100822390 Thomas E. Toney 465 1975-05-29
United States, Missouri, Saint Clair, Taberville Prairie Conservation Area., 38.04 -93.97
100822399 Thomas E. Toney 465 1975-06-03
United States, Missouri, Barton, Hobbs Prairie.
100822744 Leroy J. Korschgen 465 1973-06-07
United States, Missouri, Pike, Perry Pond.
3287485 Charles T. Bryson 21667 2006-06-07
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Ca. 1.7 mi. NNW of center of Bealeton, SE jct. of Hwy US 17 and VA 28; ca. 2 mi. E jct. of Hwy. US 29 and VA 28. Open roadside and meadow adjacent to Hwy VA 28, 38.58333 -77.76666
3291446 Cindy E. Becker 1104 2005-06-30
United States, Missouri, Vernon, Camp Clark-National Guard Training Site; wet-mesic bottomland fore; Active low floodplain along the main creek system. Seasonally flooded; Helper silt loam, occasionally flooded; Assoc: Ulmus rubra, Quercus spp, Campanula americana, Chasmanthium latifolium., 37.81777 -94.27527, 282m
100347354 Jane C. Walker s.n. 2010-07-01
United States, Missouri, Dent, Bonebrake Swamp Thistle Fen, 3 miles northeast of Salem, MO; Salem Quadrangle., 37.6606 -91.5081
100361170 Norton, R.A. (UMKC) 287/73 1973-08-11
United States, Missouri, Cass, Pleasant Hill Country Club; 0.6 mi E of Hwy 7 on Country Club Drive
100364143 Carl S. Keener 3001 1974-07-26
United States, Pennsylvania, Elk, Open hemlock swamp 5.5 miles NE of WILCOX.
100378789 Robin C. Kennedy TP-2010-73 2010-05-19
United States, Missouri, Callaway, University of Missouri Tucker Prairie Research Station. ~20 mi. E of Columbia, along the S side of U.S. Interstate Hwy 70. 160 acres of never-plowed prairie. In S-central area of prairie., 38.9472222 -91.9958333, 271m
100373778 Baadi Tadych TP-2010-40 2010-04-28
United States, Missouri, Callaway, University of Missouri Tucker Prairie Research Station. ~20 mi. E of Columbia, along the S side of U.S. Interstate Hwy 70. 160 acres of never-plowed prairie. Found growing near the entrance gate., 38.9472222 -91.9902777, 274m
3330087 Phillip E. Hyatt 8629 1999-05-28
United States, North Carolina, Macon, Coweeta Hyadrologic Lab. Roadside along Forest Service Road 83 immediately SW of main office, 671m
3330293 Phillip E. Hyatt 6073 1994-06-08
United States, North Carolina, Macon, About 1 air mile S of Coweeta Hydrological Laboratory Office
3330401 Phillip E. Hyatt 6066 1994-05-29
United States, North Carolina, Macon, Otto vicinity along Coweeta Church Road (=County Road 1115), 35.06666 -83.39444, 640m
100420486 Paul M. McKenzie 2127 2004-05-19
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Sunklands CA, "Bog Basin" sinkhole pond complex; ca 3.5 mi SE of Hartshorn Lookout Tower., 37.3122222 -91.5475
3330094 Paul E. Rothrock 4040 2002-06-04
United States, Pennsylvania, Somerset, Clearing through a shrub thicket of Cornus amomum and Viburnum dentatum, behind McDonalds at intersec. of SR 601 and Pa. Turnpike entrance, Somerset, 40.01722 -79.07944
3330303 Phillip E. Hyatt 8188 1998-07-03
United States, North Carolina, Jackson, Cashiers, about 3 miles E of US Hwy. 64 at condos and vicinity, N side of road (vicinity: lake and mountain to NE of condos, NW of golf course).
3330406 Phillip E. Hyatt 6107 1994-07-17
United States, North Carolina, Macon, Franklin/Highlands vicinity; at seep at Bridal Veil Falls at roadside pulloff at falls along US Hwy 64
100766504 Clyde F. Reed 8148 1947-07-05
United States, Kentucky, Harlan, Bledsoe.
2795554 John K. Small 310 1891-07-16
United States, North Carolina, Mitchell, Collected on the Summit of Roan Mountain, 1920m
2794618 R.T. Ovrebo W0161 1989-05-07
United States, Missouri, Pulaski, In range fan of Range 1-9; Sec 3, T34N, R11W. Soil: Lebanon silt loam. Topography: level. Vegetation: Cross Timbers. Associates: Quercus stellata, Quercus marilandica, Carya texana, Quercus velutina.
