Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Smilax herbacea (Smilax peduncularis, Smilax herbacea var. peduncularis), Smilax herbacea var. lasioneura, Smilax herbacea var. pulverulenta, Smilax herbacea var. inodora, Smilax herbacea var. herbacea, Smilax herbacea subsp. lasioneuron
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 7, records 601-700 of 3106

Butler University, Friesner Herbarium

57631Charles M. Ek   1941-05-27
United States, Indiana, 3 miles east of Galveston

92746Marcus W. Lyon, Jr.   1922-07-23
United States, Indiana, Dunes near Tremont

81509Ray C. Friesner   1947-06-28
United States, Indiana, 0.3 miles north of Brazil

10499Ray C. Friesner   1932-09-24
United States, Indiana, Marion-Hamilton County line, and White River

93314Ray C. Friesner   1951-07-07
United States, Indiana, 2nd woods east of Road 9, first road south of Road 67 (south of Pendleton)

67941Ray C. Friesner   1943-06-19
United States, Indiana, 2.0 miles south of Cutler

51019Ray C. Friesner   1940-07-06
United States, Indiana, Along Monon railroad, 4.7 miles north of Reynolds

83955Ray C. Friesner   1948-05-16
United States, Indiana, North of Road 36 and across Wabash River valley from Montezuma

28826Ray C. Friesner   1935-05-11
United States, Indiana, Half-Moon Pond, 11 miles southwest of Mt. Vernon

53528Ray C. Friesner   1941-08-09
United States, Indiana, On east side of Road 9, 2.5 miles north of Road 14, or 3 miles south of Columbia City

99310Scott Mccoy   1935-07-24
United States, Indiana, On east side of Road 1, ca. 3.0 miles north of Modoc

Image Associated With the Occurence
6124Rexford F. Daubenmire   1930-06-23
United States, Indiana, On east side of Road 1, ca. 3.0 miles north of Modoc

18149Ray C. Friesner   1934-05-28
United States, Indiana, 4 miles north of Covington

73775Ray C. Friesner   1945-06-23
United States, Indiana, North of Road 36 and across Wabash River Valley from Montezuma

95900Ray C. Friesner   1952-07-12
United States, Indiana, 3 miles west of Hoovers

74492Ray C. Friesner   1945-06-23
United States, Indiana, On west bank of Wabash River, west of R.R. and south of Road 36, opposite Montezuma

38069Ray C. Friesner   1936-05-17
United States, Indiana, 2.2 miles south of Gaston

9620Ray C. Friesner   1932-09-09
United States, Indiana, 1/2 mile east Taswell

14641Scott Mccoy   1933-06-06
United States, Indiana

83956Ray C. Friesner   1948-05-16
United States, Indiana, North of Road 36 and across Wabash River valley from Montezuma

38703Ray C. Friesner   1937-10-16
United States, Indiana, Above Diamond Lake, 3.3 miles east of Road 33 and 1 mile south of Road 6

28825Ray C. Friesner   1935-05-11
United States, Indiana, Half-Moon Pond, 11 miles southwest of Mt. Vernon

93273Ray C. Friesner   1951-06-23
United States, Indiana, Just northwest of Ray's Crossing

67943Ray C. Friesner   1943-06-19
United States, Indiana, 2.0 miles south of Cutler

61086Charles M. Ek   1941-06-17
United States, Indiana, Southwest of Lafayette

95174Ray C. Friesner   1950-07-15
United States, Indiana, Along Road 262, 1.8 miles east of Milton

79840Ray C. Friesner   1947-06-14
United States, Indiana, Just south of 13th Street and west of Whitcomb St, Tolleston in southwest Gary

64493Charles M. Ek   1942-07-14
United States, Indiana, South of Sharpsville

37059Ray C. Friesner   1937-06-19
United States, Indiana, Along Road 27, 5.3 miles south of Garrett

28997Ray C. Friesner   1935-05-12
United States, Indiana, South side of Road 62, 1 mile east of Warrick-Spencer county line

Image Associated With the Occurence
BUT0011996Austin Shifflett   592016-05-09
United States, Virginia, Page, VA, Page County, GWNF, FR 274, Crimson Hollow Road, Scothorn Gap Trail., 38.691485 -78.580022

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Louis C. Wheeler   53591941-05-01
United States, Maryland, Montgomery, Minnehaha Creek: near Glenn Echo.

