100645631 Noah M. Glatfelter s.n. 1891-09-20
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Forest Park., 38.63722 -90.2825
100645563 George Engelmann s.n. 1842-07-00
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Sandy places.
3567854 Bradley, D. (SEMO) s.n. 1977-07-16
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Highway 8 Fox Hollow
100644915 John Davis 3096 1914-07-27
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Near Eolia.
100645449 Craig Anderson MO208 1993-07-28
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Hickory Canyons Natural Area, NE of Sprott; NW portion of preserve, in wet sandstone are near stream; T37N R06E S24 N2 of SW4.
3574555 Tim E. Smith 4309 2006-07-06
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Ca. 1.3 mi S of Taskee, Lower Ozark Section of Ozark Natural Division, low area under powerline on W side of Hwy 67, just S of and across Hwy 67 from USACE parking area # 67., 36.9775 -90.4516667
100644935 M.C. Lodewycks 26 1933-08-13
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Allenton., 38.50361 -90.67583
100645458 C.O. Marvin s.n. 1973-07-00
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Growing in the woods about 1/2 mile south of Pond.
3575070 Deborah Rowan 971 1994-07-18
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Markham Spring Recreation Area, Williamsville Quad, PNFS 36, Eagle Bluff, ca. 4-5 miles W of Williamsville on County Road A in mature second growth oak forest, 36.9775 -90.6133333
100642333 Gerrit Davidse 40917 2013-08-14
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, St. Francois State Park, open area near the Big River., 37.9562222 -90.5405555, 196m
100645459 Julian A. Steyermark 14321 1934-08-07
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Low rich woods along Buffalo creek, 4 mi. east of Bennett.
3552313 Bill Summers 6042 1993-07-19
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Ca. 1 mi S of the Community of Guam, ca. 5 mi E of Bloomfield on County Road 567 brushy roadside in sandy soil, 36.8836111 -89.8338889
100645461 John H. Kellogg 1979 1928-07-28
United States, Missouri, Dent, Salem.
3549562 Bill Summers 6096 1993-08-02
United States, Missouri, Howell, Ca. 5 mi NW of Willow Springs on Indian Creek at Lowe's Ford low woods along creek, 37.005 -92.0633333
100645462 William Trelease 1143 1898-08-30
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, N.E. of Farmington.
3560611 Otto Ohmart 1271 1976-07-16
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Route K, 2 mi S of Route KK
1623563 David B. Dunn 12853 1958-06-12
United States, Arkansas, White, Coll. at a Pine regrowth forest plot. Pines 40-60 ft tall. Thinned by Forest Service. About 15 mi S of Harrison along Hwy. Sandy soil.
100645464 Jacob A. Drushel 1823 1920-08-01
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Goldman.
3554168 Stuart Weller s.n. 1888-07-23
United States, Missouri, Greene, Springfield, 37.2152778 -93.2980555
100645466 Jacob A. Drushel 3625 1918-07-04
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Barnhart.
1604839 Julian A. Steyermark 77701 1954-09-18
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Baker hill, in ravine on n side, t29n, r11e, sec 19, 4 mi e of Dongola.
100645467 George W. Letterman s.n. 1894-08-01
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Near Allenton, MO.
100645470 Benjamin F. Bush 8765 1918-09-02
United States, Missouri, Montier., 36.9869444 -91.5752778
100645473 George W. Letterman s.n. 1896-07-25
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Allenton., 38.50361 -90.67583
101275336 George Van Brunt 5-2020 2020-07-27
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park, Lakeside Trail on the east side of Lake Lincoln., 39.031239 -90.917639, 175m
100645475 George W. Letterman s.n. 1894-08-01
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Allenton., 38.50361 -90.67583
3527075 Mildred E. Mathias s.n. 1926-09-26
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Jefferson Barracks roadsides, 38.5027778 -90.2802778
100386072 Mattheis, S. 114 1993-06-25
United States, Missouri, Newton, MO National Guard Camp Crowder, near transect 18, 36.7942 -94.3694
100645487 W.H. Emig 27 1913-07-10
United States, Missouri, Texas, Woods, springy ground, Plato.
