SD00057832 Brandegee s.n. 1888-09-00
United States, California, Placer, Dutch Flat, 39.20611 -120.83667
SD00057732 Daniel Cleveland s.n. 1885-06-26
United States, California, San Diego, Walker's Ranch near Buckman's Springs, 32.66105 -116.24083
SD00057759 Daniel Cleveland s.n. 1884-08-01
United States, California, San Diego, Buckman's Springs, 32.77144 -116.49196
SD00057733 Unknown s.n. 1884-09-03
United States, California, San Diego, Campo, 32.60644 -116.46891
SD00057735 Daniel Cleveland s.n. 1885-06-26
United States, California, San Diego, Walker's Ranch near Buckman's Springs, 32.66105 -116.24083
SD00057731 Daniel Cleveland s.n. 1884-08-20
United States, California, San Diego, Julian, 33.07866 -116.60196
SD00057719 Daniel Cleveland s.n. 1875-07-01
United States, California, San Diego, Julian, 33.07866 -116.60196
SD00057625 Mrs. Yates s.n. 1920-00-00
United States, California, Monterey, Monterey, 36.58981 -121.8864
SD00057677 F. W. Kelsey s.n. 1920-07-02
United States, California, San Diego, Pine Valley, 32.83589 -116.53068
SD00058123 Brandegee s.n. 1888-09-00
United States, California, Placer, Alta, 39.20667 -120.81028
SD00058126 E. B. Copeland s.n. 1931-07-28
United States, California, Butte, Jonesville; dry ridge west of North Willow Creek, 40.11306 -121.46611, 1650m
SD00058127 Brandegee s.n. 1888-09-00
United States, California, Nevada, Truckee, 39.32758 -120.18535
SD00058131 Brandegee s.n. 1888-09-00
United States, California, Placer, Blue Canyon, 39.2571 -120.711
SD00057758 Unknown s.n. 1875-07-01
United States, California, San Diego, Julian, 33.07866 -116.60196
SD00057734 Daniel Cleveland s.n. 1884-09-01
United States, California, San Diego, Campo, 32.60644 -116.46891
SD00057739 E. Palmer s.n. 1875-07-01
United States, California, San Diego, Talley's - Julian, 33.03271 -116.58335
SD00057725 H. C. Orcutt s.n. 1882-07-00
United States, California, San Diego, Smith Mt., 33.36337 -116.83613
SD00057772 Reid Moran 27724 1979-07-07
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez, 2 km SSW of La Hechicera, in cleared shallow valley, 32.47917 -116.23333, 1130m
SD00058100 Wendy Hodgson s.n. 1979-07-21
United States, Arizona, Pima, Peppersauce Canyon, Oracle-Mt. Lemmon Road.
SD00057680 Henk van der Werff 3985 1980-06-21
United States, California, San Diego, Pine Valley, Corte Madera Ranch, 32.76409 -116.57253, 1200m
SD00057690 Henk van der Werff 4092 1980-07-19
United States, California, San Diego, Pine Valley, Corte Madera Ranch, 32.76409 -116.57253, 1200m
SD00057770 Reid Moran 30831 1982-05-30
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez, Arroyo Agua Grande 9 km south of La Rumorosa, in arroyo bed, 32.46667 -116.03333, 1210m
SD00057673 Darley F. Howe 813 1939-05-28
United States, California, San Diego, Mts. north of Julian., 33.11277 -116.59954
SD00057674 Darley F. Howe 2509 1955-07-31
United States, California, San Diego, Azalea Creek, Cuyamaca Mts., 33.01233 -116.60738
SD00057621 Darley F. Howe 2577 1957-06-16
United States, California, San Diego, 2 mi. east of Leucadia on south side of San Marcos Creek., 33.08917 -117.25608
SD00057626 Darley F. Howe 8
United States, California, Los Angeles, Claremont, 34.12197 -117.71757
SD00058115 D.F. Howe 4069 1965-05-21
United States, California, El Dorado, Coloma, 38.79918 -120.89012, 305m
SD00057642 Reid Moran 22740 1975-11-21
United States, California, Orange, in bottom of Trabuca Canyon, Santa Ana Mountains, 33.67 -117.51, 400m
SD00057742 Frank F. Gander 229-4 1935-07-10
