WVHP-0003099 Jim Vanderhorst 7753 2014-05-05
United States, West Virginia, Barbour, Arden, Along the Tygart Valley River downstream from the mouth of Laurel Creek ca. 0.9 miles on river right., 39.205011 -79.961459, 360m
WVHP-0003098 Jim Vanderhorst 6158 2002-04-10
United States, West Virginia, Mcdowell, Panther Creek. Panther State Forest. Ca. 1.7 air miles SE of Panther, 37.461047 -81.884393, 325m
WVHP-0003101 P. J. Harmon 1989-04-18
United States, West Virginia, Nicholas, Along Cranberry River, 0.8 mile southeast of Woodbine, below Pocahontas Road.; Quadrangle: Camden on Gauley, 762m
WVHP-0003100 P. J. Harmon 10 1991-05-07
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Near headwaters of Hills Creek, approx. 1 mile northwest of Blue Knob.; Quadrangle: Lobelia
WVHP-0003102 Jim Vanderhorst 7744 2014-04-17
United States, West Virginia, Braxton, Old Lick Run, Elk River Wildlife Management Area, Ca. 5.3 air miles ESE from the CR 19/40 bridge in Sutton., 38.639889 -80.61568, 381m
WVHP-0003097 Brian P. Streets 5115b 2014-04-26
United States, West Virginia, Randolph, Mowry Run, Kumbrabow State Forest, Ca. 8.4 air miles SSW from the Rt 219, 250 intersection at Huttonsville, along Mowry Run near park boundary., 38.606846 -80.056998, 711m
WVHP-0003104 Jim Vanderhorst 8264 2017-05-26
United States, West Virginia, Pocahontas, Monongahela National Forest, Above the West Fork Greenbrier River south of Wildell., 38.698946 -79.790739, 950m
WVHP-0003103 Sam J. Norris 3002 1998-04-09
United States, West Virginia, Kanawha, Kanawha State Forest, Head of Dunlop Hollow near gas well.
WVHP-0003106 Sam J. Norris s.n. 2002-07-09
United States, West Virginia, McDowell, Panther State Forest, along Lick Branch Road near switchback.
WVHP-0003108 Brian McDonald s.n. 1988-09-21
United States, West Virginia, Webster, Gauley River near Bolair.
WVHP-0003105 Eugene E. Hutton s.n. 1960-07-17
United States, West Virginia, Falling Rock Run, Cheat Mountain.
WVHP-0003107 Sam J. Norris s.n. 2002-07-09
United States, West Virginia, McDowell, Panther State Forest, along Lick Branch Road near switchback.
WVHP-0003871 Dale W. Suiter 80 1993-07-03
United States, West Virginia, Mercer, Lake Shawnee between Kegley and Spanishburg. In an area roped off by the property owner near the far end (from the road) of a wetland area and to the left of the lake and main road going through the property.