APCR016020 D. Deknes 1976-09-25
United States, Arkansas, Fulton, Mammoth Springs, headwaters of Spring River.
APCR016021 G. E. Tucker 6525 1967-09-09
United States, Arkansas, Saline, Ferguson Lake, 1 mile west of US 65 on Woodson Lateral., 34.537799 -92.276524
CM378480 Conrad, M.L. 8896 1980-08-23
United States, Missouri, Randolph, Prairie Hill Mine project
CSCN-V-0047607 Grace Kostel 9518 2005-08-06
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Oglala National Grassland and Vicinity: ca 12 air mi NW of Crawford in Little Cottonwood Creek., 42.753148 -103.50545, 1181m
United States, Virginia, Alexandria City
GMUF-0043467 Gary P. Fleming 16509 2017-09-28
United States, Virginia, Cumberland, Cumberland State Forest, ca. 0.1 mi. NNW of swinging bridge at terminus of Warner Forest Road, 1.0 mile SE of Trenton Mills., 37.621694 -78.214111, 64m
GMUF-0047254 Gary P. Fleming 17345 2019-08-26
United States, Virginia, Appomattox, Holliday Lake State Park, ca. 11 miles ENE of Appomattox Courthouse. By lake at mouth of Sanders Creek, on SW side of picnic area near park office., 37.394738 -78.640815, 41m
W.E. Thomas 415 2002-08-04
United States, Indiana, Crawford, H-C S.F. Wyandotte lk., 38.22287 -86.30484
NHI004811 A. Dickey 1975-08-01
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Dead Horse Ranch State Park, 34.75391 -112.014046, 1006m
KSP030336 Samantha Young Pryer 3196 2014-09-11
United States, Kansas, Cherokee, Property located on the W side at the end of SE 97th Terrace, 37.043308 -94.657781, 252m
KSP030337 Samantha Young Pryer 5786 2015-09-12
United States, Kansas, Cherokee, South side of 166 Hwy just east of Baxter Springs. Located on the West side of Spring River, 37.02335 -94.72309, 241m
957374 Grace M. Kostel 9518 2005-08-06
U.S.A., Nebraska, Sioux, Oglala National Grassland and Vicinity: ca 12 air mi NW of Crawford in Little Cottonwood Creek., 42.75395 -103.506767, 1181m
346181 Gary E. Larson, Aquatic Plants class 8550 1982-09-03
U.S.A., South Dakota, Bennett, Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge., 43.1062 -101.5511, 919m
133643 Wilhelm G. Solheim 137 1928-08-18
U.S.A., South Dakota, Minnehaha, Corson., 43.6165 -96.5655, 396 - 412m
170551 George E. Osterhout 4080 1909-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Yuma, Wray.
UARK034907 Sarah C. Nunn 10239 2004-08-23
United States, Arkansas, Boone, Ozark Plateaus. Jackpot Spring on Leadhill-Zinc Road; 10 airmiles E of Harrison. Zinc Quad T19N R18W S16 NW4, 36.303095 -92.906729, 335m
UCA007886 Brent Baker 645 2002-08-19
United States, Arkansas, Yell, NE corner of Pullen Pond at boat launch ramp, on co. rd. 310, SE of Centerville. Water's edge. T5N R20W S16 NE4
911745 Cholewa, A. 2677 2009-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Anoka County, Linwood Lake County Park, lakeshore west of boat ramp at northeast end of lake. T33N R22W Sec 9;Martin-Island-Linwood Lakes County Park;033N;22W;09, 45.3627837 -93.0915675
898468 Smith, Welby 25905 1995-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Skalbakken County Park. Renville County...Skalbakken County park...Minnesota River, about 6 miles east of Granite Falls...T115N R38W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 27. 115N 38W 27, 44.7347222 -95.4169444
435112 Nation, R. 94-340 1994-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Mower, Lake Louise State Park. Mower Co.; Tract 4A. T101N R14W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec. 28;Lake Louise State Park;101N;14W;28, 43.522099 -92.518958
479429 DeMink, L. 2217 2001-09-28
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge; SWNE 13-34-27;Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge;034N;27W;13, 45.490813 -93.721671
907202 Smith, Welby 31259 2008-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Beltrami, Red Lake Wildlife Management Area. Beltrami County...At the west end of the road that skirts the north shore of Upper Red Lake, about 12 miles west of Highway 72 in Waskish...T 155N R 32W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 31. 155N 32W 31, 48.1969444 -94.8097222
435746 Smith, Michael 97 1996-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Voyageurs National Park. St. Louis Co.; Plot name: Voya 14 DNR # 5772; Cranberry Bay/ 48 34'02" 93 02'36";Voyageurs National Park;070N;21W, 48.5672226 -93.043335