California Polytechnic State University, Robert F. Hoover Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
OBI179536T.G. Call   5731952-05-18
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Ninemile creek near its junction with Minnesota river at end of Humboldt Ave. In ravine about 100 feet N above flood plain, 9m

California State University, Long Beach Herbarium

9906P. C. Baker   14761962-04-21
United States, Georgia, Effingham County, North slope, along the Savannah River, West from G. 119.

13611Janet L. Kirchner   92-A1959-07-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Centre County, Barrens

13610Janet K. Kirchner   921959-07-31
United States, Pennsylvania, Centre County, Barrens

9897P. C. Baker   26571962-09-01
United States, New York, Niagara County, along Hopkin's Creek; on Coomer Road 0.3 mile south of Lake Road, Town of Newfane

Calvin College

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CALVIN005179Lloyd Messerli   2031959-05-24
United States, South Dakota, Lincoln, Section 16, Fairview Township

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CALVIN005180H. Bengelink   Unknown1939-07-05
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Nichols Arboretum, Ann Arbor

Campbell University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CAU00001479E. L. Richards   40311965-05-22
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, East city limits of Jonesboro, Ark., 35.842506 -90.632204

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CAU00001464E.L. Richards   40881965-06-04
United States, Arkansas, Clay, Along small streams., 36.487176 -90.165752

Canadian Museum of Nature

CAN 505198Brownell, V.R.   83-3241983-06-19
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Grey Co. (ON), Holland Township About 8 miles NW of Markdale in the Lily Oak Forest (ANSI) UTM 235193., 44.4167 -80.7167, 381m

CAN 530490Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Ley, Linda M. ; Smith, S.   33951981-06-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leeds and Grenville United Co., Prescott 3 miles SW of Augusta Township. Large open gravel pit beside C.P.R. tracks., 44.7 -75.55

CAN 417094Morton, Dr. John K. ; Venn, Joan M.   89211976-06-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leeds and Grenville United Co., Rockport

CAN 505034Brownell, V.R. ; Catling, Dr. Paul M.   83-1171983-06-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Clearville About 1 mile SE of Elgin - Kent County Shoreline candidate nature reserve Orford Township UTM 442018., 42.45 -81.7, 175m

CAN 520935Shchepanek, Michael J.   56761984-08-09
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Charlotte Co. (NB), Milltown 4 km SW of. Mohannas Stream where it crosses road to Upper Mills St. Stephen Township. Loc. No. 1, 45.1667 -67.3333

CAN 542888Shchepanek, Michael J.   84491989-07-11
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté de Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Dorion 5 km south of Paroisse de St.-Joseph-de-Soulanges., 45.3333 -74.0167

CAN 498590Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Ley, Linda M.   51001983-06-22
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Hastings Co. (ON), Hungerford Township East side of Lost Channel (Moira River) 3 miles south of Tweed., 44.4167 -77.3167

CAN 453067Gagnon, Daniel ; Byham, R.   Leamy 8-11979-07-20
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Région du Lac Leamy, Hull, Cté Hull. Forêts de la plaine de débordement des rivières Outaouais et Gatineau., 45.45 -75.7

CAN 436336Argus, Dr. George W. ; White, David J.   107631978-07-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thames River Along the south bank of the Thames River between the northeastern corner of the reserve and the bridge. Moravian Indian Reservation, 42.5833 -81.8833

CAN 530521Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Ireland, Robert R. ; Smith, S.   34271981-07-08
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leeds and Grenville United Co., Prescott 3 miles SW of Augusta Township. Large open gravel pit beside C.N.R. tracks., 44.7 -75.55, 90m

CAN 524487Shchepanek, Michael J.   72721986-08-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leeds and Grenville United Co., Cardinal 3 km NW of Edwardsburg Township., 44.8 -75.4167

CAN 526501Shchepanek, Michael J.   71051985-07-17
United States, Maine (State), Washington Co. (ME), St. Croix River Grand Falls dam site Baileyville Township Loc. # 22., 45.2667 -67.4833

