v0039197WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 13985 1959-08-07
United States, Wisconsin, Columbia, Pardeeville. between RR and (N of) Swan Lake; 4mi W of Pardeeville, 43.54818134 -89.37451796
v0039231WIS Bard, L. D. s.n. 1956-07-00
United States, Wisconsin, Green, 42.77748804 -89.57555241
v0038292WIS Goff, F. Glenn s.n. 1964-08-25
United States, Wisconsin, Menominee, Jack Pine Savanna Stand # 47, 44.93347287 -88.52146972
v0259719WIS Fewless, Gary 6755 1991-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Marinette, Stephenson. Town of Stephenson: in a clear-cut W of Parkway Rd, N of Bullhead Lake, 45.20544735 -88.19669717
v0039563WIS Almon, Lois s.n. 1926-09-13
United States, Wisconsin, Walworth, East Troy
v0038283WIS Iltis, Hugh H., Struik, Gwen; Rudolph, E., Long, R. 14537 1959-08-16
United States, Wisconsin, Marinette, About 1 mi. N of Beaver, 3.3 mi. S of Peshtigo River, 45.15196 -88.01788
v0038298WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Koeppen, Robert C. 8338 1956-09-13
United States, Wisconsin, Marquette, Ennis Lake, 43.69004404 -89.39023589
v0038301WIS Sörensen, Paul D. 4926 1962-09-08
United States, Wisconsin, Marquette, 43.95939839 -89.55248533
v0039595WIS Stroesenreuther, Neil s.n. 1959-10-01
United States, Wisconsin, Wood, 44.2856842 -89.95358623
v0262413WIS Black, Merel R. 2001-03 2011-08-14
United States, Wisconsin, Oneida, W side of Blue Lake Island road just before turnoff to Blue Lake Resort. Next to WI-DNR Bench Mark for Blue Lake at culvert under road. About 3mi. (by air) SW of Minocqua, 45.8333667 -89.7553, 500m
v0335699WIS Lange, Kenneth I. s.n. 1967-08-30
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, E bluff, Devil's Lake State Park, 43.420661 -89.712666
v0389894WIS Paul S. Hlina; Mark Wetter, Jean Mengelkoch, David Eagan PSH-43 2018-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Reed Lake Meadow State Natural Area; Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area, 45.9052 -92.55425, 297m
v0337370WIS Mary Ann Feist, Brenda Molano-Flores, Kevin F. Doyle, David Eagan, Stephanie Lyon 7465 2018-08-11
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, S of Crex Ridge Rd. and W of W Refuge Rd. at base of hill near SNA border. Crex Sand Prairie State Natural Area. Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area., 45.87778 -92.637805, 315m
v0375266WIS Wetter, Mark Allen; Anderson, Derek, Mengelkoch, Jean, Cameron, Ken, Fuller, Frankie 1539 2018-08-11
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Fish Lake State Wildlife Area. Along Stolte Road about 1800 m S of Fish Lake Road, 45.72792 -92.7463
v0363486WIS Paul S. Hlina 4626 2018-08-25
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Shores of Phantom Lake off of the Phantom Lake Trail, Crex Meadows Wildlife Area, 45.87401 -92.55669, 301m
v0363205WIS Marcum, Paul B.; Doyle, Kevin F., Anderson, Derek, Fuller, Frankie 7444 2018-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Fish Lake Wildlife Area. 384 m W of Hickerson Rd, 440 m N of intersection with Grettum Dike Rd., 45.70873 -92.70809, 281m
v0325231WIS Phillippe, Loy Richard; Feist, Mary Ann, Molano-Flores, Brenda, Hilina, Paul 43889 2015-09-04
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest, E side of the Brule Rive and one mi W side of Wisconsin Route 27 at the junction of Ravine Rd. and Motts Rd. (Motts Ravine South)., 46.43188 -91.61447, 366m
v0330071WIS Marcum, Paul B.; Feist, Mary Ann, Phillippe, Loy Richard, Hlina, Paul, Molano-Flores, Brenda, Mengelkoch, Jean, Judziewicz, Emmet J., Schwarting, Reed 6777 2015-08-31
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Along North Country National Scenic Trail, 0.46 mi. northeast of E. Jersett Road., 46.38848 -91.72573, 344m
v0414629WIS John G. Zaborsky 2937 2020-08-30
United States, Wisconsin, Marquette, Germania Marsh State Wildlife Area, along Co N, just south of Duck Creek Rd., 43.904519 -89.250805
v0403361WIS Kevin Doyle 1351 2019-09-24
United States, Wisconsin, Juneau, Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, 44.04287494 -90.14654627
v0390100WIS Derek S. Anderson 2911 2019-08-23
United States, Wisconsin, Polk, Sterling Sand Barrens State Natural Area. About 8 km west of Wolf Creek. Located on the south side of 250th Ave., 45.567006 -92.831111
v0326596WIS Yager, Thomas 13 1968-10-06
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, Belmont. 2mi NW of Belmont post office on Hwy 151., 42.74226 -90.34417
v0326597WIS Wagner, Russel O. s.n. 1954-09-16
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, Ipswich [S of Ipswich siding, 5 mi. SE of Platteville. 2.8 mi. S of Hwy 81, 2 mi. E on University Farm Rd, 1.7 mi. S on Ipswich Rd.]
