Search Results (List)

Dataset: RM-
Taxa: Gentianaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 4298

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Timothy W. Chumley   63651996-08-22
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Mosquito Creek: along the creek and surrounding ridges off Mosquito Pass or County Road 12 N of the North London Mill, ca 5.1 air mi WNW of Alma., 39.2962 -106.1538, 3396 - 3744m

Timothy W. Chumley   64351996-08-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Breakneck Pass: on ridgetop off Forest Road 175 and 426, ca 6.8 air mi SW of Fairplay., 39.1517 -106.0797, 3207 - 3357m

Timothy W. Chumley   65151996-08-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Kite Lake/Emma Lake: on alpine slopes below the Continental Divide between Mt. Democrat and Mt. Buckskin, and along the shores of Kite and Emma Lakes, ca 5 air mi NW of Alma., 39.3251 -106.1353, 3622 - 4024m

Timothy W. Chumley   65551996-08-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Mt. Bross: on SW flank of Mt. Bross S of Sunset Home Mine, off Bucksin Joe or County Road 8 ca 3.4 air mi NW of Alma., 39.3107 -106.1168, 3402 - 3659m

Timothy W. Chumley   66391996-08-30
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Mosquito Range: Mosquito Pass/Mosquito Peak: along the Continental Divide and slopes E to the North London Mine, ca 6.5 air mi W of Alma., 39.2962 -106.1723, 3695 - 4210m

Image Associated With the Occurence
852869David Rosenthal   6191996-08-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area: Shoshone National Forest: ca 15 air mi S of Dubois., 43.334 -109.5857, 3201 - 3354m

Image Associated With the Occurence
855168David Rosenthal   35331997-08-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Shoshone National Forest: intersection of Wildcat Road and Warm Spring Creek; Old Warm Spring cattle driveway, ca 7.5 air mi SW of Dubois., 43.4898 -109.779, 3110 - 3171m

Image Associated With the Occurence
855167David Rosenthal   39891997-08-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Fitzpatrick Wilderness Area: Shoshone National Forest: on Ink Wells Trail from Echo Lake to intersection of Glacier Trail and Dinwoody Creek, ca 17 air mi S of Dubois., 43.2766 -109.5458, 2927 - 3126m

Image Associated With the Occurence
825411Erwin F. Evert   391122001-08-11
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Range: Custer National Forest: along northeast shore of Boundary Lake, ca 1 mi E of U.S. Hwy 212 and 17 mi SSW of Red Lodge., 2962m

Erwin F. Evert   202911990-08-11
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: Spanish Peaks area: along west side of Deer Creek and trail, ca 1 mi E of Moon Lake; ca 25 mi SSW of Bozeman., 45.3276 -111.2605, 2683m

754458Erwin F. Evert   241611992-07-28
U.S.A., Montana, Stillwater, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: below Benbow Mine: ca 1/2 mi NW of Chrome Lake, ca 6 mi S of Nye., 45.3559 -109.799, 2546m

781141Erwin F. Evert   282791994-07-21
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: south side and summit of Picket Pin Mountain; ca 14 mi W of Nye., 45.1943 -110.0328, 2927m

781965Erwin F. Evert   285151994-07-31
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: Bridger-Teton National Forest: headwaters of Hidden Creek below headwalls; 45 mi NW of Dubois., 44.0544 -109.8815, 2683m

783982Erwin F. Evert   306071995-08-07
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: Koch Basin on the east side of Koch Peak at head of Tumbledown Creek, ca 25 mi SE of Ennis., 45.0512 -111.4444, 2988m

796223Jeanette Flaig   17502003-07-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Viers Creek: U.S. Hwy 160 E to County Road 17 N to Forest Road 610 to Forest Road 630; ca 8.5 air mi N of South Fork. Center, 37.7765 -106.6597, 3293m

796222Jeanette Flaig   17602003-07-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Viers Creek: U.S. Hwy 160 E to County Road 17 N to Forest Road 610 to Forest Road 630; ca 8.5 air mi N of South Fork. Center, 37.7765 -106.6597, 3293m

Jeanette Flaig   19062003-07-28
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Park Creek Road (Forest Road 380) then SW; ca 13 air mi S of South Fork., 37.4925 -106.6924, 2930 - 3415m

796220Jeanette Flaig, Kurt Flaig   21472003-08-01
U.S.A., Colorado, San Juan, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Stony Pass:, 37.7743 -107.5666, 3622 - 3720m

