Search Results (List)

Dataset: WIN-
Search Criteria: Canada; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 29807

University of Manitoba Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
70924B.A. Ford; M. Piercey-Normore, D. Punter   4592004-07-11
Canada, Manitoba, Wapusk National Park, W shore of Skidmore Lake ca. 1 km N of the S end of the Lake. Site 1c., 57.79222222 -93.36583333

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arctous alpina (L.) Niedenzu
78230Elizabeth Punter   09-8492009-07-09
Canada, Manitoba, Cape Churchill Wildlife Management Area west of Wapusk National Park, Canadian Wildlife Service Field Camp, east side of Lee Lake. Area burnt in 2007 or 2008. Map sheet 54F/12. Elevation about 82 m a.s.l. (Lat & Long via Google Maps), 57.61336111 -93.96788889

Image Associated With the Occurence
79401Elizabeth Punter   HB99-3351999-07-10
Canada, Manitoba, Churchill Wildlife Management Area, approx. 5 km 'air miles' SE of the Churchill Northern Studies Centre in open Picea glauca stand with occasional Larix laricina, on top of Christmas Lake Esker. UTM 15V 0456729 6508018. Map sheet 54K/12., 58.71014615 -93.746906, 18m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.
11194H.J. Scoggan   101821951-08-06
Canada, Manitoba, Vista, 50.62027778 -100.7177778

Image Associated With the Occurence
Arctous alpina (L.) Niedenzu
80265Elizabeth Punter   HB00-742000-07-06
Canada, Manitoba, Knife Delta, south side, southwest of Wales Point, raised beach ridge west of lake. UTM 15V 0406289 6525979, NAD27, GPS. Map sheet 54L/15 East. Elevation below the 7.6 m contour., 58.86340243 -94.62478037

Image Associated With the Occurence
7949M. Hoefs   
Canada, Manitoba, Sandilands Forest Reserve, 49.37694444 -96.10861111

80478Pauline K. Catling; Steven R. Anderson   15-13852015-08-17
Canada, Manitoba, Marble Ridge Alvar - 5 km SW of Hodgson off Marble Ridge Road. Off Hwy 17 turn W on Marble Ridge Road. Site is on S side of road on the plateau. Between 14U 0596001 567974 and 14U 0596001 5671295. [Datum WGS84,GPS], 51.18500655 -97.62637408

Image Associated With the Occurence
81959Elizabeth Punter   18-1072018-06-22
Canada, Manitoba, Nature Conservancy of Canada Waggle Springs property on north side of the Assiniboine River, about 3 km southwest of Shilo village. Prairie above the river occasionally grazed. 49.786050 N, -99.729009 W (Google Maps), 49.78605556 -99.729

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sorbus decora (Sarg.) Schneid.
82535J.M. Samuel   232008-09-23
Canada, Manitoba, SE side of Patricia Avenue, 1 km SE of its junction with King's Drive., 49.79722222 -97.12222222

Image Associated With the Occurence
Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal
84145W. Sie-Hilland; J. Hilland   09-112009-07-15
Canada, Manitoba, St. Malo. South ditch of the PH 403, about 10 meters west of intersection to East Lakeshore Rd. At ditch top by road., 49.32519444 -96.91763889

Image Associated With the Occurence
83405R.J. Robertson; H.D. Golden   1963-07-18
Canada, Manitoba, 5 miles southeast of Oak Lake [SE of Virden, Google Maps 49.616985, -100.632228], 49.61697222 -100.6322222

61662M. Blondeau   97PX-0471997-08-12
Canada, Quebec, Administration régionale Kativik, environs de Puvirnituq Village Nordique. 60°02'N-77°17’O, Station de récolte UTM:18VUB722577, 60.03222222 -77.28522222

