739319 Erwin F. Evert 21515 1991-07-08
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: Yankee Jim Canyon, on west side of Yellowstone River, ca 12 mi NW of Gardiner., 45.1678 -110.8727, 1585m
783118 Erwin F. Evert 29799 1995-07-06
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along West Bridger Creek, ca 15 mi SSE of Big Timber., 45.618 -109.8607, 1573m
787029 Erwin F. Evert 31052 1996-06-14
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range foothills: Gallatin National Forest: Sourdough Canyon along east side of Sourdough Creek, 6 mi S of Bozeman., 45.5743 -111.0331, 1634 - 1659m
787063 Erwin F. Evert 31108 1996-06-14
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Along East Gallatin River just N of the Burlington Northern tracks, 3 mi E of Bozeman., 45.6616 -110.9714, 1494m
702634 Robert D. Dorn 8999 2001-08-31
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Long Pines Area SE of Ekalaka., 45.6306 -104.1769, 1189m
709839 Cheryl Mayer 145 2000-08-11
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness: along Grizzly Bear Creek in vicinity of Centennial Trail (#89) S of Mt. Rushmore, ca 7.3 air mi SE of Hill City., 43.8653 -103.46, 1476m
709762 Cheryl Mayer 222 2001-06-13
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness: Centennial Trail (#89) S of Mt. Rushmore, ca 2.3 air mi SSE of Horsethief Lake, ca 7.4 air mi SE of Hill City., 43.8631 -103.4595, 1500m
Hollis Marriott, Cheryl Mayer 11846 2000-06-03
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness, Grizzly Bear Creek at confluence with drainage from SW corner of Mt. Rushmore Nat. Memorial, ca 1.0 air mi S of The Heads; ca 7.5 air mi SE of Hill City., 43.865 -103.4588, 1470m
698836 Hollis Marriott, Cheryl Mayer 11846 2000-06-03
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness, Grizzly Bear Creek just above confluence with drainage from SW corner of Mt. Rushmore Nat. Memorial, ca 1.0 air mi S of The Heads; ca 7.5 air mi SE of Hill City., 43.8654 -103.46, 1470m
Cheryl Mayer 493 2005-07-20
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Mount Rushmore National Memorial: along trail from Visitor Center area down to Starling Basin (drainage SW and S of The Heads), ca 1/4 mi from trailhead., 1524m
Brian Elliott 14811 2010-06-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills National Forest: ca 12.5 air mi W (265°) of Spearfish, SD, E of Sand Creek Road in the vicinity of Dugout Gulch., 1201m
502598 J. M. Aikman 1676 1935-06-05
U.S.A., Nebraska, Gosper, Prairie States Forestry Project: near Platte River, 3.3 mi S of Lexington.
150071 C. L. Shear s.n. 1895-06-20
U.S.A., Nebraska, Buffalo, Kearney: North Platte River.
239880 Harry Hapeman s.n. 1892-05-28
U.S.A., Nebraska, Kearney, Newark.
368 W. C. Knight s.n.
U.S.A., Nebraska, no county
369 W. C. Knight s.n.
U.S.A., Nebraska, no county
64939 Leslie N. Goodding 2235 1904-06-00
U.S.A., Nebraska, no county, Eastern Nebraska.
275497 Elray S. Nixon 82 1964-06-10
U.S.A., Montana, Sheridan, Metcalf Public Hunting Grounds, 13 mi N of Hay Springs., 1006m
502434 Theodore Krueger 38 1914-05-28
U.S.A., Nebraska, Thomas, Nebraska National Forest.
620107 Neil Hotchkiss s.n. 1941-05-25
U.S.A., North Dakota, Ward, South side of Taskers Coulee, 2 mi S of Kenmare.
283405 C. L. Porter, Marjorie Porter 10357 1967-06-07
U.S.A., North Dakota, Billings, Near Medora and Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park., 762m
168876 J. Lunell s.n. 1910-07-10
U.S.A., North Dakota, Rolette, Turtle Mountains, near Saint John.
168897 Lycurgus R. Moyer 757 1916-08-22
U.S.A., North Dakota, Slope, Marmarth.
39149 J. Lunell s.n. 1901-06-19
U.S.A., North Dakota, Pierce, Pleasant Lake.
44884 L. R. Waldron 1769 1902-08-24
U.S.A., North Dakota, Rolette, St. John's.