100644927 W.W. Ohlweiler s.n. 1908-00-00
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Missouri Botanical Garden., 38.6141667 -90.2591667
3524959 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1935-08-04
United States, Missouri, Camden, Near Bagnell Dam ravines
100645492 John Davis 1684 1916-09-16
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Silex.
100644930 George Engelmann s.n. 1833-06-00
United States, Missouri
3527822 James S. Miller 8308 1994-08-02
United States, Missouri, Washington, Mark Twain National Forest, ca. 15 mi SW of Potosi; along Forest Service Road between Parole Lake and Hazel Creek Campground along road, 37.8166667 -90.9333333, 300m
100645515 Julian A. Steyermark 233710 1937-07-19
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Low sandstone slopes along Indian Creek, T26-27N, R11W, sect. 4, 3 1/2 mi. northeast of Topaz.
1899366 Alan E. Brant 5496 2003-07-17
United States, Missouri, Crawford, Huzzah Quadrangle. T37N, R2W, NW, NW, Sec. 16. Spring fed tributary of Huzzah Creek. Mark Twain National Forest Botanical Survey., 37.9275 -90.1552778, 250m
3522538 Stan Hudson 767 1995-07-12
United States, Missouri, Butler, Junction of County Roads 410 and 412 next to a wet ditch at foot of hill, 36.89 -90.5805556
100645509 Benjamin F. Bush 4907 1907-10-10
United States, Missouri, Montier., 36.9869444 -91.5752778
100645557 Kenneth K. Mackenzie 336 1897-07-17
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Pleasant Grove., 36.7953 -93.0625
3570560 Bruce Schuette 0202 1983-08-03
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park, natural area, hamilton forest, along park road in the sw corner of the na. roadside, growing along road at edge of the mowed roadside and dry-mesic limestone forest on a west facing slope., 39.01111 -90.92611
3524715 John H. Kellogg s.n. 1931-07-27
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Jerome woods, 37.9261111 -91.9775
101888869 Ernest J. Palmer 58248 1954-07-17
United States, Missouri, Christian, 3 mi SE of Brunner.
1389293 Alan E. Brant 4328 1999-08-25
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Gipsy Quadrangle. Sophia Pruit Tract, Castor River Conservation Area, MDOC (public land)., 37.1833333 -90.15, 119m
100645513 C.O. Marvin 450 1972-08-10
United States, Missouri, Carter, Growing in woods on the bank of Big Barren Creek.
3561051 Wandel, J. (SEMO) 59 1974-06-18
United States, Missouri, Butler, PP Highway
3512584 William G. D'Arcy 3811 1969-09-14
United States, Missouri, Iron, N of Minimum, S of Clark National Forest roadside; flowers blue-purple with white on bottom of throat
3516650 W.H. Emig 227 1914-07-21
United States, Missouri, Osage, Gascondy, 38.2994444 -91.8591667
100645538 George W. Letterman s.n. 1911-07-20
United States, Missouri, Allenton, 38.50361 -90.67583
3536411 Bruce Schuette 1872 1988-08-04
United States, Missouri, Montgomery, Graham Cave State Park, along the Indian Glade Trail just W of the picnic area in an opening in an upland sandstone forest, 38.90111 -91.57305
3516469 Heinrich K.D. Eggert s.n. 1896-07-29
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, Centerville, 37.435 -90.9583333
100645529 Ernest J. Palmer 8 1901-08-18
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Dry woods, Carter's Spring, near Webb City.
3515216 Paul Bruce Dowling s.n. 1955-00-00
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, August Busch Wildlife Preserve, Weldon Springs, 38.7238671 -90.762788
100645572 George W. Letterman s.n. 1890-07-05
United States, Missouri, Allenton, 38.50361 -90.67583
3516043 Heinrich K.D. Eggert s.n. 1886-08-00
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, St. Louis woods
100377958 Anonymous s.n. 1880-00-00
United States, Missouri, Warren
100645567 Moses Craig s.n. 1911-08-00
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, West End Heights.
3516296 Heinrich K.D. Eggert s.n. 1893-06-05
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Near Williamsville woods, 36.9711111 -90.5494444
100645568 Moses Craig s.n. 1911-08-00
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, West End Heights.
