Jim André 4430 2003-04-15
United States, California, Inyo, Owens Valley. Manzanar Historic Site. Bairs Creek., 36.719056 -118.157169, 1211m
Scott D. White 4304 1996-07-19
United States, California, San Bernardino, Yucaipa/ Oak Glen Area; ''Johnson Canyon'' (local name, not on map). Directly S of Wood Acres Apple Ranch, just E of intersection of Potato Canyon Road and Oak Glen Rd.; Forest Falls 7.5' Q., 34.05 -116.9666667, 1220 - 1311m
Orlando Mistretta 5061 2010-04-15
United States, California, Kern, Northern Antelope Valley, S base of the Tehachapi Mtns, near the intersection of 170th St. W and Rosamond Blvd. Along Southern California Edison transmission line corridor (Segment 4, map sheet 9 per TRTP survey 2010)., 34.84005 -118.42663, 811m
Orlando Mistretta 4098 2009-08-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River Canyon. Barton Creek, At junction of Barton Creek and the Santa Ana River Trail., 34.18428 -116.91761, 1773m
RSA0058108 Duncan S. Bell 6289 2014-03-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Bighorn Mountains; Vaughn Spring, just above Rattlesnake Canyon in the Viscera Spring area., 34.26153 -116.66001, 1638m
Justin M. Wood 2916 2010-10-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino Mountains: Rattlesnake Canyon: Vaughn Spring, accessed via Viscera Spring Road.; Rattlesnake Canyon, 34.2591667 -116.6594444, 1639m
LeRoy Gross s.n. 2006-06-06
United States, California, Los Angeles, Angeles National ForestRoad suvey for the Forest Service: Lower section of Grass Mountain Road ( 6N04.1) at junction with and north of Bouquet Canyon Road, just west of Lincoln Crest.; Sleepy Valley 7.5 Quad., 34.580105 -118.314063, 1098m
RSA0078111 Michael Nee 62111 2015-05-02
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3.8 km E of Gotham, behind (N of) Button Cemetery along Hwy. JJ., 43.2194444 -90.2452778, 225m
Justin M. Wood 509 2009-04-17
United States, California, San Bernardino, Just W of Mojave River on Helendale Rd. between Vista Rd to Colusa Rd.; Victorville, 34.65 -117.5333333, 747 - 854m
R. G. Swinney 3787 1995-06-03
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Gabriel Mtns; Upper Cajon Canyon, nameless canyon N of Circle Mtn and SE of Controversy Spring.; Telegraph Peak, 34.3577778 -117.5758333, 1463 - 1829m
Orlando Mistretta 3814 2009-06-04
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestSanta Ana River Canyon. Junction of Stetson Creek Road (Forest Road 1N36) and Round Cienega Creek., 34.16834 -116.92235, 1755m
RSA0040491 Sarah J. De Groot 7159 2014-07-07
United States, California, San Bernardino, Bighorn Mountain Wilderness: south of Mound Spring near unnamed spring. End of Mound Spring Road (RC 2248). Near old prospect. East of Blue Cut and northeast of Mineral Mountain.; Big Bear City 7.5', 34.24701 -116.66519, 1733m
Tim S. Ross 2711a 1990-05-29
United States, California, Los Angeles, Big Rock Springs: immediate vicinity of Big Rock Creek where crossed by Big Pines Highway (Valyermo Rd.).; Valyermo, 34.432623 -117.843885, 1183 - 1195m
Steve D. Boyd 8831 1996-05-23
United States, California, Los Angeles, Liebre Mountains, Castaic Creek drainage from Fish Canyon downstream to power plant, just north of upper end of Castaic Lake., 34.6 -118.6625, 470 - 500m
RSA0069544 Michael Nee 62077 2015-04-05
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, SE side of Gotham, along Timber Lane, just S of Hwy 14., 43.2197222 -90.2916667, 215m
RSA0039651 Michael Nee 61078 2014-05-21
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3 miles SE of center of Richland Center., 43.3072222 -90.3286111, 255m
Lois Goodman S.N. 1982-09-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ft. Irwin NTC, sewage pond vicinity
RSA0062831 LeRoy Gross 6754 2015-03-19
