Search Results (List)

Dataset: RM-
Taxa: Smilacaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-85 of 85

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Brian Elliott   148732010-06-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills National Forest: ca 12.5 air mi W (265°) of Spearfish, SD, E of Sand Creek Road in the vicinity of Dugout Gulch., 1265m

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311733B. C. Buffum   s.n.1892-06-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Horse Creek.

138100Aven Nelson, Ruth A. Nelson   10181933-09-29
U.S.A., North Dakota, Cass, Fargo.

604675Neil Hotchkiss   131943-06-13
U.S.A., North Dakota, Ward, Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge: west side of Upper Des Lacs Lake, 5 mi NNW of Kenmare.

39115J. Lunell   s.n.1902-07-23
U.S.A., North Dakota, Bottineau, Turtle Mountains.

74227no collector   2401911-07-26
U.S.A., North Dakota, Nelson, Stump Lake.

24639no collector   6931891-06-20
U.S.A., North Dakota, Cass, Fargo.

35444M. A. Brannon   97
U.S.A., North Dakota, no county

442525J. M. Aikman   1851935-06-15
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lake, Prairie States Forestry Project: north shore of Lake Herman.

68283David Griffiths, D. E. Slosser   2861894-08-16
U.S.A., South Dakota, Roberts, Big Stone Creek.

442533Theodore Krueger   211914-06-04
U.S.A., Nebraska, no county, Nebraska National Forest.

355531Robert W. Lichvar   61461983-06-15
U.S.A., Montana, Big Horn, Near breat of Yellowtail reservoir, on south edge., 1128m

Brian Elliott   148722010-06-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills National Forest: ca 12.5 air mi W (265°) of Spearfish, SD, E of Sand Creek Road in the vicinity of Dugout Gulch., 1265m

Peter J. Ebertowski   17112002-07-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Campbell, Thunder Basin National Grassland and Vicinity: Spring Creek on County Road 91, ca 28 air mi NE of Gillette; ca 23 air mi NNW of Moorcroft., 44.5704 -105.1165, 1244 - 1262m

Peter J. Ebertowski   75672003-08-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Campbell, Thunder Basin National Grassland and Vicinity: West Fork Duck Creek, on two-track off Forest Road 903, ca 34 air mi NNE of Gillette; ca 34 air mi NNW of Moorcroft., 44.732 -105.1975, 1213 - 1265m

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218059C. L. Porter   53501950-06-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Sand Creek near Beulah., 44.5376 -104.09, 1067m

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330590Donald E. Brink   13681977-06-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan, Big Horn Coal Site, Acme Quadrangle, bank above Tongue River., 44.9032 -106.9593, 1098 - 1165m

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35285Elias Nelson   7031901-08-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Converse, Mill Creek, ca 12 mi N of Laramie Peak., 42.4566 -105.3744, 1646 - 1829m

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594798Robert D. Dorn   57971994-08-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Platte, 18 mi NW of Wheatland., 42.2262 -105.2533, 1677m

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601137Robert D. Dorn   60521995-06-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Natrona, Ayres Natural Bridge., 42.7286 -105.6054, 1646m

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615355Robert D. Dorn   70231996-07-07
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Horseshoe Creek., 42.3844 -105.3324, 1707m

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69318Vie Willits   1531909-06-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan, Willets Spring., 44.6586 -107.0608, 1402m

594798Robert D. Dorn   57971994-08-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Platte, 18 mi NW of Wheatland., 42.2262 -105.2533, 1677m

615355Robert D. Dorn   70231996-07-07
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Horseshoe Creek., 42.3839 -105.3316, 1707m

36336Warren T. Ferrel   s.n.1960-09-00
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Sand Creek Canyon near Beulah., 44.5102 -104.1027, 1067m

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106717A. C. McIntosh   7111925-07-14
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, 3 mi E of Keystone., 43.8931 -103.3668, 1213m

106717Arthur C. McIntosh   7111925-07-14
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, 3 mi E of Keystone., 43.8931 -103.3668, 1213m

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263188C. L. Porter, Marjorie W. Porter   83601960-07-12
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Black Hills: Spearfish Canyon., 44.4211 -103.8809, 1280m

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442524Charles P. Pase   8381957-06-28
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills National Forest: Horse Creek., 44.0359 -103.5528, 1738m

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709758Cheryl Mayer   2262001-06-13
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness; Centennial Trail (#89) S of Mount Rushmore, east of trail along Wilderness boundary., 43.8619 -103.4717, 1537m

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709938Cheryl Mayer   362000-06-09
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills: Black Elk Wilderness: valley bottom of tributary to Grizzly Bear Creek, ca 7.2 air mi SE of Hill City., 43.8653 -103.46, 1500m

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107425Herman E. Hayward   1171926-08-01
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Spearfish Canyon., 44.3526 -103.9317, 1128 - 1860m

