SD00070658 Florence M. Givens 4594 1986-05-27
United States, Arkansas, Baxter, McClellans property alng Ark. Rt. 63, 0.25 mile from junction of Ark. Rt. 177, limestone outcrop
SD00071793 Edith A. Purer 6571 1935-05-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, Malibou Road., 34.08022 -118.70219
SD00071290 Edith A. Purer 6547 1935-05-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, Hillside, Malibou Road., 34.08174 -118.70442
SD00069429 Edith A. Purer 6570 1935-05-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, coastal Mt. Malibu Lodge Road
69764 Edith A. Purer 6551 1935-05-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, Hillside, Maliobou Road., 34.08022 -118.70219
SD00067928 Ray Friesner 7620b 1934-07-21
United States, Indiana, Brown, 0.25 E of Whip-poor-Will's Nest
SD00064942 A. C. Sanders 7930 1988-06-16
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra San Pedro Martir; Corral Meadow, 7.5 km northwest of the observatory., 31.1125 -115.49722, 2520m
SD00067488 David Charlton 1990 1988-06-06
United States, California, Inyo, Shepards Pass Trailhead road on Symmes Creek, west of Independence., 36.743 -118.264, 1676m
SD00070067 A. C. Sanders 5658 1985-04-24
Mexico, Sonora, Puerto Pe¤asco, Northeast slopes of Cerro del Pinacate at and above Red Cone Camp; westsouthwest of Sonoyta and north of Puerto Penasco., 31.83333 -113.83333, 549m
SD00068394 T.R. Devender 86-75 1986-03-27
United States, Texas, Val Verde, Amistad National Recreation Area; NW of Del Rio. 2.6 miles NW of US Route 277 on US Route 90, then 2.0 miles N of US 90 on Spur 454., 343m
SD00070594 T.R. Van Devender 86-81 1986-03-27
United States, Texas, Val Verde, 11.2 Mi N of US Route 90 (N of Del Rio) on US Route 277/377, 396m
SD00070066 Richard S. Felger 86-455 1986-10-13
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Pinacate Region, northwest-facing slope of Pinacate Peak., 1200m
SD00071713 Richard S. Felger 86-441 1986-10-13
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, North-facing slope of Pinacate Peak, ca. 1/4 way up from base., 31.75972 -113.49722, 1060m
SD00067891 Julian A. Steyermark 80388 1955-10-18
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, in Crowleys Ridge near junction with lowland on property of Mr. Kidd, 3«-3 3/4 mi. (by air) from Bloomfield.
SD00068389 Julian A. Steyermark 80448 1955-10-18
United States, Missouri, Howell, 5 mi. SE of Caulfield; small limestone opening on SW-facing open wooded slopes along road in draw tributary to valley of Bennnett Bayou.
SD00067570 B. Pitzer 1174 1988-08-16
United States, California, Inyo, Eastern Sierra Nevada, John Muir Wilderness, Cottonwood Lakes area., 36.5 -118.21667, 3353m
SD00069380 A. C. Sanders 8905 1988-12-16
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Rio Mayo drainage; 2.1 miles northnortheast of the Arroyo Taymuco ford at San Bernardo on the dirt road to Vacajaqui, just north of the pass through the hills., 27.41667 -108.83333, 400m
SD00066229 Roger Sanders 1007 1977-07-24
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Ca. 2 km N of Chama on levee along river, 2500m
SD00066230 Roger Sanders 1420 1979-08-28
United States, Arizona, Apache, White Mts, along Hw 260 at 19 km E of McNary, 2500m
SD00071634 R. W. Sanders 76003 1976-03-15
United States, Texas, Travis, Austin, University of Texas lawn, along south wing of Painter Hall.
SD00066852 John Bright s.n. 1934-08-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, Ohio Pyle. In wet, low place.
SD00071173 John Bright s.n. 1934-06-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, In woodlands bordering Danny's Pond, Harmanville.