154237 O. A. Stevens 193 1936-08-04
U.S.A., North Dakota, Richland, Leonard.
133697 Wilhelm G. Solheim 232 1929-07-04
U.S.A., North Dakota, Cass, Kindred.
154670 H. F. Bergman 968 1911-07-28
U.S.A., North Dakota, Barnes, Kathryn.
154702 H. F. Bergman s.n. 1910-06-20
U.S.A., North Dakota, Stutsman, Medina.
394373 Gary E. Larson 9122 1983-07-09
U.S.A., South Dakota, Day, Waubay National Wildlife Refuge: Spring Coulee.
James F. Fowler, C. L. May 1317 1993-06-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument: Bull Hanging Garden, Bull Canyon., 1634m
James F. Fowler, C. L. May 1325 1993-06-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Moffat, Dinosaur National Monument: Bull Hanging Garden, Bull Canyon., 1634m
James F. Fowler, C. L. May 1551 1993-07-07
U.S.A., Utah, San Juan, Canyonlands National Park: Island-in-the-Sky District: Northface Hanging Garden, on Neck Springs trail., 1756m
921258 Robert D. Dorn 11285 2014-06-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Weston, Ca 4 mi E of Newcastle., 43.841667 -104.106667, 1372m
938240 Bonnie Heidel 4302 2016-07-03
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Smith Gulch, ca 1 mi SW of Rochford, ca 15 mi NW of Hill City., 1707m
68278 David Griffiths, Schlosser s.n. 1894-08-00
U.S.A., South Dakota, no county
68044 T. A. Williams 324 1903-00-00
U.S.A., South Dakota, no county
Timothy W. Chumley 5486 1996-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Douglas, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Rampart Range: off Forest Road 507 ca 0.2 rd mi E of intersection with Forest Road 300 or Rampart Range Road, ca 3 air mi SE of Shamballah-Ashramah; ca 8.4 air mi NE of Deckers., 39.2945 -105.0826, 2390 - 2576m
912029 Erwin F. Evert 40196 2003-06-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone Plateau: Yellowstone National Park: Artists Paint Pots thermal area, ca 4 mi SW of Norris Junction., 2256m
784078 Erwin F. Evert 30696 1995-08-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone Plateau: Yellowstone National Park: Gibbon Geyser Basin: along trail to Artists Paint Pots, ca 400-500 ft E of road., 44.6931 -110.7442, 2232m
788588 Erwin F. Evert 32384 1996-08-05
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: along trail 1/4 mi E of Slough Lake; 22 mi W of Red Lodge., 45.2061 -109.6794, 2265m
820811 Erwin F. Evert 35790 1998-07-17
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: along a tributary of Sourdough (Bozeman) Creek just E of confluence, 8 mi S of Bozeman., 45.2957 -110.2376, 1732m
820808 Erwin F. Evert, Judith McCarthy 35797 1998-07-17
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: along trail ca 800 ft W of Sourdough (Bozeman) Creek, City of Bozeman Land, 10 mi S of Bozeman., 45.2812 -110.2171, 1829m
820753 Erwin F. Evert 35819 1998-07-17
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: along the E side of Sourdough (Bozeman) Creek; 10 mi S of Bozeman., 45.2812 -110.1966, 1814m
795966 Jeanette Flaig 1090 2003-07-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Forest Road 410 ca 3/4 mi; ca 8 air mi SW of South Fork. N center, 37.5494 -106.7926, 2848m
946916 Jill E. Larson 2799 2005-07-21
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Range: Middle Fork Lake via Forest Road 487, ca 3 air mi E of Twining., 36.6125 -105.4084, 3049 - 3308m
946915 Jill E. Larson 8035 2006-07-12
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Range: Goose Creek Trail 65 and along Goose Creek, ca 3.5 air mi S of Red River, ca 2 air mi SE of Black Mountain., 36.6677 -105.4098, 2957 - 3506m
260234 C. L. Porter, Marjorie W. Porter 7836 1959-06-24
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Bear Lodge Range: between Alva and Aladdin., 44.6582 -104.3205, 1463m
808720 Ronald L. Hartman 75528 2002-06-29
U.S.A., New Mexico, Sandoval, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Jemez Mountains: East Fork Jemez River from trailhead, 0.2 air mi W of Las Condras Campground, N and W to Valles Caldera National Preserve fence near highpoint 8612., 35.827633 -106.5875, 2530 - 2561m
808719 Ronald L. Hartman 75600 2002-07-12
U.S.A., New Mexico, Sandoval, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Jemez Mountains: Las Conchas Campground on NM Hwy 4 upstream on East Fork Jemez River to 0.8 mi., 35.8145 -106.524017, 2580m
808718 Ronald L. Hartman 75667 2002-07-12
U.S.A., New Mexico, Sandoval, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Jemez Mountains: Las Conchas Campground on NM Hwy 4 upstream on East Fork Jemez River from 0.8 mi to the Valles Caldera National Preserve boundary., 35.81975 -106.51875, 2583m
19838 Aven Nelson, Elias Nelson 6198 1899-07-28
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park: Gibbon Canyon., 44.6888 -110.7515, 2256 - 2287m
37879 Frank Tweedy 3497 1900-07-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Johnson, Eastern Slope Big Horn Mountains: headwaters of Clear Creek and Crazy Woman River., 44.2172 -106.952, 2134 - 2744m
742788 Ron Kass, C. Wetmore 4662 1996-06-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Bear Lodge Mountains: Cook Lake.
