Timothy W. Chumley 5534a 1996-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Douglas, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Rampart Range: off Forest Road 507 ca 0.2 rd mi E of intersection with Forest Road 300 or Rampart Range Road, ca 3 air mi SE of Shamballah-Ashramah; ca 8.4 air mi NE of Deckers., 39.2945 -105.0826, 2390 - 2576m
Timothy W. Chumley 5535 1996-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Douglas, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Rampart Range: off Forest Road 507 ca 0.2 rd mi E of intersection with Forest Road 300 or Rampart Range Road, ca 3 air mi SE of Shamballah-Ashramah; ca 8.4 air mi NE of Deckers., 39.2945 -105.0826, 2390 - 2576m
Timothy W. Chumley 5673 1996-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Platte River Mountains: Freeman Creek: along the creek and adjacent ridges ca 1.6 air mi W of intersection with Rolling Creek Trail or Forest Trail 663, ca 6.3 air mi SE of Bailey., 39.3251 -105.413, 2537 - 2829m
Timothy W. Chumley 5688 1996-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Platte River Mountains: Freeman Creek: along the creek and adjacent ridges ca 1.6 air mi W of intersection with Rolling Creek Trail or Forest Trail 663, ca 6.3 air mi SE of Bailey., 39.3251 -105.413, 2537 - 2829m
Timothy W. Chumley 5880 1996-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Douglas, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Rampart Range: Turkey Creek: along the creek, 39.1352 -105.2503, 2293 - 2439m
Timothy W. Chumley 5978 1996-08-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Thirtynine Mile Volcanic Range: along an unnamed tributary of Threemile Creek and surrounding uplands off Forest Road 108 ca 1.5 rd mi E of intersection with Colo Hwy 9, ca 9.2 air mi NW of Guffey., 38.8337 -105.6523, 2854 - 3073m
Timothy W. Chumley 6004 1996-08-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Thirtynine Mile Volcanic Range: along an unnamed tributary of Threemile Creek and surrounding uplands off Forest Road 108 ca 1.5 rd mi E of intersection with Colo Hwy 9, ca 9.2 air mi NW of Guffey., 38.8337 -105.6523, 2854 - 3073m
Timothy W. Chumley 6140 1996-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Continental Divide: Hoosier Ridge: along the ridge N from Hoosier Pass ca 4 trail mi to an unnamed peak, ca 5.4 air mi NNE of Alma., 39.354 -106.0427, 3518 - 4024m
Timothy W. Chumley 6149 1996-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Continental Divide: Hoosier Ridge: along the ridge N from Hoosier Pass ca 4 trail mi to an unnamed peak, ca 5.4 air mi NNE of Alma., 39.354 -106.0427, 3518 - 4024m
Timothy W. Chumley 6186 1996-08-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park: Trout Creek Pass: Antero State Wildlife Area: on slopes and ridges N of pass and W of old Colorado Midland railroad grade, ca 1 air mi SW of Antero Junction., 38.9201 -105.9675, 2823 - 3024m
Timothy W. Chumley 6271 1996-08-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Phantom Canyon: along Eightmile Creek and surrounding cliffs off Colo Hwy 67 or Phantom Canyon Road approx 2.2 rd mi N of BLM Steel Bridge Interpretive Site, ca 8.2 air mi NE of Canon City., 38.5852 -105.0957, 2256 - 2354m
Timothy W. Chumley 6282 1996-08-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Phantom Canyon: along Eightmile Creek and surrounding cliffs off Colo Hwy 67 or Phantom Canyon Road approx 2.2 rd mi N of BLM Steel Bridge Interpretive Site, ca 8.2 air mi NE of Canon City., 38.5852 -105.0957, 2256 - 2354m
Timothy W. Chumley 6336 1996-08-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Phantom Canyon: along Eightmile Creek and surrounding cliffs off Colo Hwy 67 or Phantom Canyon Road approx 2.2 rd mi N of BLM Steel Bridge Interpretive Site, ca 8.2 air mi NE of Canon City., 38.5852 -105.0957, 2256 - 2354m
Timothy W. Chumley 6396 1996-08-22
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Mosquito Creek: along the creek and surrounding ridges off Mosquito Pass or County Road 12 N of the North London Mill, ca 5.1 air mi WNW of Alma., 39.2962 -106.1538, 3396 - 3744m
Amy J. Roderick, Kevin J. Taylor 7727 1998-08-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Upper North Platte and Laramie River Drainages: Ferris Mountains: Miners Canyon on northeastern side of range, ca 16 air mi N of Independence Rock., 42.2674 -107.1238, 2012m
Timothy W. Chumley 6423 1996-08-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Breakneck Pass: on ridgetop off Forest Road 175 and 426, ca 6.8 air mi SW of Fairplay., 39.1517 -106.0797, 3207 - 3357m
