Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Carex stipata (Carex stipata var. subsecuta), Carex stipata var. stipata, Carex stipata var. laevivaginata, Carex stipata var. maxima, Carex stipata var. oklahomensis, Carex stipata var. uberior, Carex stipata stipata
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 81, records 8001-8100 of 10234

University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
287029Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   63641990-06-11
United States, Nebraska, Cedar, T33N R01W, NE1/4 NW1/4 s36. Uncommon in iron seepage at base of steep N-facing Fraxinus-wooded slope below dam at Chalkrock Wildlife Management Area, 1 mi. N of Menominee.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
285673Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   60061990-05-19
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, T13N R07E, NW1/4 NW1/4 s36. Low prairie - Typha marsh border W of Rock Cr, 3 1/4 mi. E of Ceresco; clump-forming, with Eleocharis, Phalaris.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
307568Robert Bruce Kaul   74131996-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fishery Canyon, off Minnechaduza Creek n-e of Valentine. Dense forest of bur oak (Q. macrocarpa), ponderosa pine (P. ponderosa). Common by the stream on sandy soil, with C. hystericina, Sagittaria latifolia, S. cuneata, 42.893617 -100.529855

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
224454Walter L. Kiener   282731952-05-27
United States, Nebraska, Buffalo, Lat. ca. 41 [degrees] No. Low wooded ground. Ravenna State Lake. 1990 ft.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
273512Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   19481986-06-07
United States, Nebraska, Garfield, T21N R15W, S1/2 s13. Edge of marshy channel near borrow pit lake between Burwell and jct Hwys 11 & 91.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
253221Paul Russell Shildneck   c-62431974-05-15
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, marshy old channel of South Fork Nemaha River by mill at Salem

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
264487David M. Sutherland   52471980-05-29
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Near bridge at ox-bow west of oak savanna, in N1/2 of Sec 34, T32N, R23W. In wet meadow with Carex spp, Juncus, Scirpus, etc.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
286748Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   66431990-07-03
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, T13N R07E, W1/2 NW1/4 NW1/4 s36. Occasional, clumps in low wet prairie W of Rock Cr, W part of grazed floodplain prairie pasture 3 mi. E of Ceresco.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
290899Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   100391992-05-28
United States, Nebraska, Colfax, T17N R3E, NE1/4 NE1/4 s33. Uncommon in low sandy soil in bed of the Platte River, Whitetail Wildlife Management Area, 1 mi. W, 3 mi. S of Schuyler; with Solidago, Salix.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
192725William L. Tolstead   101938-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fort Niobrara Game Preserve, Valentine. growing in woods of bur oak, elm, and ash, 42.883501 -100.442198

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
199740William L. Tolstead   101938-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fort Niobrara Game Preserve, Valentine. Growing in woods of bur oak, elm, and ash, 42.883501 -100.442198

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
200606William L. Tolstead   101938-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Fort Niobrara Game Preserve, Valentine. Growing in woods of bur oak, elm, and ash, 42.883501 -100.442198

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
286972Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   64671990-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Wheeler, T21N R12W, N1/2 NW1/4 s22. Frequent in saturated soil in wet, sandy meadow along the W side of the Cedar River, S of bridge 1 mi. W of Ericson on Nebr. 70.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
317808Paul B. Marcum   56372009-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Cherry County: 42.86 Latitude, -100.23884 Longitude. 2235 Ft. Elev.; Quadrangle: Muleshoe Creek; Niobrara Valley, Nebraska. The Nature ConservancyÆs Niobrara Valley Preserve; Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83.; Freshwater marsh / Northern Sedge Wet Meadow community; just south of the Niobrara River. Dominated by Calamagrostis canadensis and Carex pellita in the fringe areas; Schoenoplectus acutus, Sparganium eurycarpum, and Leersia orzoides around the ponded area; and Ceratophyllum demersum in the ponded area. Additional associates include: Lemna minor, Phalaris arundinacea, Sagittaria latifolia, Glyceria grandis, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Mentha arvensis, Carex comosa, C. emoryi, Cicuta bulbifera, Lysimachia thrysiflora, Amorpha fruticosa, Elodea canadensis, and Potamogeton nodosus., 42.86 -100.23884

