Search Results (List)

Dataset: RM-
Taxa: Melanthiaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 3166

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
679865Ronald L. Hartman, David Rosenthal   554131996-07-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area: Old Glacier Trail to Arrow Mountain., 43.4058 -109.5857, 2500 - 3110m

Image Associated With the Occurence
679866Ronald L. Hartman, David Rosenthal   554381996-07-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area: Old Glacier Trail to Arrow Mountain., 43.3771 -109.5657, 3110 - 3537m

Image Associated With the Occurence
679867Ronald L. Hartman, David Rosenthal and Michele Weidner   558561996-08-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: whitebark pine grove and vicinity, 0.3-0.5 air mi ESE of Stinkingwater Peak., 44.6309 -109.7592, 2896 - 3018m

Image Associated With the Occurence
680917David Rosenthal, Cathy Binger   20021997-07-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area: Shoshone National Forest: along drainage leading to Hidden Lake and trail to north end of Ross Lake, ca 8 air mi SSE of Dubois., 43.4058 -109.6454, 2939 - 3110m

Image Associated With the Occurence
680916David Rosenthal, Amy Keller   29971997-07-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Wind River Range: Shoshone National Forest: from saddle W of Windy Mountain to trail leading to Moon Lake and Simpson Lake., 43.4898 -109.7391, 2927 - 3049m

Image Associated With the Occurence
824756Erwin F. Evert   383012000-07-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park: Gallatin Range; SW side of Bannock Peak, 14 mi SW of Mammoth., 2805m

Ronald L. Hartman, James F. Fowler   802512004-08-29
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest: ca 8 air mi SSW of Flagstaff; Kelly and Fry canyons, area of intersection., 35.0614 -111.7201, 1913 - 1920m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912300Erwin F. Evert   404792003-07-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: Shoshone National Forest: ridge at the head of West Fork Timber Creek, ca 24 mi SW of Meeteetse., 44.02288 -109.22842, 2927m

Image Associated With the Occurence
751655Erwin F. Evert   148841988-06-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: immediately E of Robbers Roost Cabin, ca 10 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.6019 -109.4352, 2470m

Image Associated With the Occurence
752523Erwin F. Evert   155121988-07-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: south slopes of Pat O'Hara Peak, ca 22 mi NW of Cody., 44.65917 -109.37, 2866m

619635Erwin F. Evert   194901990-07-01
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: north end and summit of Boat Mountain, ca 3 mi N of Hebgen Lake, ca 28 mi WNW of West Yellowstone., 44.8898 -111.3452, 2744 - 2770m

619922Erwin F. Evert   197631990-07-22
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: Quinnebaugh Meadows, just N of West Fork Rock Creek, ca 15 mi W of Red Lodge., 45.1465 -109.5551, 2713m

621127Erwin F. Evert   202941990-08-11
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: Spanish Peaks area: along west side of Deer Creek and trail, ca 1 mi E of Moon Lake; ca 25 mi SSW of Bozeman., 45.3276 -111.2605, 2683m

739207Erwin F. Evert   214321991-06-29
U.S.A., Montana, Stillwater, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: above and W of Stillwater River in Stillwater Canyon, ca 34 mi S of Big Timber, ca 1 mi SW of Woodbine Campground., 45.3392 -109.9099, 1616m

739842Erwin F. Evert   219651991-07-19
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: saddle between Contact and Chrome mountains: ca 3 mi E of the Boulder River, ca 29 mi SW of Big Timber., 45.4578 -110.1487, 2866 - 2896m

740099Erwin F. Evert   221451991-07-29
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Gravelly Range: Beaverhead National Forest: along the Gravelly Range Road, just S of Lazyman Hill, ca 22 mi S of Virginia City., 44.9785 -111.853, 2774m

740013Erwin F. Evert   222501991-07-30
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Madison Range: Beaverhead National Forest: west side of Sphinx Mountain, ca 15 mi SE of Ennis., 45.1676 -111.4852, 2988 - 3201m

740314Erwin F. Evert   225421991-08-07
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Targhee and Beaverhead National Forests: Henrys Lake Mountains: on Continental Divide just NW of Targhee Peak, ca 19 mi WNW of West Yellowstone, Montana; also Madison County, Montana., 44.7242 -111.3978, 3049m

