Martin J. Lenz 2143b 2005-08-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Big Horn, Bighorn National Forest: SE shore of East Tensleep Lake., 2968m
755647 Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson 6761 2004-06-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Sheep Mountains: Fence Creek fen, 22 mi W of West Laramie., 41.194333 -106.0193, 2811m
755575 Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson 279 2004-05-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Range: North Fork Headwater Fen, ca 6 mi NW of Centennail, on W side Forest Service road 101 (Sand Lake Road)., 41.366667 -106.183333, 2896m
910647 Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson 10591 2011-08-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Shoshone National Forest: foothills of Blue Ridge, Forest Road 300., 42.65305 -108.86795, 2866m
Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson 12930 2012-08-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Southeast portion of Wind River Range: Shoshone National Forest: Dickinson Park (SNF territories bordered on the north by the Wind River Indian Reservation), Ranger Creek valley., 42.849833 -109.074, 2835m
Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson 14056 2012-09-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains: Medicine Bow National Forest: Lake Marie, "fishing spot"; between Snowy Range Scenic Byway and Lake Marie., 41.335167 -106.322333, 3201m
Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson 14704 2013-07-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Shoshone National Forest: Brooks Lake Quad, Du Noir Trail/ Trail 808, Bonneville Creek., 43.77035 -109.979183, 2835m
Yelena I. Kosovich-Anderson 14701 2013-07-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Wind River Range: Shoshone National Forest: Brooks Lake Quad, Du Noir Trail/ Trail 808, Bonneville Creek., 43.77035 -109.979183, 2835m