Search Results (List)

Dataset: SD-Plants
Taxa: Plantaginaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 59, records 5801-5900 of 6220

San Diego Natural History Museum

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00020320Alfonso Medel Narvaez   2012-472012-05-07
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra La Laguna, Valle de La Laguna, 23.55056 -109.98358, 1763m

F. Ventura A.   17331970-07-21
Mexico, Puebla, Mazapiltepec, El Chamizal., 2350m

Z. Chavez Alarcon   s.n.1966-09-11
Mexico, Mexico, Chalco, Colonia Agricola M. Avila Camacho., 2750m

Rzedowski   4221971-11-13
Mexico, Quer‚taro, Col¢n, Parte mas alta del Cerro Zamorano., 3200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077370L. R. Heckard   39611975-01-16
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, San Bernardo Arroyo just above entrance to Boca de la Sierra; west of Miraflores, northwest of San Jose del Cabo., 23.4366 -109.965, 245m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077363Jon Rebman   45801997-10-26
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra Guadalupe: West of Mulege: Ca¤ada El Guano, just West of Rancho San Sebastian, 27.00361 -112.43, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077358Reymundo Dominguez Cadena   23502001-05-02
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Los Cabos, 1 km desde la carretera por arroyo Costa Azul, cerca de San Jose del Cabo, 23.01667 -109.71667, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077369Jon P. Rebman   70762000-10-16
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Arroyo Santa Cruz; drainage area., 24.15528 -110.10889, 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077367Fred M. Roberts   47291990-10-24
Mexico, Baja California Sur, San Antonio, Cape Region; Mexico 1, km post 146.5, ca. 17km W San Bartolo and 10.5km E San Antonio on western slopes of Cerro Agua Blanca above Arroyo Agua Caliente, 23.76667 -110, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077368Jose Luis Leon de la Luz   81492008-09-30
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Migrino; 500 m del Puente de la carretara, 23.0476 -110.08955, 15m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077364Jon Rebman   253642013-01-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Rancho Las Cruces; east of La Paz; southwest of the main Rancho Las Cruces resort buildings; in the canyon bottom of Arroyo Las Cruces (Santa Cruz) en route to the 7 pools, 24.17044 -110.10323, 25m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077361Jon Rebman   272382013-10-29
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra Cacachilas: SE of La Paz & W of El Sargento; N of Hwy 286 between La Paz & San Juan de Los Planes; on the top of Cerro El Llano, 24.11067 -110.10963, 1120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077360Jon Rebman   290602014-10-18
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra las Cacachilas: north of Hwy. 286 between La Paz & San Juan de los Planes; west of El Sargento; on the top of Cerro Morro to the north of El Picacho, 24.10987 -110.13902, 1192m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077354Jon Rebman   306712015-10-06
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra el Novillo (Sierra las Calabazas): south of La Paz: between Hwy 1 and Hwy 286; vicinity of Rancho Las Playitas; near the arroyo bottom up a canyon on the slope, 23.98211 -110.17817, 410m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077353Jon Rebman   319682016-11-07
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra La Gata (S. Brasileros): southeast of San Juan de Los Planes and north of San Bartolo; along canyon to the southeast of Rancho Santa Marta, 23.85672 -109.87157, 415m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077366Annetta Carter   33821955-04-13
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Rancho Poza Larga, Arroyo de San Francisquito. (From San Jorge to San Francisquito and La Chuparosa, east side of Sierra de la Victoria), 23.48333 -109.78333, 1140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077365John H. Thomas   78401959-05-09
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, The Cape Region. Potrero de Almenta, Arroyo de Almenta, along small streamlet, eastern slopes of the Sierra de la Victoria. Inland from Caduano, 23.31667 -109.93333, 1036m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077359Reid Moran   94891962-04-15
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Cerralvo Island, Arroyo Aguaje, in shade of cliff, 24.32586 -109.93346, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00077362Reid Moran   188281971-10-23
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, north slope of Cerro Barranco, Sierra de Guadalupe, 26.9598 -112.3881, 1225m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00057373Jon Rebman   350312018-11-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Gulf of California: Isla Cerralvo; northern portion of the island to the east of Limona anchorage; along a large canyon near the top of the mountains and its adjacent slopes, 24.32015 -109.91117, 296m