2794575 John Macoun s.n. 1889-07-05
Canada, British Columbia, Sicaruous
2796822 Clarence A. Cheever s.n. 1904-06-11
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin
2796825 George Yatskievych 96-44 1996-06-19
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Skunk Pond, a small sinkhole on W side of dirt road, 5 mi E of County Highway K; common around open pond; dominated by Brasenia, Potamogeton, Utricularia, with a dense graminoid margin; T30N R06W S15 NE4., 366m
2796719 Benjamin F. Bush 7017 1913-06-02
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Oak Grove, Swales.
2796988 Benjamin F. Bush s.n. 1891-06-02
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Commo Name Sedge.
2796905 Julian A. Steyermark 19283 1935-06-03
United States, Missouri, Webster, Open grassy moist ground around Hubbel pond on ranch along Road A, south of Marshfield.
2796908 Anonymous s.n.
United States, Massachusetts
2797197 David Castaner 9946 1987-08-13
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, East of Soudan Along Highway 169. 2.9 Miles West of Junction 599
2796344 Frank C. Seymour 18704 1960-07-11
United States, Vermont, Caledonia, In meadow with Agrostis alba L. Along Route 5, Sutton.
2796513 Frank C. Seymour 19015 1960-07-27
United States, Vermont, Orange, Sedges near shore. Shallow pond made by widening of brook along Orange Brook
2796510 Julian A. Steyermark 10852 1936-05-31
United States, Missouri, Monroe, Slough at base of bluffs in bottom prairie of Elk fork of Salt River, 2 mi. west of Victor.
2796055 Cora Steyermark s.n. 1933-06-14
United States, Missouri, Crawford, Swamps below first spring tributary to east fork of Crooked Creek, 2 miles east of Sligo.
2796198 Harold N. Moldenke 1271 1930-06-05
United States, New Jersey, Somerset, In moist ditch along roadside, Watchung
2795949 Merritt L. Fernald s.n. 1891-06-27
United States, Maine, Swamp, Orono.
2797990 Jarvis E. Hudson 231 1974-06-04
United States, Missouri, Monroe, SE1/4 sec. 16 T56N R9W. About one mile south of highway 36 on floodplain of North Fork of Salt River. Flood pool. Rare at edge of field.
2797635 David Castaner 3099 1973-06-16
United States, Virginia, Page, Blue Ridge Mountains; Big Meadows area; woods.
2797595 Arthur H. Norton 16830 1921-06-26
United States, Maine, White Head Island, Lt. George.
2797552 PATTERSON s.n. 1953-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Growing in partial shade about eight feet from the water; occuring with Typha and Peltandra; Hocomonco Pond. Westborough.
3164504 Bruce Schuette 2876 2005-06-21
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, In shallow, marshy (NE) portion of Manna Grass Pond a natural sinkhole pond. NE 1/4, Sec. 7, T49N, R1E.
2794203 David Castaner 5589 1978-08-18
Canada, British Columbia, Mid-Moose Lake; near shores. With 5502 C. crawfordii prob. forms of same species!!
2794346 J.M. Bates s.n. 1893-07-00
United States, Nebraska, Bassett.
2794492 Ira W. Clokey 3409 1919-07-24
United States, Colorado, Chaffee, Mouanos Creek, Marshy ground., 3322m
2794449 Heinrich K.D. Eggert s.n. 1903-07-14
United States, Wisconsin, Mirror Lake.
3078244 Adam F. Bradley 1493 2004-06-00
United States, New Hampshire, Belknap, Timber Island, Lake Winnipesaukee, Gilford. General collection, along eastern shoreline.
3512023 Melvin L. Conrad 12512 1990-05-24
United States, Missouri, Phelps, St. James, E city limits; between Burlington RR & Hwy KK prairie remnant
3545133 Julian A. Steyermark 65340 1948-05-23
United States, Missouri, Montgomery, Along Road K, 3 1/2 mi NE of Americus swampy meadow with Cephalanthus occidentalis in valley of Dry Fork of Loutre River, 38.81138 -91.51972
1624147 Charles Wright s.n. 1887-07-19
United States, Mt. Washington
1625080 Gordon T. Maupin 1035 1975-05-10
United States, Missouri, Dent, Montauk 7.5, t32n,r7w,sec.22, se 1/4, ne 1/4, ne 1/4. Spring fed marshy field.