CAN 543015Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Ley, Linda M.   85761989-08-31
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Prescott and Russell United Co. (ON), Casselman 4 km northwest of east side of South Nation River Cambridge Township., 45.3167 -75.1333

CAN 439360Forsythe, J.A.   1341978-06-14
Canada, New Brunswick (Prov.), Madawaska Co. (NB), Caron Brook Junction of Caron Brook and St. John River. Shoreline and adjacent field, 47.2833 -68.5833

CAN 530554Shchepanek, Michael J. ; Ireland, Robert R. ; Smith, S.   34601981-07-08
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Leeds and Grenville United Co., Prescott 3 miles SW of Augusta Township. Large open gravel pit beside C.N.R. tracks., 44.7 -75.55, 90m

CAN 441433Garton, Claude E.   188571979-07-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Whitefish River L. bank of Whitefish River just above junction with Cedar Creek. Lot 1, Conc. IV 5.5 km. SW. of Kakabeka Falls, 48.3667 -89.6333

CAN 451910Webber, J.M.   24951980-06-04
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Peel Reg. Mun., Mississauga Ca. 1 km W of junction of Hwy. 10 and Burnhamthorpe Road. Square One Plaza, 43.6 -79.65

CAN 319584Dickinson, W.S ; Cruise, James E.   2861968-06-04
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Haldimand-Norfolk Reg. Mun. DO NOT USE (Mun. Reg.), Marburg CA. 1 MI. E. OF MARBURG. LOT 20-21, CONC. IV, 42.8333 -80.15

CAN 504931Brownell, V.R. ; Catling, Dr. Paul M.   83-51983-06-12
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Elgin Co. (ON), Clearville 2.5 miles NE of Elgin - Kent County Shoreline candidate nature reserve Aldborough Township UTM 460037., 42.4833 -81.6667, 175m

CAN 470409Brunton, Daniel F. ; McIntosh, Karen L.   39721982-09-03
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Delta Beach Lake Manitoba 1.5 km W of Delta Channel along beach ridge near public beach

CAN 436337Argus, Dr. George W. ; White, David J.   107341978-07-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Haldimand-Norfolk Reg. Mun. DO NOT USE (Mun. Reg.), Walsingham Township Backus woods, 42.65 -80.4833

CAN 434662Garton, Claude E.   182631978-06-29
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Whitefish River L. bank of Whitefish River at Hymers adjacent to H. 595, 13 km. SW. of Kakabeka Falls, 48.3167 -89.7

CAN 542892Shchepanek, Michael J.   84531989-07-18
Canada, Québec (Prov.), Mun. Rég. de Cté d\'Argenteuil, Riviere du Nord East point of land at mouth of Riviere du Nord and the Ottawa River., 45.5167 -74.3333

CAN 549343Darbyshire, Stephen J.   40521990-06-08
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Upper Duck Island Ottawa River., 45.4667 -75.6333

CAN 455687Brunton, Daniel F.   24901980-08-06
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Shirley\'s Bay Point of land on W. side Shirley\'s Bay, 45.3667 -75.9

CAN 440333Reddoch, Joyce M.   1871979-08-26
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Gloucester Township Concession I Lot 20, Niven\'s Woods Ottawa Front, 45.45 -75.6167

CAN 452194Garton, Claude E.   194101980-06-04
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Pearson Township Rt. bank of Pine River just above falls Lot 10, Conc. I 26 km. S. of Kakabeka Falls, 48.1667 -89.6

CAN 441423Garton, Claude E.   187551979-06-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Kakabeka Falls L. bank of Kaministiquia River at Harstone Bridge 3.5 km. SW. of Kakabeka Falls, 48.3667 -89.5

CAN 436334Argus, Dr. George W. ; White, David J.   107371978-07-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Haldimand-Norfolk Reg. Mun. DO NOT USE (Mun. Reg.), Turkey Point 2 miles south of village, 40 -80.3333

CAN 470416Brunton, Daniel F.   39811982-09-09
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Gloucester E shore Green Creek 400 m SW of Eastern Parkway bridge Green Creek Conservation Area, 45.4667 -75.5667

CAN 430047Shchepanek, Michael J.   16501976-05-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Stormont Dundas & Glengarry United Co., Summerstown 2 miles north of Summerstown near Fraser Creek Charlottenburgh Township., 45.0833 -74.55