Geoffrey A. Levin   19831988-01-21
Mexico, Colima, Unknown, Near Rio Marabasco (Cihuatlan) bridge on road to Chacala, N of Santiago, 19.28333 -104.31667, 200m

F. Ventura A.   75431972-12-06
Mexico, Veracruz, Las Vigas, Dos Veredas, 2400m

Sibthorpia repens (Mutis ex L.) Kuntze
F. Ventura A.   202451983-05-17
Mexico, Puebla, San Juan Xiutetelco, Rancho El Milagro., 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sibthorpia repens (Mutis ex L.) Kuntze
SD00035911Jon Rebman   57691998-10-28
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de la Laguna: NE of Todos Santos: vicinity of Valle La Laguna at top of the Sierra; NE of Ca¤on La Burrera and Rancho Corral Grande, 23.55056 -109.98306, 1740m

F. Ventura A.   47081972-01-03
Mexico, Veracruz, Totutla, El Mirador, 1035m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00032543Laurie Roberts   s.n.2008-02-03
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Note: photo voucher only; no specimen. El Briulio Ranch, west of Santiago, in boulder crevice of canyon pool area, 23.4725 -109.80972, 311m

Veronica perfoliata (R. Br.) comb. ined.
R. Cox   s.n.1992-11-17
United States, California, San Diego, Encinitas

Veronica perfoliata (R. Br.) comb. ined.
Helen V. Witham   9591970-07-06
United States, California, Los Angeles, LASCA 59-S1121

Veronica perfoliata (R. Br.) comb. ined.
Austin Griffiths, Jr.   45301962-05-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, LASCA Ac.#59-S-1121; location, B-4-SE-4

Schistophragma intermedium (A. Gray) Pennell
Shannon Doan   9832001-08-21
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest. Wash on south side of Humboldt Mtn. Road, ca 0.1 mile from intersection with Seven Springs road., 33.9586 -111.83455, 1097m

Schistophragma intermedium (A. Gray) Pennell
Wyatt W. Jones   s.n.1955-08-25
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Paul's Spur

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Miguel Dominguez L.   19301997-03-12
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Golfo de California, Isla Espiritu Santo, 24.55 -110.4, 60m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jon Rebman   35971996-09-25
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Gulf of California: Isla Partida, just north of Isla Espiritu Santo, 24.58111 -110.39861, 20m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jon Rebman   46701997-10-29
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra Guadalupe: West of Mulege: Ca¤on Guadalupe: Between San Jos‚ de Magdalena and the Ex-Misi¢n de Guadalupe; near Rancho Pie de la Cuesta, 26.93972 -112.38361, 650m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
M. Dominguez L.   23111997-10-25
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Mulege, Sierra de Guadalupe, Rancho San Sebastian, arroyo, 27 -112.4, 568m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jon Rebman   56961998-10-24
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de la Giganta: S of Loreto: approx. 1 mile N of Agua Verde and 1.5 miles W of coastal road, 25.49806 -111.09333, 75m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
M. Dominguez L.   28772000-10-12
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, 3 Km Carr. Pichilingue Puerto Cerralvo, arroyo, 24.26667 -110.28333, 50m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
M. Dominguez L.   30962001-11-15
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Loreto, Poblado Agua Verde, 25.5132 -111.0657, 10m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Miguel Dominguez Leon   35652003-11-18
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Comondu, Sierra de La Giganta, 1 km al Nte. del Rancho Posa del Leon, 25.35 -111.16667, 470m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jon P. Rebman   97552003-11-13
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Canyon del Higuera on the S end of the bay with Rancho Los Burros., 25.02889 -110.80722, 35m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jon P. Rebman   97292003-11-11
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, At lake in Llanos de Kakiw¡, west of Rancho los Burros., 25.02306 -110.87, 425m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jon P. Rebman   97942003-11-18
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, To top lake in Valle de Venado., 24.93667 -110.74944, 535m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Miguel Dominguez Leon   31522002-05-28
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de La Giganta, Paraje de Juan Romero,/R. La Higuera y Poza Verde, 25.7 -111.43333, 390m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Miguel Dom¡nguez L‚on   38302004-11-18
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra de La Giganta, Llanos de Caquigui, Cerro La Borrachera, 24.97944 -110.90556, 830m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Annetta Carter   22651947-12-18
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, 11.5 km east of Cabo San Lucas., 22.93642 -109.81607

