Search Results (List)

Dataset: RM-
Taxa: Liliaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 4205

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Timothy W. Chumley   55161996-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Douglas, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Rampart Range: off Forest Road 507 ca 0.2 rd mi E of intersection with Forest Road 300 or Rampart Range Road, ca 3 air mi SE of Shamballah-Ashramah; ca 8.4 air mi NE of Deckers., 39.2945 -105.0826, 2390 - 2576m

Timothy W. Chumley   56701996-08-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, East-central Colorado: Mosquito Range to Plains: Platte River Mountains: Freeman Creek: along the creek and adjacent ridges ca 1.6 air mi W of intersection with Rolling Creek Trail or Forest Trail 663, ca 6.3 air mi SE of Bailey., 39.3251 -105.413, 2537 - 2829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
852702Ronald L. Hartman, David Rosenthal   556271996-07-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Enos Creek and adjacent, 18 air mi WNW of Dubois., 43.5906 -109.9781, 2683 - 2713m

Image Associated With the Occurence
855711David Rosenthal   23001997-07-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Area: Shoshone National Forest: Washakie Wilderness: Kitty Creek Pack Trail to Flora Lake, ca 21 air mi W of Wapiti., 44.4183 -109.8858, 2500 - 2713m

Amy J. Roderick, Kevin J. Taylor   77411998-08-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Upper North Platte and Laramie River Drainages: Ferris Mountains: Miners Canyon on northeastern side of range, ca 16 air mi N of Independence Rock., 42.2674 -107.1238, 2012m

Image Associated With the Occurence
912244Erwin F. Evert   404212003-07-16
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Tobacco Root Mountains: Deerlodge National Forest: along the west side of the South Boulder River, ca 18 mi NE of Twin Bridges., 2012m

Image Associated With the Occurence
913103Erwin F. Evert   406512003-08-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Yellowstone Plateau: Yellowstone National Park: along Mountain Ash Creek, 1/8-1/4 mi S of Union Falls, ca 6 mi NW of Grassy Lake Reservoir., 2067m

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752315Erwin F. Evert   152951988-07-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: along Rand Creek, ca 2 mi S of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20, on northeast end of Table Mountain., 44.4328 -109.4629, 2140m

752705Erwin F. Evert   156931988-07-31
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Gallatin National Forest: Crazy Mountains: Half Moon Campground, ca 15 mi NW of Big Timber., 46.0381 -110.2383, 1966m

Image Associated With the Occurence
752049Erwin F. Evert   158781988-08-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: along bottom of West Grinnell Creek, ca 1/4 mi W of confluence with Grinnell Creek, ca 1.5 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.5053 -109.9261, 2195m

619613Erwin F. Evert   195131990-07-01
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: along Cabin Creek Trail at Timber Creek crossing, ca 0.5 mi SE of Potamogeton Park; ca 30 mi NNW of West Yellowstone., 44.9203 -111.3422, 2287m

619548Erwin F. Evert   195931990-07-22
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountainds: Custer National Forest: along trail to Lake Mary: ca 1/2 mi S of lake, ca 15 mi W of Red Lodge., 45.1465 -109.5551, 2805m

621539Erwin F. Evert   200241990-08-04
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along South Fork Deep Creek, ca 11 mi SE of Livingston., 45.5161 -110.4778, 2134 - 2317m

Erwin F. Evert   200901990-08-05
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along West Fork Mill Creek, ca 21 mi NNE of Gardiner., 45.2996 -110.5657, 1799m

621208Erwin F. Evert   201971990-08-11
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Madison Range: Spanish Peaks area: Gallatin National Forest: along Deer Creek Trail, ca 3-4 mi W of U.S. Highway 191, ca 26 mi SSW of Bozeman., 45.3276 -111.2605, 2348 - 2439m

739218Erwin F. Evert   214201991-06-29
U.S.A., Montana, Stillwater, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: west side of Sioux Charley Lake, ca 36 mi S of Big Timber., 45.3392 -109.9304, 1707m

739005Erwin F. Evert   216251991-07-09
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: Tom Miner Campground, ca 20 mi NW of Gardiner along Trail Creek., 45.1241 -111.0569, 2165m

739863Erwin F. Evert   220161991-07-20
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along the Boulder River ca 1/2 S of the confluence with Graham Creek, ca 29 mi SW of Big Timber., 45.4724 -110.2104, 1616m

753829Erwin F. Evert   230701992-06-22
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: along south side of Pine Creek and Forest Road 978, ca 20 mi SE of Bozeman., 45.5161 -110.7657, 1860m