780000Erwin F. Evert   240941992-07-27
U.S.A., Montana, Stillwater, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: Stillwater Plateau: north end of plateau (The Golf Course), ca 6 mi S of Nye., 45.3559 -109.8196, 2768m

611565Erwin F. Evert   256741993-07-08
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: along Meyers Creek, in foothills ca 10 mi NW of Nye just W of the county line., 45.4869 -109.9428, 1799m

Image Associated With the Occurence
781776Erwin F. Evert   278891994-07-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Absaroka Mountains: Bridger-Teton National Forest: 1.5 mi N of U.S. Hwy 26/287, ca 6 mi NW of Togwotee Pass., 43.8229 -110.1227, 3201m

781655Erwin F. Evert   280191994-07-19
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: along E Rosebud Trail between Elk Lake and Rimrock Lake, ca 22 mi W of Red Lodge., 45.1614 -109.6587, 2073 - 2134m

781196Erwin F. Evert   282101994-07-20
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: along small tributary just S of Picket Pin Creek, ca 10 mi W of Nye., 45.2523 -109.9713, 2149 - 2165m

781096Erwin F. Evert   283081994-07-21
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: saddle between Picket Pin Mountain and a pinnacled limestone ridge, just N of Picket Pin Road, ca 12 mi W of Nye., 45.4578 -110.0253, 2713m

783949Erwin F. Evert   305741995-08-07
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: Koch Basin on the east side of Koch Peak at head of Tumbledown Creek, ca 25 mi SE of Ennis., 45.0512 -111.4444, 3049 - 3171m

788748Erwin F. Evert   321951996-07-19
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: east ridge of Monitor Peak, 13 mi NE of Gardiner., 45.1678 -110.6271, 2927m

788641Erwin F. Evert   324311996-08-05
U.S.A., Montana, Stillwater, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: along trail ca 2 mi W of Slough Lake, 25 mi W of Red Lodge., 45.2061 -109.7208, 2500 - 2530m

787793Erwin F. Evert   327211996-08-10
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along the east side of Bear Creek: ca 1/4 mi below confluence with Darroch Creek, 3 mi NE of Jaradine., 45.1095 -110.6066, 2180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
819261Erwin F. Evert   338931997-07-20
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: along Little Mile Creek, ca 20 mi NW of West Yellowstone., 2195m

Image Associated With the Occurence
821432Erwin F. Evert   360651998-08-03
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: along Moser Creek ca 2 mi E of the Hyalite Road, 10 mi S of Bozeman., 45.5306 -111.0125, 1966m

Image Associated With the Occurence
821182Erwin F. Evert   363741998-08-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Shoshone National Forest: west side of Arrow Mountain, 12 mi S of Dubois., 43.3778 -109.5632, 3232m

Image Associated With the Occurence
821776Erwin F. Evert   377871999-08-05
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: ridge just W of Mystic Lake, 10 mi SE of Bozeman., 45.5452 -110.9302, 1982m

B. E. Nelson, Jeanette Flaig   588222003-07-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Eastern San Juan Mountains: along Shady Creek Trail to saddle at upper end of Willow Park, S of Del Norte Peak, ca 13 air mi SW of Del Norte., 37.5637 -106.5534, 3390 - 3476m

B. E. Nelson   591202003-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Baldy Mountain, ca 2 air mi SE of Ruby Lake, ca 15 air mi SW of Creede., 37.6886 -107.1188, 3585 - 3807m

B. E. Nelson   594862003-07-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Conejos, Eastern San Juan Mountains: La Manga Pass on Colo Hwy 17 below Pinorealosa Mountain, ca 2.5 air mi NNE of Los Pinos; ca 21 air mi W of Antonito., 37.0777 -106.3865, 3119 - 3140m

Jeanette Flaig   10792003-07-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Forest Road 410 ca 3/4 mi; ca 8 air mi SW of South Fork. N center, 37.5494 -106.7926, 2848m

Jeanette Flaig   12042003-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Hinsdale, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Forest Road 520 SW to West Lost Creek Trailhead., 37.7851 -107.3563, 3309m

Jeanette Flaig   12802003-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Hinsdale, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Forest Road 520 SW to West Lost Creek Trailhead., 37.7938 -107.3672, 3843m

Jeanette Flaig   13762003-07-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to County Road 600 to Forest Road 630 then W 3 mi; ca 12 air mi NAW from Pagosa Springs., 37.3365 -107.1911, 2434m