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Reid Moran   189811971-11-04
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de la Giganta; Arroyo at northwest base of Cerro Mechudo., 24.7959 -110.7295, 580m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Reid Moran   189211971-11-03
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de la Giganta; Cerro Mechudo., 24.788 -110.7266, 725m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jose Luis Leon de la Luz   10568b2004-11-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de la Giganta: Llanos de Kakiwi, Mesa El Choyal, 24.96667 -110.86667, 440m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jose Luis Leon de la Luz   116402012-11-20
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de La Giganta. Cuesta de Ligui., 25.71275 -111.24872, 202m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jon Rebman   275772013-11-11
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Los Cabos, Cabo Pulmo area: southeastern Cape region, between La Ribera and Bahia Los Frailes; along a canyon approximately 3 miles west of the town of Cabo Pulmo and the main road (Camino Cabo Este)., 23.42459 -109.47112, 150m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Jon Rebman   309882015-11-18
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Along road to the west of Llanos de Kakiwi: Sierra de La Giganta; southwest of Mision Dolores & northwest of San Evaristo; steep rocky north-facing slope, 24.98875 -110.90153, 525m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Reid V. Moran   69861959-01-13
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Cape Region. 4.5 km. NW of Todos Santos, shallow arroyo, 23.4768 -110.25706, 25m

Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
Reid Moran   96391962-04-21
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Espiritu Santo Island, arroyo above Ensenada Ballena, 24.49575 -110.36556, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Schistophragma polystachyum (Brandegee) B. L. Turner
SD00032540Reid Moran   90451962-04-01
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, West side of Conception Bay, southeast of Santispaquis., 26.76768 -111.88876, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00062182Duffie Clemons   12651986-02-15
United States, California, San Diego, Southeast BM Lute Fonts Point quad. Common in sandy rocky soil, 33.31541 -116.20487

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00035903Pat Flanagan   s.n.1992-10-30
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra San Francisco, Cerro San Juan, Mesa de Esposas

