LeRoy Gross 448 2001-10-06
United States, California, Los Angeles, Big Tujunga Wash, southern front of the San Gabriel Mountains; Where the storm waters run down through Haines Canyon channel, east of Foothill Blvd. South side of the wash.; Sunland, 366m
James Henrickson 19906 1958-05-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ca 12 air miles NW of San Sernardino in lower Lytle Creek Wash. About 2-4 miles N of Interstate 15., 34.214438 -117.457673, 732 - 854m
RSA0085096 R. G. Swinney 12156 2010-04-01
United States, California, Los Angeles, Pacoima Wash, c. 1 mile NE of I-210 Fwy, just north of Maclay/Harding St, below Forest Service boundary, from wash bottom to 150 m to the west and from 50 to 150 meters north of Maclay.; San Fernando 7.5' Q., 34.31083 -118.41028, 399m
Steve Boyd 11723 2007-04-20
United States, California, Riverside, UnknownSoutheastern end of the Gavilan Hills, north of Warm Springs Valley at upper end of ''Walsh CanSoutheast-facing slope on English Lake trail. The Salmon Mountains.High Lake Basins in the vicinity of English Peak. Marble Mountain Wilderness Areayon,'' ca. 0.5 miles from junction with Lindel (aka Stovepipe) Road, on southwest facing slope just above old Melia azedarach and across from driveway leading to 26875 Walsh Road., 33.7285278 -117.3508611, 549m
Ed LaRue s.n. 1989-05-04
United States, California, Riverside, 2 mi (airline) NW of Lake Elsinore, adjacent to Cleveland National Forest; At McViker Canyon.; Alberhill USGS 7.5', 33.6833333 -117.4, 488m
RSA0036862 Jon P. Rebman 27049 2013-10-01
Mexico, Baja California, Tijuana, Tijuana metro area:along Alamar Creek; ca. 4 miles east of Tijuana Airport & 0.25 miles south of the Tijuana/Tecate HIghway (2D); approx. 1.5 miles southwest of the Tijuana/Tecate toll plaza., 32.5383 -116.877, 85m
Naomi S. Fraga 1278 2004-06-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, UnknownCajon Creek, north of Institution Road.; Devore, 34.186 -117.37576, 518m
Justin M. Wood 102 2008-08-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino CountyCajon Wash, approx. 1/2 mile upstream and downstream of Institution Rd.; Devore, San Bernardino North, 34.18081 -117.37704, 473 - 524m
Scott D. White s.n. 1998-12-10
United States, California, Orange, Brea; Oil field south of Tonner Canyon and north of Lambert rd., 33.9354 -117.86276
LeRoy Gross 502 2002-03-31
United States, California, Los Angeles, Big Tujunga Wash, southern front of the San Gabriel Mountains; Where the storm waters run down through Haines Canyon channel, east of Foothill Blvd. South side of wash.; Sunland 7.5 Quad., 366m
Scott D. White 7797 2000-05-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, Foothills near Cajon Pass: Northwest of the junction of Interstate 15 / State Hwy 138, ca. 1 air mile west of I-15, 1 air mile north of State Hwy 138.; Cajon, 34.3333333 -117.4916667, 1037 - 1098m
RSA0078475 James R. Davis 238 1972-07-20
United States, Arkansas, Lee, St. Francis National Forest.