SD00066444 A. C. Sanders 8329 1988-08-25
Mexico, Colima, Comala, Lago Jabali, on Rancho El Jabali, 22 km NNW of the city of Colima. Roadside area near reservoir El Macho., 19.45 -103.7, 1300m
SD00066722 John Bright s.n. 1933-05-05
United States, Pennsylvania, Washington, Near Thompsonville, In Alluvial Thickets, along Little Chartiers Creek
SD00071175 John Bright s.n. 1934-06-26
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, Ohio Pyle
SD00066618 Amadeo M. Rea 1376 1987-04-03
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Santan Mts, upper quarter of main wash
SD00070070 J. Luis Leon 2101 1986-09-16
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, 'El Picacho', Sierra La Laguna., 23.58333 -110.03333, 2000m
SD00065250 J. Luis Leon 2117 1986-10-10
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, 'El Comitan', 17 km al NW de La Paz. Arroyo., 24.13446 -110.4335, 30m
SD00070357 Reid Moran 29510 1981-04-04
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Socorro Island: Brushy arroyo on SW slope of Cerro Evermann, 18.78333 -110.95, 1020m
SD00065199 Richard S. Cowan 2274 1963-02-09
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Talus-slope N and S from Bahia de Los Angeles village., 28.94373 -113.56246, 61m
SD00067720 Mrs. Neff Bakker s.n. 1912-06-01
United States, Michigan, Unknown, Lacota
SD00066553 Richard Felger 75-13 1975-03-06
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Sierra del Rosario, N side of main mountain mass, 32.09583 -114.18333, 130m
SD00066554 Richard Felger 85-582 1985-03-09
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, ca 6 km N of Bahia San Carlos, near canyon entrance, 28.16667 -111.05833, 150m
SD00070065 Richard S. Felger 18686 1969-11-29
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Sierra Pinacate, northwest of main peak., 31.77917 -113.5, 1240m
SD00070340 C. T. Mason 3872 1987-12-23
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, ca. 30 Mi N of San Ignacio, Cerro San Francisco, Rancho San Gregorio, arroyo bottom, 27.6801 -112.9771
H. Ronald Pulliam s.n. 1974-03-21
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Isla San Pedro Nolasco, 244m
SD00071665 Richard S. Felger 85-616 1985-03-11
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Rancho San Alfonso, on road to Bahia San Pedro., 28.09944 -111.22139, 50m
SD00066555 Reid Moran 21939 1975-04-28
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Cerro del Vigia, overlooking Guaymas, 27.93333 -110.9, 430m
SD00071728 Mrs. Neff Bakker s.n. 1912-08-01
United States, Illinois, Cook, Euclid Park, Chicago.
SD00067738 Reid Moran 26137 1978-07-01
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Rancho el Milagro., 31.45 -115.86667, 1130m
SD00070649 Reid Moran 24288 1977-06-30
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, East of mouth of Corro Creek, 35.51667 -120.81667, 500m
Reid Moran 12246 1965-10-01
United States, California, Madera, Roadside 13 mi N of Fresno, 36.9245 -119.7925, 200m
SD00067836 Mrs. Neff Bakker s.n. 1912-00-00
United States, Michigan, Unknown, Lacota, Mich, roadside.
SD00070599 Elzada Clover 8064 1945-04-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Side canyon below Mooney Falls
SD00068511 Thomas Oberbauer 63 1983-04-12
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Cedros island, wash north of town, 28.10628 -115.18998, 20m
SD00069146 Thomas Oberbauer 55 1983-04-16
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Cedros Island, Cerro de Cedros, 28.12899 -115.22118, 1170m
SD00071693 Thomas Oberbauer 25 1983-04-13
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Cedros Island, flats at Punta Norte, mouth of Canon de la Mina, 28.35953 -115.19588, 10m
Melanie Howe 61 1989-06-10
United States, California, San Diego, Hot Springs Mountain, Los Coyotes Indian Reservation, 33.31504 -116.57974
Richard Marin M65-38 1965-04-11
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, 4.0 miles northwest of Soyopa., 305m