99045 Arthur C. McIntosh 237 1924-06-10
U.S.A., South Dakota, Meade, Piedmont: Little Elk Creek., 44.2374 -103.4433, 1220m
267190 C. L. Gilly, G. W. Parmelee, Stella M. Wilson 531 1953-06-22
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Icebox Canyon., 44.2968 -103.8586, 1677m
241809 C. L. Porter 6587 1954-07-26
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, 15 mi SW of Lead, in the Black Hills., 44.2359 -103.9199, 1616m
Cheryl Mayer 50 2000-06-24
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness: base of Elkhorn Mountain, ca 4.3 air mi SE of Hill City., 43.8884 -103.5166, 1817m
709924 Cheryl Mayer 50 2000-06-24
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness: base of Elkhorn Mountain, ca 4.3 air mi SE of Hill City., 43.8884 -103.5166, 1817m
531192 Erwin F. Evert 6378 1983-09-02
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Black Hills: Spearfish Canyon along U. S. Hwy 14A, ca 10 mi S of Spearfish., 44.3794 -103.9122, 1494m
568173 Gary E. Larson, James R. Johnson 10677 1991-08-20
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, 44.3061 -103.7756, 1689m
168860 George E. Osterhout 7833 1932-07-12
U.S.A., South Dakota, Custer, Black Hills: near Sylvan Lake., 43.8471 -103.5662, 1402 - 2210m
394505 Herman E. Hayward 1336 1927-06-23
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Lower Spearfish Canyon., 44.4073 -103.8957
208492 Herman E. Hayward 1733 1927-06-29
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Harney Peak region., 43.8598 -103.5254, 2027m
111079 Herman E. Hayward 1830 1927-07-03
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish Creek between Elmore and Savoy., 44.3361 -103.9115, 1494 - 1646m
129811 Herman E. Hayward 1927 1927-07-04
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Terry Peak above Trojan., 44.3317 -103.8367, 2043m
107856 Herman E. Hayward 233 1/2 1926-08-05
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Deadwood: Near Pinecrest, "white rocks"., 44.3775 -103.7287, 1317 - 1738m
Hollis Marriott, Cheryl Mayer 11845 2000-06-03
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness, Grizzly Bear Creek at confluence with drainage from SW corner of Mt. Rushmore Nat. Memorial, ca 1.0 air mi S of The Heads; ca 7.5 air mi SE of Hill City., 43.865 -103.4588, 1470m
698837 Hollis Marriott, Cheryl Mayer 11845 2000-06-03
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness, Grizzly Bear Creek just above confluence with drainage from SW corner of Mt. Rushmore Nat. Memorial, ca 1.0 air mi S of The Heads; ca 7.5 air mi SE of Hill City., 43.8654 -103.46, 1470m
69909 S. S. Visher 275 1910-07-20
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Long Pine Hills., 1280m
92347 W. P. Carr 119 1913-08-09
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Lead., 44.3516 -103.7678, 1433 - 1799m
502351 A. T. Upson 38
U.S.A., Colorado, no county, Arapaho National Forest.
88947 Edwin B. Payson 1545 1919-07-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Eldora, mountain above Lost Lake.