122845 Smith, Welby 21957 1992-09-07
United States, Minnesota, Watonwan, Watonwan County...At the west end of Long Lake, about 6 miles S-SW of St. James...T 105N R 32W SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 10;;105N;32W;10, 43.9069444 -94.6769444
509345 Kaul, R.; et al. 6200 1988-08-05
United States, Minnesota, Steele, Steele County ... along the Straight River just upstream from Morehouse Park.;;107N;20W, 44.084579 -93.230139
915761 Smith, Welby; et al. 31510 2009-09-15
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest. Cook County...Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Superior National Forest. On the south side of the Royal River T 64N R 3E SW1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 3. 064N 03E 3, 48.06 -90.0413889
492360 Owens, O.; et al. 201 1947-08-04
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, W side of Bear Paw Point along shore of Lake Itasca. Itasca State Park;Itasca State Park;143N;36W;11, 47.218013 -95.200853
432454 Wheeler, Gerald 17382 1997-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Birch Coulee State Memorial Park. Renville County...Ca. 1.5 mi. NE of Morton; S of Rte. 2; Birch Coulee State Memorial Park...along creek...NW1/4 NW1/4 Wec. 28 T113N R34W (Birch Cooley 28). 113N 34W 28, 44.563404 -94.944224
184753 Sheldon, Edmund s.n. 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Brown, [no further data], 44.23333 -94.68333
184754 Rosendahl, C. 1280 1903-07-26
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Banks of the Root River, 3 to 4 mi. E of Whalan;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;N, 43.7486 -91.898062
184755 Arthur, J.; et al. B52 1886-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Vermilion Lake, 47.89167 -92.36667
184756 Taylor, B. T904 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Pope, Glenwood;;N, 45.648982 -95.401248
184757 Taylor, B. T276 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Pope, Glenwood;;N, 45.648982 -95.401248
184758 Ballard, C. B820 1891-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Page Lake, Carver Co.;;N, 44.820759 -93.802586
184760 Ainslie, G. 3075 1902-08-14
United States, Minnesota, Olmsted, 4 mi. SE of Rochester;;N, 43.969285 -92.376537
184761 Sandberg, John s.n. 1890-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [no further data], 45 -93.47
184762 Ballard, C. B1721 1893-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Lake Kilpatrick;;135N;29W, 46.495108 -94.365032
184763 Campbell, Jennie s.n. 1895-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Waite Park;;124N;28W, 45.557187 -94.224158
184764 Aiton, G. s.n. 1900-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [no further data], 44.97441 -93.233002
184765 Burglehaus, F. s.n. 1891-09-04
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, [no further data], 45 -93.47
184766 Aiton, G. s.n. 1890-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Collected near Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836
184767 Wheeler, William 455 1899-08-04
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Jefferson;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;101N;04W;35, 43.50806 -91.28287
184768 Manning, Sara s.n. 1884-07-15
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Central Point [pioneer town on Sand Point, Lake Pepin];Frontenac State Park;112N;13W;12, 44.51982 -92.31912
184769 Anonymous 3075 1885-08-05
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Montevideo;;117N;40W, 44.941389 -95.722222
184770 Manning, Sara s.n. 1882-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Lake City;;111N;12W, 44.449412 -92.266844
184771 Wheeler, William 517 1899-08-12
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Winnebago Valley, Houston Co.;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;N, 43.537379 -91.40119
184772 Rosendahl, C. 2609 1912-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Kimball Creek, East of Grand Marais;North Shore / Superior National Forest;061N;02E, 47.784503 -90.181925
184773 Ballard, C. B710 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Waconia;;116N;25W, 44.850796 -93.786909