796219Jeanette Flaig, Kurt Flaig   23242003-08-03
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: North Peak: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Park Creek Road, then, 37.4432 -106.5979, 3646 - 3901m

796218Jeanette Flaig   24032003-08-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Conejos and Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Forest Road 380 SW to Forest Road 243 then W., 37.363 -106.6701, 3351 - 3832m

796217Jeanette Flaig   25132003-08-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Conejos, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Stunner Campground., 37.3751 -106.571, 3018m

Jeanette Flaig, Sue Komarek   64142004-07-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Weminuche Wilderness: Roaring Creek Trailhead, Fisher Peak: also Trail 806, North Lime Trailhead, ca 13 air mi S of Creede., 37.6966 -106.9138, 3276 - 3278m

Jeanette Flaig   66782004-07-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Deep Creek Trail, Trailhead 806 from Forest Road 528, ca 12 air mi S of Creede., 37.7432 -106.9337, 2948 - 3181m

Jeanette Flaig, Kurt Flaig   69902004-07-31
U.S.A., Colorado, La Plata, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Weminuche Wilderness: Eolus and North Eolus Peaks, Needles Creek Trail, N of Chicago Baisin, Windom Peak, ca 15.5 air mi SSE of Silverton., 37.6212 -107.6147, 3897 - 4293m

Jeanette Flaig   79732004-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Conejos, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: South San Juan Wilderness: Continental Divide Trail, Forest Road 118.1C, Colo Hwy 17, ca 52 air mi SSW of Del Norte., 37.1125 -106.5181, 3523 - 3602m

Erin Foley   34622003-07-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Pawnee Pass/Pawne Lake, ca 16 air mi E of Granby; ca 13.5 air mi NE of Fraser., 40.0761 -105.6354, 3329 - 3829m

Erin Foley   36482003-07-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Kawuneeche Road, South Supply Creek, ca 3.5 air mi WNW of Grand Lake., 40.2617 -105.894, 2744m

Erin Foley, James, Margaret, and Alex Foley   42722003-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Vasquez Road, ca 5.5 air mi S of Fraser, along Vasquez Creek., 39.8687 -105.8204, 2866 - 2927m

Erin Foley   46772003-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Gilpin, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range, tributary of North Clear Creek, ca 4 air mi WNW of Central City; ca 6.5 air mi NE of Empire., 39.822 -105.585, 2988m

Erin Foley   51042003-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Never Summer Wilderness: Cascade Mountain, ca 10.5 air mi N of Granby., 40.3317 -105.9561, 2951 - 3506m

Erin Foley   51562003-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Rabbit Ears Range: Kauffman Creek, ca 10.5 air mi WNW of Grand Lake; ca 15.5 air mi NNE of Hot Sulphur Springs., 40.277 -106.0171, 3049m

Erin Foley   54992003-08-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: South Fork Williams Fork Trail, ca 24 air mi SSE of Hot Sulphur Springs; ca 9.5 air mi NW of Loveland Pass., 39.7129 -106.0077, 2988m

Erin Foley   55432003-08-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Rabbit Ears Range: North Fork Cabin Creek along Cabin Creek Road, ca 3 mi W of Colo Hwy 125, ca 9 air mi N of Hot Sulphur Springs., 40.2021 -106.0912, 2591m

Erin Foley   56752003-08-30
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Rabbit Ears Range: 0.5 mi S of Willow Creek Pass along Pass Creek, ca 28.5 air mi SE of Walden., 40.3444 -106.0963, 2896 - 2957m

Erin Foley   108962004-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Loveland Basin Ski Area: ca 1.5 air mi NW of Loveland Pass and ca 11 air mi WSW of Georgetown., 39.675 -105.9072, 3476m

Erin Foley   110482004-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Bard Creek to Engelmann Peak, ca 5 air mi NW of Georgetown and 4.5 air mi WSW of Empire., 39.7361 -105.7482, 3506m

Erin Foley   112752004-08-09
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Rabbit Ears Range: along Trail Creek into junction with Willow Creek at Colo Hwy 125, ca 14.5 air mi N of Hot Sulphur Springs and 15.5 air mi NW of Granby., 40.2788 -106.0862, 2652 - 2720m

Erin Foley   114462004-08-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Vasquez Peak Wilderness: Vasquez Mountains: unnamed stream and junction with Vasquez Creek, ca 5 air mi SW of Winter Park and ca 7.5 air mi SSW of Fraser., 39.8463 -105.8237, 2927 - 3323m

Erin Foley   120462004-08-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: South Clear Creek, along County Road 381, ca 6 air mi S of Georgetown and ca 3.5 air mi NW of Mount Bierstadt., 39.6167 -105.7158, 3262m

