LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0207917 R. Dale Thomas 49910 1976-07-24
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00136206 Robert R. Smith 1832 1967-08-03
United States, Florida, Okaloosa, Eglin Air Force Base. Near springhead of Point Lookout Creek, along No. 220; ca. 15 mi. s.e. of Crestview.
LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0207920 Keith H. Kessler 2886 1982-10-30
United States, Louisiana, Winn
LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0207921 David C. Moore 1627 1983-07-23
United States, Louisiana, Union
LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0207924 R. Dale Thomas 40053 1974-07-05
United States, Louisiana, Caldwell
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00043521 R. Dale Thomas 49910 1976-07-24
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita, Roadbank and edge of pine woods SE of LA 557 and Prairion Bayou near Pine Crest School, Luna.
LSU:Vascular Plants
NLU0207925 R. Dale Thomas 24044 1971-06-27
United States, Louisiana, Beauregard
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00092329 David D. Taylor 1107 1981-08-08
United States, Kentucky, Rockcastle, Shearer Hollow, Berea College Forest, south of Burnt Ridge Rd. (Madison-Rockcastle Co. line) ca. 2.5 miles west of jct. Burnt Ridge Rd. and US 421.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00092330 Robert Burckhalter 2465 1993-10-02
United States, Alabama, Hale, Alongside FR 707, west of jct. FR 710, Talladega National Forest. 12 miles east of Moundville. Payne Lake Quadrangle., 32.9850006 -87.4240036, 110m
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00092331 W. R. Carr 8391 1987-07-05
United States, Ohio, Athens, Both side of Co. Rd. 29, 0.5-0.7 miles S of St. Rt. 685. Dover Twp. Nelsonville Quadrangle.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00092332 Delzie Demaree 58728 1968-07-27
United States, Arkansas, Hot Spring, Second bottoms of Ouachita River, 2 miles NE of Social Hill, Malvern., 76m
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0101389 R. Dale Thomas 49910 1976-07-24
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0101390 Charles. M. Allen 8250 1978-06-13
United States, Louisiana, Washington
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00043522 Charles M. Allen 2038 1972-06-01
United States, Louisiana, Saint Helena, About 4.75 miles NNW of Chipola.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00043523 Charles M. Allen 1076 1971-06-22
United States, Louisiana, Saint Helena, About 4.25 miles north of Chipola.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00043524 Charles M. Allen 285 1970-11-05
United States, Louisiana, Saint Helena, About 3 miles east of Greensburg.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00043525 Charles M. Allen 1261 1971-07-23
United States, Louisiana, Saint Helena, About 9 miles NNW of Greensburg.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00043526 Charles M. Allen 1028 1971-06-16
United States, Louisiana, Saint Helena, About 2 miles east of Greensburg.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00043527 Charles M. Allen 944 1971-06-09
United States, Louisiana, Saint Helena, About 2.5 miles east of Greensburg.
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0101476 Eric Sundell 2025 A 1977-08-06
United States, Florida
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0101477 S. W. Leonard 1801 1968-07-25
United States, North Carolina, McDowell
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0101478 Steven P. Darwin 1683 1979-08-11
United States, Missouri, Newton
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0101479 Peter H. Raven 27831 1989-07-29
United States, Missouri, Jefferson
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0101480 Royal D. Suttkus 783138 1978-07-28
United States, Florida, Okaloosa
2628 Freeman, Oliver Myles 51706 1951-00-00
USA, Not reported.
2627 Freeman, Oliver Myles 51644 1951-00-00
USA, Not reported.
2625 Freeman, Oliver Myles 51477 1951-00-00
USA, Not reported.
2629 Freeman, Oliver Myles 51404 1951-06-23
USA, North Carolina, Henderson, 1.5 miles SE of Edneyville., 35.378619 -82.322076
2648 Crafton, W. M. 1935-07-28
USA, North Carolina, Buncombe, Bent Creek Experimental Forest., 35.490562 -82.621311
2649 Crafton, W. M. 1935-07-28
USA, North Carolina, Buncombe, Bent Creek Experimental Forest., 35.490562 -82.621311
2630 Freeman, Oliver Myles 52340 1952-08-24
USA, North Carolina, McDowell, One mile N of Thermal City Station.