Image Associated With the Occurence
Puccinellia arctica (Hook.) Fern. & Weatherby
40984J.H. Soper   82551958-07-22
Canada, Nunavut, Ellesmere Island: vicinity of Lake Hazen, slopes between Lake Hazen and Omingmak Mountain, 81°45'--82°10'N, 68°30'--72°45'W [Qikiqtaaluk Region], 81.75 -68.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sporobolus alterniflorus (Loiseleur-Deslongchamps) P.M. Peterson & Saarela
83982O. Forsey   1966-00-00
Canada, Newfoundland, Notre Dame Bay (Lat+long determined using Google Maps), 49.27125 -55.06491667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cuscuta gronovii Willd. ex J.A. Schultes
83465C. Rewcastle   1979-08-09
Canada, Manitoba, Turtle Mountain Prov. Park, Adam Lake, 49.03527778 -100.0647222

Image Associated With the Occurence
Carex foenea Willd.
84048O. Forsey   1966-08-07
Canada, Newfoundland, Inspector Is. East [Notre Dame Bay. Inspector Island (map name), Mint Island (local name) 49.437582, -54.802667], 49.43758333 -54.80266667

Image Associated With the Occurence
83583D. Stardom   1971-06-17
Canada, Manitoba, Wallace Lake, 51.01388889 -95.34166667

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6279V.W. Jackson   1925-09-06
Canada, Manitoba, Grand Rapids, 53.178333 -99.264722

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6283W. Krivda   17221956-07-18
Canada, Manitoba, The Pas, 25 mi N. At "Caves"., 53.981543 -101.001364

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6269J.C. Ritchie   12601955-07-23
Canada, Manitoba, NW side of Tod Lake, 56.591867 -101.769753

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6280N. J. Freedman   1952-07-00
Canada, Manitoba, Manistikwan Lake, 54.75 -101.766667

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6281H.J. Scoggan   29451948-06-28
Canada, Manitoba, Nelson River, High Rock, 20 mi. NE of Norway House, 54.298333 -97.543889

Image Associated With the Occurence
6270H.J. Scoggan   65851949-08-12
Canada, Manitoba, South end of Wekusko Lake, near Hale's landing. Herb Lake area., 54.7675 -99.87138889

Image Associated With the Occurence
6275W.K.W. Baldwin   20751951-07-03
Canada, Manitoba, Cochrane River, 58.51666667 -101.2

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6273W.K.W. Baldwin   21451951-07-12
Canada, Manitoba, Reindeer Lake, 57.95 -101.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
6271D. Love   65011954-07-27
Canada, Manitoba, Fish hatcheries, Whiteshell Provincial Park S1-T10-R17E [1-10-17E], 49.80169 -95.17192

Image Associated With the Occurence
6282M.G. Dudley   1938-09-17
Canada, Manitoba, Brereton Lake, 49.91361111 -95.52861111

Image Associated With the Occurence
9140R.C.G.   1968-00-00
Canada, Manitoba, Rice River, 0.5 mi. E of Shallow Lake, Twp 27, R 9E [27-9E], 51.346666 -96.242032

Image Associated With the Occurence
6277V.W. Jackson   
Canada, Manitoba, Lake of the Woods area, 49.03222222 -95.18805556

Image Associated With the Occurence
6274Kirk Scott   1927-07-10
Canada, Manitoba, Indian Bay, 49.62527778 -95.19666667

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6278J.C. Ritchie   981954-08-30
Canada, Manitoba, 3 mi. E. of Rennie, in the Whiteshell Forest Reserve, 49.853693 -95.483781

Image Associated With the Occurence
47396D. Punter   1987-06-05
Canada, Manitoba, Lac du Bois., 50.28333333 -95.68333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
6272H.F. Roberts   1923-07-00
Canada, Manitoba, Indian Bay, 49.625278 -95.196667

Image Associated With the Occurence
6284Askell Love   55291952-06-22
Canada, Manitoba, Pointe du Bois S36-T15-R14E [36-15-14E Whiteshell Provincial Park], 50.300833 -95.551389