A. C. Sanders 19583 1996-10-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, Yucaipa, between Av. E & F, east from Wilson Creek channel to top of slope., 34.025 -117.0833333, 655m
A. C. Sanders 20616 1997-05-01
United States, California, Riverside, Lake Skinner area: Old house site at gated road junction into Shipley Reserve area, c. 1 km NE of Lake Skinner in mouth of Rawson Creek Canyon.; Bachelor Mtn. 7.5' Q., 33.6008333 -117.0272222, 457m
LeRoy Gross 920 2003-05-15
United States, California, Los Angeles, Northwest side of mountains: North of La Tuna Canyon road, started at end of Elben Ave.; Burbank 7.5 Quad.Climbed north to ridgetop, south of McDonald Creek, then east along ridgeline, then we came back down into a small canyon at the end of Elben Place, just east of where we started., 366m
G. Gust 537 2005-03-11
United States, California, Riverside, Lake Elsinore City Limits. At intersection of Ellis St. and Franklin St. in an overgrown disturbed site., 33.6666667 -117.3166667, 400m
A. C. Sanders 19583 1996-10-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, Yucaipa, between Av. E & F, east from Wilson Creek channel to top of slope., 34.025 -117.0833333, 655m
Steve Boyd 3767 1989-07-07
United States, California, Riverside, Upper Temescal Canyon at SE end of Alberhill Mtn. S of I-15 at Nichols Rd. exit., 33.705 -117.367
Fred M. Roberts 6613 2007-09-28
United States, California, Orange, Lomas de Santiago: above lower Santiago Cyn. wash along Santiago Cyn. Rd. just south of Irvine Mesa, 3.3 km N Bolero Lookout.; Black Star Cyn., 33.7380556 -117.6613889, 332m
Tim S. Ross 2992 1990-06-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, Big Rock Creek: just above the confluence of Holcomb Canyon Creek, between Big Rock Creek Road and the mouth of Holcomb Canyon., 34.41739 -117.843844, 1255 - 1280m
Tim S. Ross 3020 1990-06-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, Big Rock Creek: just above confluence of Holcomb Canyon Creek, between Big Rock Creek Road and mouth of Holcomb Canyon., 34.41739 -117.843844, 1255 - 1280m
RSA0179440 Joy D. England 2029 2018-04-30
United States, California, Los Angeles, Sierra Pelona Mountains, Angeles National Forest, E side of Bouquet Canyon Road at Cantilles Day Use Area., 34.50687 -118.45115, 523m
RSA0148822 Steve Scatolini s.n. 2014-07-30
United States, California, San Diego, Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve; near 0.25 mile from W end of Carmel Mountain Road., 32.9147 -117.242, 17m
J. R. Bruff s.n. 1949-07-00
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Rancheria St. and Pedragosa.
RSA0027055 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1927-01-28
Mexico, Sinaloa, San Blas.
RSA0144517 Francis R. Fosberg 54051 1972-01-18
United States, Saint Croix Island, Canyon above Altona, second east fork of canyon., 60m
RSA0624632 Steve Boyd 6616 1991-09-29
Mexico, Morelos, Mpio. Tepalcingo. Sierra de Huautla: Ejido El Limón; Cerro El Pingo, c. 1 km NE of the village., 18.5366667 -98.9283333, 1290m
RSA0508181 Jorge Meave B-338 1982-03-21
Mexico, Chiapas, Bonampak. Orillas del Rio Lacanja, 3 km. al sur del centro Arquologivo Bonampak, Municipio de Ocasingo, Shiapas., 300m
RSA0586002 M.T. Germán 1115 1980-11-18
Mexico, Michoacán, Tzararacua, 9 km al S de Uruapan.
RSA0620319 Amber Maurice 114 2004-04-21
Mexico, Hidalgo, Ixcatepec. "Nahuatl" Indigenous community., 21.098889 -98.514583, 474m
RSA0604182 O.R. Dorado R, 1346 1984-03-13
Mexico, Morelos, 1 km al NW del Rancho el Limon, Mpio. Tepalcingo. [Translates to: 1 km NW of Rancho el Limon, Mpio. Tepalcingo.], 1210m
RSA0147973 Francis R. Fosberg
United States, Saint Croix Island, detailed locality information protected
RSA0125706 Guadalupe Martínez Calderón 1729 1968-07-18
Mexico, Veracruz, San Andres Tuxtla., 120m
RSA0453671 Robert F. Thorne, E. W. Lathrop, M. Z. Thorne 46235A 1971-10-08
Mexico, Chiapas, Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacan, Jitotol Ridge, Northern Highlands: 3 km northwest of Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacan., 17.183333 -92.916667, 1646m
J. R. Bruff s.n. 1949-07-00
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Gutierrez St. near Chapala.
Robert F. Thorne 42167 1972-03-00
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara