta, Wahsatch Mts., 40.588114 -111.64447, 2591m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0125080Duncan S. Bell   98362016-07-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSan Gorgonio Wilderness; headwaters of the Whitewater watershed; head of the North Fork of Whitewater River, collecting at North Fork Meadows.; San Gorgonio Mountain, 34.10182 -116.80157, 2590m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0122127Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1909-08-06
United States, Montana, Flathead, Bigfork., 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0122122Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1895-11-05
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Lake Blanche., 40.598076 -111.686121, 3048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0122132Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1876-00-00
United States, Iowa, Poweshiek, Grinnell.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0122123Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1900-08-08
United States, Utah, Salt Lake, Glacier Canyon., 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0350742unknown   s.n.
United States, Pennsylvania, [No location data on label].

Image Associated With the Occurence
Athyrium Roth
RSA0122144Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1911-07-06
United States, Washington, Chelan, Stehekin, Chelan Lake., 48.310155 -120.656611

R. F. Thorne   47041976-08-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, Lower South Fork Meadow, San Gorgonio Wilderness Area, by trail toward Poopout Hill, 34.13887 -116.84605, 2317 - 2439m

J. T. Howell   278521951-07-17
United States, California, Tulare, White Chief Trail., 2896m

Robert F. Hoover   73681947-08-13
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Hazard Canyon

LeRoy Gross   54162010-08-30
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestEast Fork of Barton Creek, above (south) of Jenks Lake Road.; Big Bear Lake 7.5 quad.Entered by Camp Ta Ta Pochon near 34.15916N, 116.88725W. Survey creek as far as 34.15120N, 116.88407., 34.15916 -116.88725, 2088 - 2247m

Dave Kelly   40951985-08-02
United States, California, Plumas, Butterfly Valley Botanical Area neer Keddie off Highway 70, along Blackhawk Road.

Lyman Benson   4921928-07-12
United States, California, Humboldt, Weott Ranger Station; Mt. Range: Seaward N Coast; Watershed: S Fork Eel River., 76m

Joseph A. Ewan   80871933-11-05
United States, California, Marin, Point Reyes Peninsula, Cold Bog, 38.07841 -122.961914

L. Ahart   163502009-08-28
United States, California, Plumas, N side of Forest Service Road 27N98, headwater of Clear Creek, about 2 air miles N of Butt Valley Reservoir Dam, about 3 air miles SW of Lake Almanor Reservoir Dam., 40.143119 -121.137639, 1477m

M. van Renselaer   s.n.1935-11-00
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Grown in Blaksley Botanic Garden, rhyzome from Santa Cruz Island.

L. Ahart   132712006-09-11
United States, California, Butte, South edge of the North Fork of the Feather River, north side of highway 70, about 1/8 mile west of the Poe Dam, about 3/4 mile northeast of Pulga, about 21 air miles northeast of Oroville., 39.8072222 -121.4366111, 432m

May N. Ackley   211925-06-00
United States, California, Placer, Near Towle

N. Floy Bracelin   28591945-09-30
United States, California, Alameda, Garden of Anson and Anita Blake.

May N. Ackley   49421953-00-00
United States, California, Placer, [no locality information provided]

M. B. Dunkle   24841931-07-11
United States, California, Marin, Tomales Bay, south side near Inverness

J. T. Howell   274671950-10-11
United States, California, Marin, Bear Valley

L. R. Abrams   83131922-07-01
United States, California, Del Norte, Gasquet to Patrick

Geo D. Butler   16751910-07-00
United States, California, Siskiyou, Schackleford Creek, 1220m

Dave Kelly   40951985-08-02
United States, California, Plumas, Butterfly Valley Botanical Area near Keddie off Highway 70, along Blackhawk Road.

W. L. Jepson   165291932-08-08
United States, California, Humboldt, Weott, hill above

E. R. Johnson   14111929-08-00
United States, California, Humboldt, Arcata Redwood Park, 76m

I. L. Wiggins   93211939-08-30
United States, California, Tuolumne, Clark Fork of Tuolumne River, 1 1/2 miles below Arnott Creek

E. C. Twisselmann   114071965-08-18
United States, California, Tulare, Peppermint Creek at the north end of Slate Mountain., 36.090131 -118.564569, 2271m

Chas. H. Quibell   1751951-07-16
United States, California, Fresno, W Kaiser Campground 1 plus m S Kaiser Diggings, 3 m N of 9500’ Kaiser RidgeFollow Jeep track up ridge across Crk. E of camp - beyond it encounter old gold miner water ditch - follow it to source at 6000’ 1 m above camp on camp creek, lines with Alnus rhombifolia.

R. F. Thorne   352921965-08-09
United States, California, Humboldt, Big Lagoon, 3m

Frederick W. Oettinger   441966-08-07
United States, California, Siskiyou, Below the Tom Taylor Cabin. The Salmon Mountains. The High Lake Basins in the vicinity of English peak. Marble Mountain Wilderness Area., 41.39814 -123.2243, 2043m

Chas. H. Quibell   12081952-08-10
United States, California, Fresno, 3 1/2 miles southeast of Huntington Lake., 2668m

RSA0096530Arnold Tiehm   171182015-07-19
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Sierra Nevada, Carson Range, ridge west of Franktown Creek and south of Little Valley, along the road to Twin Lakes., 39.2165333 -119.8943333, 2280m

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