United States, California, San Diego, Near Wyss Ranch on Palomar Mountain. (IPB 5/06), 33.34371 -116.9104
SD00057643 Reid Moran 22598 1975-07-18
United States, California, Orange, near Yeager Mine, upper Trabuco Canyon, Santa Ana Mountains, 33.67 -117.51, 725m
SD00057657 Reid Moran 22596 1975-07-18
United States, California, Orange, Bottom of Trabuco Canyon, Santa Ana Mountains, 33.67 -117.51, 725m
SD00057833 Reid Moran 22600 1975-07-18
United States, California, Orange, slope, upper Trabuco Canyon, Santa Ana Mountains, 33.67 -117.51, 700m
SD00057713 Charles F. Harbison s.n. 1935-07-30
United States, California, San Diego, Shaw Ca¤on below (North) Shrine Camp, Laguna Mts., 32.90466 -116.44714
SD00057764 Robert F. Thorne 57066 1983-09-15
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez, Constitucion National Park, Laguna Hanson, above campsite near Laguna, 32.04167 -115.91667, 1610m
SD00057594 M. C. Johnston 10981 1973-05-11
Mexico, Coahuila, Unknown, Low north end of the Ca¤on de la Hacienda, north side of the Sierra de la Madera., 27.1 -102.41667, 1500m
SD00057595 F. Chiang 9446 1972-09-21
Mexico, Coahuila, Unknown, Middle and upper reaches of Ca¤on de la Hacienda, almost due south of Rancho Cerro de la Madera, N. slope of Sierra de la Madera., 27.05 -102.41667, 2000m
SD00057596 M. C. Johnston 11785 1973-07-27
Mexico, Coahuila, Unknown, Canyon Hundido on north side of Pico Centinela, Sierra del Jardin, 8.0 km east of Rancho El Jardin by winding road., 29.1 -102.61667, 1500m
SD00058121 Jack L. Reveal 2840 1984-08-06
United States, Idaho, Lewis & Clark, along the Clearwater River near Kamiah, 366m
SD00057749 Frank F. Gander 296-4 1935-11-14
United States, California, San Diego, Junction of Montezuma Valley & San Felipe Valley Road., 33.22157 -116.60615
SD00057773 Robert F. Thorne 60934 1985-06-19
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Parque Nacional Sierra San Pedro Martir: along stream on Observatory Rd above forestry camp, N of Vallecitos, 31.03808 -115.47564, 2460m
SD00057689 Frank F. Gander 303-8 1935-11-17
United States, California, San Diego, Halfway between Eagles' Nest & top of peak, Warner Hot Springs Mt., 33.2985 -116.58701
SD00057688 Frank F. Gander 303-7 1935-11-17
United States, California, San Diego, Halfway between Eagles' Nest & top of peak, Warner Hot Springs Mt., 33.2985 -116.58701
SD00057613 Frank F. Gander 307-1 1935-11-21
United States, California, San Diego, DeLuz, 33.43697 -117.32448
SD00057640 Clifton F. Smith 2890 1950-12-13
United States, California, Santa Barbara, woodland of Tajiguas Canyon in foothills of western Santa Ynez Mountains near Refugio, 34.477 -120.093
SD00057834 Clifton F. Smith 3835 1952-10-05
United States, California, Santa Barbara, summit of Mount Tranquillon southwest of Lompoc, 34.582 -120.561
SD00057639 B. Pitzer 289 1986-10-13
United States, California, San Bernardino, Yucaipa, at Oak Glen Creek wash, ca. 0.5 mile S of Oak Glen Road and 1.4 miles E of Bryant Rd., 34.03333 -117.01667
SD00057679 Melanie Howe 64 1989-06-10
United States, California, San Diego, Hot Springs Mountain, Los Coyotes Indian Res. Under Quercus kelloggii., 33.31504 -116.57974
SD00057815 Steven A. Junak SC-1209 1988-08-25
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz Island. Lower portion of Diablo Canyon, 34.0535 -119.766, 150m
SD00057583 Steven Warren s.n. 1988-09-30
Germany, Bavaria, Unknown, Hoenfels Training Area; CERL Transect 86; UTM 6980-54669
SD00057584 J. K. Wipff 952 1988-07-25
Germany, Bavaria, Unknown, Training Area Restricted: CERL Transect 68; UTM 7053-54565.