SD00066395 Mrs. Neff Bakker s.n. 1913-05-01
United States, Illinois, Unknown, Chicago: Brundy Hills
SD00070662 Mrs. Neff Bakker s.n. 1912-08-01
United States, Illinois, Cook, Dauphin Park
SD00071342 Micahel Curto 121 1985-09-11
United States, Arizona, Pima, Baboquivari Mts, E slope, Aros Rancho, 12 km (air) NW of Sasabe; along washes., 1220m
SD00066791 Steven A. Junak SC-1180 1987-10-08
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island, near mouth of first major canyon west of Pelican Bay., 34.03676 -119.70425, 18m
SD00067405 R. Mitchel Beauchamp 3311 1972-04-19
United States, California, San Diego, Along road between Lawson and Gaskill Peaks, 32.73188 -116.71817, 1040m
SD00067766 R. Mitchel Beauchamp
United States, California, San Diego, detailed locality information protected
SD00067773 R. Mitchel Beauchamp
United States, California, San Diego, detailed locality information protected
SD00070418 R. Mitchel Beauchamp 3262 1972-04-16
United States, California, San Diego, Cutca Valley Road, north side of Palomar Mountain, 33.4125 -116.91667, 1070m
SD00061511 R. Mitchel Beauchamp 1842 1971-03-13
United States, California, San Diego, Along Proctor Valley Road, southeast of Sunnyside, 32.66667 -116.98333, 150m
SD00067918 Florence M. Givens 4310 1985-08-07
United States, Georgia, Colquitt, 8 Mi NW of Moultree, off Hwy 133 on Doerum-Albany Hwy
SD00071834 Reid Moran 23575 1976-06-26
United States, California, San Diego, La Media Road, Otay Mesa, 32.55833 -116.96667
Jerilyn Hirshberg 50 1989-05-21
United States, California, San Diego, ¬ mi. East of upper Green Valley Fire Road, trail to Sunrise Highway, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, 32.97416 -116.53329
SD00061518 Jerilyn Hirshberg 90 1989-07-03
United States, California, San Diego, 0.25 miles north of Green Valley Fire Road, Cuyamaca Mountains. Growing in muddy edge of creek., 32.94691 -116.54479
SD00070727 Jerilyn Hirshberg 91 1989-07-03
United States, California, San Diego, 0.25 mi. North of Green Valley Fire Road, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, 32.94691 -116.54479
SD00071002 Jerilyn Hirshberg 19 1989-04-21
United States, California, San Diego, East side of Highway 79, near State Park South boundary, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, 32.89537 -116.5961
SD00071745 Jerilyn Hirshberg 55 1989-05-21
United States, California, San Diego, Riding and Hiking Trail, 0.25 mi. North of Group Camp at Paso Picacho, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, 32.96561 -116.58132
SD00071756 Jerilyn Hirshberg 58 1989-05-25
United States, California, San Diego, Edge of Conejos Trail, « mi. above Azalea Spring Fire Road, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, 32.95745 -116.60576
SD00061526 Jerilyn Hirshberg 92 1989-07-03
United States, California, San Diego, 0.25 miles north of Green Valley Fire Road, Cuyamaca Mountains. Growing in muddy edge of creek., 32.94691 -116.54479
SD00071166 Mrs. Neff Bakker s.n. 1912-06-01
United States, Illinois, Cook
SD00066590 Darley F. Howe s.n. 1980-04-16
United States, California, Riverside, 4 miles south of Highway 10 on Cornsprings Road, Chuckwalla Mountains, 33.62663 -115.28744, 335m
SD00070851 Darley F. Howe s.n. 1980-05-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, West slope of Clark Mountain., 35.52209 -115.65065, 1310m
SD00070844 Darley F. Howe s.n. 1980-05-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, 4.1 miles east of Cima Bridge., 35.46725 -115.60801, 1310m
SD00066354 unknown s.n. 1912-06-01
United States, Michigan, Van Buren, Lacota
SD00067258 Mrs. Neff Bakker s.n. 1912-07-01
United States, Illinois, Cook, Riverdale. Roadside.
SD00071636 Mrs. Neff Bakker s.n. 1912-07-01
United States, Illinois, Cook, Wolfridge.
SD00067281 Mrs. Bakker s.n. 1912-08-01
United States, Indiana, Unknown, Gary
SD00066844 Mrs. Neff Bakker s.n. 1912-08-01
United States, Illinois, Chicago, Oakdale.