2631 Freeman, Oliver Myles 51430 1951-06-30
USA, North Carolina, Polk, Near west end of Lake Adger.
2632 Freeman, Oliver Myles 53269 1953-00-00
USA, Not reported.
MEM020163 William H. Ellis 709 1965-08-05
United States, Tennessee, Stewart
MEM011480 Elizabeth M. Browne, Edward T. Browne Jr. 72E6.32 1972-06-23
United States, Kentucky, McCreary
MEM003351 H.D. McCutehean s.n. 1952-04-06
United States, West Virginia, Fayette
MEM014271 Dan Morris s.n. 1978-10-07
United States, Tennessee, Dyer
MEM015812 Vernon Bates Jr., Dan Morris, Sarah Warrington 1911 1980-09-29
United States, Tennessee, Fayette
MEM013005 Sarah J. Warrington 502 1969-07-05
United States, Tennessee, Tipton
MEM016583 Patrick Keiran 445 1972-07-05
United States, Tennessee, Lauderdale
MEM013329 Elizabeth M. Browne, Edward T. Browne Jr. 76H1.8 1976-10-09
United States, Tennessee, Dyer
MEM006641 Betty Allman 29 1970-07-12
United States, Tennessee, Carroll
MEM008641 Raymond Athey 2835 1974-06-25
United States, Kentucky, Calloway
MEM005527 Raymond Athey 1193 1970-08-26
United States, Kentucky, Marshall
MEM005160 Raymond Athey 252 1968-06-15
United States, Kentucky, McCracken
MEM002487 Elizabeth M. Browne, Edward T. Browne Jr. 5678 1962-06-30
United States, Kentucky, Todd
MEM003259 Elizabeth M. Browne, Edward T. Browne Jr. 9133 1964-08-12
United States, Kentucky, Wolfe
MEM003111 Delzie Demaree 58728 1968-07-27
United States, Arkansas, Hot Spring
MISSA016307 W. W. Hare 1934-07-00
United States, Mississippi, Kemper, Porterville, MS, 32.68778 -88.47222
MISSA016335 Robert K. Godfrey 1955-09-06
United States, Florida, Leon
MISSA016336 R. Dale Thomas 1967-08-12
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita
MISSA016309 B. Robertson 1951-07-06
United States, Mississippi, Choctaw, Mathiston, Miss. One mile east of city near railroad, 33.54 -89.12417
MISSA016312 James D. Ray, Jr. 5834 1955-08-25
United States, Mississippi, Attala, Along wood trail near Hurricane Creek, Natchez Trace Pkwy. S of Kosciusko, 33.133833 -89.386883
MISSA031516 Keri Denley 1044 1999-10-17
MISSA016308 James D. Ray, Jr. 1955-08-03
United States, Mississippi, Carroll, 5 mi SW of Carrollton, 33.456745 -89.981805
DSC104969 John R. MacDonald 10853 1997-07-20
United States, Alabama, Houston, ALABAMA. Houston Co.: ca. 4 miles NE of Grangeburg; vicinity of powerline crossing Hwy. 81 at 6.2 miles south of junction with Hwy. 84; T1N, R29E, Sec. 18, the NE/4 of the NW/4.
DSC104970 John R. MacDonald 13256 1999-07-24
United States, Alabama, Covington, ALABAMA. Covington Co.: ca. 4.5 mile east of Florala; roadside of Co. Rd. 79 at ca. 0.1 mile north of Florida state line.
DSC104971 John R. MacDonald 13270 1999-07-24
United States, Alabama, Covington, ALABAMA. Covington Co.: Cutover along Hwy. 4 at 1.0 miles west of junction with Hwy. 55 in Lockhart.