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
292396Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   123561996-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, T28N R36W, E1/2 s11. Frequent in wet pear near drainage ditches in W end of Jumbo Valley fen, ca 27 mi. N, 4 mi. E of Whitman., 42.4198 -101.4796

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
311634Robert F. Steinauer   24612006-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, N42 [degrees] 34.615' 100 [degrees] 41.624' (WGS84). T30N R29W SW1/4 NW1/4 SEc 14. South shore of Watts Lake. Scattered along edge of marsh vegetation associated with Watts Lake. With Calamagrostis canadensis, Solidago gigantea, Spargnium euycarpum, and Impatiens capensis., 42.5769167 -100.6937333

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
316347Robert F. Steinauer   37792010-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, N42.91035 W100.45692 (NAD83) T34N R27W NE4 NE4 Sec. 23 Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge Small wet depression in ravine bottom with Carex pellita. Opening within Quercus macrocarpa/Fraxinus pennsylvanica woodland., 42.91035 -100.45692

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
307400Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   162202001-05-29
United States, Nebraska, Burt, Tekamah, 0.5 mi S, 5 mi W. Summit Reservoir State Recreation Area: tributary of inlet stream near W end of SRA. T21N R10E Sec28 NW1/4 SW1/4 NW1/4. 41 [degrees] 45'56"N, 96 [degrees] 18'27"W (det topo map). Marshy streamside in Juglans nigra - Celtis occidentalis - Ulmus americana woods. Soil silt loam. Elevation 1160 ft., 41.7655556 -96.3075

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
274232Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   18831986-05-31
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T10N R04E, NW1/4 SW1/4 s14. Marshy, shaded pring-fed draw, NE bay of E lake, Twin Lakes W.M.A, 3 mi. N, 1 mi. W of Pleasant Dale

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
259120Steven P. Churchill   31601974-05-31
United States, Nebraska, Platte, 1/2 mile west of Monroe and 1/2 mile north. plant along roadside marsh ditch; with Carex hystricina & Eleocharis.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
297528Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   131231997-06-09
United States, Nebraska, Platte, T17N R02W, S1/2 SW1/4 s9. Locally common in sandy loam soil in wet draw in distubed lowland tall-grass prairie hay meadow S of the Loup River, 1 1/2 mi. S, 1 mi. E, and 1/4 mi. N from Monroe.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
199732William L. Tolstead   413711941-06-23
United States, Nebraska, Webster, 6 miles east of Red Cloud. Growing in swamp.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
200609William L. Tolstead   413711941-06-23
United States, Nebraska, Webster, 6 miles east of Red Cloud. Growing in swamp.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
265512David M. Sutherland   56521983-06-22
United States, Nebraska, Keith, In large clumps in marshy ground in Ackley Valley E1/2 S36 T16N R39W.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
192727Howard C. Reynolds   31651940-05-12
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, Swampy ground in pasture, 1 mi. N.W. of Stella (SE1/4 S 1, T 3 N, R 14 E.) Elev. 1078 ft.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
192728Howard C. Reynolds   32481940-05-24
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, Swampy ground in pasture, 1 mi. N.W. of Stella (SE1/4 S 1, T 3 N, R 14 E.) Elev. 1078 ft.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
296664Gerry A. Steinauer   641993-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Gage, T02N R07E Sec 24 E2 SE4. Collected in fen along a small creek. Soil is mucky peat.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
199852William L. Tolstead   s.n.1939-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Garden, North of Oshkosh in Blue Creek valley. Growing in disturbed area along road in wet meadow.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
301752Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   143241999-05-19
United States, Nebraska, Washington, T17N R13E, NE1/4 SW1/4 s34. Populus deltoides - Salix amygdaloides woodlands in floodplain of the Missouri River, Neale Woods, near southeast corner of county. Soil silty loam. Elevation 990 ft.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
317710Paul B. Marcum   55652009-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Cherry County: 42.81099 Latitude, -100.59129 Longitude. 2418 Ft. Elev.; Quadrangle: Valentine South; Niobrara Valley, Nebraska. Marty Vanderploeg property, approximately 3.5 miles south of Valentine, NE; Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83.; Marsh seep community just south of the Niobrara River. Associates include: Eleocharis erythropoda, Carex hystericina, C. stipata, C. nebraskensis, C. pellita, C. diandra, C. emoryi, Schoenoplectus pungens, Sparganium eurycarpum, Typha latifolia, Epiloboum leptophyllum, Cardamine bulbosa, Galium tinctorium, Impatiens capensis, Eupatorium perfoliatum, E. maculatum, Pedicularis lanceolata, Cicuta bulbifera, Glyceria striata, Amorpha fruticosa, Salix amygdaloides, and Ulmus americana., 42.81099 -100.59129