Timothy W. Chumley 6455 1996-08-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Breakneck Pass: on ridgetop off Forest Road 175 and 426, ca 6.8 air mi SW of Fairplay., 39.1517 -106.0797, 3207 - 3357m
Timothy W. Chumley 6506 1996-08-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Kite Lake/Emma Lake: on alpine slopes below the Continental Divide between Mt. Democrat and Mt. Buckskin, and along the shores of Kite and Emma Lakes, ca 5 air mi NW of Alma., 39.3251 -106.1353, 3622 - 4024m
Timothy W. Chumley 6563 1996-08-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Mt. Bross: on SW flank of Mt. Bross S of Sunset Home Mine, off Bucksin Joe or County Road 8 ca 3.4 air mi NW of Alma., 39.3107 -106.1168, 3402 - 3659m
Timothy W. Chumley 6581 1996-08-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Mt. Bross: on SW flank of Mt. Bross S of Sunset Home Mine, off Bucksin Joe or County Road 8 ca 3.4 air mi NW of Alma., 39.3107 -106.1168, 3402 - 3659m
Timothy W. Chumley 6599 1996-08-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Mt. Bross: on SW flank of Mt. Bross S of Sunset Home Mine, off Bucksin Joe or County Road 8 ca 3.4 air mi NW of Alma., 39.3107 -106.1168, 3402 - 3659m
Timothy W. Chumley, Bobbi Siems 6791 1996-08-31
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Peerless Mountain/Horseshoe Cirque: along the slopes between Horseshoe and Peerless Mountains and in the basin below the cirque, ca 8 air mi WSW of Fairplay., 39.1951 -106.1723, 3720 - 4024m
Timothy W. Chumley 6812 1997-05-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Las Animas, Southeastern Colorado: Trinidad Lake State Recreation Area: in the hills above the northwestern shore of Trinidad Lake in the developed campground, ca 5 air mi ESE of Trinidad., 37.1418 -104.5662, 1982m
Timothy W. Chumley 6813 1997-05-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Las Animas, Southeastern Colorado: Trinidad Lake State Recreation Area: in the hills above the northwestern shore of Trinidad Lake in the developed campground, ca 5 air mi ESE of Trinidad., 37.1418 -104.5662, 1982m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6817 1997-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Twin Mountain: on south slopes and stream gulches just off U. S. Hwy 50, ca 6 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.49739 -105.2923, 1927 - 2000m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6818 1997-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Twin Mountain: on south slopes and stream gulches just off U. S. Hwy 50, ca 6 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.49739 -105.2923, 1927 - 2000m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6820 1997-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Twin Mountain: on south slopes and stream gulches just off U. S. Hwy 50, ca 6 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.49739 -105.2923, 1927 - 2000m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6821 1997-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Twin Mountain: on south slopes and stream gulches just off U. S. Hwy 50, ca 6 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.49739 -105.2923, 1927 - 2000m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6822 1997-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Twin Mountain: on south slopes and stream gulches just off U. S. Hwy 50, ca 6 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.49739 -105.2923, 1927 - 2000m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6823 1997-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Twin Mountain: on south slopes and stream gulches just off U. S. Hwy 50, ca 6 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.49739 -105.2923, 1927 - 2000m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6824 1997-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Twin Mountain: on south slopes and stream gulches just off U. S. Hwy 50, ca 6 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.49739 -105.2923, 1927 - 2000m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6825 1997-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Twin Mountain: on south slopes and stream gulches just off U. S. Hwy 50, ca 6 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.49739 -105.2923, 1927 - 2000m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6848 1997-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Twin Mountain: on south slopes and stream gulches just off U. S. Hwy 50, ca 6 