DSC104972 Robert A. Stewart 6628 1999-06-17
United States, Mississippi, Calhoun, MISSISSIPPI. Calhoun Co.: 4 miles northeast of Derma. T13S, R1W, Sec. 36, NW 1/4, on section line with section 25.
DSC104973 Robert A. Stewart 6628 1999-06-17
United States, Mississippi, Calhoun, MISSISSIPPI. Calhoun Co.: 4 miles northeast of Derma. T13S, R1W, Sec. 36, NW 1/4, on section line with section 25.
DSC104974 M. Wayne Morris 2136 1986-06-23
United States, Mississippi, Grenada, MISSISSIPPI. Grenada Co.: ca. 6 miles WNW of Holcomb, (T22N, R2E, Sec. 15, NW 1/4), Delta
DSC104985 C. Ritchie Bell 1956-09-01
United States, North Carolina, McDowell, NORTH CAROLINA. McDowell Co.: 2.9 miles west-northwest of Lake Tahoma on N. C. Hwy. 80.
MISS0076316 Charles T. Bryson 13919 1994-06-12
USA, Mississippi, Webster, 2.3 mi E Tomnolen; N of Hwy US 82, T19N, R9E, Sec 14.
Robert A. Stewart 2167 1986-06-03
USA, Mississippi, Simpson, Ca 2.0 mi W of Pinola.
MISS0041382 Thomas M. Pullen 67516 1967-06-29
USA, Mississippi, Benton, At Tippah Creek bridge, 9.4 mi N of Hickory Flat, just S of Jct of St Hwys 5 and 4
MISS0041383 Thomas M. Pullen 69466 1969-06-24
USA, Mississippi, Attala, Roadside park 2.7 mi SE of Carroll-Attala co line, St Hwy 35
MISS0041384 Robert A. Stewart 6628 1999-06-17
USA, Mississippi, Calhoun, 4 mi NE of Derma. T13S, R1W, S36, NW/4, on section line w/ S25., 33.912 -89.259
MISS0041385 Robert A. Stewart 6628 1999-06-17
USA, Mississippi, Calhoun, T13S R1W sec 36 NW/4, on sec line with sec 25, 4 mi NE of Derma
MISS0041386 Louis C. Temple 3383 1966-07-06
USA, Mississippi, Carroll, Ca 10 mi SE of Greenwoods on Co Hwy 1
MISS0041387 Thomas M. Pullen 66758 1966-07-06
USA, Mississippi, Carroll, 8 mi SE of Greenwood on W side of St Hwy 430
MISS0041388 S. B. Jones & C. Jones 15289 1967-09-09
USA, Mississippi, Clarke, Clarke Co State Park
MISS0041389 E. N. Lowe & T. L. Bailey s.n. 1914-06-26
USA, Mississippi, Clay, Moss Point
MISS0041390 T. R. Simmons, Jr CL- 322 1967-06-15
USA, Mississippi, Clay, 5.5 mi NE of Montpelier; SE1/4, NE1/4, S7, T15S, R4E.
MISS0041391 W. B. Carter 135 1975-07-07
USA, Mississippi, Lafayette, Taylor Creek Bottoms 6 mi SW of the Univ of Miss
MISS0041392 Louis C. Temple 3230 1966-06-25
USA, Mississippi, Grenada, 3.2 mi S of Yalobusha-Grenada co line
MISS0041393 Louis C. Temple 11463 1969-06-21
USA, Mississippi, Lauderdale, Along Co Rd 0.7 mi W of Savoy
MISS0041394 T. L. Bailey s.n. 1916-07-08
USA, Mississippi, Lafayette, 2 mi NW of Oxford, 34.386905 -89.544026
MISS0041395 S. Lassetter 311 1967-06-30
USA, Mississippi, Marshall, Wall Doxey State Park
MISS0041396 A. G. Marler 31 1966-06-12
USA, Mississippi, Noxubee, Tombigbee River flood plain, NE Noxubee Co
MISS0041397 S. B. Jones & C. Hudson 13197 1967-06-09
USA, Mississippi, Pike, Just W of Walthall Co line, Hwy 98 E of McComb
MISS0041398 S. B. Jones 8655 1966-07-19
USA, Mississippi, Pearl River, N of crossroads Hwy 43
MISS0041399 F. Searcy, Jr. 695 1975-08-01
USA, Mississippi, Tishomingo, Around baseball field, picnic area and swimming pool, Tishomingo State Park
MISS0041400 Thomas M. Pullen 661087 1966-08-10
USA, Mississippi, Tishomingo, Tishomingo State Park
MISS0041401 Keri Denley 859 1999-08-16
USA, Mississippi, Yalobusha, T26N, R6W, S36, CR 226, 4 mi from CR 211.