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111159Herman E. Hayward   13821927-06-24
U.S.A., South Dakota, Lawrence, Deadwood., 44.3775 -103.7287, 1317 - 1738m

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111159Herman E. Hayward   8101927-06-13
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Rapid City: Rapid Creek Canyon (Dark Canyon)., 44.0511 -103.3616, 1049 - 1433m

709978Hollis Marriott, Elaine Ebbert   115901997-09-07
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills, E flank of Deadman Gulch, ca 5.5 air mi NW of Hermosa., 43.8709 -103.2929, 1113m

69813S. S. Visher   1021910-07-19
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Little Missouri Valley: 25 mi N of Crook., 45.8961 -103.9412, 884 - 1006m

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76164S. S. Visher   26871911-08-01
U.S.A., South Dakota, Fall River

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100799W. H. Over   162081924-06-24
U.S.A., South Dakota, Pennington, Spring Creek.

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100800W. H. Over   162091924-08-05
U.S.A., South Dakota, Custer, Wind Cave Game Reserve., 43.6047 -103.4765, 1220 - 1524m

45256C. S. Crandall   24381897-07-15
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Horsetooth Gulch.

577017Carolyn L. Crawford   241991-07-02
U.S.A., Colorado, Jefferson, Coal Creek Canyon Road: S side; 3 mi W of junction with CO Hwy 93., 2061m

53001Francis Ramaley   10431905-05-31
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Near Boulder., 1700m

56946Francis Ramaley   26121906-09-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Near Boulder.

31203Francis Ramaley   6951901-06-03
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Mouth of Boulder Canyon, near Boulder.

171591George E. Osterhout   11921896-08-07
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Buckhorn Creek.

171593George E. Osterhout   4741894-05-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Horsetooth.

171592George E. Osterhout   68721927-09-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Gulch SE of Horsetooth.

89011George E. Osterhout   sn1897-06-24
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Stove Prairie.

88936no collector   sn1895-08-00
U.S.A., Colorado, Jefferson, Lookout Mountain: near Golden.

580764W. F. Jennings, C. Crawford   90-441990-09-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Douglas, East Plum Creek: 18.7 mi S Sedalia on CO Hwy 105; 0.6 mi N Noe Road junction. NE1/4 NE1/4 S18., 2073m

561489William F. Jennings, Carolyn Crawford   90-441990-09-29
U.S.A., Colorado, Douglas, East Plum Creek: 18.7 mi S Sedalia on CO Hwy 105; 0.6 mi N Noe Road junction., 2073m

Image Associated With the Occurence
327198Ronald L. Hartman, Keith Dueholm   55371978-05-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Campbell, Powder River Basin: ca 2.3 mi S of Montana., 44.9753 -105.19778, 1159m

601137Robert D. Dorn   60521995-06-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Natrona, Ayres Natural Bridge., 42.7286 -105.6054, 1646m

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7483Aven Nelson   21391896-07-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Sundance Mountain., 44.3894 -104.3862, 1494 - 1768m

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378212B. E. Nelson   118181984-09-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: along North Redwater Creek, ca 3 air mi W of Farrall, ca 12.5 air mi NNE of Sundance., 44.58194 -104.3258, 1311m

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183888Gerald B. Ownbey   5541940-06-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, 8 mi NW of Hulett., 44.7486 -104.6946, 1341m

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378214Hollis Marriott   50681983-07-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Bear Lodge Mountains: Taylor Divide, ca 8.5 air mi S of Alva., 44.584 -104.4443, 1616m

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378211Ronald L. Hartman   162601983-07-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: ca 3 air mi NNE of Aladdin., 44.6864 -104.1794, 1098m

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378210Ronald L. Hartman   177351984-07-11
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills: Boundary Gulch, ca 6 air mi S of Beulah., 44.4661 -104.0622, 1311m

36336Warren T. Ferrel   s.n.1960-09-00
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Sand Creek Canyon near Beulah., 44.5102 -104.1027, 1067m

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365786Hollis Marriott   96211985-06-22
U.S.A., South Dakota, Custer, Jewel Cave National Monument: Hell Canyon, side canyon on east side SE of old area., 43.7328 -103.8407, 1616m

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365785Hollis Marriott   97161985-07-04
U.S.A., South Dakota, Custer, Jewel Cave National Monument: Lithograph Canyon between east boundary and Porthole [New Portal]., 43.7301 -103.8217, 1616m

275531Elray S. Nixon   811964-06-10
U.S.A., Montana, Sheridan, Metcalf Public Hunting Grounds, 13 mi N of Hay Springs., 1006m

171590George E. Osterhout   72261930-06-20
U.S.A., Nebraska, Sioux, Munro Canyon, N of Harrison.

121707J. W. Blankinship   s.n.1900-07-15
U.S.A., Montana, Roosevelt, Arden.

237715Fred Eastman   17461918-05-07
U.S.A., Nebraska, Near Calhoun, IA.