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.49739 -105.2923, 1927 - 2000m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6913 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6960 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6963 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6968 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6970 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6971 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6977 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6994 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6995 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 6998 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: at Clarke Spring drainage and ridge to W, off Forest Road 130 ca 3.3 air mi W of Jefferson., 39.37264 -105.73417, 2963 - 3107m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7008 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: off Forest Road 148 ca 2 air mi S of Observatory Rock; ca 16 air mi E of Fairplay., 39.23964 -105.7063, 2854 - 2948m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7009 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: off Forest Road 148 ca 2 air mi S of Observatory Rock; ca 16 air mi E of Fairplay., 39.23964 -105.7063, 2854 - 2948m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7019 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: off Forest Road 148 ca 2 air mi S of Observatory Rock; ca 16 air mi E of Fairplay., 39.23964 -105.7063, 2854 - 2948m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7031 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: off Forest Road 148 ca 2 air mi S of Observatory Rock; ca 16 air mi E of Fairplay., 39.23964 -105.7063, 2854 - 2948m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7045 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: off Forest Road 148 ca 2 air mi S of Observatory Rock; ca 16 air mi E of Fairplay., 39.23964 -105.7063, 2854 - 2948m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7046 1997-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: off Forest Road 148 ca 2 air mi S of Observatory Rock; ca 16 air mi E of Fairplay., 39.23964 -105.7063, 2854 - 2948m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7049 1997-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: off Forest Road 148 ca 1.3 road mi W of Eagle Rock; ca 17 air mi E of Fairplay. NC1/4, 39.22647 -105.69022, 2799 - 2814m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7054 1997-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: off Forest Road 148 ca 1.3 road mi W of Eagle Rock; ca 17 air mi E of Fairplay. NC1/4, 39.22647 -105.69022, 2799 - 2814m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7059 1997-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Tarryall Mountains: off Forest Road 148 ca 1.3 road mi W of Eagle Rock; ca 17 air mi E of Fairplay. NC1/4, 39.22647 -105.69022, 2799 - 2814m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7076 1997-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Puma Hills: along creek in Turner Gulch N of Schoolmarm Mountain, off Forest Road 237 ca 13 air mi ENE of Hartsel. NC1/4, 39.13528 -105.6025, 3049 - 3171m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7120 1997-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Puma Hills: along creek in Turner Gulch N of Schoolmarm Mountain, off Forest Road 237 ca 13 air mi ENE of Hartsel. NC1/4, 39.13528 -105.6025, 3049 - 3171m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7124 1997-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Puma Hills: along creek in Turner Gulch N of Schoolmarm Mountain, off Forest Road 237 ca 13 air mi ENE of Hartsel. NC1/4, 39.13528 -105.6025, 3049 - 3171m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7133 1997-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Puma Hills: off Forest Road 237, ca 3/4 road mi from intersection with Turner Gulch or County Road 23, ca 6 air mi N of Glentivar., 39.1373 -105.6167, 2988m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7141 1997-07-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Puma Hills: off Forest Road 237, ca 3/4 road mi from intersection with Turner Gulch or County Road 23, ca 6 air mi N of Glentivar., 39.1373 -105.6167, 2988m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7143 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park: at eastern boundary of Muddy Springs State Wildlife Area, on access road ca 1 air mi W of Elkhorn or County Road 15, ca 5.5 mi N of intersection with