Search Results (List)

Dataset: SD-Plants
Taxa: Rosaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 4853

San Diego Natural History Museum

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00000232Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1903-09-18
Mexico, Chihuahua, Unknown, Mound Valley, Sierra Madre Nountains., 2135m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ivesia cryptocaulis (Clokey) D.D. Keck
SD00000231I. W. Clokey   75671937-07-08
United States, Nevada, Clark, Clarleston Mountains: Charleston Peak. Gravelly slope and flat., 3500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045857Lawrence H. Cook   s.n.1934-08-01
United States, Arizona, Unknown, Summerhaven

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045593Robert F. Thorne   479971976-10-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, E. Mojave Desert, New York Mts: Keystone Canyon above Keystone Spring, in crevices of massive limestone outcrops., 35.26602 -115.30104, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043978Robert F. Thorne   453641975-05-03
United States, California, San Bernardino, E. Mojave Desert, Providence Mts.: Canyon above Bonanza King Mine, 34.9859 -115.51507, 1402m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043636Lawrence H. Cook   s.n.1934-08-01
United States, Arizona, Unknown, Summerhaven

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaebatia australis (Brandegee) Abrams
SD00044252Frank F. Gander   146-21935-03-20
United States, California, San Diego, Potrero Grade on Campo Road, 32.59699 -116.65411

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00000229I. W. Clokey   79741938-07-22
United States, Nevada, Clark, Charleston Mountains, Ridge to Charleston Peak. Grassy slope., 3270m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus ilicifolia subsp. lyonii (Eastw.) P.H. Raven
SD00017343Larry DeBuhr   6971972-09-02
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Clemente Island, near the top of the canyon from Lemon Tank on east side of island, 32.93191 -118.50164, 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045176Mark Hoefs   3781973-07-14
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island: Just east of Wrigley Botanic Garden, Upper Avalon Canyon, 33.32404 -118.34155, 107m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus ilicifolia subsp. lyonii (Eastw.) P.H. Raven
SD00017342Larry DeBuhr   7101972-09-03
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Clemente Island, on rocky canyon walls in Horse Canyon, the canyon from Fhirst Pk. To the west., 32.86459 -118.46817, 427m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00017346Gary Wallace   7071972-09-03
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Clemente Island, on rocky canyon walls in Horse Canyon, the canyon from Thirst Pk. To the west, common in canyon, 32.86459 -118.46817, 457m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00017355Larry DeBuhr   7011972-09-02
United States, California, Los Angeles, San Clemente Island, near the top of first canyon south of Lemon Tank, 32.92594 -118.49711, 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044042Frank F. Gander   151-11935-03-25
United States, California, San Diego, Mahogany Canyon, East San Diego, 32.76805 -117.09675

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043572Reid Moran   296111981-06-27
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez; south slope, El Encinal, east of San Valentin, 32.55833 -116.45, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Chamaebatia australis (Brandegee) Abrams
SD00044245Frank F. Gander   155-341935-03-28
United States, California, San Diego, North slope of San Miguel Mt., 32.71179 -116.9302

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043453Reid Moran   296051981-06-07
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, old burn 2 1/2 km south of Carricito, 32.44583 -116.7625, 290m