Image Associated With the Occurence
891039B. E. Nelson, Hans Hallman   769402009-06-09
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Custer National Forest: Slim Buttes: from the top down to Window Rock, ca 16-16.5 air mi E of Buffalo., 45.5695 -103.2131, 970 - 1095m

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891038B. E. Nelson   788322009-08-04
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Custer National Forest: Long Pines: at the mouth of Spring Canyon and just below at the northwest base of Rustler Ridge, ca 20.5 air mi SE of Ekalaka., 45.708 -104.2162, 1110 - 1189m

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885822Hans Hallman, Grace Kostel, B. E. Nelson   4802009-06-14
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Custer National Forest: Slim Buttes: near terminus of eastern-most fork of North End or Forest Road 3124 in and around Mitchell Draw near Lena Spring Number 2, ca 3.5 air mi N of Reva Gap, ca 17.5 air mi E of Buffalo., 45.5894 -103.1872, 1024 - 1085m

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891048Hans Hallman   12442009-06-25
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Custer National Forest: Ekalaka Hills: in and around the head of Flasted Draw, 1.5-2 air mi SW of Red Hill and ca 3.5 air mi E of Ekalaka., 45.8912 -104.4764, 1101 - 1113m

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891047Hans Hallman   20092009-07-12
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Custer National Forest: West Short Pine Hills: in and around generally west-facing draws ca 2.5 air mi SSW of JK Butte, ca 10 air mi SSE of Camp Crook., 45.4253 -103.945, 1110 - 1159m

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891046Hans Hallman   20372009-07-12
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Custer National Forest: West Short Pine Hills: in and around generally west-facing draws ca 2.5 air mi SSW of JK Butte, ca 10 air mi SSE of Camp Crook., 45.4267 -103.9448, 1085 - 1122m

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891045Hans Hallman   33632009-07-30
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Custer National Forest: Ekalaka Hills: in the vicinity of Russel Spring just S of Camp Needmore off of Forest Road 3104, ca 6.5 air mi SE of Ekalaka., 45.8242 -104.4583, 1162 - 1168m

Image Associated With the Occurence
891044Hans Hallman   34422009-07-30
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Custer National Forest: Ekalaka Hills: just NW of Ekalaka Park off of Forest Road 3818A, ca 1/4 air mi N of Hidden Spring, ca 6.5 air mi SSE of Ekalaka., 45.801 -104.5182, 1171 - 1232m

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885823Hans Hallman   37832009-08-04
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Custer National Forest: South Cave Hills: in and around Timber Canyon, between Forest roads 3113 and 3137, ca 11.5 air mi N of Buffalo., 45.7479 -103.5604, 1018 - 1037m

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891043Hans Hallman   38752009-08-04
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Custer National Forest: South Cave Hills: in and around McKenzie Gulch, S of Forest Road 3113, ca 10 air mi N of Buffalo., 45.7264 -103.5362, 939 - 1000m

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891042Hans Hallman   40902009-08-13
U.S.A., Montana, Powder River, Custer National Forest: Ashland Ranger District: just N of Fifteenmile Creek or Forest Road 4094, ca 1 air mi NNE of Dalzells Spring, ca 21 air mi ESE of Ashland., 45.4037 -105.9251, 1152 - 1171m

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891041Hans Hallman   48782010-06-15
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Custer National Forest: North Cave Hills: Icebox Canyon, ca 17 air mi N of Buffalo., 45.8344 -103.505, 945 - 1006m

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891040Hans Hallman   50022010-06-17
U.S.A., Montana, Carter, Custer National Forest: Long Pines: in upper Cheesman Draw, just S of Forest Road 3045, ca 8 air mi WNW of Camp Crook, SD., 45.5891 -104.1302, 1165 - 1220m

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USFS0050798Hans Hallman, Grace Kostel, B. E. Nelson   4802009-06-14
U.S.A., South Dakota, Harding, Custer National Forest: Slim Buttes: near terminus of eastern-most fork of North End or Forest Road 3124 in and around Mitchell Draw near Lena Spring Number 2, ca 3.5 air mi N of Reva Gap, ca 17.5 air mi E of Buffalo., 45.5894 -103.1872, 1024 - 1085m

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958285Robert D. Dorn   122172018-08-23
U.S.A., South Dakota, Fall River, Just downstream from Chautauqua Park at Hot Springs., 43.441667 -103.486667, 1067m

442518J. M. Aikman   18121935-06-11
U.S.A., Nebraska, Cedar, Prairie States Forestry Project: slope bordering Missouri River, 5 mi W of Yankton Bridge.

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48231D. M. Andrews   171904-00-00
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder Can[y]on.

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43842D. M. Andrews   s. n.1903-00-00
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder Can[y]on.

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27446C. G. Pringle   68431898-05-15
México, Morelos, Above Cuernavaca., 1982m

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