Jeanette Flaig   14012003-07-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to County Road 600 to Forest Road 630 then ca 5 mi; ca 13 air mi NW of Pagosa Springs., 37.3227 -107.2138, 2514m

Jeanette Flaig   15072003-07-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Fourmile Trail, ca 11 air mi N of Pagosa Springs., 37.4091 -107.053, 2799 - 3410m

Jeanette Flaig   19642003-07-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Park Creek Road (Forest Road 380) then SW; ca 13 air mi S of South Fork., 37.4921 -106.671, 3468m

Jeanette Flaig   24362003-08-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Conejos and Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Forest Road 380 SW to Forest Road 243 then W., 37.3528 -106.6873, 3351 - 3832m

Jeanette Flaig   30342003-08-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Colo Hwy 114 W to Forest Road 810 then ca 4 mi NW; ca 23 air mi NW of Saguache., 38.2497 -106.5038, 2875m

Jeanette Flaig   3272003-07-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Hunter Lake: U.S. Hwy 160, 37.609683 -106.845133, 3476m

Jeanette Flaig, B. E. Nelson   5002003-07-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: along Forest Road 345; east edge of north end of Hogback Mesa, ca 14 air mi SW of Del Norte., 37.5458 -106.5534, 3230m

Jeanette Flaig   6802003-07-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: along Forest Road 430, 1.5 road mi from Shaw Lake on closed logging road; ca 8 air mi SW from South Fork., 37.5857 -106.804, 3146m

Jeanette Flaig   7932003-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Blue Meadow: Colo Hwy149 to Forest Road 600, the 6 road mi to Forest Road 601; ca 10 air mi SE of Creede., 37.7854 -106.7485, 3140m

Jeanette Flaig, Susan Komarek   8592003-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Pool Table Mountain: Colo Hwy 149 N to Forest Road 600 E to 4WD Road; ca 12 air mi E of Creede., 37.8389 -106.6901, 3480m

Jeanette Flaig   38192004-06-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: vicinity of Archuleta Canyon, Forest Road 653, 11 air mi SSE of Pagosa Springs., 37.1207 -106.9507, 2299m

Jeanette Flaig   50192004-06-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Forest Road 135, ca 12 air mi NE of Bayfield., 37.3778 -107.4644, 2989m

Jeanette Flaig   51002004-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: East Creek and Slide Mountain Trailhead, Forest Road 135, ca 15 air mi NE of Bayfield., 37.3889 -107.468, 3026m

Jeanette Flaig, Ronald L. Hartman   57022004-07-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: La Garita Wilderness: Wheeler Monument, Trailhead 790., 37.9013 -106.7846, 3782m

Jeanette Flaig, Ronald L. Hartman and Rick Pring   59822004-07-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Hinsdale, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Gunnison National Forest: Cuba Gulch Trailhead, Forest Road 30, Colo Hwy 149, Half Peak., 37.8661 -107.4673, 3986m

Jeanette Flaig, Michele Pring   60892004-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Hinsdale, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Kite Lake, WNW of Beartown site, Forest Road 506., 37.7132 -107.5312, 3857 - 3919m

Jeanette Flaig   62002004-07-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Moon Pass, California Gulch, Forest Road 675, ca 27 air mi ENE of Creede., 37.9775 -106.5771, 3337m

Jeanette Flaig   62442004-07-22
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Weminuche Wilderness: Beaver Creek or Trail 560 off West Fork Trail, ca 16 air mi NNE of Pagosa Springs., 37.5071 -106.9307, 3023 - 3087m

Jeanette Flaig, Sue Komarek   63722004-07-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Weminuche Wilderness: Roaring Creek Trailhead, Fisher Peak: also Trail 806, North Lime Trailhead, ca 13 air mi S of Creede., 37.6966 -106.9138, 3276 - 3278m

Jeanette Flaig   66172004-07-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Deep Creek Trail, Trailhead 806 from Forest Road 528, ca 12 air mi S of Creede., 37.7357 -106.9219, 3181 - 3341m

Jeanette Flaig   68222004-07-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: South Fork Carnero Creek, Forest Road 676, Trailhead 796, ca 21 air mi ESE of Creede., 37.9623 -106.5541, 3276m