Amadeo M. Rea 1439 1987-05-12
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Sacaton, 33.05 -111.71667, 420m
Amadeo M. Rea 1476 1987-08-03
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Phoenix, E of Salt/Gila Confluence, N bank Lower Salt, ca. 1 mi E of 115th Ave, 33.33333 -112.28333, 290m
Amadeo M. Rea 1515 1987-11-28
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Lower Salt above Salt/Gila Confluence, ca. 0.33 mile E of 115th Ave, 33.33333 -112.28333, 290m
SD00067213 Amadeo M. Rea 1546 1988-05-28
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Bapchule, 33.1 -111.85, 410m
SD00069453 Amadeo M. Rea 1436 1987-04-13
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Sierra Estrella, Upper Basin, 33.03333 -112.16667, 900m
SD00071171 Arnold Tiehm 11972 1989-05-10
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Pah Rah Range, 1.2 road miles northwest of Clark Exit on I-80 on a pole line road., 1356m
SD00067108 B. Pitzer 1435 1989-05-29
United States, Nevada, Lyon, Toiyabe National Forest, Dalzell Canyon, Highway 338 (9ld highway 22), ca. 12 miles south of Smith and 9.0 miles north of Sweetwater Summit., 38.60833 -119.23333, 1829m
SD00070800 A. C. Sanders 9502 1989-09-19
United States, California, Riverside, Chocolate Mountains Aerial Gunnery Range: 1.75 km south of Tabaseca Tank, along the wash above Tabaseca Target., 33.50417 -115.54583, 680m
SD00068660 A. C. Sanders 4371 1983-12-28
Mexico, Sinaloa, Unknown, Sierra Madre Occidental, Rancho Liebre Barranca, 1.0 mile south of El Palmito on Highway 40 and 1.0 mile west of the highway., 23.6 -105.85, 2103m
SD00069284 A.C. Sanders 8021 1988-08-17
Mexico, Sinaloa, Unknown, Playa Bruja ca. 7 km N of Mazatlan, along a pole line road ca. 2 km NE of the Playa Escondida Trailer Park and ca. 2 km inland., 23.28333 -106.48333, 30m
SD00070175 A. C. Sanders 7667 1988-02-15
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Valley of the Rio San Telmo, 2.0 miles above Highway 1 on the road to San Telmo and the observatory., 30.95 -116.11667, 107m
SD00071711 A. C. Sanders 9258 1989-09-04
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Weedy roadside irrigation canal at La Savila, 7.5 km south of Huatabampo on the road to Huatabampito., 26.76667 -109.6, 25m
SD00071787 Dolores A. Davidson 162 1976-06-03
United States, California, Ventura, On grass-covered steep embankment, Los Padres national Forest, ca. 2 miles north of Wheeler Gorge Campgroud., 34.51858 -119.2809, 762m
SD00066462 Frank F. Gander 360 1936-01-02
United States, California, San Diego, southeast slope of Pinyon Mountain, 33.05315 -116.33324
SD00070197 Salazar s.n. 1990-03-16
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, R. Cubillas, 32.02983 -116.72377, 380m
SD00069435 Ed Larue s.n. 1990-04-13
United States, California, Riverside, 0.5 Mi NW of town of Aguanga, N of Hwy 79 & W of Hwy 371; ca. 1.5 air mi. N of San Diego Cnty Line, 33.45 -116.86667, 640m
SD00069669 B. Pitzer 528 1987-05-06
United States, California, Inyo, Argus Mountains, Homewood Canyon, 5.6 miles west of Trona-Wildrose Road., 35.88429 -117.42091, 1158m
SD00070436 George Helmkamp s.n. 1990-04-19
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, West Cuesta Ridge, 3.0 miles northwest of US 101, north of San Luis Obispo., 35.3561 -120.6539, 671m
SD00061529 F. Almeda 6563 1990-05-18
United States, California, San Diego, About 2.9-3.7 miles beyond Hwy #79 on the Palomar truck trail into Blue Canyon. Grassy areas adjoining chaparral near high ridge with water catchment on southwest edge of ridge., 33.32089 -116.74544, 1065m
SD00061520 Suzanne Bell 42 1990-06-06
United States, California, San Diego, East side trail south of East Mesa Fire Road, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park,., 32.90337 -116.54122, 1220m
SD00065129 Duffie Clemons 2294 1990-03-29
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Among boulders near stream, Canon de Guadalupe., 32.15 -115.8, 530m
SD00066352 S. Jones 4746 1990-05-16
United States, Mississippi, Oktibbeha, 1.4 mi E of Mississipps State Univ, E of Starksville, 0.7 mi S of US 82, Sand Creek Tributary
SD00067287 Stanley Jones 4514 1990-04-26
United States, Texas, Burleson, 4.3 Mi N on Tx 36 from Jct. with FR 60 W in Lyons
SD00067289 S. Jones 4527 1990-04-28
United States, Texas, Brazos, 0.4 Mi E on Minter Springs Rd from its jct. with Koppe Bridge Road, W of Welburn