SD00057712 Susan G. Stokes s.n. 1895-08-22
United States, California, San Diego, Near Dulzura, 32.64422 -116.78141
SD00057717 Geoffrey A. Levin 2312 1993-07-03
United States, California, San Diego, Volcan Mountain, Rutherford Ranch, northeast of Slope triangulation point. Openings in mixed coniferous forest., 33.13614 -116.61406, 1550m
SD00057609 Steve Boyd 7536 1992-06-04
United States, California, San Diego, Southern Santa Ana Mountains, San Mateo Canyon Wilderness Area. Devil Canyon at the confluence with Miller Creek on drier benches, chaparral, and in understory of oak woodland, 33.47978 -117.39078, 536m
SD00057709 Darin L. Banks 605 1995-06-12
United States, California, San Diego, NW Palomar Mountains; Agua Tibia Mountains; Cleveland National Forest, Agua Tibia Wilderness Area, E slope of Agua Tibia Mountain; SW of the Crosley Homestead. Approximately 200 m NW of Crosley Saddle along the Palomar-Magee Trail., 33.40007 -116.97498, 1268m
SD00057614 Darin L. Banks 606 1995-06-12
United States, California, San Diego, NW Palomar Mountains; Agua Tibia Mountains; Cleveland National Forest, Agua Tibia Wilderness Area, E slope of Agua Tibia Mountain; SW of the Crosley Homestead, Approximately 200 m NW of Crosley Saddle along the Palomar-Magee Trail., 33.40007 -116.97498, 1268m
SD00057761 Jon Rebman 3278 1996-06-26
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra San Pedro Martir: Los Llanitos; southeast of Vallecitos, 30.96667 -115.41667, 2600m
SD00057715 Frank F. Gander 786 1936-03-12
United States, California, San Diego, About 1 mi. south of Buckman's Springs, 32.74244 -116.49234
SD00058092 Andy C. Sanders 14122 1993-05-30
United States, California, San Bernardino, East Mojave Desert; Cornfield Spring Cyn, W slope of Providence Mts, 4 mi. SE of Kelso, 34.96667 -115.58333, 1006m
SD00057716 Frank F. Gander 1079 1936-03-29
United States, California, San Diego, No. slope of Lyon's Peak, 32.71126 -116.765
SD00057744 Frank F. Gander 1771 1936-05-05
United States, California, San Diego, Pine Hills, 33.04838 -116.63085
SD00057817 Steve Boyd 7435 1992-05-19
United States, California, Orange, Santa Ana Mountains, San mateo Canyon Wilderness Area. Western edge of the wilderness in Lucas Canyon from crossing of creek by Lucas Canyon Trail, downstream to confluence with Aliso Canyon, 33.57016 -117.50512, 274m
SD00057691 Jeannie Gregory 508 2003-08-24
United States, California, San Diego, Sunrise Highway, Kwaaymii Point, 32.94361 -116.48694, 1678m
SD00057766 Jose Delgadillo s.n. 1989-09-23
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra San Pedro Martir, Arroyo de Soto, km 75 camino al Observatorio, 30.83361 -115.59111, 1900m
SD00057790 Jose Delgadillo s.n. 1996-07-12
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra San Pedro Martir, Area Cerro Botella Azul, 30.95049 -115.39357, 2500m
SD00057799 Jose Delgadillo s.n. 1998-07-02
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra San Pedro Martir: Arroyo de Soto, km 75 camino al Observatorio, 30.83361 -115.59111, 1900m
SD00057687 Frank F. Gander 2114 1936-05-19
United States, California, San Diego, About 2 mi. west of DeLuz, on branch of DeLuz Creek, 33.44645 -117.34514
SD00057692 Mark Mendelsohn 77 2002-10-09
United States, California, San Diego, Santa Ysabel Ranch Open Space Preserve (East property), bordered to the west by SR-79, the north by the Santa Ysabel Indian Reservation, the east by Volcan Mountain Volcan Mountain Open Space Preserve, and to the south by the town of Wynola., 33.1084 -116.616, 1277m
SD00057610 Margaret Fillius 143 2004-06-17