Jeanette Flaig   68952004-07-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: vicinity of Lookout Mountain, Forest Road 41G, just S of Carnero Pass, ca 24 air mi WSW of Saguache., 37.9961 -106.4701, 3338m

Jeanette Flaig, Kurt Flaig   70842004-07-31
U.S.A., Colorado, La Plata, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Weminuche Wilderness: Eolus and North Eolus Peaks, Needles Creek Trail, N of Chicago Baisin, ca 15.5 air mi SSE of Silverton., 37.608 -107.6171, 3181 - 3390m

Jeanette Flaig   73622004-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Forest Road 787, Salt House, Forest Boundary, W of Saguache Park, ca 23 air mi NE of Creede., 38.0801 -106.7049, 3269m

Jeanette Flaig   74832004-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Hinsdale, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Weminuche Wilderness: Pine Creek Trail, Los Pinos River., 37.4697 -107.4584, 2456 - 2459m

Jeanette Flaig   76352004-08-09
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Windy Pass Trail just S of Treasure Falls pullout, U.S. Hwy 160, ca 17 air mi NNE of Pagosa Springs., 37.4319 -106.8685, 2752 - 3047m

Ronald L. Hartman   797042004-07-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: campground on Rio Chama W ca 1 air mi along Archuleta Creek., 37.032 -106.5536, 2677 - 2805m

Erin Foley   24362003-07-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Jones Pass, ca 13 air mi SW of Fraser, ca 9.5 air mi NW of Loveland Pass., 39.7767 -105.8879, 3500 - 3780m

Erin Foley   25282003-07-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Grays Peak Trail, ca 6.5 air mi SW of Georgetown; ca 4.5-5 air mi E of Loveland Pass., 39.6474 -105.7992, 3683 - 3872m

Erin Foley   26022003-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: intermittent stream between Henderson Tunnel and Williams Fork, ca 6 air mi SW of Byers Peak, ca 13.5 air mi SW of Winter Park., 39.7838 -105.9991, 2744 - 3091m

Erin Foley   27152003-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: secondary Forest Road 141 along Kinney Creek, ca 14.5 air mi SSE of Hot Sulphur Springs; ca 16.5 air mi SW of Granby., 39.8642 -106.0186, 3049m

Erin Foley   28512003-07-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Columbine Lake, ca 22.5 air mi W of Boulder; ca 8.5 air mi NE of Fraser., 40.0186 -105.6936, 3207 - 3537m

Erin Foley   29082003-07-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Meadow Creek Road, ca 28 air mi W of Boulder; ca 5.5 air mi N of Fraser., 40.0224 -105.8071, 2744m

Erin Foley   30582003-07-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: S of Lake Granby along Doe Creek, ca 6.5 air mi ENE of Granby; ca 15.5 air mi NNW of Fraser., 40.1098 -105.8289, 2585 - 2671m

Erin Foley   31472003-07-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Monarch Lake, ca 10.5 air mi E of Granby; ca 12 air mi NE of Fraser., 40.108 -105.7415, 2561m

Erin Foley   32372003-07-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Roosevelt National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Saint Vrain Mountain Trail, ca 18 air mi NW of Boulder; ca 7 air mi NW of Ward., 40.1695 -105.5588, 2927 - 3384m

Erin Foley   33362003-07-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Roosevelt National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Rainbow Lakes, ca 3.5-4 air mi NW of Nederland; ca 12.5 air mi NE of Fraser., 40.0132 -105.5828, 3110m

Erin Foley   38002003-07-30
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Cascade Creek Trail, ca 1 mi N of Crater Lake., 40.0894 -105.6563, 3171 - 3354m

Erin Foley   39272003-07-31
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Cascade Creek Trail, ca 1 mi SW of the junction of Buchanan Pass and Cascade Creek trails., 40.1011 -105.6801, 2896 - 3293m

Erin Foley, Jill Torres   40782003-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: E of Colo Hwy 103, ca 0.5 air mi N of Chicago Forks Campground, ca 6 air mi SW of Idaho Springs., 39.6017 -105.7522, 3476 - 3659m

Erin Foley, Jill Torres   42232003-08-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Byers Peak Wilderness: Lake Evelyn Trail, ca 9.5 air mi WSW of Fraser., 39.8862 -105.9722, 2988 - 3354m