Image Associated With the Occurence
34081G.M. Keleher   3281977-07-16
Canada, Manitoba, Stevenson's Point, Lac du Bonnet, 50.36666667 -95.93333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
33542G.M. Keleher   1991977-05-31
Canada, Manitoba, Hwy. 313, 10 mi. NE of Lac du Bonnet, 50.3 -95.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
28635G.M. Keleher   74-2391974-08-04
Canada, Manitoba, Quesnel Lake (Caribou), 50.92583333 -95.64444444

Image Associated With the Occurence
27902G.M. Keleher   3131973-05-20
Canada, Manitoba, Falcon Lake, 49.68638889 -95.32611111

Image Associated With the Occurence
53652Virginia Petch   1991-08-29
Canada, Manitoba, Dogskin River, 51.93333333 -95.4

Image Associated With the Occurence
63954M.G. Dudley   1939-07-09
Canada, Manitoba, West Hawk Lake, 49.75 -95.18333333

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63955M.G. Dudley   1938-09-18
Canada, Manitoba, Brereton Lake, 49.90416667 -95.54444444

Image Associated With the Occurence
49780D. Punter   1989-07-11
Canada, Manitoba, Lac du Bois, 50.28333333 -95.68333333

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56757S. Morgan   94-2151994-08-02
Canada, Manitoba, Model Forest Alternative Harvestiing Project, 51.16666667 -96.83333333

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56926N. Barmeier; P. Hughson   141994-09-18
Canada, Manitoba, Lyons Lake, Hwy 1 near Ontario border, 49.73305556 -95.17777778

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63953J.R. Scott   1927-09-00
Canada, Manitoba, Indian Bay, 49.62527778 -95.19666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
70814B.A. Ford; D. Punter, E. Punter   4032004-05-18
Canada, Manitoba, E side of Hunt Lake, ca. 4 kn E of West Hawk Lake Townsite, 49.74277778 -95.17388889

Image Associated With the Occurence
Liparis loeselii (L.) L.C. Rich.
26700J.L. Parker   28691972-06-26
Canada, Manitoba, Gilbert Plains, 51.13333333 -100.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
71870D. Punter; B.A. Ford, J. Starr   94651994-08-01
Canada, Manitoba, Southern edge of Whitemouth bog, 49.96666667 -95.93333333

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55776J.M. Walker   4751958-06-27
Canada, Manitoba, Goose Marsh, Delta

Image Associated With the Occurence
68121C. Hamel   2001-06-06
Canada, Manitoba, Northwest Angle Provincial Forest, about 10km W of Moose Lake, 49.168056 -95.477222

Image Associated With the Occurence
67327B.A. Ford; J. Starr, D. Punter, E. Punter   941451994-06-13
Canada, Manitoba, Hwy 308, ca. 24 air km S of East Braintree. Map 52 E/6. UTM 218793, 49.44022457 -95.45819119

Image Associated With the Occurence
55782J.M. Walker   3651958-07-09
Canada, Manitoba, Goose Marsh, Delta

Image Associated With the Occurence
61075E. Punter; J. Greenall   96-8341996-08-07
Canada, Manitoba, Gull Lake area. SE of junction of Hwys 59 and 304. NE27-16-7E (Lat+long determined using and Google Maps), 50.396325 -96.54277222

Image Associated With the Occurence
48573G. DeRuyck   1944-07-03
Canada, Manitoba, Pine Falls, 50.56638889 -96.2175

Image Associated With the Occurence
6142A. Love; D. Love   54761952-07-02
Canada, Manitoba, 5 mi. N of Riverton. S16-T24-R4E (Lat+long determined using and Google Maps), 51.07133889 -96.97401111

Image Associated With the Occurence
35284R.A. Sims   1175
Canada, Manitoba, Near 230KV AC transmission line corridor, 16 kn NE of Stead, 50.5 -96