United States, California, San Diego, Rose Canyon, by Genessee Av. in an area recently revegetated. Between riparian and slope. (IPB 5/06), 32.8603 -117.2107, 53m
SD00057693 Jon P. Rebman 9287 2003-06-05
United States, California, San Diego, Viejas Mountain: northwest side near summit along the northern trail which originates off of Anderson Truck Trail/West Boundary approx. 1.8 miles north of Victoria Road in Alpine, 32.8625 -116.72889, 1200m
SD00057714 Frank F. Gander 2466 1936-05-30
United States, California, San Diego, Shaw Ca¤on near Oasis Spring, Laguna Mt., 32.90466 -116.44714
SD00057720 Jon P. Rebman 8086 2002-05-14
United States, California, San Diego, Viejas Mountain: North of Alpine, approx. 0.5 miles north of the water tanks on Anderson Truck Trail; east of the road along the main trail to the top, 32.86083 -116.73028, 1150m
SD00057745 Frank F. Gander 2692 1936-07-07
United States, California, San Diego, Pine Hills, 33.04838 -116.63085
SD00057721 Judy Gibson 281 2004-06-18
United States, California, San Diego, Descanso, ca. « mile north of Hulburd Grove, disturbed area off Descanso Trail., 32.8728 -116.6248, 1122m
SD00057695 Robert Lauri 210 2002-06-14
United States, California, San Diego, Palomar Mountain State Park. Doane Creek trail approximately 180 meters northwest of Doane Pond., 33.34139 -116.90333, 1468m
SD00057678 Catharine M. Wood s.n. 1936-09-20
United States, California, San Diego, Palomar Mt. (IPB 5/06), 33.36337 -116.83613
SD00058107 C. W. McLellan 928 1936-05-29
United States, Arizona, Graham, Fort Grant Wash, Fort Grant.
SD00062414 Jon P. Rebman 9395 2003-07-15
United States, California, San Diego, Laguna Mountains: Lucky 5 Ranch; southern portion of new acquisition by California State Parks: west side of Sunrise Hwy (S-1) between Cuyamaca Lake and Mount Laguna, 32.93889 -116.49111, 1657m
SD00057748 Andrew C. Sanders 28497 2004-07-09
United States, California, San Diego, Palomar Mtn, DFG Plaisted Creek Ecological Reserve, NE of Rincon and Pauma Valley, between Plaisted Creek and Hwy 76, SE lobe of reserve in vicinity of residences abandoned in 1996, 33.30222 -116.90972, 701m
SD00057704 Linnea Spears 259 2005-06-02
United States, California, San Diego, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park (West Mesa). Just NE of Arroyo Seco Primitive Camp, 2 mi SE of Cuyamaca Peak, 5 mi N of intersection of St Rt 79 and old Hwy 80., 32.9214 -116.5944, 1403m
SD00057694 Jon P. Rebman 11582 2005-04-09
United States, California, San Diego, Corral Canyon: Cleveland National Forest; south of Los Pinos Mountain and northwest of Lake Morena, near the road for the OHV area, 32.71417 -116.58694, 980m
SD00057705 Jon P. Rebman 12030 2005-06-22
United States, California, San Diego, Laguna Mountains: Cleveland National Forest; N of Sunrise Highway, between Noble Canyon Trail and Sunrise Trail; in a riparian zone at the bottom of a canyon, 32.875 -116.47778, 1472m
SD00057711 D. E. Scarbery s.n. 1937-05-01
United States, California, San Diego, 500 ft. below summit, desertside, Laguna Mt., 32.87343 -116.41926
SD00057706 Jon P. Rebman 12604 2006-04-27
United States, California, San Diego, Monte Vista Ranch (owned by The Nature Conservancy): S of Ramona, NW of San Vicente Reservoir; S of San Vicente Road along Chuckwagon Road onto the Ranch; just east of the electric lines in Longs Gulch, 32.96528 -116.87167, 337m
SD00057685 D. G. Kelch 6-528 2006-12-08
United States, California, San Diego, Warner Springs., 33.28226 -116.63363
SD00057743 Frank F. Gander 3840 1937-05-20