754140Erwin F. Evert   232501992-06-22
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: along east side of Langhor Road, ca 11 mi S of Bozeman., 45.5161 -111.0125, 1982m

611342Erwin F. Evert   258681993-07-10
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: along east side of the West Fork Stillwater River just SE of end of road and bridge, ca 12 mi SW of Nye., 45.3995 -109.9633, 1982m

610538Erwin F. Evert   264221993-08-01
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Madison Range: Beaverhead National Forest: along Papoose Creek in the foothills, ca 1 mi E of U.S. Hwy 287, 23 mi S of Cameron., 44.9045 -111.5688, 1890m

780521Erwin F. Evert   270151994-06-15
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Along the north shore of Henrys Lake immediately S of U.S. Hwy 287 and W of Wild Rose Ranch., 44.6712 -111.4075, 1982m

781448Erwin F. Evert   273081994-06-26
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: immediately SW of East Rosebud Lake inlet; 20 mi W of Red Lodge., 45.1912 -109.638, 1893m

781013Erwin F. Evert   275251994-06-27
U.S.A., Montana, Stillwater, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: Emerald Lake Campground: between West Rosebud Creek and the campground, 25 mi WNW of Red Lodge., 45.2508 -109.7001, 1939m

Image Associated With the Occurence
780650Erwin F. Evert   277761994-07-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Teton Range: along Flagg-Ashton Road just W of Glade Creek, J. D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway; ca 6 mi SW of Flagg Ranch., 44.10889 -110.7625, 2195m

781612Erwin F. Evert   280611994-07-19
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: East Rosebud Canyon, northwest end of Elk Lake just S of inlet; ca 20 mi W of Red Lodge., 45.1614 -109.6587, 2069m

781256Erwin F. Evert   281541994-07-20
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: along small tributary just S of Picket Pin Creek, ca 10 mi W of Nye., 45.2523 -109.9713, 2149 - 2165m

Image Associated With the Occurence
781887Erwin F. Evert   285831994-08-10
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along North Fork of Bear Creek; just N of Jardine., 45.0804 -110.6271, 2104 - 2119m

Image Associated With the Occurence
782664Erwin F. Evert   291491995-06-16
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along Balm of Gilead Creek, a tributary of Emigrant Creek, ca 4 mi SE of Emigrant., 45.2996 -110.6866, 1829m

783122Erwin F. Evert   298051995-07-06
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along West Bridger Creek, ca 15 mi SSE of Big Timber., 45.618 -109.8607, 1573m

783262Erwin F. Evert   300061995-07-08
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along East Boulder River, ca 4 mi ESE of East Boulder Campground, ca 24 mi S of Big Timber., 45.5161 -110.087, 1875m

782285Erwin F. Evert   302001995-07-17
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: Vernon Lake, ca 5 mi E of Cooke City., 45.006 -109.828, 2398m

787380Erwin F. Evert   314821996-06-22
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along Gold Prize Creek, 0-1/3 mi E of confluence with Sixmile Creek, 8 mi S of Emigrant., 45.2584 -110.7692, 1707 - 1768m

788433Erwin F. Evert   317131996-06-28
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range foothills: along the south side of Squaw Creek, 1/4 mi E of Rat Lake Road, 20 mi SW of Bozeman., 45.4287 -111.1565, 1805m

788253Erwin F. Evert   317801996-06-29
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Madison Range foothills: Gallatin National Forest: along Hell Roaring Creek, ca 1 mi W of Montana Highway 191, 26 mi SW of Bozeman., 45.4287 -111.2387, 1707 - 1738m

788590Erwin F. Evert   323861996-08-05
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: along south side of trail, ca 1 mi E of Slough Lake, 21 mi W of Red Lodge., 45.2061 -109.6794, 2165m

787647Erwin F. Evert   326341996-08-09
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along Pine Creek just E of Bear Creek Road, 1 mi NE of Jardine., 45.0804 -110.6271, 2152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
818938Erwin F. Evert   336101997-07-09
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Centennial Mountains: Targhee National Forest: along Tin Cup Creek, 2-3 mi SW of Mt. Jefferson., 2256m

Erwin F. Evert   353461998-06-30
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along the south side of the North Fork Sixmile Creek., 45.2409 -110.7269, 1921 - 1982m

Erwin F. Evert   356141998-07-09
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: along the north side of Fourmile Creek, 37 mi SW of Big Timber., 45.3392 -110.2785, 2195 - 2226m