Aphanes occidentalis (Nutt.) Rydb.
Reid Moran   295971981-05-24
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Guadalupe Island; ridge above Hemizonia cliff; north slope of the island., 29.17083 -118.3, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045838Reid Moran   296491981-08-28
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez; near natural pond 2 km SE of San Faustino, 32.2 -116.15833, 1290m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045839Reid Moran   296211981-06-27
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez; broad arroyo bed just south of Rancho San Faustino, 32.21667 -116.16667, 1290m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00037990Reid Moran   297271981-07-05
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez, Agua Hechicera, 32.25 -116.2, 1250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043967James Henrickson   140461974-08-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ca. 35 (air) miles NNE of Baker in Kingston Mountains, ca. 0.5 mile east of Kingston Peak., 35.7262 -115.9167, 2133m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043966James Henrickson   177731978-10-22
United States, Inyo, Upper Wildrose Canyon, ca. 29 miles east of Darwin along road and at Mahogany Flats., 36.2297 -117.0692, 2408m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ivesia patellifera (J.T. Howell) Ertter
SD00045498James Henrickson   140541974-08-11
United States, California, San Bernardino, ca 35 (air) miles NNE of Baker, ca 1/8 mile E of summit of Kingston Peak, on slopes, 35.72746 -115.91301, 2133m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044341James Henrickson   179521979-05-04
United States, California, Inyo, ca 11 air miles S of Olancha, ca 3.5 air miles NW of Dunmovin W of powerline road, 2.2 miles W of Hwy 395 between Johnson Canyon & Hiiiaiwee Creek, 36.12608 -118.01214, 1493m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045215Barry Prigge   12161973-07-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, SE San Bernardino Co. Clark Mt. Range, at base of cliff at head of Fir Cyn, ca. 4.5 miles NW of Mt Pass, 35.52606 -115.58559, 2164m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC.
SD00046695Jack L. Reveal   26951980-06-28
United States, California, Mono, Wedertz Flat, above Water Canyon, Toiyabe N.F., 38.3838 -119.2092, 2440m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043729W. Hodgson   H-12201981-05-14
United States, Arizona, Gila, Near Suicide Ridge, off Barnhardt Trail, Mazatzal Mountains., 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044860J. H. Lehr   L-22561981-05-21
United States, Arizona, Gila, Tonto Forest Rd. 64 at north fork Verde River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. ex Torr.
SD00044703W. Hodgson   H-12451981-05-02
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, SW end of Lynx Lake, along Lynx Creek., 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Horkeliella congdonis (Rydb.) Rydb.
SD00045431Jack Reveal   27171981-07-13
United States, California, Mono, Horse Meadow ca. 2 miles SW of Lee Vining, 37.9272 -119.1274, 2194m

M. Medina C.   4751975-06-29
Mexico, Hidalgo, Real del Monte, 1.5 km al SSW de Tezuantla, 2950m

Alchemilla pringlei (Rydb.) Fedde
M. Medina C.   14141976-06-03
Mexico, Hidalgo, Real del Monte, 1 km al SSW de Real del Monte, 2900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Potentilla ranunculoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Nestl.
SD00045903Miguel Medina C.   216a1975-03-23
Mexico, Hidalgo, El Chico, Las Ventanas, 6.0 km al N de Pachuca., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00047285A. Ventura A.   33241978-09-23
Mexico, Mexico, Villa Nicol s Romero, La Colmena, 2300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus persica (L.) Batsch
SD00046482Reid Moran   298701981-10-31
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, old huerta on steep south slope in upper canyon, Los Alisos, 31.98333 -116.583, 230m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heteromeles arbutifolia (Lindl.) M. Roem.
SD00045138Reid Moran   299321981-12-28
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, north side of Mesa de Descanso, 5 km SE of El Descanso, 32.17917 -116.86667, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.
SD00044682Reid Moran   298631981-10-31
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Los Alisos., 31.98333 -116.583, 230m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044110Reid Moran   299991982-03-01
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, along arroyo banks, Arroyo Hediondo 5 km SE of Erendira and 1.5 km inland, 31.23833 -116.34, 50m

Aphanes occidentalis (Nutt.) Rydb.
Reid Moran   300351982-03-13
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, north bank, north side of Punta Banda 3 km west of La Joya, 31.71667 -116.66667, 10m

Alchemilla vulcanica Cham. & Schltdl.
David Flores M.   2811978-07-31
Mexico, Mexico, Ixtapaluca, Cerro Tlaloc, ladera de cerro, 3950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Potentilla ranunculoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Nestl.
SD00045902David Flores M.   1971976-07-31
Mexico, Mexico, Ixtapaluca, Cerro Tlaloc., 3950m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044447Reid Moran   303801982-04-11
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, La Fortuna, Ca¤¢n la Calentura., 31.25 -116.10833, 130m

Aphanes occidentalis (Nutt.) Rydb.
Reid Moran   302111982-04-04
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Arroyo Salado, 18 km south of San Vicente., 31.16667 -116.20833, 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus ilicifolia (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) D. Dietr.
SD00046388Reid Moran   306871982-05-13
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, lower slopes, Canon la Presa, 25 km SE of Tijuana, 32.4 -116.83333, 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045565Reid Moran   307341982-05-16
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, west side of Tecate, 32.56667 -116.65, 510m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus fremontii S. Watson
SD00046165Reid Moran   304381982-04-18
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, 2 km west of Angostura and 14 km northwest of San Vicente, on southwest slope, 31.42083 -116.34167, 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heteromeles arbutifolia (Lindl.) M. Roem.
SD00045136Reid Moran   305041982-05-02
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, canyon 1 km SW of Rancho de la Cruz, 31.96667 -116.59167, 360m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus ilicifolia (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) D. Dietr.
SD00046391Reid Moran   305191982-05-02
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, base of north slope, Canon Arce 2 km SW of Rancho de la Cruz and 10 km north of Ensenada, 31.95833 -116.6, 350m

