0010041 W. H. Horr and L. H. Franklin E180 1937-09-20
USA, Kansas, Bourbon, 7 mi S Uniontown, 274m
UARK089548 Charles S. Wallis 7709 1958-07-27
United States, Oklahoma, Sequoyah, Oklahoma Ozarks. Strayhorn Landing on Tenkiller Lake, 6 mi. NE of Gore on State 100.
UARK089547 Charles S. Wallis 7989 1958-10-05
United States, Oklahoma, Cherokee, Oklahoma Ozarks. On Elk Creek, 1.7 i. NE of Cookson on State 82.
MUR16405 Raymond H. Athey 1978-08-20
United States, Kentucky, Todd, Elkton, Rock Quarry Rd, 10 m post on US 68 E of town, 36.81 -87.15417
NLU0219838 John Taylor 27199 1978-10-12
United States, Kansas, Collected along the roadside (US Hyw, 54) about 10 miles West of Fort Scott, Ka.
NLU0219839 John Taylor 22642 1976-07-16
United States, Oklahoma, Bryan, Collected about 2 miles North of the P.O. of Durant, Oklahoma from an old field.
02247591 W. H. Horr; L. H.Franklin E180 1937-09-20
United States, Kansas, 7 mi. S. Uniontown, 37.746 -94.97406, 274m
TTC016625 Robert Stratton 6203 1945-10-19
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc, 9 miles south of ada, 34.643405 -96.678345
OKLA102256 Maxine B. Clark 424 1957-07-16
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa, SE corner of intersection, 3 mi E of 31st-Memorial Intersection, SE of Tulsa, 36.1117238 -95.8241701
OKLA102359 Maxine B. Clark 380 1957-07-04
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa, 1.5 mi N, 2.5 mi E of OK33-US75 Intersection (Traffic Circle), E of Tulsa, Garnett Prairie, 36.184397 -95.8241216
00007433 W. H. Horr E180 1937-09-20
United States, Kansas, Bourbon, 7 miles south of Uniontown., 274m
J. C. Hamilton s.n. 1967-08-10
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa, unknown, 36.1409917952022 -96.2171830450161