Image Associated With the Occurence
820901Erwin F. Evert   356751998-07-10
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: just W of Hells Canyon Campground along the east side of the Boulder Road, 35 mi SW of Big Timber., 45.3559 -110.2104, 1854m

Image Associated With the Occurence
821394Erwin F. Evert   360891998-08-03
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: along Moser Creek ca 2 mi E of the Hyalite Road, 10 mi S of Bozeman., 45.5306 -111.0125, 1966m

Image Associated With the Occurence
822688Erwin F. Evert   368671999-06-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone Plateau: Yellowstone National Park: along the east side of Hellroaring Creek just S of Bridge along an unnamed tributary, ca 2 mi S of the Yellowstone River., 44.9794 -110.4303, 2012m

Erwin F. Evert   371741999-07-18
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: along West Fork Beaver Creek Trail, ca 4 mi N of U.S. Hwy 287; 25 mi NW of West Yellowstone., 44.9043 -111.3859, 2226m

Image Associated With the Occurence
822214Erwin F. Evert   376541999-08-04
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: base of Palisade Falls, 15 mi S of Bozeman., 45.4724 -110.9302, 2195m

B. E. Nelson, Jeanette Flaig   588612003-07-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Rio Grande, Eastern San Juan Mountains: along Forest Road 345, E of north end of Hogback Mesa, along a tributary of Aspen Creek, between Aspen and Shady creeks, ca 14 air mi SW of Del Norte., 37.5458 -106.5534, 3220 - 3244m

Jeanette Flaig   10812003-07-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: U.S. Hwy 160 W to Forest Road 410 ca 3/4 mi; ca 8 air mi SW of South Fork. N center, 37.5494 -106.7926, 2848m

Jeanette Flaig   15032003-07-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Fourmile Trail, ca 11 air mi N of Pagosa Springs., 37.4091 -107.053, 2799 - 3410m

Jeanette Flaig   25112003-08-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Conejos, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Stunner Campground., 37.3751 -106.571, 3018m

Jeanette Flaig   3182003-07-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Hunter Lake: U.S. Hwy 160, 37.61555 -106.843917, 3476m

B. E. Nelson   625282004-08-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Opal Lake Trailhead and along Opal Lake Trail 564, between Rio Blanco and Flattop Mountain, ca 14.5-15 air mi ESE of Pagosa Springs., 37.2034 -106.7624, 2659 - 2805m

Jeanette Flaig   50102004-06-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Forest Road 135, ca 12 air mi NE of Bayfield., 37.3778 -107.4644, 2989m

Jeanette Flaig   63272004-07-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Weminuche Wilderness: Beaver Creek or Trail 560 off West Fork Trail, ca 16 air mi NNE of Pagosa Springs., 37.5071 -106.9307, 2620 - 3087m

Jeanette Flaig   67502004-07-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: Deep Creek Trail, Trailhead 806 from Forest Road 528, ca 12 air mi S of Creede., 37.7961 -106.9205, 2675 - 2950m

Jeanette Flaig, Kurt Flaig   70172004-07-31
U.S.A., Colorado, La Plata, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Weminuche Wilderness: Eolus and North Eolus Peaks, Needles Creek Trail, N of Chicago Baisin, ca 15.5 air mi SSE of Silverton., 37.608 -107.6171, 3181 - 3390m

Jeanette Flaig   75922004-08-09
U.S.A., Colorado, Mineral, Eastern San Juan Mountains: San Juan National Forest: Windy Pass Trail just S of Treasure Falls pullout, U.S. Hwy 160, ca 17 air mi NNE of Pagosa Springs., 37.4321 -106.8744, 2687 - 2752m

Ronald L. Hartman   797322004-07-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Archuleta, Eastern San Juan Mountains: Rio Grande National Forest: campground on Rio Chama W ca 1 air mi along Archuleta Creek., 37.032 -106.5536, 2677 - 2805m

Erin Foley, Michael Foley   12722003-06-22
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Barbour Fork Soda Creek, ca 2.5 air mi SW of Idaho Springs; ca 30-31 air mi W of Denver., 39.7149 -105.5556, 2585 - 2756m

Erin Foley, Michael Foley   15392003-06-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: intermittent stream between North Battle Creek and South Battle Creek, ca 16.5 air mi NW of Byers Peak, ca 12.5 air mi SE of Kremmling., 39.9222 -106.2402, 2683 - 3049m

Erin Foley, Michael Foley   16742003-06-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: Ute Pass, ca 16.5 air mi S of Hot Sulphur Springs, ca 9 air mi WSW of Byers Peak., 39.8244 -106.1058, 2854 - 2988m