1624645 Harry E. Ahles 71447 1971-06-18
United States, New York, Dutchess, Swampy area
1649328 Ernest J. Palmer 60325 1955-06-02
United States, Missouri, Dent, Open ground, along small stream. 0.5 Mile e of salem
3330414 Phillip E. Hyatt 6066A 1994-05-29
United States, North Carolina, Macon, Otto, 0.6 miles N of Richard Hyatt property on Coweeta Lab Road.
2795934 Joseph R. Churchill s.n. 1915-08-07
United States, Massachusetts, Berkshire, GreyLock summit, Adams.
2795599 David Castaner 6988 1982-06-12
United States, Missouri, Dent, T35N R7W Section 5 SW corner at Lecoma Junction & O Hway. Drainage area between road & pond.
2794603 R.J. Downs 16286 1982-07-07
United States, Vermont, Rutland, Margin of beaver pond ca. 3 miles southeast of Tarbellville off Rt. 155., 652m
2797056 Jon Ricketson 1676 1984-07-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest, Dines Tank, 2.4 miles E of U.S.F.S. Road 137, at the end of U.S.F.S. Road 298. Part of stream in Leonard Canyon along the Coconio-Sitgreaves National Forest Boundary, E of Blue Ridge Reservior. Knoll Lake Quad. R12E T13N S28., 2134m
2796369 Dale Frerking 70 1978-04-30
United States, Missouri, Benton, Don Hubbock farm. County roads M & V. Deep in north woods.
2796538 Bill Summers 4449 1991-06-03
United States, Missouri, Pulaski, 3 mi. south of Bog Piney.; fen community; T034N R011W S24.
2796598 Joseph R. Churchill s.n. 1915-08-07
United States, Massachusetts, Berkshire, Greylock summit. Adams.
2796140 Henry P. Sartwell 41
United States, New York, Penn Yan, 42.6609026 -77.0538577
2796143 David Castaner 6872 1982-05-19
United States, Missouri, Barton, Ozark township - between sections 21 & 28 - along roadside and near Missouri Pacific Railroad crossing. Open area.
2796120 Melvin L. Conrad 5839 1971-06-13
United States, Missouri, Adair, In low wet ditch, E. LaHarpe Street in Kirksville.
2796289 Frederick J. Hermann 4249 1933-06-01
United States, New Jersey, Burlington, Moist grassy clearing edge of woods 1/4 mile N. Riverton.
2796183 Ezra Brainerd s.n. 1896-07-22
Canada, Nova Scotia, Plants of the Lower St. Lawrence. Methegan.
2796203 David Castaner 5280 1978-06-21
United States, Missouri, Newton, 4.5 miles south of C on 43; low prairie-like area.
2796226 David Castaner 2363 1972-06-10
United States, Missouri, Johnson, About seven miles northeast of Warrensburg; in unplowed prairie; "Lamb's prairie".
2795997 David E. Boufford 14128 1974-06-10
United States, North Carolina, Macon, Boggy area along the Nantahala River at Standing Indian Campground. South of US Route 64. West of Franklin.
2797660 Benjamin F. Bush 6778 1912-06-05
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Buckner, Prairie swales.
2797597 Tim E. Smith 2729 1988-06-06
United States, Missouri, Christian, Ca. 1.0 mi SW of Cleaver (T27N R23W S29 NW1/4 SW1/4) White River Section of Ozark Natural Division. Small sedge-dominated wetland on E side of N-S gravel rd. near Dry Crane Creek. PNFS CHRI 5. Common.
2797368 Stan Hudson 923 1996-06-27
United States, Missouri, Butler, Next to Highway 142 at the curve S of Highway 53; edge of a low, broad, wet right-of-way between E side of Highway 142 and cut-over woodland; T24N R06E S15.
100621835 Alan E. Brant 7352 2013-06-14
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Sprott Quadrangle. T36N, R7E, NW, SE, Sec. 4. Horton Farm Conservation Area, Missouri Dept. of Conservation. Lamotte sandstone outcrop area. Headwater seeps of unnamed tributary of Jonca Creek., 37.85308 -90.26237, 245m
2794351 Heinrich K.D. Eggert s.n. 1903-07-14
United States, Wisconsin, Mirror Lake.
2794374 David Castaner 1999
United States, Washington, Lewis, Wet"feet"; on shore of Mayfield County Park Lake; 0% cover; J E of Salkum.
2794520 David Castaner 3023 1973-06-09
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Smokemount area; woods., 35.432896 -83.464355
2794394 HANES 170 1940-07-17
United States, Michigan, Kalamazoo, Semi-moist open woods. Sect. 35 Walsenhwa Twp.