U. S. Hwy 24; ca 7 air mi NE of Hartsel., 39.1217 -105.7265, 2945m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7152 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park: at eastern boundary of Muddy Springs State Wildlife Area, on access road ca 1 air mi W of Elkhorn or County Road 15, ca 5.5 mi N of intersection with U. S. Hwy 24; ca 7 air mi NE of Hartsel., 39.1217 -105.7265, 2945m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7153 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park: at eastern boundary of Muddy Springs State Wildlife Area, on access road ca 1 air mi W of Elkhorn or County Road 15, ca 5.5 mi N of intersection with U. S. Hwy 24; ca 7 air mi NE of Hartsel., 39.1217 -105.7265, 2945m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7154 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park: at eastern boundary of Muddy Springs State Wildlife Area, on access road ca 1 air mi W of Elkhorn or County Road 15, ca 5.5 mi N of intersection with U. S. Hwy 24; ca 7 air mi NE of Hartsel., 39.1217 -105.7265, 2945m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7155 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park: at eastern boundary of Muddy Springs State Wildlife Area, on access road ca 1 air mi W of Elkhorn or County Road 15, ca 5.5 mi N of intersection with U. S. Hwy 24; ca 7 air mi NE of Hartsel., 39.1217 -105.7265, 2945m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7174 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park/Puma Hills: off Forest Road 231 at forest boundary, ca 1 air mi NE of Glentivar., 39.0785 -105.5782, 2774 - 3018m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7182 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park/Puma Hills: off Forest Road 231 at forest boundary, ca 1 air mi NE of Glentivar., 39.0785 -105.5782, 2774 - 3018m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7209 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park/Puma Hills: off Forest Road 231 at forest boundary, ca 1 air mi NE of Glentivar., 39.0785 -105.5782, 2774 - 3018m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7210 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park/Puma Hills: off Forest Road 231 at forest boundary, ca 1 air mi NE of Glentivar., 39.0785 -105.5782, 2774 - 3018m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7211 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park/Puma Hills: off Forest Road 231 at forest boundary, ca 1 air mi NE of Glentivar., 39.0785 -105.5782, 2774 - 3018m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7212 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park/Puma Hills: off Forest Road 231 at forest boundary, ca 1 air mi NE of Glentivar., 39.0785 -105.5782, 2774 - 3018m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7213a 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park/Puma Hills: off Forest Road 231 at forest boundary, ca 1 air mi NE of Glentivar., 39.0785 -105.5782, 2774 - 3018m
Timothy W. Chumley, Irene Thien 7213b 1997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: South Park/Puma Hills: off Forest Road 231 at forest boundary, ca 1 air mi NE of Glentivar., 39.0785 -105.5782, 2774 - 3018m
Timothy W. Chumley, Randy Pratt 7233 1997-10-02
U.S.A., Colorado, El Paso, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: at scenic overlook on I-25, ca 1/3 air mi E of U. S. Air Force Academy airport, ca 9 air mi N of Colorado Springs., 38.974 -104.807, 2006m
Timothy W. Chumley, Randy Pratt 7240 1997-10-02
U.S.A., Colorado, El Paso, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: at scenic overlook on I-25, ca 1/3 air mi E of U. S. Air Force Academy airport, ca 9 air mi N of Colorado Springs., 38.974 -104.807, 2006m
Timothy W. Chumley, Randy Pratt 7241 1997-10-02
U.S.A., Colorado, El Paso, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: at scenic overlook on I-25, ca 1/3 air mi E of U. S. Air Force Academy airport, ca 9 air mi N of Colorado Springs., 38.974 -104.807, 2006m
Timothy W. Chumley, Randy Pratt 7281 1997-10-03
U.S.A., Colorado, Fremont, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Arkansas River Drainage: Sand Gulch, along a drainage heading S from BLM Sand Gulch Road, approx 1.2 road mi W of junction with Colo Hwy 9; ca 15 air mi NW of Ca¤on City., 38.578 -104.436, 2104 - 2134m
852668 B. E. Nelson, Ronald L. Hartman 38141 1996-06-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: ridge and breaks N of Bennett Creek, ca 5-5.5 air mi NW of Clark; ca 30.5 air mi NNW of Cody., 44.9514 -109.229, 1433 - 1707m