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: Arrastre Canyon, south of Acton.; Acton 7.5 Quad., 846 - 908m
Tim S. Ross 8241 1994-09-20
United States, California, Los Angeles, Upper Bouquet Canyon: ca 2225 m WSW of Lincoln Crest (the canyon head), and ca 2825 m E of Bouquet Reservoir, along Bouquet Canyon Road.; Sleepy Valley, 34.580179 -118.331643, 980 - 994m
LeRoy Gross 2831 2007-06-25
United States, California, Los Angeles, Southeast side of the San Rafael Hills: Behind a power substation, below dam wall of a small pond. At end of Wierfield Drive. Near; Pasadena 7.5 Quad., 34.15134 -118.18282, 305m
RSA0140009 Naomi Fraga 5524 2015-06-24
United States, California, Los Angeles, The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Strumpel Parcel owned by The Nature Conservancy, Santa Clara River.; Acton, 34.4348 -118.1925, 853m
RSA0445395 M.H. Nee 63026 2016-06-28
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3 miles SE of center of Richland Center., 43.306806 -90.332778, 227m
RSA0446645 M.H. Nee 64183 2018-04-22
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3 miles SE of center of Richland Center., 43.306806 -90.332778, 227m
Julie Greene s.n. 1997-09-12
United States, California, Los Angeles, Intersection of Pacific Coast Highway/ Studebaker Rd, near Long Beach Marina.; Los Alamitos 7.5', 33.7583333 -118.1083333, 5m
Tim S. Ross 3235 1990-10-05
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains: N Fork San Gabriel River; .9 mile N of the W Fork bridge and .9 mile WSW of Burro Peak as the crow flies., 34.245585 -117.864631
RSA0033976 Naomi S. Fraga 4498 2013-09-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestBighorn Mountain Wilderness. Spring mapped at the western end of Mound Spring Road, east of Blue Cut.; Onyx Peak, 34.24776 -116.66512, 1744m
LeRoy Gross 2618 2007-03-30
United States, California, Los Angeles, Northeast side of the range. Unnamed canyon or east branch of Engleheard Canyon. Hiked this creek from just off a dirt road near the mouth to a little way up canyon.; Pasadena & Burbank 7.5 Quads.From 34.20590N, 118.24818W, to 34.20117N, 118.25262W., 34.2059 -118.24818, 404 - 496m
A. C. Sanders 25770 2003-03-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley: long abandoned gravel pit on boundary between Irwindale and Azusa, east of Irwindale Ave. and south of Foothill Blvd, north edge of 210 freeway east of the San Gabriel River channel.; Azusa 7.5 Quad., 34.1319444 -117.9291667, 520 - 560m
Scott D. White 5050 1997-05-07
United States, California, Los Angeles, Big Tujunga Wash: Sunland-Tujunga area; alluvial fan below San Gabriel Mountains SW of I-210 freeway, E of Hansen Dam, and N of Wentworth St.; Sunland, 34.2666667 -118.3391667, 320 - 351m
Jon P. Rebman 5976 1999-09-10
United States, California, San Diego, North Park area of the city of San Diego; canyon just southof Juniper ST. between 33rd St. and Commonwealth Ave., 32.7291667 -117.1208333, 140m
H. M. Pollard s.n. 1964-11-20
United States, California, Ventura, Fulton St, and Williams Pl. Oak view [Ojai]. Courtesy of A.L. Burlison., 34.45314 -119.23826
Steve D. Boyd 9390 1997-03-26
United States, California, Los Angeles, Liebre Mountains region: Summit of Sierra Pelona Ridge near the divide between Martindale Canyon to the north and Spade Spring Canyon to the south.; Sleepy Valley, 34.5666389 -118.33175, 1378m
Bonnie C. Templeton s.n. 1966-09-26
United States, California, Los Angeles, near Hughes Aircraft.
R. G. Swinney 3350 1994-10-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, Cajon Wash, at Keenbrook on west side of wash.; Cajon 7.5', 34.2508333 -117.46, 744m
Tim S. Ross 4305 1991-03-24
United States, California, Los Angeles, Whittier Hills (Puente Hills, pro parte): Lower Turnbull Canyon, 33.996926 -118.01974, 171m
Louis C. Wheeler 5726 1943-03-12
United States, California, Kern, Shafter.