United States, California, San Diego, Palomar. (IPB 5/06), 33.32444 -116.89135
SD00057615 Frank F. Gander 3887 1937-05-27
United States, California, San Diego, 2« mi. east of Encinitas on road to Olivenhein, 33.03798 -117.23896
SD00057707 Jon P. Rebman 12942 2006-10-05
United States, California, San Diego, Lake Henshaw (Vista Irrigation District property): approx. 2.5 miles N of the Lake; along Henshaw Truck Trail where it crosses the riparian area that drains into the lakel, 33.28708 -116.74775, 835m
SD00057681 Daniel Williford 117 2005-09-12
United States, California, San Diego, Fox Outdoor School, 15 mi NW of Santa Ysabel, Hwy. 76, 3.5 W of Lake Henshaw, 0.25 mile NW of school entrance, along San Luis Rey River, bottom of N facing slope, farside of Wall of Destiny., 33.26 -116.8028, 747m
SD00057747 Frank F. Gander 4070 1937-06-10
United States, California, San Diego, So. fork of Featherstone Creek, Barona Valley, 32.92704 -116.83838
SD00057682 Millie Basden-Thomas 26 2004-05-01
United States, California, San Diego, Julian, 0.5 mile S of Hwy 78/79, 1 mile E of Pine Hills Road, on Van Duesen Road, 33.07 -116.6014, 1281m
SD00057698 Larry Hendrickson 1060 2005-06-16
United States, California, San Diego, Los Caballos equestrian campground, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. 0.8 air mile north of Stonewall Peak. 0.3 mi east of State Hwy 79, a short distance up access road to campground, ., 32.9718 -116.572, 1434m
SD00057697 Margaret R. Mulligan 1140 2005-06-04
United States, California, San Diego, Black Mountain, Cleveland National Forest (Palomar Ranger District), NE of Ramona. 0.1 mi S of base of old fire lookout at the Mountain's peak. Area recently closed off from motorized vehicles., 33.15833 -116.80806, 1220m
SD00057696 Suzann M. Leininger 66 2005-11-12
United States, California, San Diego, Palomar Mountain, Cleveland National Forest, Observation Pointe Development, 500 ft SW of Conifer Road, 750 ft SE of Observation Pointe Drive., 33.3178 -116.8444, 1653m
SD00057659 Scott D. White 7731 2000-04-25
United States, California, Riverside, Corona area; eastern foothills of Santa Ana Mts just above cirtrus groves, 33.775 -117.50833, 412m
SD00057724 Margaret R. Mulligan 1171 2005-06-18
United States, California, San Diego, Black Mountain, Cleveland National Forest (Palomar Ranger District), NE of Ramona. 0.2 mi W of the peak of Black Mountain, on old logging road through Penny Pine Plantation., 33.1617 -116.8155, 1160m
SD00057789 Jon Rebman 13566 2007-06-20
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez, between El Topo and Laguna Hanson: Rancho Rodeo del Rey; NE part of the Ranch, 32.14917 -115.87278, 1676m
SD00037951 Jon Rebman 13519 2007-06-20
Mexico, Baja California, Unknown, Sierra Juarez: 6.9 miles S of El Condor and Mex. Hwy. 2, along the road to Laguna Hanson, 32.40472 -116.11, 1301m
SD00057723 Victoria Marshall 416 2006-09-04
United States, California, San Diego, Mount Woodson, 4.5 mi west of Ramona on Highway 67; specimen collected on the Fry-Keogle Trail accessed at west end of South Woodson Dr., 33.0146 -116.9652, 542m
SD00057722 Patrick McConnell 102 2005-05-27
United States, California, San Diego, Upper Eastern flank of Volcan Mountains, San Felipe Wildlife Area (western edge), approx. 3 miles WNW of ranch house, just NE of Ferguson Flat., 33.125 -116.5803, 1518m
SD00057816 Andy C. Sanders 28215 2004-06-20
United States, California, Riverside, Temescal Canyon, Serrano Highlands project, between Glen Ivy Hot Springs and Arcilla, NE side of the I-15 Fwy, south of Clay Canyon Rd., 33.77944 -117.48056, 305m