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077317Wendy Hodgson   88481995-03-15
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, 2.4 miles south of Ej. Saldana, just west of highway 5 in foothills of Sierra las Pintas, north end, 31.82455 -115.20515, 30m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Jennifer Whipple   39231992-04-03
United States, Arizona, Pima, Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge; Growler Mountains above Charlie Bell Wash, ca. 1/8 mile west of Charlie Bell Pass., 518m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077323Jos‚ Luis Le¢n de la Luz   49751992-01-27
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Sierra de La Giganta; vertiente N del Cerro Mechudo., 24.83333 -110.78333, 120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077316R. Webb   56232010-05-21
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, PEN?NSULA VIZCA?NO 0510: Camino Real, 11 km NW Sta. Gertrudis Site: n/a, 28.09714 -113.18655, 394m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Larry Hendrickson   48092010-05-18
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Lower Borrego Valley, NE of Vallecito Mountains, 2.3 miles E of intersection of State hwy. 78 and Borrego Springs Road and 0.2 mile S of 78., 33.15363 -116.20423, 515m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Larry Hendrickson   45342010-03-22
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Borrego Valley, 4.0 air miles NE of Christmas Circle, and 1.0 mile E of the intersection of Henderson Canyon Road and Borrego Valley Road, N-side of Henderson Cyn. Rd, 33.30126 -116.33226, 194m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Jon Rebman   188602010-04-03
United States, California, Imperial, Southwest of Plaster City on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) property in an area proposed for development of a solar facility: S of Hwy. S80 & N of I-8, NE of Ocotillo & W of El Centro; along a powerline road, 32.78489 -115.87331, 53m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077319Miguel Dominguez Leon   43712009-10-20
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Costa del Pacifico. Poblado San Jose de Gracia., 26.57902 -112.72785, 162m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077320Miguel Dominguez Leon   43612009-10-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Unknown, Costa del Pacifico. Carretera rancho El Cuarenta a San Jose de Gracia., 26.57478 -112.796, 75m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077321Reymundo Dominguez Cadena   33142010-04-20
Mexico, Sonora, Unknown, Puerto Libertad. 5Km al S de Puerto libertad., 29.87267 -112.65061, 7m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077318Reymundo Domiguez Cadena   31382009-11-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Comondu, Arroyo, cerca del estero San Andresito. 8 km al Nwde la Poza Grande., 25.81178 -112.09712, 5m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Joe Barth   14342011-04-15
United States, California, San Diego, Anza Borrego Desert State Park. East base of Jacumba Mts, SW of the Volcanic Hills. NW of Piedras Grandes Mt. By RR trax and adjacent slopes and flats. 3 miles due W of Imperial County line. 4.7 miles due S of Hiway S2, 8.2 miles due N of Interstate 8., 32.75357 -116.15502, 557m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Joe Barth   12892011-04-05
United States, California, San Diego, Jojoba Wash, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. 2.25 miles due S of Hwy S2, 11 miles due N of Freeway I8, 3.8 miles due W of Imperial county line. Bajada WNW of the Volcanic Hills., 32.7959 -116.1683, 453m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Joe Barth   13632011-04-10
United States, California, San Diego, Anza Borrego Desert State Park. Lot by Hiway S2 roadside. 1.3 miles due W of Imperial County line. ~9 air miles WNW of Imperial County's town of Ocotillo., 32.80608 -116.12643, 314m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Joe Barth   10872011-02-06
United States, California, San Diego, Pullout on Hwy S22 ~2.1 miles straight SW from Christmas Circle in Borrego Springs., 33.23841 -116.40403, 350m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Mike Bigelow   2272010-03-24
United States, California, San Diego, Borrego Springs; SW of Christmas Circle, just N of intersection Country Club Road and Sunset Road, 33.25462 -116.3793, 191m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Mike Bigelow   3842011-04-06
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park; Font's Point, on dirt road 3.5 miles south of junction with S-22, 33.25679 -116.23302, 413m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
LeRoy Gross   29982008-03-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave Desert, Northcentral region: Alvord Mine; Sourthern portion of the Alvord Mountains. About 6 miles northeast of Manix., 35.06771 -116.62861, 696m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077322Jon Rebman   272682013-10-29
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Paz, Sierra Cacachilas: SE of La Paz & W of El Sargento; N of Hwy 286 between La Paz & San Juan de Los Planes; on the top of Cerro El Llano, 24.11067 -110.10963, 1120m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
J. M. Andre   261832013-03-20
United States, California, San Bernardino, Region: M; Colorado River Valley about one-half mile NW of town of Needles, along Needles Hwy just N. of Interstate 40, near KOA Campground, 34.86198 -114.63155, 145m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Donald L. Hazlett   67961993-03-13
United States, California, Imperial, 3 mi. S of Ocotillo, in Davies Canyon, 32.69117 -115.98563, 183m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
United States, California, Imperial, Pinto Wash, 32.63972 -115.86448

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
United States, California, San Diego, [Locality determined by SDNHM] East end of Inner Pasture, 32.90896 -116.30027

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00008298Andrea Laltoo   22005-02-07
United States, California, Imperial, Yuha Desert Area of Critical Environmental Concern, Shellbeds Campground, Eastern Section., 32.74972 -115.82278, 30m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
United States, California, Imperial, Poleline Rd South of Plaster City, 32.77547 -115.85375

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
United States, California, Imperial, Mammoth Wash, 33.143 -115.336

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
United States, California, Imperial, Jackson Gulch, 32.8156 -114.77635