Aphanes occidentalis (Nutt.) Rydb.
Reid Moran   305481982-05-02
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, shady bottom; Canon Arce 3 km SW of Rancho de la Cruz, 31.95833 -116.60833, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044584Reid Moran   305391982-05-02
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, bottom, Canon Arce 3 km SW of Rancho de la Cruz, 31.95833 -116.60833, 320m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044623Reid Moran   158541969-04-29
United States, California, San Diego, Occasional, Oak Ridge ranch, east slope of El Cajon Mountain., 32.91667 -116.80833, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045419Reid Moran   158731969-04-29
United States, California, San Diego, In chaparral above Oak Ridge Ranch, east slope of El Cajon Mountain., 32.91667 -116.80833, 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043998Reid Moran   158911969-04-29
United States, California, San Diego, Scarce, in chaparral on northeast side of El Cajon Mountain., 32.91667 -116.81667, 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044328Frank F. Gander   174-181935-04-17
United States, California, San Diego, Near junction of Kane Springs Road & Mason Valley Road. (IPB 8/06), 33.09774 -116.47221

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045528Betsy Carpenter   s.n.1975-03-21
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island, on ridge 3 miles from Little Harbor, 33.38366 -118.47182

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045556Linda Allen   s.n.1975-03-21
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island, on east slope of Black Jack Mountain near Airport Road, 33.38824 -118.39597

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043479Betsy Carpenter   s.n.1975-03-21
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island, Upper White's Landing road, 33.39608 -118.38983

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043932Linda Allen   s.n.1975-03-20
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island. Mid-Avalon Canyon-Hour Trail., 33.32214 -118.34373

SD00044126Betsy Carpenter   
United States, California, Los Angeles, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus ilicifolia subsp. lyonii (Eastw.) P.H. Raven
SD00046459Betsy Carpenter   s.n.1975-03-21
United States, California, Los Angeles, east slope Black Jack Mountain near Airport Road, 33.38677 -118.39521

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045174Linda Allen   s.n.1975-03-21
United States, California, Los Angeles, Santa Catalina Island, east slope Black Jack Mountain on Airport Road., 33.38824 -118.39597

Linda Allen   5461979-03-31
United States, California, San Diego, Common on gentle west-facing slope; 0.5 mi east of Bankhead Springs, 1 mi south of old Hwy 80, in a desert transition chaparral community, 32.63115 -116.23835, 1100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043913Linda Allen   s.n.1975-06-15
United States, California, Los Angeles, Century Ranch, W. Santa Monica Mts., 34.09795 -118.72723

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus emarginata (Douglas) Eaton
SD00046005Linda Allen   s.n.1977-05-26
United States, California, San Diego, Sunrise Hwy (S-1) in the Laguna Mts. At the Laguna Lodge, 32.85173 -116.40102, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043782Frank F. Gander   183-51935-04-24
United States, California, San Diego, Junction of Campo Road and U.S. 80, eastern San Diego Co., 32.6682 -116.30004

Image Associated With the Occurence
Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb.
SD00044509Frank F. Gander   199-51935-05-08
United States, California, San Diego, Mussey Grade, 32.94608 -116.91341

Image Associated With the Occurence
Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb.
SD00044498Frank F. Gander   200-91935-05-08
United States, California, San Diego, 5 mi. south on Black Ca¤on Road, 33.13604 -116.79118

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00046715Darley F. Howe   14291946-04-15
United States, California, San Diego, Jacumba, near international monument., 32.61185 -116.19198

Image Associated With the Occurence
Physocarpus capitatus (Pursh) Kuntze
SD00045616Darley F. Howe   42761966-06-09
United States, California, Del Norte, Myrtle Creek, Smith River, 41.8029 -124.0562, 122m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045459Darley F. Howe   11561941-08-09
United States, California, Inyo, Lone Pine Creek, Sierra Nevadas, 36.58176 -118.24597, 2743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045500Darley F. Howe   11791941-08-09
United States, California, Inyo, Lone Pine Creek, Sierra Nevadas, 36.56876 -118.26368, 3353m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045172Darley F. Howe   s.n.1953-05-02
United States, California, Los Angeles, Wain Canyon, Santa Catalina Island, 33.37203 -118.36426

