199732 William L. Tolstead 41371 1941-06-23
United States, Nebraska, Webster, 6 miles east of Red Cloud. Growing in swamp.
240790 Walter L. Kiener 29749 1954-07-03
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Lat. ca. 42 [degrees] No. Marshland. Long Pine, reservoir. 2400 ft.
200609 William L. Tolstead 41371 1941-06-23
United States, Nebraska, Webster, 6 miles east of Red Cloud. Growing in swamp.
192739 Herbert John Webber s.n. 1889-07-06
United States, Nebraska, Custer, Anselmo. Wet soil.
291454 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 9340 1991-07-27
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, T31N R50W NE1/4 NE1/4 s33. Uncommon emergent along margin of E. Ash Cr, in mesic meadow 100m E of road, Pasture 14, Pine Ridge Unit Nebraska National Forest, ca 9 1/2 mi. W, 14 mi. S of Chadron.
192742 Herbert John Webber 5129 1889-07-06
United States, Nebraska, Custer, Anselmo. Wet soil.
297528 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 13123 1997-06-09
United States, Nebraska, Platte, T17N R02W, S1/2 SW1/4 s9. Locally common in sandy loam soil in wet draw in distubed lowland tall-grass prairie hay meadow S of the Loup River, 1 1/2 mi. S, 1 mi. E, and 1/4 mi. N from Monroe.
200610 William L. Tolstead 41374 1941-05-18
United States, Nebraska, Sarpy, Fontenelle Forest. Growing in swamp.
297637 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 13081 1997-06-04
United States, Nebraska, Howard, T15N R10W, NE1/4 NE1/4 s24. Frequent in saturated sandy soil in slough along margin of Middle Loup River at Loup Junction Wildlife Management Area, 2 1/2 mi. N, 2 mi. E, 1/2 mi. N, 3/4 mi. E from St. Paul.
192733 John Mallory Bates 1861 1901-06-20
United States, Nebraska, Custer, Callaway
259110 Steven P. Churchill 3256 1974-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Antelope, At Royal Lake, north of Royal. in cold shallow water at inlet to lake.
224454 Walter L. Kiener 28273 1952-05-27
United States, Nebraska, Buffalo, Lat. ca. 41 [degrees] No. Low wooded ground. Ravenna State Lake. 1990 ft.
200605 William L. Tolstead 266 1936-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, 35 miles south of Valentine at Dewey Lake., 42.54484 -100.633855
148576 William L. Tolstead 266 1936-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Dewey Lake 35 miles south of Valentine., 42.54484 -100.633855
199733 William L. Tolstead 41376 1941-06-13
United States, Nebraska, Hayes, Growing along Red Willow Creek at springs in Duke [Prince] Alexis Recreation Grounds.
199737 William L. Tolstead 266 1936-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Dewey Lake 35 miles south of Valentine., 42.54484 -100.633855
258542 Steven P. Churchill 3232 1974-05-31
United States, Nebraska, Boone, 4.8 miles west of Petersburg. Lowlands: wet ditch at edge of grassy meadow.
301750 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 14411 1999-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Jefferson, T03N R01E, NE1/4 NW1/4 s17. Seepage marsh in opening in Fraxinus pennslyvanica - Acer saccharinum woods W of tributary of Big Sandy Cr, and S of county road, Alexandria Wildlife Management Area 2.5 mi E, 1 mi S Alexandria. Soil mucky. Elevation 1390 ft.
192130 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1890-06-13
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Simeon, 42.6204 -100.7076
192730 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1892-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Long Pine
287029 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 6364 1990-06-11
United States, Nebraska, Cedar, T33N R01W, NE1/4 NW1/4 s36. Uncommon in iron seepage at base of steep N-facing Fraxinus-wooded slope below dam at Chalkrock Wildlife Management Area, 1 mi. N of Menominee.
253359 Paul Russell Shildneck c-6641 1974-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, marshy pasture on Herr farm northwest of Humboldt; by north shoulder of road in southeast corner of S 17, R 13 E, T 1 N
192725 William L. Tolstead 10 1938-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fort Niobrara Game Preserve, Valentine. growing in woods of bur oak, elm, and ash, 42.883501 -100.442198
199740 William L. Tolstead 10 1938-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fort Niobrara Game Preserve, Valentine. Growing in woods of bur oak, elm, and ash, 42.883501 -100.442198
268857 Steven P. Churchill 12071 1982-06-21
United States, Nebraska, Keya Paha, NE1/4, Sec.29, T33N, R23W. 8 km S of Norden, along lower East Middle Creek. Marsh vegetation along creek, plant occasional at edge of creek bank, in sandy-gravel soil.