168863 George E. Osterhout 3269 1906-07-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Gilpin, Rollins Pass.
70265 George E. Osterhout 3269 1906-07-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Gilpin, Rollins Pass.
502349 Leon Nadeau LN-136 1936-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, El Paso, Pike National Forest: Sailor Park., 2439m
502350 Philip V. Woodhead 26-W 1916-06-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Jefferson, Pike National Forest: head of Cabin Creek., 2591m
502348 Ralph K. Gierisch 1975 1957-08-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Gilpin, Roosevelt National Forest: Mammouth Creek., 39.8778 -105.6241, 2896m
229332 William A. Weber 7724 1952-06-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Douglas, Devils Head: E of public campground., 2439m
Brian F. Jacobs 5183 2001-06-10
U.S.A., New Mexico, Sandoval, Jemez Mountains: Santa Fe National Forest: along Upper East Fork Jemez River Trail ca 1 mi downstream of trailhead., 2561m
Heather Bradtke 8969 2002-07-19
U.S.A., Washington, Columbia, Umatilla National Forest and Vicinity: Tucannon River, to 1.5 mi off road on Tucannon River Trail, ca 3 mi N and 23 mi W of Anatone., 46.186111 -117.613056, 1098m
Heather Bradtke 9538 2002-07-27
U.S.A., Washington, Garfield, Umatilla National Forest and Vicinity: Tumalum Creek, ca 3/4 mi W of Rose Springs, ca 3 mi S and 22 mi E of Dayton., 46.274167 -117.570278, 1341 - 1524m
373093 B. E. Nelson 11816 1984-09-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: along North Redwater Creek, ca 3 air mi W of Farrall, ca 12.5 air mi NNE of Sundance., 44.58194 -104.3258, 1311m
373092 B. E. Nelson 11870 1984-09-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: summit of the Bear Lodge Mountain, ca 1.3 air mi SE of Cook Lake, ca 12.5 air mi N of Sundance., 44.5814 -104.3869, 1524m
373091 B. E. Nelson 12167 1984-09-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: Planting Spring, ca 2.4 air mi E of Alva, ca 10.4 air mi E of Hulett., 44.6983 -104.38722, 1433m
373090 B. E. Nelson 12178 1984-09-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: Harding Gulch, ca 6.5 air mi NE of Alva, ca 12.8 air mi NE of Hulett., 44.7847 -104.3886, 1250m
568680 Hollis Marriott 11060 1989-07-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Corral Creek due W of Sand Creek Crossing; ca 9 air mi S of Beulah., 44.40889 -104.10278, 1555m
373098 Hollis Marriott 2026 1982-08-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: Bear Lodge Pass (Wyo Hwy 24), ca 6 air mi SE of Alva., 44.65556 -104.32528, 1433m
373097 Hollis Marriott 2921 1983-06-10
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: tributary to Fawn Creek, ca 5.6 air mi SE of Alva., 44.62556 -104.3669, 1402m
373096 Hollis Marriott 2954 1983-06-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountain, upper East Creek drainage; ca 5.2 air mi NNE of Alva., 44.77028 -104.40861, 1220m
373095 Hollis Marriott 3826 1983-07-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains; Cook Lake, ca 7.2 air mi SSE of Alva., 44.5958 -104.40722, 1448m
373094 Hollis Marriott 4088 1983-07-07
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains; divide and slopes east of Alkali Brook, ca 3.6 air mi NE of Alva., 44.74167 -104.40861, 1311 - 1372m
373085 Keith H. Dueholm 11835 1982-08-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Spottedtail Gulch, ca 10 air mi S of Beulah., 44.3942 -104.0825, 1829m
742788 Ron Kass, C. Wetmore 4662 1996-06-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Bear Lodge Mountains: Cook Lake., 44.5916 -104.408
373089 Ronald L. Hartman 16015 1983-07-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: East Creek, ca 4 air mi SSW of Mona., 44.75611 -104.40861, 1220m
373088 Ronald L. Hartman 16058 1983-07-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Geis Springs and vicinity, ca 5 air mi E of Alva., 44.68444 -104.3464, 1433m
373087 Ronald L. Hartman 17578 1984-07-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: 9.5 air mi E of Sundance., 44.395 -104.1833, 1402m
373086 Ronald L. Hartman 18018 1984-07-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Mineral Hill, ca 15 air mi ESE of Sundance., 44.3792 -104.0825, 1829m
35354 T. A. Williams s.n. 1897-07-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Welcome, Sand Creek., 44.374 -104.0622, 1738m
35354 T. A. Williams s.n. 1897-07-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Welcome., 1738m