Erin Foley   121642004-08-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Front Range: Gourd Lake to Island Lake, ca 11 air mi SE of Grand Lake and ca 10 air mi NW of Ward., 40.1337 -105.6733, 3293 - 3537m

625461Ronald L. Hartman   489261994-07-31
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Area: Kinky Creek area, ca 3 air mi WSW of Mosquito Lake., 43.3853 -110.1168, 2652 - 2668m

625462Ronald L. Hartman, Tom Cramer   490361994-08-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Gros Ventre Area: 1-1.5 air mi S and SW of Red Hills., 43.3424 -110.2343, 2988 - 3201m

625463Ronald L. Hartman, Tom Cramer   495261994-08-17
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Gros Ventre Area: Brewster Lake and vicinity., 43.371 -110.2735, 2988m

Emily A. Holt, Benjamin Madsen   24072000-07-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, Central Colorado: Mosquito Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Horseshoe cirque area, off Forest Road 603 on south side and north side of lakes, ca 10 air mi SE of Leadville., 39.1951 -106.1723, 3741 - 3963m

Emily A. Holt   26692000-07-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Chaffee, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Huron Peak area, Forest Service trail to Huron Peak summit and trail along north side, ca 2.5 air mi S of Winfield., 38.9489 -106.431, 3750 - 4269m

Emily A. Holt   29432000-07-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Mount Massive and North Halfmoon Lakes Trail junction, ca 13 air mi SE of Leadville., 39.1806 -106.4687, 3659 - 3720m

Emily A. Holt   30062000-07-31
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Mosquito Range: East Slope Continental Divide: Iowa Gulch area, near mine tailings pile, ca 7 air mi SE of Leadville., 39.224 -106.1908, 3598 - 3902m

Emily A. Holt, Brian Elliott   33542000-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: along East Lake Creek, ca 8 air mi SSW of Avon., 39.5419 -106.5612, 2927 - 3110m

Emily A. Holt   35712000-08-09
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: on Native Lakes Trail at and above treeline, ca 9 air mi W of Leadville., 39.2384 -106.4687, 3537 - 3622m

Emily A. Holt   36232000-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Windsor Lake area, ca 2 air mi S of Hagerman Pass., 39.2529 -106.4687, 3293 - 3537m

Emily A. Holt   36652000-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: Mormon and Lyle lakes area, off Forest Service Trail 1919, ca 5 air mi E of Nast., 39.3107 -106.5242, 3293 - 3463m

Emily A. Holt   37072000-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: Martin Creek area, along old unmarked Forest Service trail, ca 10 air mi NNE of Independence Pass., 39.2529 -106.5242, 3049 - 3207m

Emily A. Holt   38032000-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: at lowest Fryingpan Lake, off Forest Service Trail 1921, ca 8.5 air mi NE of Independence Pass., 39.2095 -106.5057, 3293 - 3354m

Emily A. Holt   38662000-08-13
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: along Fall Creek Trail 2001, between Lake Constantine and Lake Honky Dory, ca 11 air mi S of Minturn., 39.4407 -106.4687, 3537 - 3720m

Emily A. Holt, Benjamin Madsen   41862000-08-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Turquoise Lake Trail from May Queen Campground to the dam, ca 3 air mi NE of Leadville., 39.2818 -106.3761, 3049m

Emily A. Holt   43702000-08-22
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Lost Man Creek Trail 1996, ca 11 air mi ESE of Aspen., 39.1373 -106.6168, 3232 - 3415m

Emily A. Holt, Tim Assal   74852001-08-03
U.S.A., Colorado, Chaffee, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: alongn Mt. Harvard Trail at Frenchmans Creek crossing W to willow carr/ meadow, ca 12 air mi NW of Buena Vista., 38.92 -106.285, 3659 - 3841m

Emily A. Holt   77752001-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: along South Fork Fryingpan Trail 1940 towards Deadman Lake, ca 1 mi along trail, ca 4 air mi S of Nast., 39.2382 -106.5803, 3049 - 3171m

Emily A. Holt, Robert Booth   79372001-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: along Trail 1917 at Henderson Park, ca 7 air mi E of Thomasville., 39.3683 -106.5803, 3171m

Emily A. Holt   80472001-08-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, Central Colorado: Mosquito Range, East Slope Continental Divide: from Kite Lake to summit of Mt. Democrat, ca 13 air mi NE of Leadville., 39.3393 -106.1358, 3720 - 4313m