Erin Foley, James, Margaret, and Alex Foley   42802003-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Vasquez Road, ca 5.5 air mi S of Fraser, along Vasquez Creek., 39.8687 -105.8204, 2866 - 2927m

Erin Foley   43902003-08-07
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Echo Lake Trail along Beaverdam Creek, ca 6.5 air mi SW of Idaho Springs; ca 7 air mi ESE of Georgetown., 39.6565 -105.5949, 3232m

Erin Foley   46312003-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Gilpin, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range, tributary of North Clear Creek, ca 4 air mi WNW of Central City; ca 6.5 air mi NE of Empire., 39.822 -105.585, 2988m

Erin Foley   49772003-08-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: Skylark Creek, ca 1.5 mi W of Mule Creek, ca 13.5 air mi SSW of Hot Sulphur Springs., 39.885 -106.186, 2707 - 2927m

Erin Foley   50892003-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Never Summer Wilderness: Cascade Mountain, ca 10.5 air mi N of Granby., 40.3317 -105.9561, 2951 - 3506m

Erin Foley   53952003-08-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Squaw Pass, ca 4.5 air mi SE of Idaho Springs; ca 14 air mi WSW of Golden., 39.6807 -105.4729, 2957 - 3049m

Erin Foley   55312003-08-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: South Fork Williams Fork Trail, ca 24 air mi SSE of Hot Sulphur Springs; ca 9.5 air mi NW of Loveland Pass., 39.7129 -106.0077, 2988m

Erin Foley   100302004-07-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Rabbit Ears Range: Troublesome Wilderness: Rabbit Ears Creek, ca 12.5 air mi SW of Rand and ca 17.5 air mi NE of Kremmling., 40.2845 -106.355, 2793 - 2866m

Erin Foley   102762004-07-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Front Range: Roaring Fork SW of Hiamovi Mountain, ca 9 air mi SE of Grand Lake and ca 13 air mi ENE of Granby., 40.1538 -105.7286, 3110 - 3628m

Erin Foley   104012004-07-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Gore Range: Red Dirt Reservoir, ca 14.5 air mi NW of Kremmling and ca 16 air mi NE of Toponas., 40.1958 -106.5705, 2759 - 2768m

Erin Foley, Shannon Terry   105452004-07-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Rabbit Ears Range: Gravel Mountain and Stillwater Creek, ca 8 air mi W of Grand Lake and ca 13 air mi NNW of Granby., 40.2742 -105.97, 3171 - 3588m

Erin Foley   108842004-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Loveland Basin Ski Area: ca 1.5 air mi NW of Loveland Pass and ca 11 air mi WSW of Georgetown., 39.675 -105.9072, 3476m

Erin Foley   120912004-08-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Front Range: Buchanan Creek, ca 15 air mi ENE of Granby and ca 9 air mi WNW of Ward., 40.1226 -105.6775, 2866 - 3110m

Erin Foley   121932004-08-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Front Range: Gourd Lake to Island Lake, ca 11 air mi SE of Grand Lake and ca 10 air mi NW of Ward., 40.1337 -105.6733, 3293 - 3537m

Erin Foley   92892004-07-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Gore Range: Dice Hill, ca 29 air mi NW of Silverthorne and 9 air mi SSW of Kremmling., 39.9452 -106.4437, 2866 - 2927m

Erin Foley   99172004-07-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Rabbit Ears Range: Coal Mountain Access, Troublesome Wilderness: ca 15 air mi NW of Hot Sulphur Springs and ca 17 air mi NE of Kremmling., 40.0864 -106.4073, 2762 - 2817m

Ronald L. Hartman, Jakota S. Hartman   798012004-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Front Range: from Roar Fork Trail at saddle SSW to summit of Mount Irving Hale., 40.1466 -105.7162, 3415 - 3584m

733064Arnold Clifford   00-7282000-07-10
U.S.A., New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Indian Reservation: Chuska Mountains: 4.5 mi S of Toadlena Lake., 36.1754 -108.94759, 2729m

626180Ronald L. Hartman   468761994-06-28
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: Swift Creek trail from Wilderness boundary NNE ca 1.5 air mi, at break of trail with basin area., 43.371 -110.391, 2256 - 2866m

626181Ronald L. Hartman   472871994-07-07
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: 1.5-2 air mi S of Pinnacle Peak., 43.3567 -110.5281, 2439 - 2622m

Page 1, records 1-100 of 3166


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