184774 Herrick, C. s.n. 1878-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836
184775 Herrick, C. 357-2 1897-07-29
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836
184776 Ballard, C. B1157 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Zumbrota;;N, 44.294132 -92.669081
184777 Holzinger, John s.n. 1886-00-00
United States, Minnesota, [no further data], 46 -94
184778 Sandberg, John s.n. 1881-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Cannon Falls;;112N;17W;18, 44.506911 -92.905484
184779 Ballard, C. 2506 1900-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, Fergus Falls;;N, 46.283015 -96.077558
184780 Sheldon, Edmund S1212 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Brown, New Ulm;;N, 44.315266 -94.452293
184781 Sheldon, Edmund S3243 1892-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Milaca;;N, 45.755799 -93.654408
184782 MacMillan, C.; et al. 1 1900-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Crookston;;150N;46W;30, 47.77414 -96.60812
184783 Oestlund, O. s.n. 1886-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836
184785 Sandberg, John s.n. 1886-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, [no further data], 44.40976099 -92.72282341
184786 Cheney, L. s.n. 1891-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Island in Lake Saganagah [Saganaga], boundary between Minnesota and Canada;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest, 48.21151 -90.917295
184787 Holzinger, John s.n. 1886-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co.;;N, 43.98685 -91.779129
184788 Taylor, B. T1499 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Center City;;N, 45.389814 -92.821151
189759 Sheldon, Edmund S1037 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Sleepy Eye;;N, 44.297183 -94.72415
227037 Roberts, Thomas s.n. 1904-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Brook Lodge;;N, 44.383856 -92.032945
264424 White, Sidney s.n. 1887-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Lake Winona.;;107N;07W, 44.0525878 -91.6726869
264522 Holzinger, John s.n. 1901-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co.;;N, 43.98685 -91.779129
265697 Ballard, C. B2962 1901-08-06
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Moorhead;;N, 46.873852 -96.767581
269098 Ballard, C. B2901 1901-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Clay, S of Moorhead;;N, 46.873852 -96.767581
270451 Manning, Sara s.n. 1884-08-15
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Central Point [pioneer town on Sand Point, Lake Pepin];Frontenac State Park;112N;13W;12, 44.51982 -92.31912
276150 Grant, Martin 2836 1929-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Itasca Park. Mississippi River. NE1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 34, T144N, R36W.;Itasca State Park;144N;36W;34, 47.159943 -95.222589
278294 Roberts, Thomas s.n. 1877-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Minneapolis;;N, 44.979965 -93.263836
297551 Moyle, J.; et al. 1872 1934-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Low Lake - 8 mi. NW of Ely;Superior National Forest, 47.985049 -91.989221
335528 Lakela, Olga 1821 1936-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Bayshore, Duluth; Sec. 19 [other collections indicates this is in T49N R13W, Minnesota Point];Minnesota Point;049N;13W;19, 46.7833 -92.1
348375 Buell, Murray; Buell, Helen 639 1933-07-31
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Decodon Pond, S side of pond;Cedar Creek National History Area;034N;23W;27, 45.4067795 -93.1937266
352673 Benner, F.; Benner, J. 659 1929-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Cook, On road running north, about 5 mi north of Hovland;;063N;04E, 47.911151 -89.972041
354646 Lakela, Olga 2626 1938-07-29
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Hwy. 4 at the Antilla Farm, Palo;;057N;15W, 47.415205 -92.259625
359034 Moyle, J. 3346 1939-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Shore of Rum River at Milaca;;N, 45.746871 -93.650779
359126 Moyle, J. 3347 1939-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Carver, Along Crow River, 6 mi. W of St. Bonifacius.;;N, 44.887286 -93.868935