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
313409Robert F. Steinauer   s.n.1999-05-19
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, Wet meadows on W side of Big Nemaha River, Margrave Wildlife Management Area, 2.5 mi. W, 3 mi. S, 0.5 mi. E from Rulo.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
268857Steven P. Churchill   120711982-06-21
United States, Nebraska, Keya Paha, NE1/4, Sec.29, T33N, R23W. 8 km S of Norden, along lower East Middle Creek. Marsh vegetation along creek, plant occasional at edge of creek bank, in sandy-gravel soil.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
307052Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   163542001-06-19
United States, Nebraska, Dixon, Ponca, 2 mi N. Ponca State Park: Schram Tract (0.7 mi N of park office). T31N R06E Sec 34 SW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4. 42 [degrees] 36'44"N, 96 [degrees] 42'59"W (det topo map). Edge of cattail marsh near mouth of former side channel of Missouri River. Soil sandy. Elev 1105-1110 ft., 42.6122222 -96.7163889

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
224452Walter L. Kiener   237311948-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Lat. ca. 43 [degrees] No. Slough. Ainsworth, 1/2 mi. N. 2500 ft.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
200576William L. Tolstead   s.n.1940-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, East Ash Canyon. Growing along creek.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
274372Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   19791986-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Seward, T11N R03E, W1/2 s34. Frequent at edge of water in wet ravine in sandy prairie 2 mi. S, 1 1/2 mi. E of Seward.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
269302Ole A. Kolstad   50321980-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Hall, Mormon Island Preserve. 1/2 mi. S, 1 mi. W of I-80 Grand Island Interchange. Hay meadow.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
275909Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   35451987-06-25
United States, Nebraska, Custer, T17N R25W, E1/2 SE1/4 s28. Edge of water, Arnold Lake St. Rec. Area, 1/2 mi. S of Arnold. with C. hystericina, Agrostis stolonifera, Galium trifidum

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
303141Robert F. Steinauer   9262000-05-24
United States, Nebraska, McPherson, N41 [degrees] 25.631" 101 [degrees] 07.527". Birdwood Creek--TNC Conservation Easement. On margin of Birdwood Creek., 41.4271833 -101.12545

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
301750Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   144111999-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Jefferson, T03N R01E, NE1/4 NW1/4 s17. Seepage marsh in opening in Fraxinus pennslyvanica - Acer saccharinum woods W of tributary of Big Sandy Cr, and S of county road, Alexandria Wildlife Management Area 2.5 mi E, 1 mi S Alexandria. Soil mucky. Elevation 1390 ft.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
301930Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   143541999-05-25
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, T01N R17E, SW1/4 SE1/4 s26. Freshwater marsh on W side of Big Nemaha River at Margrave Wildlife Management Area, ca 1 mi. W, 3 mi. S of Rulo. Soil silty loam with clay. Elevation 860 ft.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
200611William L. Tolstead   413761941-06-13
United States, Nebraska, Hayes, Duke [Prince] Alexis Recreation Grounds. Growing along Red Willow Creek at spring.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
199733William L. Tolstead   413761941-06-13
United States, Nebraska, Hayes, Growing along Red Willow Creek at springs in Duke [Prince] Alexis Recreation Grounds.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
253359Paul Russell Shildneck   c-66411974-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, marshy pasture on Herr farm northwest of Humboldt; by north shoulder of road in southeast corner of S 17, R 13 E, T 1 N