Image Associated With the Occurence
35291R.A. Sims   1165
Canada, Manitoba, Approx. 3km S of Grand Rapids in AC powerline right of way [label coordinates appear incorrect, Google Maps used 53.116962, -99.268600], 53.11697222 -99.26861111

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35296R.A. Sims   1185
Canada, Manitoba, In 230KV transmission line corridor, 16kn NE of Stead, 50.5 -96

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35218G.M. Keleher   3171977-07-09
Canada, Manitoba, Kettle Hills, SW of Swan Lake, 52.35 -100.8

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28291S. McInnes   1973-08-12
Canada, Manitoba, The Lily pond lake. Whiteshell Forest Reserve, 49.802 -95.264

Image Associated With the Occurence
60738M.G. Dudley   161941-06-19
Canada, Manitoba, Gimli, 50.63361111 -96.99

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4959H.J. Scoggan   55641949-07-09
Canada, Manitoba, Hayes River near Swampy Lake, about 200 mi. NE of Lake Winnipeg: portage through woods, 55.398773 -93.868242

Image Associated With the Occurence
4965W. Leach   1940-08-00
Canada, Manitoba, Caddy Lake, 49.81333333 -95.20944444

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4964C.W. Lowe   1944-07-30
Canada, Manitoba, White Lake

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4961B. Boivin   129211958-08-15
Canada, Manitoba, Entre Otterburn et Kleefeld [between Otterburn and Kleefeld], 49.49826 -96.956857

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4960Ted Mosquin   1952-07-00
Canada, Manitoba, Brokenhead (Centroid from Google Maps), 50.12294444 -96.54027778

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4962H.J. Scoggan; W.K.W. Baldwin   73761950-06-27
Canada, Manitoba, Near Moon Lake, Riding Mountain National Park (Lat & Long determined via Google Maps), 50.87652778 -100.0448333

Image Associated With the Occurence
4966B. Boivin   130861959-06-26
Canada, Manitoba, Reserve Forestiere Whiteshell. Entre les lacs Falcon et West Hawk. Populetum marecageux. (Whiteshell Forest Reserve. Between Falcon Lake and Westhawk Lake.) (Lat & Long determined via Google Maps), 49.73211111 -95.20588889

Image Associated With the Occurence
53655E. Punter   1990-07-25
Canada, Manitoba, Birds Hill Provincial Park. Plant survey site 17, 14UPL 545 415., 50.01666667 -96.86666667

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48562G. Champagne   1945-07-14
Canada, Manitoba, Notre-Dame de Lourdes. 0.5 mi. NE. Sec 1-7-8, 49.53305556 -98.55777778

Image Associated With the Occurence
45437L.M. Jablonski   581978-09-06
Canada, Manitoba, Hecla Island, Lake Winnipeg, 51.1 -96.71666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
25243A. Simpson   1571941-07-20
Canada, Manitoba, Whiteshell Forest Reserve (Lat & Long determined via Google Maps), 50.04419444 -95.49227778

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25241A.J. Hunter   1741938-08-00
Canada, Manitoba, West Hawk Lake, 49.765 -95.187778

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28292F. Paul Ralston, Jr.   1971-08-12
Canada, Manitoba, 1 mi. N of Greenoak, 50.16472222 -96.45277778

Image Associated With the Occurence
4967H.J. Scoggan   88391951-06-27
Canada, Manitoba, Whiteshell Forest Reserve, E of Winnipeg (Lat & Long determined via Google Maps), 50.04419444 -95.49227778

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4969C.W. Lowe   1920-08-00
Canada, Manitoba, Shoal Lake [SE corner Manitoba], 49.615833 -95.188333

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4968C.W. Lowe   1920-08-00
Canada, Manitoba, Shoal Lake [SE corner Manitoba], 49.615833 -95.188333

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4970C.W. Lowe   1920-08-00
Canada, Manitoba, Shoal Lake [SE corner Manitoba], 49.615833 -95.188333