RSA0035333 Lowell Ahart 17999 2012-05-10
United States, California, Butte, On the east side of the horse path, about 100 yards north of the paved park road, west side of the old walnut orchard, south of Vallombrosa Avenue, about 1/4 mile west of Peterson Drive, Lower Bidwell Park, Chico., 39.7509444 -121.8015, 76m
W. Schlegel 22 2008-10-10
United States, California, Riverside, Snow Creek Cabin Parcel, 33.8751167 -116.6809
Jon P. Rebman 23899 2012-05-15
United States, California, San Diego, Camp Pendleton: Wire Mountain area in the southern part of the Base. East of the jctn of Wire Mountain Rd. and Carnes Rd. at the northern end of a canyon just south of Alonzo Ct.; Square: G5, 33.2316 -117.3755, 55m
F. C. Boutin 1717 1967-04-24
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Clemente Island: E side of island, Wilson Cove.
RSA0127407 Fred M. Roberts 8059 2016-05-20
United States, California, Orange, City of Irvine: San Joaquin Hills, Turtle Rock Community along Ridge Route Road, 1.0 km SE summit of French Hill and just NE intersection with Hillsborough Drive.; Tustin 7.5', 33.6445 -117.8018611, 122m
RSA0173107 Jon P. Rebman 33890 2018-03-29
United States, California, San Diego, Fallbrook Naval Weapons Station: west of Fallbrook; along Fallbrook Creek, east-central part of station south of Ammunition Road and along the creek bed., 33.36282 -117.26402, 185m
RSA0503951 Christine Perala 1062 1992-08-20
United States, California, Riverside, March Air Force Base, in the historic district., 33.9 -117.25694, 463m
RSA0633130 Dick Swinney 20302 2017-10-26
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mountains, Arroyo Seco. El Prieto Canyon from confluence with Arroyo Seco to 0.5 mile upstream along El Prieto Canyon Trail., 34.21081 -118.16831, 400m
RSA0015515 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1892-07-05
Mexico, Colima, Colima.
RSA0039453 A. C. Sanders 40786 2013-04-10
United States, California, Riverside, San Jacinto River above Canyon Lake, near SCE Power lines, south of Perris, SW of west end of Ethanac Rd.; Romoland 7.5 Q., 33.73694 -117.24417, 427m
RSA0071824 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1878-04-01
United States, Iowa, Poweshiek, Grinnell.
H. M. Pollard s.n. 1943-11-15
United States, California, Ventura, Creek bed near Ojai public park.
A. C. Sanders 39977 2012-03-20
United States, California, Riverside, Lake Elsinore, near 29300 3rd St, between Cambern Ave. and Conard Ave.; Lake Elsinore 7.5' Q., 33.69425 -117.3289444, 404m
Louis C. Wheeler 4782 1940-04-18
United States, Missouri, Boone, City of Columbia, 223m
RSA0080118 M. Nee 60982 2014-04-11
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3 miles SE of center of Richland Center. Floodplain of Pine River., 43.3058333 -90.3413889, 219m
RSA0071826 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1874-05-13
United States, Iowa, Poweshiek, Unspecified locality.
RSA0048352 Jack Pepper s.n. 1950-09-22
United States, California, Los Angeles, Van Nuys.
Louis C. Wheeler 4974 1940-07-21
United States, Missouri, Boone, Brickyard Hill: 1.5 miles E of Columbia., 223m
RSA0071825 Marcus E. Jones s.n.
United States, Iowa, Poweshiek, Unspecified locality.
C. F. Smith 2838 1950-07-19
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Suckering Elm along Highway 101 south of El Sueno Rd., 34.44151 -119.76934
RSA0138897 Louis C. Wheeler s.n. 1940-03-08
United States, Missouri, Boone, Hinkson Creek, south of Columbia., 183m
RSA0509788 Ruth B. Alford 3910 1976-05-07
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Ypsilanti, Eastern Michigan University campus, E of Strong Science Building., 42.247991 -83.625195
Tim S. Ross 2857 1990-06-06
United States, California, Los Angeles, Green Valley Pasture (in San Francisquito Canyon): Saugus District, Angeles National Forest.; Lake Hughes 7.5', 34.6263889 -118.4063889, 927 - 1037m
Orlando Mistretta 1498 1994-09-21
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Mtns, Santiago Canyon, At jct. of Forest Rd. 4N20 with Santiago Creek.; Pacifico Mtn. 7.5', 34.4467 -118.0549, 1280m
James D. Morefield 3408 1986-04-13
United States, California, Inyo, Cyn 1.45 mi N36 deg.W of Poleta Mtn, 3.5 mi ESE of Laws., 37.374905 -118.289354, 1509m
Jim André 4377 2003-04-14
United States, California, Inyo, Owens Valley: Manzanar Historic Site, near cemetery., 36.723764 -118.159626, 1204m
R. G. Swinney 3489 1995-04-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, Glen Helen Regional Park, c. 600 m S of Blockbuster Pavilion parking area, between motorcycle racetrack and N parking area.; Devore 7.5' Quad., 34.2036111 -117.3944444, 610m
LeRoy Gross 2830 2007-06-25
United States, California, Los Angeles, Southeast side of the San Rafael Hills: Behind a power substation, below dam wall of a small pond. At end of Wierfield Drive. Near; Pasadena 7.5 Quad., 34.15134 -118.18282, 305m
Barbara Ertter 12837 1994-06-18
United States, California, Contra Costa, Pt. Pinole Regional Shoreline at north end of Richmond; northeast corner of park, near jct Marsh Trail and Cook's Point Trail.