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
313595Robert F. Steinauer   32992008-06-28
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, N42.63861o W103.21158o (NAD83). T31N R50W NW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 29. Little Creek. Common within narrow band of meadow vegetation adjacent to Little Creek. Associate sp.: Carex hystericina, C. nebrascensis, C. stipata, Agrostis gigantea., 42.63861 -103.21158

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
309532Robert F. Steinauer   21412004-06-03
United States, Nebraska, Chase, N40 [degrees] 34.197' 101 [degrees] 34.389' (WGS84, det. GPS). Wet meadow adjacent to Spring Creek. Associated spp: Schoenoplectus pungens, Carex nebrascensis, Asclepias incarnata., 40.56995 -101.57315

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
200607William L. Tolstead   413721941-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Frontier, near Curtis. Growing along small stream.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
318748Mary Ann Feist   42482009-06-19
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Brown County: 42.23584 Latitude, -100.09095 Longitude. 2700 Ft. Elev.; Quadrangle: ; Willow Lake Wildlife Management Area. Approximately 14 miles southwest of Raven, Nebraska. Map Datum: WGS84/NAD83.; Sedge meadow along side of lake with Carex nebrascensis, Carex hystericina, Carex bebbii, Eleocharis wolfii, Bolboschoenus fluviatilis, Calamagrostis canadensis, Glyceria striata, Agrosits hyemalis, Onoclea sensibilis, and Ophioglossum pusillum., 42.23584 -100.09095

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
318193Sandy Benson   415852009-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Brown, Brown County: 42.7681 Latitude, 99.96566 Longitude. 2020 Ft. Elev.; Quadrangle: Huddle Table; T32N, R23W, South edge SE14/ SW1/4 Sect. 1. Niobrara Valley Preserve. About 38 mile southeast of Valentine Nebraska, south side of the Niobrara River. East of Valentine along State Route 12 to Norden and then south to the Niobrara River and then a little east. Unnamed stream just west of Garden Creek.; Growing along small spring leading into northwest running ravine stream valley with Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Quercus macrocarpa, Ulmus americana, Bromus inermis, Carex emoryi, C. granularis, Poa pratensis, Urtica dioica, etc., 42.7681 -99.96566

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
258548Steven P. Churchill   34871974-06-10
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, Raabe Lake, Elkhorn River oxbow lake, between Winser and Beemer. along edge of lake, with Carex comosa & cristatella and Rorippa.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
199745William L. Tolstead   s.n.1940-05-24
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, northwest of Stella. Growing in swampy area.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
200029William L. Tolstead   s.n.1940-05-24
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, northwest of Stella. Growing in swampy area.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
200605William L. Tolstead   2661936-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, 35 miles south of Valentine at Dewey Lake., 42.54484 -100.633855

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
148576William L. Tolstead   2661936-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Dewey Lake 35 miles south of Valentine., 42.54484 -100.633855

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
199737William L. Tolstead   2661936-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Dewey Lake 35 miles south of Valentine., 42.54484 -100.633855

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
295587Robert F. Steinauer   3361998-07-02
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, T27N R31W SW1/4 NW1/4 Sec 15. (Allen Valley Fen). Peat mound on southern edge of Allen Valley Fen., 42.3139 -100.9197

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
307066Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier   163212001-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Stanton, Stanton, 1 mi S, 4.5 mi W. Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area: Timperley Tract: 0.1 mi NW of old farmhouse. T23N R01E Sec28 SE1/4 NW1/4 SE1/4. 41 [degrees] 56'08"N, 97 [degrees]19'01"W (det topo map). Sedge wet meadow along N side of old Elkhorn River oxbow. Soil shallow sedge peat over sandy loam. Elevation 1460 ft., 41.9355556 -97.3169444