Erin Foley   21302003-07-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Vasquez Creek, ca 3 air mi SSE of Fraser, ca 6.5 air mi NNW of Berthoud Pass., 39.9015 -105.8046, 2744m

Erin Foley, Shannon Terry   22382003-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: along Williams Fork just S of Sugarloaf Campground, ca 6-6.5 air mi SW of Byers Peak, ca 20 air mi SSE of Hot Sulphur Springs., 39.7868 -106.0197, 2744m

Erin Foley   26302003-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: intermittent stream between Henderson Tunnel and Williams Fork, ca 6 air mi SW of Byers Peak, ca 13.5 air mi SW of Winter Park., 39.7838 -105.9991, 2744 - 3091m

Erin Foley   26972003-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: South Fork Williams Fork, ca 7.5 air mi SW of Byers Peak, ca 20 air mi SSE of Hot Sulphur Springs., 39.7726 -106.0379, 2805m

Erin Foley   27262003-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: secondary Forest Road 141 along Kinney Creek, ca 14.5 air mi SSE of Hot Sulphur Springs; ca 16.5 air mi SW of Granby., 39.8642 -106.0186, 3049m

Erin Foley   28292003-07-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Columbine Lake, ca 22.5 air mi W of Boulder; ca 8.5 air mi NE of Fraser., 40.0186 -105.6936, 3207 - 3537m

Erin Foley   30322003-07-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: S of Lake Granby along Doe Creek, ca 6.5 air mi ENE of Granby; ca 15.5 air mi NNW of Fraser., 40.1098 -105.8289, 2585 - 2671m

Erin Foley   31902003-07-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Monarch Lake, ca 10.5 air mi E of Granby; ca 12 air mi NE of Fraser., 40.108 -105.7415, 2561m

Erin Foley   33062003-07-23
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Roosevelt National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Rainbow Lakes, ca 3.5-4 air mi NW of Nederland; ca 12.5 air mi NE of Fraser., 40.0132 -105.5828, 3110m

Erin Foley   35442003-07-27
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Rabbit Ears Range: Bowen Gulch Protection Area: Bowen Gulch Interpretive Trail, ca 7.5 air mi NW of Grand Lake; ca 20.5 air mi NE of Hot Sulphur Springs., 40.3182 -105.9146, 3061 - 3262m

Erin Foley   38242003-07-30
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Cascade Creek Trail, ca 1 mi N of Crater Lake., 40.0894 -105.6563, 3171 - 3354m

Erin Foley   38632003-07-31
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Cascade Creek Trail, ca 1 mi SW of the junction of Buchanan Pass and Cascade Creek trails., 40.1011 -105.6801, 2896 - 3293m

Erin Foley   40072003-08-01
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: E of Colo Hwy 103, ca 0.5 air mi N of Chicago Forks Campground, ca 6 air mi SW of Idaho Springs., 39.6907 -105.6141, 2744m

Erin Foley, Jill Torres   42322003-08-04
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Byers Peak Wilderness: Lake Evelyn Trail, ca 9.5 air mi WSW of Fraser., 39.8862 -105.9722, 2988 - 3354m

Erin Foley, James, Margaret, and Alex Foley   42932003-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Vasquez Road, ca 5.5 air mi S of Fraser, along Vasquez Creek., 39.8687 -105.8204, 2866 - 2927m

Erin Foley, Alex Foley   48112003-08-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Jim Creek, ca 2-2.5 air mi SE of Winter Park, ca 5 air mi NE of Berthoud Pass., 39.8797 -105.739, 2896m

Erin Foley   49352003-08-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: Skylark Creek, ca 1.5 mi W of Mule Creek, ca 13.5 air mi SSW of Hot Sulphur Springs., 39.885 -106.186, 2707 - 2927m

Erin Foley   50092003-08-14
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: South Fork Road, ca 1 mi WSW of Old Baldy, ca 21.5 air mi SSE of Hot Sulphur Springs., 39.7525 -106.0353, 2805 - 2927m

Erin Foley   50842003-08-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Never Summer Wilderness: Cascade Mountain, ca 10.5 air mi N of Granby., 40.3317 -105.9561, 2951 - 3506m

Erin Foley   52812003-08-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Park, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: just S of Brook Forest where Clear Creek, Jefferson, and Park County lines meet, ca 6 air mi NW of Conifer., 39.5632 -105.4021, 2744m

Erin Foley   53422003-08-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Mount Evans Wilderness Trail: Lost Creek, ca 9.5 air mi S of Idaho Springs., 39.6033 -105.5219, 2683 - 2768m