D. L. Banks 2165 1997-06-16
United States, California, San Diego, NW Palomar Mountains, Agua Tibia Mountains: Pala Indian Reservation. On the north side of Pala Mission Road, approximately 0.2 miles west of the intersection of Hwy 76 and Pala Mission Road.; Pala, 33.36571 -117.07096, 128m
Tim S. Ross 2711-b 1990-05-29
United States, California, Los Angeles, Big Rock Springs: immediate vicinity of Big Rock Creek where crossed by Big Pines Highway (Valyermo Rd.).; Valyermo, 34.432623 -117.843885, 1183 - 1195m
James D. Morefield 2611 1985-03-17
United States, California, Inyo, White Mts: In canyon 1.3 mi. N35W of Poleta Mine, 6 mi. ENE of Bishop. Owens Valley drainage., 37.369188 -118.286172, 1503m
RSA0071827 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1877-06-25
United States, Iowa, Poweshiek, Grinnell.
RSA0114227 J. Richard Carter 17452 2007-03-23
United States, Florida, Gadsden, ca. 2.75 air miles SSW Chattahoochee jct. Hwy US 90 and FL 269, along drain S of powerline right-of-way., 30.66698 -84.857
Louis C. Wheeler 4792 1940-04-19
United States, Missouri, Boone, City of Columbia. South College Ave., 213m
Louis C. Wheeler 5482 1941-08-17
United States, Maryland, Montgomery, Cropley.
RSA0141112 Francis R Fosberg 56069 1976-02-02
United States, Maryland, Saint Mary's, Hollywood Shores, Patuxent River., 38.396407 -76.585257
Peter H. Raven 6547 1954-04-11
United States, California, San Francisco, San Francisco: Arguello St. near Carillo [Cabrillo] St.
RSA0041971 A. C. Sanders 34035 2007-05-31
United States, California, Kern, Tehachapi Mtns.: along the paved road north of Castac Lake, c. 1.2 mi. NE of Lebec.; Lebec 7.5’ Q., 34.84 -118.8425, 1067m
RSA0096778 E. L. Richards 6984 1976-08-17
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, Near Vance Lake.
RSA0145189 Francis R. Fosberg 51307 1969-05-25
United States, New York, Suffolk, Sugar Loaf Hill, Shinnecock Hills., 40.886357 -72.467107, 60m
R. N. Philbrick B73-289 1973-11-10
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. Just southeast of brick storage buildings, Prisoners' Harbor.
E. K. Balls 23635 1958-10-11
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. Prisoner's Horbor, opposite old house., 6m
Maria Lum s.n. 2004-10-01
United States, California, Riverside, Temecula Valley: city of Murrieta, Temecula Hot Springs Resort, Murrieta Hot Springs Rd. at Warm Springs Creek.; Murrieta 7.5', 33.5538889 -117.1683333, 331m
Robert F. Thorne 58380 1984-05-05
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. Prisoner's Harbor, 5m
O. F. Clarke s.n. 2003-09-29
United States, California, Riverside, Riverside, UCR Campus; Riverside East 7.5' Q., 33.9716667 -117.3263889, 335m
RSA0049740 Dean Wm. Taylor 21323 2013-03-04
United States, California, Butte, Chico; grounds of the Butte County library (1108 Sherman Avenue), 37.74503 -121.83389
RSA0048189 Robert F. Thorne, E. W. Lathrop, M. Z. Thorne 46327 1971-10-09
Mexico, Chiapas, Jitotol, Jitotol Ridge, northern highlands: 6 miles north of Jitotol., 17.1166667 -92.8833333, 1555m