3514503 John Davis s.n. 1916-06-02
United States, Missouri, Ralls, Oakwood, 39.68527 -91.39666
100645544 Heinrich K.D. Eggert s.n. 1875-07-24
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Woods west of Forest Park., 38.6401039 -90.2920818
3520998 Burnetta Hinterthuer 223 1973-06-12
United States, Missouri, Monroe, Corps of Engineers Contract of Salt River Basin; Goss Quadrangle; St. 11, Aspect N-S old field, not cultivated since early 1940's, only flooded twice 1969 and spring 1973; river birch trees in stand; very large diversity; very common plant in area; dense, 39.5347222 -91.8794445, 180m
100645558 John Davis 3610 1914-07-27
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Whiteside., 39.1852777 -91.0166667
101957411 Tim E. Smith 3495 1999-08-19
United States, Missouri, Dent, Indian Trail Conservation Area . ca 8.0 mi. NE of Salem, Upper Ozark Section of Ozark Natural Division.
3508931 Frederick Comte 5171 1963-08-27
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Glencoe, Fowler Road
100652385 Bill Summers 10650A 2013-08-14
United States, Missouri, Dent, Ca/ 6/5 air mi NE of Licking on County Road 2470, 37.5622 -91.7281
1848992 Tim E. Smith 3495 1999-08-19
United States, Missouri, Dent, Indian Trail Conservation Area . ca 8.0 mi. NE of Salem, Upper Ozark Section of Ozark Natural Division.
1604892 Julian A. Steyermark 14136 1934-08-01
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Low slopes along grassy creek, tributary of castor river, 5 mi w of grassy.
3512664 William G. D'Arcy s.n. 1972-06-11
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Hammond Spring, near Hammond, ca. 6 air mi. N of Theodosia spring, 36.6755556 -92.6441666
1604944 Gordon T. Maupin 741 1974-07-27
United States, Missouri, Dent, Montauk 7.5, t32n, r7w, sec 22, se 1/4, nw 1/4, se 1/4, moist ravine.
3508137 Arthur Christ s.n. 1975-09-19
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Hawn State Park wooded slope along stream
1604930 Billy G. Cumbie 469 1970-08-20
United States, Missouri, Camden, Collected at public picnic area #1. Lake of the ozarks. Plant anatomy thesis voucher for pak.
3505416 J. Cabush 751 1978-07-25
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, St. Francois State Park.
1604978 Scherpelz 46 1978-07-06
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Mingo ntl wildlife reguge, below sw corner of may place pond, base of ditch 10 Ft from gravel road. Moist open ditch bank., 105m
3543702 Julian A. Steyermark 26026 1937-09-08
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, 3 mi NE of Silex base of limestone slopes in low thickets of ravine tributary to Mill Creek, 39.1536111 -91.0238889
100565637 Barbara Turner 0068 2012-06-08
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve; Gray Summit., 38.4631 -90.8172
1604995 Harry E. Ahles 8097 1954-07-24
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Open area, 1 mi s of shobonier.
980987 Scott Woodbury 130
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Arboretum, on S side of Interstate 44 at State Hwy. 100 exit in Gray Summit; plants cultivated in the Whitmire Wildflower Garden., 38.476625 -90.82557
1604956 CETA: 357 1978-06-29
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Near valley park, w of st. Louis city. Oak hickory forest adjacent to lone elk Park. Gregarious herb to 1 m, by forest edge on grassy slope. Stems purplish; Flowers lavender. Showy.
1616058 Peter H. Raven 27831 1989-07-29
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi (10.5 km) W of DeSoto. Township 39 N. Range 3 E. Section 11. Shrubby woodland at edge of a large glade, with Quercus and Juniperus virginiana, along Mammoth Road about half way from junction of Highway H to bridge over Big River., 38.125 -90.675, 185m
3501031 Hazel Ayers s.n. 1989-07-01
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Near Doniphan; U.S. Highway 60 near road 5145 growing along and in Buffalo Creek
1605008 Norlan C. Henderson 67-1443 1967-08-21
United States, Florida, Leon, Shaded roadside, along fla #20, about 3 mi w of tallahassee.