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
J. M. Andre   267032014-01-28
United States, California, San Bernardino, Dead Mountains; south end of range along banks of Piute Wash, ca. 80 miles west of Needles., 34.8902 -114.75808, 310m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
J. M. Andre   247512013-03-27
United States, California, San Bernardino, Region: M; Ship Mountains east end of Cadiz Basin, at foot of Ship Mtns, just east of Cadiz Dunes, 11.1 mi. south of Hwy 66 at Chambliss, 34.4444 -115.42492, 238m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077324Jim Riley   4952016-04-26
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, North End of Cerro de las Torres, 30.5754 -115.9086, 95m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
J.M. Andre   240672013-03-04
United States, California, Imperial, Cargo Muchacho Mountains; southeast side of range, approx 12 miles NW of Yuma, just west of Barney Oldfield Rd, 5.0 mile north of junction Interstae 8. (Araz 7.5'Q), 32.81332 -114.72982, 158m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077327Jon Rebman   297042015-04-03
Mexico, Baja California, Ensenada, East San Benitos Island: west of Cedros Island and northwest of Punta Eugenia on the Vizcaino peninsula; on the west-central portion of the island, 28.30359 -115.54633, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077326Jon Rebman   296912015-03-30
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Mulege, Isla Natividad: south of Cedros Island and west of Punta Eugenia on the Vizcaino peninsula; near the boat ramp in the town at the southern tip of island, 27.85262 -115.17095, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
SD00077325Jon Rebman   296432015-03-30
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Mulege, Isla Natividad: south of Cedros Island and west of Punta Eugenia on the Vizcaino peninsula; southwest portion of island, 27.86731 -115.17646, 94m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Sarah J. De Groot   77732016-04-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Afton area, northwest of I-15, northeast of Barstow. East of Alvord Mountain, north of Cady Mountains and Mojave River, west of Cronese Mountains., 35.0727 -116.41501, 535m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Sarah J. De Groot   76122016-02-18
United States, California, Riverside, Mecca Hills; side canyon (east fork) of Painted Canyon., 33.61679 -115.99508, 182m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Sarah J. De Groot   76332016-03-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, Southeast edge of Mud Hills, ca. 8.9 mile northnortheast of Barstow., 35.01926 -116.95551, 878m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Sarah J. De Groot   76322016-03-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, Southeast edge of Kramer Hills, ca. 10.4 miles southsoutheast of Kramer Junction, east of US 395, south of Highway 58., 34.86251 -117.45205, 870m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Sarah J. De Groot   76312016-02-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, Northwest edge of Rodman Mountains, along Troy Road off Fort Cady Road NR 8455. Eastsoutheast of Newberry Mountains, southsoutheast of Newberry Springs. Along gas pipeline Road, above Kane Wash., 34.74759 -116.66504, 899m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Susan T Welker   s.n.1992-03-19
United States, California, San Diego, Dry slope adjacent to S-22, west of Borrego Springs. Rest stop around « way down Montezuma Grade., 33.11835 -116.43603, 580m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
J. Andre   207792012-04-11
United States, California, Riverside, Joshua Tree National Part; NW Eagle Mtns, along dirt road to Black Eagle Mine, 0.7 mi. east of road to Cottonwood Spr (Utah Trail), 34 mi. south of Hwy 62 at 29 Palms. At interface of steep rocky hills and large wash., 33.83483 -115.74783, 729m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
J.M. Andre   236992012-04-26
United States, Nevada, Clark, Just N. of town of Mesquite, 2.3 mi. NNW of Jct Interstate 15 and Side Hill Rd. Sandy hills just north of recent housing development., 36.83183 -114.08543, 561m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
A.C. Sanders   413462015-03-08
United States, California, Imperial, Sonoral (Colorado) Desert: Salvation Pass in the Chocolate Mountains, small side canyon south of the main wash, US Navy Chocolate Mountains Aerial Gunnery Range., 33.25985 -115.27123, 354m

Plantago ovata var. fastigiata (E.Morris) S.C.Meyers & Liston
Melvin M. Sweet   9192010-03-27
United States, California, San Diego, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park; 0.4 miles S of State Hwy 78, along the Mine Wash Jeep Trail, which intersects Hwy 78 2.8 miles east of County Route S3 (Yaqui Pass)., 33.12483 -116.33049, 401m

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