360158 Lakela, Olga 4033 1940-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Carlton, At the falls, Holyoke Park;;N, 46.467443 -92.388528
364296 Rosendahl, C. 6791 1936-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Banks of Cannon River, above bridge, hwy 61;;N, 44.563393 -92.554753
369227 Lakela, Olga 4712 1941-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Among boulders in Cross River at the jct. of Sawbill Trail and Tofte-Isabella Road. Cook Co.;Superior National Forest;059N;05W, 47.708308 -90.994167
371517 Moore, John; et al. 14952 1941-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Kanabec, Along the Snake River, 1/2 mi S of Mora, Kanabec Co.;;039N;24W, 45.86068 -93.32753
373970 Linnaean Club, U of M, 217 1940-10-13
United States, Minnesota, Rice, Nerstrand Woods, Rice Co, along stream in clearing below falls;Nerstrand Woods State Park;110N;19W, 44.341172 -93.111247
383629 Moore, John 16015 1943-08-25
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Winona Co.; Creek below Gwinn's Bluff;Great River Bluffs State Park;106N;05W, 43.942065 -91.4667
385611 Moyle, J. 4107 1945-08-10
United States, Minnesota, Waseca, Lake Elysian;;N, 44.1333 -93.7
392840 Lakela, Olga 7044 1947-07-29
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of the St. Louis River, on Mooseline Road. White Twp.;;N, 47.589862 -92.461466
393055 Lakela, Olga 7374 1947-09-11
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of creek on hwy 53 S of Canyon;;N, 47.039938 -92.470746
393131 Ownbey, Gerald; et al. 1093 1948-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook County...SW end of Lucille Island (just across from Sailboat Island) Susie Islands near Grand Portage;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;063N;07E, 47.973776 -89.578978
393132 Ownbey, Gerald; et al. 1038 1948-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Cook County...S side of NE promentory of Susie Island, Susie Islands near Grand Portage.;North Shore / Susie Islands, The Nature Conservancy;064N;07E, 47.973776 -89.578978
395102 Burns, G.; Hendrickson, M. 186 1938-07-20
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Near cliff N of middle of West Pike Lake; T65N R2E;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;065N;02E, 48.0833 -90.2
406309 Jones, George Neville 18082 1946-07-10
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Armstrong Lake, near Ely;;062N;14W, 47.850158 -92.075839
407824 Lakela, Olga 9348 1949-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Shore of Prairie Lake;;N, 46.7833 -92.9
412551 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 11603 1939-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, Near the W line of Sec. 3, Richardville Twp.;;N, 48.970538 -96.853754
413132 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 11829 1939-08-17
United States, Minnesota, Koochiching, Koochiching Co.; 1/4 mi. east of Tilson Bay, Rainy Lake;;071N;22W, 48.607149 -93.198812
413186 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 10969 1939-07-19
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Near Pine Creek;Northwest Angle;168N;34W, 49.353711 -95.002845
418944 Ahlgren, Clifford 520 1949-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Quetico-Superior Wilderness Research Center...Lake Co, Sec. 9, T64N, R10W.;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;064N;10W;09, 48.03165 -91.61886
419248 Briggs, John De Q.; Briggs, Marjorie 46 1945-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Near portage to Kelso Lake, Sawbill Lake, T63N, R4W.;Superior National Forest;063N;04W, 47.88583 -90.87778
419779 Lakela, Olga 11925 1950-09-01
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Floodwood River Terrace, 6 mi. N of Floodwood;;N, 47.015968 -92.919648
419805 Lakela, Olga 11502 1950-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Crooked Lake at Curtain Falls;Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Superior National Forest;066N;12W, 48.203274 -91.857461
429429 Myhre, K. 1242 1991-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Mille Lacs Co.; Located one quarter mile from the south shore of Mille Lacs Lake; T 42N R 26W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 11;;042N;26W;11, 46.133473 -93.587276