CAN 443374Darbyshire, Stephen J.   6501979-05-31
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Ottawa Ottawa River at Rockcliffe Air Base, 45.4667 -75.65

CAN 440972Garton, Claude E.   192191979-09-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Thunder Bay Distr. (ON), Hardwick Township Castle Creek ponds just off Arrow Lake Road 23 km. SW. of Nolalu, 48.2 -90.0833

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
CM010382Farnsworth, N.R.   WP-9441964-09-16
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Allegheny Grove of North Park, 40.597411 -79.998226

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CM029687Berkheimer, D.   10591939-07-05
United States, Pennsylvania, Bedford, 2.5 mi NNE of Pavia, 40.255332 -78.5824, 823m

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CM029688Jennings, O.E.   s.n.1944-08-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, along Rt 910, 3 mi SE of Bakerstown, 40.62015 -79.895924

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CM029689Buker, W.E.   s.n.1946-05-18
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Peters Creek, near Large, 40.29055 -79.91874

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CM029690Bright, J.   s.n.1914-06-03
United States, Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Harmarville, 40.53035 -79.84925

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CM029691Henry, L.K.   s.n.1954-06-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Washington, along Rt 231, 4 mi NW of Claysville, 40.164839 -80.447392

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CM029692Jennings, O.E.   571927-06-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Forest, Cook Forest, 41.350225 -79.206329

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CM029693Henry, L.K.   s.n.1962-06-07
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, 2 mi N of Ohiopyle along Jonathan Run, Stewart Twp., 39.900948 -79.492947

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CM029694Buker, W.E.   s.n.1965-06-19
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, Markleysburg Bog vicinity, 39.764672 -79.467639

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CM029695Jennings, O.E.   s.n.1915-05-15
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, vicinity of Ohiopyle, 39.871643 -79.492712

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CM029696Jennings, O.E.   s.n.1905-05-14
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, Ohiopyle, 39.870881 -79.494581

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CM029697Jennings, O.E.   s.n.1942-05-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, Indian Creek, near reservoir, S of Normalville, 39.975538 -79.4538

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CM029698Shafer, J.A.   s.n.1905-07-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, vicinity of Ohiopyle, 39.871643 -79.492712

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CM029699Henry, L.K.   s.n.1965-07-26
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, off Confluence Rd, 8 mi SE of Ohiopyle, foothills of Laurel Hill, 39.806062 -79.369189

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CM029700Henry, L.K.   s.n.1957-08-12
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, 3 mi N of Elliottsville, 39.813004 -79.626434

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CM029701Graham, E.H.   s.n.1934-05-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Fayette, near Quarry, above Youghiogheny River, near South Connellsville, 39.971623 -79.562093

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CM029702Buker, W.E.   s.n.1963-08-24
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, McBride, 40.798833 -79.929297

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CM029703Henry, L.K.   s.n.1927-06-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, 4 mi NE of Harmony, 40.84395 -80.0732

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CM029704Henry, L.K.   s.n.1950-06-14
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, Muddy Creek at Isle, 40.951892 -80.03937

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CM029705Henry, L.K.   s.n.1930-09-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, 5 mi N of Zelienople, 40.86275 -80.13081

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CM029706Henry, L.K.   s.n.1955-05-21
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, 1.3 mi N of Marwood, 40.797793 -79.773107

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CM029707Henry, L.K.   s.n.1955-06-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, along South Branch of Slippery Rock Creek, 2-3 mi SE of Bovard, 41.054841 -79.946659

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CM029708Henry, L.K.   s.n.1945-07-19
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, along Rt 19, 0.5 mi S of Criders Corners, 40.678654 -80.100358

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CM029709Jennings, O.E.   s.n.1944-09-17
United States, Pennsylvania, Butler, 3 mi SE of Slippery Rock, 41.033203 -80.015676

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CM029710Murray, J.A.   s.n.1928-06-07
United States, Pennsylvania, Crawford, Cambridge Springs region, 41.80164 -80.06158

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CM029711Patterson, B.H.   s.n.1887-08-28
United States, Pennsylvania, Crawford, Meadville, 41.64478 -80.149617

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