MISS0041402 Keri Denley 1044 1999-10-17
USA, Mississippi, Yalobusha, T24N, R6E, S7.
MISS0041403 J. R. MacDonald 13256 1999-07-24
USA, Alabama, Covington, Ca 4.5 mi E of Florala; roadside of Co Hwy 79 at 0.1 mi N of Florala St line.
MISS0041404 Thomas M. Pullen 66431 1966-06-20
USA, Mississippi, Yalobusha, Vicinity of Water Valley Landing on Enid Lake
MISS0041413 J. S. Lassetter 2527 1976-07-23
USA, Kentucky, Garrard, Along Fall Lick Rd ca 6 mi S of intersection with KY 21 btwn Paint Lick and Maywood Research Area
MISS0041414 R. Athey 1193 1970-08-26
USA, Kentucky, Marshall, Possom Trot, in front of Gerald Jessup home on Vaughns Chapel Rd
MISS0041415 S. W. Leonard with A. E. Radford & K. Moore 1801 1968-07-25
USA, North Carolina, McDowell, Curtis Creek Rd, 7.8 mi N of old US 70
USMS_000024279 McNair, Daniel 635 2013-05-21
United States, Mississippi, Wayne, Pine savanna off Boutwell Rd. DeSoto National Forest, 31.5036186 -88.8977641
USMS_000012062 Leonard, W. 1801 1968-07-25
United States, North Carolina, McDowell, Curtis Creek Rd, 7.8 mi N of old US 70, 35.703684 -82.19315
MMNS009143 John R. MacDonald 8850 1995-06-13
United States, Mississippi, Grenada, Camp McCain, S side of Grant Rd. at ca. 0.7 mi E of western boundary to Camp McCain & adj. areas of the SE/4 of S25 S of Grant Rd., 33.73865 -89.71792
MMNS014800 John R. MacDonald 10853 1997-07-20
United States, Alabama, Houston, ca 4 mi NE of Grangeburg; vic. of powerline crossing Hwy. 81 at 6.2 mi S of junc. w/ Hwy. 84; T1N, R29E, S18, the NE4 of the NW4, 31.059606 -85.175631
MMNS013102 John R. MacDonald 8586 1995-06-13
United States, Mississippi, Grenada, Camp McCain, Cutover areas & wooded stream drainages on S side of Grant Rd. at ca 0.7 mi E of W boundary to Camp McCain & adjacent areas of the SE/4 of S25 S of Grant Rd., 33.7352 -89.7336
MMNS017835 Louis C. Temple 3230 1966-06-25
United States, Mississippi, Grenada, County roadside and adjacent deciduous slope, 3.2 mi. S of Yalobusha-Grenada county line., 33.87639 -89.8189
MMNS024005 H.M. Sullivan 05-1039 2005-07-06
United States, Mississippi, Carroll, I-55, S of Vaiden exit, mown roadside., 33.31894444 -89.77894444
MMNS017836 Louis C. Temple 3230 1966-06-25
United States, Mississippi, Grenada, County roadside and adjacent deciduous slope, 3.2 mi. S of Yalobusha-Grenada county line., 33.87639 -89.8189
United States, North Carolina, Macon
United States, Kentucky, Calloway