653764 B. E. Nelson 38210 1996-06-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: hogbacks E of Bald Ridge between Sheep and Newmeyer creeks, ca 10 air mi SW of Clark; ca 21.5 air mi NW of Cody., 44.7902 -109.2935, 1555 - 1671m
852680 B. E. Nelson 38227 1996-06-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: hogbacks E of Bald Ridge between Sheep and Newmeyer creeks, ca 10 air mi SW of Clark; ca 21.5 air mi NW of Cody., 44.7902 -109.2935, 1555 - 1671m
654063 David Rosenthal 113 1996-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: along Clocktower Creek, ca 6-7 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.3603 -109.5837, 1951 - 2165m
650004 Amy J. Roderick, Kevin J. Taylor 7728 1998-08-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Upper North Platte and Laramie River Drainages: Ferris Mountains: Miners Canyon on northeastern side of range, ca 16 air mi N of Independence Rock., 42.2674 -107.1238, 2012m
852646 David Rosenthal 114 1996-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: along Clocktower Creek, ca 6-7 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.3603 -109.5837, 1951 - 2165m
680157 David Rosenthal 115 1996-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: along Clocktower Creek, ca 6-7 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.3603 -109.5837, 1951 - 2165m
852647 David Rosenthal 116 1996-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: along Clocktower Creek, ca 6-7 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.3603 -109.5837, 1951 - 2165m
654070 David Rosenthal 117 1996-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: along Clocktower Creek, ca 6-7 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.3603 -109.5837, 1951 - 2165m
852839 David Rosenthal 118 1996-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: along Clocktower Creek, ca 6-7 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.3603 -109.5837, 1951 - 2165m
654054 David Rosenthal 119 1996-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: along Clocktower Creek, ca 6-7 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.3603 -109.5837, 1951 - 2165m
654051 David Rosenthal 120 1996-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: along Clocktower Creek, ca 6-7 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.3603 -109.5837, 1951 - 2165m
852773 David Rosenthal 133 1996-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: along Clocktower Creek, ca 6-7 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.3458 -109.5837, 2134 - 2256m
852838 David Rosenthal 134 1996-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Clearwater Creek drainage., 44.5053 -109.7046, 2134 - 2378m
852837 David Rosenthal 135 1996-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Clearwater Creek drainage., 44.5053 -109.7046, 2134 - 2378m
852823 David Rosenthal 136 1996-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Clearwater Creek drainage., 44.5053 -109.7046, 2134 - 2378m
654071 David Rosenthal 137 1996-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Clearwater Creek drainage., 44.5053 -109.7046, 2134 - 2378m
852531 David Rosenthal 166 1996-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Monument Mountain., 44.544 -109.7592, 2500 - 3293m
680148 David Rosenthal 169 1996-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Monument Mountain., 44.544 -109.7592, 2500 - 3293m
852560 David Rosenthal 183 1996-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Monument Mountain., 44.544 -109.7592, 2500 - 3293m
852526 David Rosenthal 184 1996-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Monument Mountain., 44.544 -109.7592, 2500 - 3293m
852658 David Rosenthal 185 1996-07-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Monument Mountain., 44.544 -109.7592, 2500 - 3293m
852673 David Rosenthal, Ronald L. Hartman 20 1996-07-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area: Enos Creek and adjacent, 18 air mi WNW of Dubois., 43.5906 -109.9781, 2683 - 2713m
654055 David Rosenthal 209 1996-07-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Sunlight Basin, ca 30 air mi ENE of Cody., 44.6743 -109.739, 2256 - 2317m
852795 David Rosenthal, Ronald L. Hartman 21 1996-07-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area: Enos Creek and adjacent, 18 air mi WNW of Dubois., 43.5906 -109.9781, 2683 - 2713m
654056 David Rosenthal 212 1996-07-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Sunlight Basin, ca 30 air mi ENE of Cody., 44.6743 -109.739, 2256 - 2317m