2794540 John M. Fogg 3384 1928-07-02
United States, Massachusetts, Dukes, Margin of pondin open E. end of island. Nonamesset.
3518540 Greg K. Gremaud 7811 1983-06-24
United States, Missouri, Morgan, W of Tipton, just in Morgan County along Highway 50 open area along railroad
3545865 Julian A. Steyermark 73559 1952-06-14
United States, Missouri, Putnam, N-facing wooded slopes and ravines along Blackbird Creek, 1 1/2 mi W-SW of Martinstown swampy open ground in valley by slough, 40.40777 -92.79138
1624899 Charles Wright s.n. 1887-07-00
United States, New Hampshire, Coös, Gorham, NH.
1624275 Ernest J. Palmer 55798 1953-06-04
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Open ground, along railway right of way. 4 Miles nw of aurora
1624776 Julian A. Steyermark 78726 1955-06-25
United States, Missouri, Howell, In sinkhole pond at base of tussock of shrub. Swampy sink depression and tributary drainage in wooded upland, T23N, R8W, west part of sect. 15, 4 mi. south of West Plains.
1628978 Norlan C. Henderson 66-157-A 1966-04-29
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Low roadside, along US #50, about 1 mi W of Knob Noster.
2795606 Straughn, S.E. S107 1992-06-05
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, Maury Pond, ca. 4 mi N of Ellington; T30N R1E S7; pond-swamp with steep sides, mostly choked by Carex ssp.
2795108 Merritt L. Fernald 10935 1914-08-04
Canada, Prince Edward Island, Queens. Forming stools in meadow by brook, Charlottetown.
2795068 David Castaner 7176 1982-06-19
United States, Missouri, Howell, T23N R8W Section 15. South of West Plains. Wet drainage area.
2794919 Virginius H. Chase 368 1906-06-24
United States, Illinois, An Teichrändern, Wady Petra, 150m
2794713 George Yatskievych 88-101 1988-06-05
United States, Missouri, Mercer, Lowry Marsh, a wet, marshy praririe area on SE side of Wayman Lakes, ca. 2.5 mi NNW of Pinceton; T65N R24W S16 NW 1/4; scattered plants in open, mesic prairie., 259m
2796711 Julian A. Steyermark 10821 1936-05-30
United States, Missouri, Scotland, Prairie swale east of Memphis.
2797169 David Castaner 3140 1973-06-18
United States, Maryland, Frederick, Grambell, State Park; open woods, along a wet running spring.
2797149 Julian A. Steyermark 71666 1951-06-04
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Natural prairie in upland, T36 N, R7W, sect. 17, 10 mi. southeast of Rolla, 2 mi. southwest of Elk Prairie.
2797023 Arthur Christ s.n. 1976-05-14
United States, Missouri, Warren, Betwen Foristell and Wright City, along railroad tracks.
2796419 Michael S. Bebb s.n.
United States, Illinois
2796585 C.F. Johnson s.n. 1998-05-25
United States, Illinois, Stephenson, Freeport. Roadside, ditches.
2796605 Homer D. House 1115 1905-07-05
United States, New York, Oneida, Scanandoa Spr.
2796565 Bill Summers 4424 1991-05-24
United States, Missouri, Texas, 4 mi. southeast of Cabool at end of Highway AV at Sargent.; overfloe waters of Sargent Spring and spring branch between road and railroad.; T028N R010W S22 SW4.
2796313 J.V. Haberer 1101a 1885-07-10
United States, New York, Oneida, Mohawk Flarts, Utica
2797853 Benjamin F. Bush 634 1896-05-24
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Little Blue, Common.
2797667 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3343 1925-06-15
United States, Oregon, Clackamas, Wet low ground near Eagle Creek.
2797624 Tim E. Smith 3222 1994-06-15
United States, Missouri, Ralls, 4.0 mi E of Monroe City, near intersection of Highway 36 and County Road J; Eastern Section of the Glaciated Plains Natural Divison; remnant prairie vegetation S of Highway 36 and W of J; T56N R07W S10 NE4 NE4.
2797584 Bill Summers 8255 1997-07-04
United States, Missouri, Howell, Tingler Lake Conservation Area, ca. 8 mi S. of West Plains on South Fork of Spring River; mesic bottomland forest along river, some low fresh water marshes along river; T023N R08W S32.
2797541 Julian A. Steyermark 71853 1951-06-26
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Natural sinkhole pond, T31 N, R6 W, sect. 32, 51/2 mi. south of Cedar Grove.