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
295588Robert F. Steinauer   3211998-06-23
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, T21N R06E NW1/4 Sec 35. Wet meadow in Elkhorn River valley.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
322909Larry L. Einemann   s.n.1981-05-09
United States, Nebraska, Dodge, Dead Timber State Recreation Area, near Crowell. In wet area beside lake.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
321975Larry L. Einemann   s.n.1981-05-09
United States, Nebraska, Dodge, Dead Timber State Recreation Area, near Crowell. In a wet area on north side of lake.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
200604William L. Tolstead   413731941-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Logan, 1 1/2 mile west of Gandy. Growing at spring in tall grassland. Peaty soil.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
199735William L. Tolstead   413731941-06-15
United States, Nebraska, Logan, 1 1/2 mile west of Gandy. Growing at spring in tall grassland. Peaty soil.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
301751Ronald Ray Weedon   72211976-06-20
United States, Nebraska, Thomas, ca. 1 mi w of Thedford; steep cutbank of the Middle Loup River near hay meadow; boggy area near river in open shade of willows. Sandy soil.

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
321919Larry L. Einemann   s.n.1989-06-02
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, 1.5 mi N, 0.5 mi E. 1 1/2 miles N of Crowell (Dodge Co.) on 275 and 1/2 mile east. Wet prairie

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
240318Walter L. Kiener   296341954-06-12
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lat. ca. 41 [degrees] No. Ravine. Flader prairie. Lincoln, NW of. 1200 ft.

University of Nevada Herbarium

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
91054K. Stiles   00-082000-06-09
USA, Oregon, Wheeler, Ochoco National Forest, on road through Gird's Canyon, northeast side of road, just south of Block Canyon., 44.700573 -120.16476

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
91055N. Otting   13532007-05-23
USA, Oregon, Wheeler, Blue Mountains, Bear Creek, east of Painted Hills National Monument, 9.5 air miles northwest of Mitchell., 44.6526 -120.29745, 610 - 610m

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
91056K. Antell   17701999-06-24
USA, Oregon, Union, Milk Creek meadow on the OSU Hall Ranch, 45.127585 -117.705698

91057R.R. Halse   82232011-06-15
USA, Oregon, Wallowa, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area; along Dug Bar Road ca 11.5 miles north of Imnaha., 45.68615 -116.80143, 632m

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
91058R.R. Halse   40381990-06-21
USA, Oregon, Washington, in the Coast Range about 6.5 airline miles west of Cherry Grove on the southwest side of Barney Reservoir near the dam., 45.44059 -123.39146, 477 - 477m

Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
91059R.B. MacFarlane   47721985-06-20
USA, Michigan, Ontonagon, Greenland Township, Mass farm at Keranen Road., 46.738129 -89.048101

University of New Mexico Herbarium

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090158P.J. Knight   41501991-07-31
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, East Fork of the Jemez River in the Jemez Mountains.Near Battleship Rock., 35.828399 -106.644403, 2133m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090161P.J. Knight   41221991-07-31
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, East Fork of the Jemez River in the Jemez Mountains, betweenBattleship Rock and McCauley Hot Springs., 35.824527 -106.636197, 2194m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090160A.C. Cully   1589c1984-08-04
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Sangre de Cristo Mts, Gallinas Canyon, Ilfeld property., 35.679207 -105.353345, 2225m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090157N. Osborn   18521963-09-10
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Redondo Peak., 35.867515 -106.557157, 2834m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090159N. Osborn   16121963-07-16
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Redondo Peak., 35.866403 -106.56986, 3017m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090154R.C. Sivinski   39251997-07-21
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, in Holy Ghost Canyon ca. 3 miles N.W. of Terrero., 35.776295 -105.703326, 2550m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090156J. McGrath   961998-07-02
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, 250 m. ESE of the Corkin Lodge within 20 m. of the road to Brazos Box., 36.74147374 -106.4345489, 2438m

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090163R.L. Hartman   727832001-07-25
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles caldera National Presrve: 0.9 road miles southwest of fork at top of Redondo Creek Canyon., 35.89667 -106.57181, 2773 - 2804m

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090162R.L. Hartman   724332001-07-21
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Redondo Creek, 2.2-1.1 air miles southeast of west entrance., 35.85628 -106.59758, 2468m