200606 William L. Tolstead 10 1938-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fort Niobrara Game Preserve, Valentine. Growing in woods of bur oak, elm, and ash, 42.883501 -100.442198
307066 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 16321 2001-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Stanton, Stanton, 1 mi S, 4.5 mi W. Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area: Timperley Tract: 0.1 mi NW of old farmhouse. T23N R01E Sec28 SE1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4. 41 [degrees] 56'08"N, 97 [degrees]19'01"W (det topo map). Sedge wet meadow along N side of old Elkhorn River oxbow. Soil shallow sedge peat over sandy loam. Elevation 1460 ft., 41.9355556 -97.3169444
274232 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1883 1986-05-31
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T10N R04E, NW1/4 SW1/4 s14. Marshy, shaded pring-fed draw, NE bay of E lake, Twin Lakes W.M.A, 3 mi. N, 1 mi. W of Pleasant Dale
240318 Walter L. Kiener 29634 1954-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lat. ca. 41 [degrees] No. Ravine. Flader prairie. Lincoln, NW of. 1200 ft.
192719 John Mallory Bates 5756 1913-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Howard, St. Paul.
192718 John Mallory Bates 5756 1913-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Howard, St. Paul.
316347 Robert F. Steinauer 3779 2010-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, N42.91035 W100.45692 (NAD83) T34N R27W NE4 NE4 Sec. 23 Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge Small wet depression in ravine bottom with Carex pellita. Opening within Quercus macrocarpa/Fraxinus pennsylvanica woodland., 42.91035 -100.45692
301751 Ronald Ray Weedon 7221 1976-06-20
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, ca. 1 mi w of Thedford; steep cutbank of the Middle Loup River near hay meadow; boggy area near river in open shade of willows. Sandy soil.
207873 Per Axel Rydberg 1298 1893-07-00
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, Near Plummer Ford, Dismal River, on river bottoms., 41.837654 -100.787334
289779 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 8621 1991-05-21
United States, Nebraska, Pawnee, T02N R11E, NW1/4 SW1/4 s26. Uncommon emergent in shallow water in roadside ditch S of corner of 5th & D Sts, Pawnee City.
274372 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1979 1986-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T11N R03E, W1/2 s34. Frequent at edge of water in wet ravine in sandy prairie 2 mi. S, 1 1/2 mi. E of Seward.
199814 William L. Tolstead s.n. 1939-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, near Merriman. Growing in disturbed area in upper edge of wet meadow., 42.919722 -101.700703
224452 Walter L. Kiener 23731 1948-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Lat. ca. 43 [degrees] No. Slough. Ainsworth, 1/2 mi. N. 2500 ft.
273512 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 1948 1986-06-07
United States, Nebraska, Garfield, T21N R15W, S1/2 s13. Edge of marshy channel near borrow pit lake between Burwell and jct Hwys 11 & 91.
200607 William L. Tolstead 41372 1941-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Frontier, near Curtis. Growing along small stream.
286748 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 6643 1990-07-03
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, T13N R07E, W1/2 NW1/4 NW1/4 s36. Occasional, clumps in low wet prairie W of Rock Cr, W part of grazed floodplain prairie pasture 3 mi. E of Ceresco.
192716 Herbert John Webber 5197 1889-07-10
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, Thedford.
258334 Steven P. Churchill 6036 1975-06-20
United States, Nebraska, Blaine, Just southeast of Dunning on Hwy 2, near Dismal River. sedge marsh, plant common; with C. hystericina, Eleocharis &c.
200608 William L. Tolstead s.n. 1939-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, near Merriman. Growing in disturbed area in upper edge of wet meadow., 42.919722 -101.700703
322909 Larry L. Einemann s.n. 1981-05-09
United States, Nebraska, Dodge, Dead Timber State Recreation Area, near Crowell. In wet area beside lake.
321975 Larry L. Einemann s.n. 1981-05-09
United States, Nebraska, Dodge, Dead Timber State Recreation Area, near Crowell. In a wet area on north side of lake.