Erin Foley   54972003-08-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: South Fork Williams Fork Trail, ca 24 air mi SSE of Hot Sulphur Springs; ca 9.5 air mi NW of Loveland Pass., 39.7129 -106.0077, 2988m

Erin Foley   55802003-08-26
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Rabbit Ears Range: North Fork Cabin Creek along Cabin Creek Road, ca 3 mi W of Colo Hwy 125, ca 9 air mi N of Hot Sulphur Springs., 40.2021 -106.0912, 2591m

Erin Foley, Michael Foley   9092003-06-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Arapaho Bay of Lake Granby, along Roaring Fork Creek, ca 9 air mi SE of Grand Lake., 40.1295 -105.7642, 2537 - 2622m

Erin Foley   109522004-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Bard Creek to Engelmann Peak, ca 5 air mi NW of Georgetown and 4.5 air mi WSW of Empire., 39.7361 -105.7482, 3159 - 4074m

Erin Foley   115332004-08-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Vasquez Peak Wilderness: Vasquez Mountains: unnamed stream and junction with Vasquez Creek, ca 5 air mi SW of Winter Park and ca 7.5 air mi SSW of Fraser., 39.8463 -105.8237, 2927 - 3323m

Erin Foley   119692004-08-21
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Gore Range: off BLM Road 2750 near Dice Hill and Sheephorn Mountain, ca 5.5 air mi E of Radium and ca 9.5 air mi NW of Heeney., 39.9474 -106.4393, 2780 - 2927m

Erin Foley   120782004-08-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Indian Peaks Wilderness: Front Range: Buchanan Creek, ca 15 air mi ENE of Granby and ca 9 air mi WNW of Ward., 40.1226 -105.6775, 2866 - 3110m

Erin Foley   91142004-07-03
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Robbers Roost Campground, ca 4 air mi SSE of Winter Park, and ca 2.5 air mi NE of Berthoud Pass., 39.8319 -105.7561, 2957 - 3049m

Erin Foley   95512004-07-08
U.S.A., Colorado, Clear Creek, Arapaho National Forest: Front Range: Watrous Gulch and Mount Parnassus, ca 4.5 air mi NE of Loveland Pass and ca 6.5 air mi SW of Berthoud Pass., 39.7025 -105.8537, 3104 - 3841m

Image Associated With the Occurence
626179Ronald L. Hartman   463341994-06-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Gros Ventre Area: Slide Creek, ca 9 air mi E of Bondurant., 43.191 -110.2358, 2372 - 2409m

Emily A. Holt   16882000-07-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: Two Elks Trail, ca 6 air mi S of Vail., 39.6021 -106.2777, 2446 - 3354m

Emily A. Holt   19492000-07-10
U.S.A., Colorado, Chaffee, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Waterdog Lake area, on the trail to lake, ca 15 air mi W of Poncha Springs; ca 3 air mi N of Monarch Pass., 38.5306 -106.3234, 3171 - 3500m

Emily A. Holt   20452000-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Chaffee, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, East Slope Continental Divide: Horn Fork Trail area, also trail up Mount Harvard, ca 10 air mi WNW of Buena Vista., 38.8769 -106.2641, 3110 - 3415m

Emily A. Holt, Brian Elliott   34042000-08-06
U.S.A., Colorado, Eagle, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: along East Lake Creek, ca 8 air mi SSW of Avon., 39.5419 -106.5612, 2927 - 3110m

Emily A. Holt   37782000-08-11
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: Fryingpan Lakes area, along Forest Service Trail 1921, ca 10 air mi NE of Independence Pass., 39.2529 -106.5798, 3049 - 3293m

Emily A. Holt   66242001-07-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: along Lonesomw Lake Trail from trailhead to just N of Homestake Tunnel, ca 8 air mi W Tennessee Pass. Also 16, 21, 28., 39.3683 -106.4506, 3171 - 3293m

Emily A. Holt   68832001-07-17
U.S.A., Colorado, Pitkin, Central Colorado: Sawatch Range, West Slope Continental Divide: along Chance Creek Trail 1945, ca 3 air mi NE of Biglow., 39.3692 -106.6277, 2866m

B. E. Nelson   504912000-07-14
U.S.A., Idaho, Idaho, Payette National Forest and Vicinity: Salmon River Mountains: above Lava Butte Lakes Creek just SE of Lava Butte, ca 9 air mi W of Burgdorf; ca 24 air mi NNE of New Meadows., 45.2763 -116.0957, 2043 - 2134m

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