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090176R.L. Hartman   781162003-07-19
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Jemez Mountains: Alamo Canyon, south side over a mile stretchto near lower end., 35.91168 -106.5992, 2636 - 2731m

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090175B.E. Nelson   614422004-07-09
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Valles Caldera National Preserve: Jemez Mountains: along East Fork Jemez River, ca 3/4 to 1 air mile east of NM Hwy 4, ca 8 air miles northeast of Jemez Springs; ca 15 air miles WSW of Los Alamos., 35.8289 -106.5768, 2423m

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090174B. Reif   89272003-08-19
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Mountains: Pecos Wilderness: Beaver Creek Trail 247, 4.5 air miles southwest of Rociada. At Trail 214 junction west 0.7 air mile on Trail 247., 35.8001 -105.4821, 2755 - 2779m

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090173B. Reif   21682002-07-12
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Jemez Mountains: Paso del Norte Road, 1 air mile southwest of Rabbit Mountain. From saddle east 0.5 mile on road to NM Highway 36 / 268 junction. Then west 0.2 mile into drainage and back to start., 35.8227 -106.47408, 2724 - 2804m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090148R.C. Sivinski   54592001-08-04
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, San Mateo Mountains, trail between San Mateo Peak and San Mateo Mountain, Nave Spring., 33.574333 -107.437333, 2667m

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090171W.C. Martin   40491960-05-14
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Between Glenwood and Whitewater Box Canyon.

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090170W.C. Martin   40691960-05-14
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Between Glenwood and White Water Box Canyon.

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090150W.C. Martin   40431960-05-14
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Mogollon Mountains; Fish Hatchery near Glenwood., 1524m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090168J. McGrath   5182003-08-14
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Willow Creek Campground., 2438m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090149H. Kirchner   92HK005-G81992-08-07
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Upper Pecos River near Willow Creek., 35.760074 -105.669821, 2383m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090167H. Kirchner   92HK013-G11992-08-19
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Upper Pecos River ~ 0.5 mi north of confluence with Jacks Creek - Transect P8., 35.8272 -105.64674, 2535m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090166D.L. Bleakly   55922007-05-30
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Edge of Lake Roberts at head; ca 18.6 air mi nne of Silver City., 33.029713 -108.15735, 1842m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090164Carter, Jack   14561994-06-14
United States, New Mexico, Catron, along the margins of Granny Canyon Creek; Gila National Forest, 2277m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090155Chauvin, Yvonne   11UR009-G62011-08-31
United States, New Mexico, Taos, On Rio Santa Barbara SE of Rodarte, NM Near end of FS Rd, closer to Southernmost of two FS campgrounds, 36.10948 -105.62747, 2614m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090165Chauvin, Yvonne   09UR012-G22009-09-04
United States, New Mexico, Taos, On Rio Santa Barbara SE of Rodarte, NM Near end of FS Rd, closer to Southernmost of two FS campgrounds, 36.10833 -105.62541, 2624m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090147Sivinski, R.   82402012-06-04
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, south side of Rito Colorado valley near confluence with Rio Sapello ca. 0.3 air miles SW of San Ignacio., 35.76706 -105.35007, 2220m

UNM:Vascular Plants
Carex stipata Muhl. ex Willd.
UNM0090146Sivinski, R.   82742012-06-05
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Rio Sapello, 0.75 air mile ESE of San Ignacio., 35.76933 -105.34002, 2200m

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0090172J. Larson   35192005-08-01
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Carson National Forest and Vicinity: Osha Canyon Forest Service Trail 20 S toward Penascoso Mountain, ca 5 air mi E of Penasco., 36.1644 -105.5988, 2393 - 3200m

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0131529Jacobs, Brian F.   50582003-08-15
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Frijoles Canyon, Upper, Upper Crossing (forks and vicinity) Upper Frijoles between Upper Xing and forks, 35.813964 -106.391201

UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0131530Jacobs, Brian F.   42081988-06-26
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Frijoles Canyon, Upper Crossing (and vicinity) Frijoles Canyon, vicinity of Upper, Upper Crossing., 35.813988 -106.385464

Page 81, records 8001-8100 of 10234

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