307568 Robert Bruce Kaul 7413 1996-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fishery Canyon, off Minnechaduza Creek n-e of Valentine. Dense forest of bur oak (Q. macrocarpa), ponderosa pine (P. ponderosa). Common by the stream on sandy soil, with C. hystericina, Sagittaria latifolia, S. cuneata, 42.893617 -100.529855
192731 Goodwin D. Swezey 4747 9999-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Saline, Crete. Wet soil.
224451 Walter L. Kiener 23860 1948-06-22
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Lat. ca. 43 [degrees] No. Marshland soil. Valentine Lakes Refuge. 2800 ft., 42.499737 -100.566585
322714 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 20407 2012-06-11
United States, Nebraska, Valley, Ord, 0.4 mi S, 1.6 mi E. Central Great Plains: Augustyn WRP easement. T19N R14W SEC23 NE╝ SE╝ SW╝. 41.59892 N, 98.89719 W, WGS84 (det GPS). Elev 2000-2010 ft (det topo map). Margin of broad Carex - Sparganium wetland channel on E side of the North Loup River. Nearly level. Full sun. Soil loam from alluvium. Common in wetland sloughs., 41.59892 -98.89719
199852 William L. Tolstead s.n. 1939-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Garden, North of Oshkosh in Blue Creek valley. Growing in disturbed area along road in wet meadow.
192713 Theodore Lindsay Steiger s.n. 1927-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lincoln. Swamp.
200576 William L. Tolstead s.n. 1940-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, East Ash Canyon. Growing along creek.
292396 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 12356 1996-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, T28N R36W, E1/2 s11. Frequent in wet pear near drainage ditches in W end of Jumbo Valley fen, ca 27 mi. N, 4 mi. E of Whitman., 42.4198 -101.4796
249492 Steven P. Churchill 1700 1973-07-10
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, West end of Hackberry lake, near inlet. Valentine National Wildlife Refuge. in marsh., 42.560872 -100.677346
192740 Herbert John Webber s.n. 1889-07-10
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, Thedford. Wet soil.
192871 William Cleburne s.n. 1900-06-22
United States, Nebraska, Douglas, Along branch, northwest angle of Cut off [Cutoff] lake, Omaha
290899 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 10039 1992-05-28
United States, Nebraska, Colfax, T17N R3E, NE1/4 NE1/4 s33. Uncommon in low sandy soil in bed of the Platte River, Whitetail Wildlife Management Area, 1 mi. W, 3 mi. S of Schuyler; with Solidago, Salix.
DRURY1214 1889-05-15
United States, Missouri, Greene
DRURY1161 1878-06-17
United States, New York
CCUH0000717 High, F. 983 1982-05-22
United States, South Carolina, Horry, Myrtle Beach; in small creek at Little River Rd. and Pine Lakes Golf Course
ERSK0000387 Leonard, S.W. 1498 1968-05-23
United States, North Carolina, Chatham, 23-2 cut over swamp forest 4 mi. north of Merry Oaks, 35.707777 -79.015668
Kenneth M. Klemow s.n. 2007-06-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne, Nuangola Bog
Kenneth M. Klemow 88-208 1988-06-18
United States, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna, Orson Glade, wetland immediately east of landfill
United States, Pennsylvania
United States, Pennsylvania
United States, Pennsylvania
United States, Pennsylvania
United States, Pennsylvania
Kenneth M. Klemow 88-210 1988-06-18
United States, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna, Orson Glade, wetland immediately east of landfill
Kenneth M. Klemow 88-209 1988-06-18
United States, Pennsylvania, Susquehanna, Orson Glade, wetland immediately east of landfill
Kenneth M. Klemow 90-42 1990-06-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne, Bloomingdale
Kenneth M. Klemow 90-41 1990-06-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne, Bloomingdale
Clara R. Thiel 342 2024-06-01
United States, Maryland, Caroline, Adkins Arboretum, along Tuckahoe Creek, 38.9553527778 -75.942075
FSUH011524 Chris Lea 3186 2002-06-21
United States, Maryland, Allegany, C&O Canal, just E of Spring Gap, in bed of abandoned canal
FSUH002922 R. H. Simmons s.n. 1999-05-15
United States, Virginia, Fairfax, growing in a seep along Turkeycock Run stream valley in Lincolnia, Virginia
United States, Wisconsin
United States, Minnesota
United States, North Carolina
United States, Massachusetts
United States, North Carolina
FSUH002943 Chris Lea 1992 2000-06-10
United States, Maryland, Queen Anne's
FSUH002944 Chris Lea 2002 2000-06-10
United States, Maryland, Caroline
RSPP00247 Patricia Butter 326 2022-06-15
United States of America, New York, Westchester, Town of Sleepy Hollow. Rockefeller State Park Preserve, Wet sedge meadow on west side of Canter Alley Trail. 125 meters west of Sleepy Hollow Road, 41.095169 Lat, -73.850095 Long (WGS84 ±30m). elev. 42 m., 41.095169 -73.850095, 42m