Emily A. Holt, Benjamin Madsen   83162001-08-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Lake, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: along Forest Road 110 (Half-Moon Road) just S of gauging station, along Half Moon Creek, ca 10 air mi SW of Leadville., 39.1659 -106.3951, 2988m

B. E. Nelson   513702000-07-23
U.S.A., Idaho, Idaho, Payette National Forest and Vicinity: Salmon River Mountains: Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness: Moose Jaw Meadow and along Moose Creek below, ca 16 air mi NNE of Big Creek; ca 3 air mi SW of Chamberlain Guard Station., 45.3488 -115.2562, 1845m

571473B. E. Nelson, Steven Nelson   174831989-08-01
U.S.A., Colorado, Routt, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: head of Crowner Creek, ca 6 air mi ESE of Yampa, ca 24 air mi S of Steamboat Springs., 40.1275 -106.8014, 3018m

571471B. E. Nelson, Michelle Nelson   176791989-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Routt, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: Routt National Forest: Buffalo Pass and vicinity, ca 10 air mi NE of Steamboat Springs., 40.5466 -106.6825, 3140 - 3171m

571472B. E. Nelson, Michelle Nelson   181341989-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: along Blacktail Creek ca 2 air mi SW of Gore Pass, ca 10.5 air mi W of Kremmling., 40.0538 -106.5909, 2713m

571470Nancy Kastning, Sunny and Joel Kastning   11971988-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: ca 2 air mi N of Red Elephant Mountain., 2820m

571474Nancy Kastning   24631989-07-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: ca 23 air mi WSW of Walden, Mt. Ethel and proximity., 40.6625 -106.6635, 3415 - 3635m

571475Neil Snow   53061989-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: vicinity of Big Creek Lake Falls trailhead, ca 22 air mi NW of Walden., 40.9229 -106.6098, 2744m

571476Neil Snow   54801989-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: vicinity of Buffalo Ridge-Seven Lakes Trailhead, ca 2.0 mi S of Wyoming; ca 34 air mi NNE of Steamboat Springs., 40.9665 -106.686, 2927m

571477Neil Snow   56131989-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Routt, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: cirque basin below Red Dirt Pass., 40.8213 -106.6479, 2988m

Neil Snow   53061989-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: vicinity of Big Creek Lake Falls trailhead, ca 22 air mi NW of Walden., 40.9228 -106.6122, 2744m

Neil Snow   54801989-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: vicinity of Buffalo Lake-Seven Lakes trailhead, ca 2.0 mi S of Wyoming; ca 34 air mi NNE of Steamboat Springs., 40.9664 -106.6884, 2927m

Neil Snow   56131989-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Routt, Sierra Madre\Park Range: Park Range: cirque basin below Red Dirt Pass., 40.8212 -106.6503, 2988m

721922Kevin J. Taylor   41621997-08-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 12 air mi ENE of Crested Butte., 38.9055 -106.7672, 3232 - 3293m

721921Kevin J. Taylor   44231997-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: on Snodgrass Mountain, ca 2 air mi SSE of Gothic., 38.92 -106.9712, 2988 - 3110m

775405Kevin J. Taylor, Chris Floyd and Josh Crayton   100911998-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: Fossil Ridge Wilderness: ca 6 air mi NNW of Ohio., 38.6528 -106.6295, 3476 - 3598m

775404Kevin J. Taylor, Chris Floyd and Josh Crayton   102621998-08-09
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: ca 8 air mi NNE of Ohio., 38.679 -106.5623, 3262 - 3445m

775403Kevin J. Taylor, Chris Floyd and Josh Crayton   104351998-08-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Gunnison, Northern Gunnison Basin: along Gold Creek, ca 7.5 air mi NNE of Ohio., 38.6646 -106.5623, 3140m

Gwen Kittel   6411990-08-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Riparian Plants of the Cache la Poudre River: Rocky Mountain National Park, on Chapin Creek just above its confluence with the river, ca 2 1/4 mi N of Chapin Pass Trailhead., 3101m

Gwen Kittel   7031990-08-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Riparian Plants of the Cache la Poudre River: Rocky Mountain National Park, on Chapin Creek just above its confluence with the river, ca 2 1/4 mi N of Chapin Pass Trailhead., 3101m

Gwen Kittel   7791990-08-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Riparian Plants of the Cache la Poudre River: just inside north boundry of Rocky Mountain National Park, 1.5 mi E of Corral Creek Trailhead., 2899m