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044746Darley F. Howe   8881939-06-11
United States, California, San Diego, Palomar Mt. (IPB 8/06), 33.36337 -116.83613

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044326Darley F. Howe   23521954-05-02
United States, California, San Diego, Hillside just east of Scissors Crossing. (IPB 8/06), 33.10329 -116.45406

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044329Darley F. Howe   24511955-04-17
United States, California, San Diego, East base of Granite Mt. (IPB 8/06), 33.0466 -116.44012

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044292D.F. Howe   9611939-07-21
United States, California, Unknown, Wanona road near south entrance to Yosemite National Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00044314F.F. Gander   11481941-08-04
United States, California, Inyo, Lone Pine Creek, 36.5726 -118.2571

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043738D.F. Howe   45051968-04-26
United States, California, San Bernardino, Southside of Clark Mt., 35.51284 -115.57619, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043737D.F. Howe   14601946-07-31
United States, California, San Bernardino, Dry slope just west of Rathbone Creek, 34.2339 -116.8645, 2133m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043693Darley F. Howe   8171939-05-23
United States, California, San Diego, Upper Kitchen Creek, south end of Laguna Mts., 32.79349 -116.45186

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043683Darley F. Howe   8151939-05-28
United States, California, San Diego, Cuyamaca Lake., 32.99264 -116.56513

Aphanes occidentalis (Nutt.) Rydb.
Darley F. Howe   10831941-05-04
United States, California, San Diego, Canyon near the junction of Sweetwater Road and #94., 32.74557 -117.01939

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043617Darley F. Howe   20101950-07-08
United States, California, San Diego, West slope of Cuyamaca Middle Peak, 32.98188 -116.61561, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043610Darley F. Howe   7031938-07-15
United States, California, San Diego, Pine Hills, 33.04838 -116.63085

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00043543Darley F. Howe   3981936-07-31
United States, California, San Diego, Dry hillside, Laguna Mts., 32.84327 -116.48061

Rubus ursinus Cham. & Schltdl.
Darley F. Howe   24141954-06-20
United States, California, San Diego, Pauma Creek, Palomar Mountain., 33.3404 -116.95099

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00065637Frank F. Gander   8891939-06-11
United States, California, San Diego, Palomar Mountain., 33.36337 -116.83613

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rosa woodsii subsp. ultramontana (S. Watson) Roy L. Taylor & MacBryde
SD00047096Darley F. Howe   10461940-11-02
United States, California, Inyo, Cottonwood Creek, Sierra Nevadas, 36.4374 -118.0781

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00047054D.F. Howe   6021938-03-08
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Ensenada, 31.86362 -116.6707

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00047139D.F. Howe   32861962-05-20
United States, California, Mendocino, 9.1 miles north of Willits on #101, 39.8014 -123.5434, 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Rosa californica Cham. & Schltdl.
SD00046897Darley F. Howe   2591935-06-16
United States, California, San Diego, Sweetwater Valley, above Dam., 32.73553 -116.93168

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00046587D.F. Howe   37971964-05-21
United States, California, Fresno, 2.4 miles from entrance to Sierra National Forest on #168, 37.0376 -119.388, 1065m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00046555Darley F. Howe   3331936-05-03
United States, California, San Diego, A short distance south of Cuyamaca Lake., 32.97797 -116.57738

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00046522D.F. Howe   16551947-06-01
United States, California, Kern, Greenhorn Mts., 35.84679 -118.57736, 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus ilicifolia subsp. lyonii (Eastw.) P.H. Raven
SD00046455D.F. Howe   22681953-05-02
United States, California, Los Angeles, Head of Wain Canyon, Santa Catalina Island, 33.37251 -118.3582

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus ilicifolia subsp. ilicifolia (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) D. Dietr.
SD00046352Darley F. Howe   1581935-03-31
United States, California, San Diego, Side of canyon, near Japatul, 32.7901 -116.68178

Image Associated With the Occurence
Prunus ilicifolia subsp. ilicifolia (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) D. Dietr.
SD00046242Darley F. Howe   25811957-06-30
United States, California, San Diego, Canyon on north side of Otay Mt., 32.62842 -116.84759

Image Associated With the Occurence
Horkelia californica var. elata (Greene) Ertter & Reveal
SD00045270Darley F. Howe   48381972-06-25
United States, California, Marin, Muir Beach Overlook, 37.8632 -122.5857, 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SD00045322Darley F. Howe   4001936-07-01
United States, California, San Diego, Laguna Mts., 32.84327 -116.48061

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