101917286 John R. Stone 1410 1998-08-05
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, Ca 1/2 mi SE of Rt. 67 in a calcareous fen system off Coonville Creek. Seepage slopes and wet meadows throughout., 37.995 -90.5169445
3539385 Julian A. Steyermark 12507 1936-08-04
United States, Missouri, Dent, Between Stone Hill and Indian Trail State Park wooded lime slopes along spring branch of Twin Springs
952409 Alan E. Brant 3306 1995-06-20
United States, Missouri, Shannon, T28N, R1W, E2, Sec. 4. North-facing slopes above Paint Rock Creek and top of Paint Rock Bluff above Current River, Deer Run State Forest., 37.1333333 -91.0666667, 165 - 213m
1604813 Julian A. Steyermark 76706 1954-08-20
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Rock knob s of club creek, t27n, r9e, se 1/4, sec 26 and nw 1/4 sec 35, 2 1/2 mi N of acorn ridge.
3539923 Julian A. Steyermark 13969 1934-07-27
United States, Missouri, Perry, Along Shawanee Springs Branch (Taylor Springs Branch) of Cinque Hommes Creek, about 3 mi S of Perryville wooded slopes along St. Peter sandstone bluffs
952382 Alan E. Brant 3280 1995-06-07
United States, Missouri, Shannon, T29N, R1W, NE4, NW4, Sec. 14. Head of Christian Hollow along Trail 5, Deer Run State Forest. Open canopy, disturbed forest north of trail., 37.2 -91.0333333, 262m
1604829 Julian A. Steyermark 79337 1955-08-16
United States, Missouri, Osage, Along gasconade river on sw side, t42n, r8w, sec 15 and se part of sec 16, 8 mi Se of linn.
3537265 C.M. Sladewski WO476 1989-06-27
United States, Missouri, Pulaski, Fort Leonard Wood Army Base, floodplain of Big Piney River, S of Wildcat Shoals Bridge nearly level floodplain and steep slope at base of ridge, elm-ash floodplain forest; dolomite and sandstone; Gepp-Rock outcrop complexQuercus alba, Ulmus rubra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, F. americana, 37.7291667 -92.0536111
1604878 Julian A. Steyermark 14529 1934-08-15
United States, Missouri, Texas, Low woods along limestone slopes of jack's fork of currnet river, 4 mi se of Arroll.
3534075 Ernest J. Palmer 41725 1933-07-14
United States, Missouri, Oregon, S of Wilderness wooded banks
1604867 Julian A. Steyermark 14738 1934-08-20
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Roubidoux sandstone slopes along tributary of bryant creek, se of sweden.
3534696 Jay A. Raveill 2380 1986-06-17
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Meramec State Park dry-mesic dolomite forest along abandoned road, 38.2341666 -91.0963889
1604983 Bailey 1642 1951-07-26
United States, Illinois, Gallatin, High knob lookout tower, t10s, r8e, 33. Oak hickory woods.
1604778 Ernest J. Palmer 58222 1954-07-17
United States, Missouri, Christian, Open woods, along river, near linden.
3542218 Julian A. Steyermark 23125 1937-07-08
United States, Missouri, Christian, 3 mi SW of Chadwick low, cherty lime slopes in ravine tributary to East Fork of Bull Creek, 36.9216667 -93.0966666
1604525 Ernest J. Palmer 18369 1920-07-15
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Rocky hillsides, open woods, near forest mill.
1604801 Julian A. Steyermark 79393 1955-08-18
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Vicinity of little black river, between brown ford and butler co line, t24n, R4e, sec 28 and 29, 3-4 1/2, mw of fairdealing.
100837239 Gerrit Davidse 42462 2015-07-31
United States, Missouri, Washington, Pea Ridge Conservation Area, north of MO Hwy. 185, ca. 14 airline miles SE of Sullivan or ca. 16 airline miles NW of Potosi., 38.0788889 -90.9725, 240m
3542476 Julian A. Steyermark 23768 1937-07-28
United States, Missouri, Webster, Along Osage Fork of Gasconade River, 1 mi N of Rader open cherty sandstone slopes, 37.4747223 -92.7141667