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56753S. Morgan   94-154a1994-07-26
Canada, Manitoba, Alternative Harvesting Project, Model Forest, 51.166667 -96.833333

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4963J. Rowe   3271950-08-05
Canada, Manitoba, Singush Lake, 51.58638889 -100.8402778

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43049W.A. Waites   9961979-08-06
Canada, Manitoba, Along Moon Lake nature trail, 50.88472222 -100.0475

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6115L. Bird   1953-07-18
Canada, Manitoba, Rocky Lake near Wanless, 14 mi. N of the Pas (Google Maps), 54.17691667 -101.3928333

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Cystopteris tenuis (Michx.) Desv.
6123AC.W. Lowe   1939-07-00
Canada, Manitoba, St. Vital Park, from Eastern Man., 49.828551 -97.141193

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cystopteris tenuis (Michx.) Desv.
51618R. Marr   1991-08-07
Canada, Manitoba, Lorne Lake, 49.25 -99.43333333

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53793G. Jones   1985-08-27
Canada, Manitoba, The Caves, mi. 24, Clearwater Lake (0+60 E, 20N), 53.98444444 -100.5592806

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53791G. Jones   1985-05-20
Canada, Manitoba, The Caves. mi. 24, Clearwater Lake. (1+00E, 5N), 53.98444444 -100.5592806

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cystopteris tenuis (Michx.) Desv.
70243T. Ruta; M. Kowalchuk   1621998-06-23
Canada, Manitoba, Narcisse Wildlife Management Area. SW-22-20-1-W. (Lat & Long determined via Google Maps and, 50.73186111 -97.52497222

Image Associated With the Occurence
6125Fowler   1926-06-00
Canada, Manitoba, Stony Mountain, 50.086389 -97.218889

Image Associated With the Occurence
62257B.A. Ford   95781995-08-16
Canada, Manitoba, 59 km N of Grand Rapids, 15 km N of microwave tower on E side of Hwy 6. UTM 780500, Map 63 G/11 [Google Maps 53.863063, -99.237971], 53.86305556 -99.23797222

Image Associated With the Occurence
6129Burman collection   30171892-06-00
Canada, Manitoba, Steep Rocks, Lake Manitoba

6120H.J. Scoggan   39771948-07-15
Canada, Manitoba, Hill Lake near drainage of the Minago River, 35 mi. N of Lake Winnipeg

Image Associated With the Occurence
6121H.J. Scoggan   55491949-07-08
Canada, Manitoba, Knee Lake, Hayes River system, 150 mi. NE of Lake Winnipeg, 55.05388889 -94.73833333

Image Associated With the Occurence
54817E. Punter   93/1291993-06-23
Canada, Manitoba, Manitoba Model Forest Project 93-2-06. Site #10. Wanipigow River at Birch Falls (E of Bissett), 51.03277778 -95.51305556

Image Associated With the Occurence
52656E. Punter   1991-07-11
Canada, Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro North Central Project site 28. Near White Deer Rapids, Goose Lake, 54.2525 -94.575

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27877J.L. Parker   30101972-07-05
Canada, Manitoba, Shanty Creek at Highway 366, 51.52388889 -100.3952778

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33539G.M. Keleher   2091977-05-31
Canada, Manitoba, Hwy 313, 10 mi. NE of Lac du Bonnet, 50.3 -95.86666667

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6126C.W. Lowe   1939-09-13
Canada, Manitoba, Stony Mountain, 50.08638889 -97.21888889

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Cystopteris tenuis (Michx.) Desv.
6128J. Rowe   3261950-06-21
Canada, Manitoba, Riding Mountain National Park, 50.88333333 -100.25

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cystopteris tenuis (Michx.) Desv.
25245A.J. Hunter   1761937-08-00
Canada, Manitoba, Riding Mountain National Park, 50.88333333 -100.25

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6131J.C. Ritchie   12331955-07-23
Canada, Manitoba, Tod Lake, 56.56833333 -101.7638889

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