Gwen Kittel   940A1990-08-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Riparian Plants of the Cache la Poudre River: where Big South Trail passes Peterson Lake, 1/4 mi NE of Forest Service Road 159., 2841m

Image Associated With the Occurence
942845Jill E. Larson   32162005-07-26
U.S.A., New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Cruces Basin Wilderness: Forest Road 87, Brazos Ridge and drainages E of ridge, ca 11 air mi SW of San Miguel., 36.9067 -106.3548, 3155 - 3335m

Image Associated With the Occurence
942844Jill E. Larson   39752005-08-11
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Range: lower portion of creek drainage and forest slopes S of Middle Fork Lake, SE to alpine areas N of Wheeler Peak summit to La Cal Basin, ca 1.5 air mi E of Twining., 36.5962 -105.4152, 3262 - 3445m

Image Associated With the Occurence
952200Jill E. Larson   88162006-07-18
U.S.A., New Mexico, Mora, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Range: Forest Road 76, ca 1 air mi SE of Cerro Vista, ca 9 air mi NE of Tres Ritos; ca 7 air mi NNW of Chacon., 36.2308 -105.4003, 3415 - 3455m

Image Associated With the Occurence
952199Jill E. Larson   98782006-08-08
U.S.A., New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Range: East Fork Trail 56 junction to Sawmill Park junction with Lost Lake Trail, along Trail 56 to Wheeler Peak Wilderness boundary, ca 3 air mi E of Twining, ca 7 air mi S of Red River., 36.5923 -105.3813, 3026 - 3349m

Margarette J. Lyon   67631994-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, San Miguel, San Miguel and Lower Dolores River Drainages: Sunshine Mesa at wilderness boundary., 37.8719 -107.921, 2988m

Margarette J. Lyon   70121994-08-07
U.S.A., Colorado, San Miguel, San Miguel and Lower Dolores River Drainages: road from Trout Lake to Lake Hope., 37.8139 -107.8477, 3110m

Margarette J. Lyon   71311994-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, San Miguel, San Miguel and Lower Dolores River Drainages: Dunn Peak: Lizard Head Wilderness., 37.8574 -108.141, 3598m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846456Rob Massatti   33062005-07-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Tayo Park to Coon Lake to Wind River Peak to Deep Creek Lakes, ca 16 air mi WSW of Lander., 42.7084 -109.1285, 3326 - 4027m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846455Rob Massatti   33932005-07-31
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: ca 2 mi W of Lake of Woods, ca 18 air mi WSW of Dubois., 43.4749 -109.9371, 2759 - 2774m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846454Rob Massatti   35272005-08-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Native Lake to Indian Pass, ca 23 air mi SSE of Dubois., 43.2359 -109.5097, 2994 - 3085m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846453Rob Massatti   37542005-08-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Blaurock Pass and upper Dinwoody Creek, ca 22 air mi S of Dubois., 43.1741 -109.6073, 3171 - 3829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846452Rob Massatti   39002005-08-10
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: less than 1 mi SE and SW of Black Mountain, ca 15 air mi W of Lander., 42.8316 -109.0284, 2802 - 2851m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846451Rob Massatti   39402005-08-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Bears Ears Mountain to South Fork Little Wind River, ca 23 air mi W of Lander., 42.8403 -109.2162, 3024 - 3055m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846450Rob Massatti   41522005-08-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Grassy Lake and drainage to SE (ca 1 mi), ca 22 air mi SSE of Dubois., 43.2351 -109.4956, 2936 - 3174m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846449Rob Massatti   43622005-08-17
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Little Milky Lake area, ca 25 air mi SSE of Dubois., 43.1465 -109.4686, 2966 - 2985m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846448Rob Massatti, Meghan Taylor   68762006-07-05
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Deep Creek and Echo Lakes, ca 21 air mi WSW of Lander., 42.7346 -109.0905, 3067 - 3183m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846447Rob Massatti   76892006-07-19
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Windy Mountain, ca 8 air mi W of Shoshone Lake., 42.816 -109.1873, 3540 - 3704m

Image Associated With the Occurence
846446Rob Massatti, Aaron Wells   79182006-07-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Angel Pass to Dennis Lake, ca 11 air mi SE of Gannett Peak., 43.02 -109.5518, 3284 - 3503m

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The maps feature provides users an interactive map that can pan (by dragging the mouse) and zoom (by using the mouse wheel). Collection points are displayed as colored markers that when clicked on, displays the full information for that collection. When multiple species are queried (separated by semi-colons), different colored markers denote each individual species.


This creates an KML file for use in Google Earth or any other application using KML files.
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