v0326599WIS Austin, Robert s.n. 1960-09-27
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, Ipswich; Platteville [Grant Co.], 42.73314 -90.39414
v0326600WIS Wagner, Russel O. s.n. 1959-10-01
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, [S of Ipswich siding, 5 mi. SE of Platteville. [2.8 mi. S of Hwy 81, 2 mi. E on University Farm Rd, 1.7 mi. S on Ipswich Rd.]
v0326598WIS Wagner, Russel O. s.n. 1954-09-16
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, Ipswich. S of Ipswich siding, 5mi. SE of Platteville. 2.8mi S of Hwy 81, 2mi E on University Farm Rd, 1.7mi S on Ipswich Rd.]
v0293764WIS Semple, J. C.; Chmielewski, J. 9082 1988-08-26
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, By WI-27, 2.1 km N of County Rd-A, WNW of Barnes.
v0264616WIS Alverson, William S.; Sonnier, G., Schappe, T., Goodrich, H. DOB0662 2011-08-31
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Prairie Ridge Park, S and E of intersection of Marty Road with Raymond Road, 43.0265583 -89.5117056
v0264652WIS Sonnier, G.; Alverson, William S., Goodrich, H., Chengke, Bai DOB0698 2011-09-06
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Pleasant Valley Conservancy, 43.1069917 -89.8037778
v0325566WIS Nee, M. 62656 2015-09-26
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, 4.2 km WSW of Blue River, between railroad and Hwy. 130., 43.1766667 -90.6155556
v0330602WIS Miller, Jesse 6225 2012-06-26
United States, Missouri, Shannon, 4.4 mi. WNW of Alley Spring, 37.18634 -91.3634, 272m
v0331259WIS Moore, James P. 1234 1988-10-01
United States, Wisconsin, Brown, Scott Twp.
v0330984WIS Whitehouse, Joel 836 1997-09-21
United States, Wisconsin, Shawano, Waukechon Twp., 44.7295 -88.5608333
v0400072WIS Nee, M. 64657 2018-09-24
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Adiantum Woods State Natural Area, 43.0602778 -90.9002778, 345m
v0406004WIS Theodore S. Cochrane; James P. Riser, Kenneth J. Sytsma, Anna I. Rzchowski, Deborah J. Konkel 16289 2021-08-14
United States, Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Canoe Landing Prairie State Natural Area (#526), on Canoe Landing Forest Rd, between (0.5 mi. airline S of) Channey Rd. & (0.3 mi. N of) the Eau Claire River, 7.7 mi. (airline) NE of the City of Angusta., 44.733087 -90.9920218, 298m
v0416937WIS Nee, M.H. 66575 2020-09-19
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, 5.5 km ESE of Lancaster, N side of Lincoln Road, Eldred Prairie Preserve, 42.836667 -90.641389, 290m
v0416950WIS Nee, M.H. 66645 2020-09-27
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, 2.3 km (straight line) WSW of Blue River, Blue River Bluffs State Natural Area, Chezik Unit, along Chezik Road, 43.176389 -90.595278, 233m
v0416954WIS Nee, M.H. 66690 2020-09-29
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, E side of Boscobel, Boscobel Bluffs Reserve, 43.131389 -90.6875, 235m
v0418681WIS Paul S. Hlina 6573 2021-09-08
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Moquah Barrens - Forest Road 241, south side - north of Bladder Lake, 46.6239 -91.30003
v0418699WIS Paul S. Hlina; Richard W. Haug 6520 2021-08-30
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Amsterdam Sloughs Wildlife Area, Intersection of Bruss Road and County Hwy D near Black Brook Flowage, 45.83795 -92.4574
v0424400WIS Derek S. Anderson; Paul S. Hlina, Greg Seitz 3712 2021-08-23
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area, Northern Unit. About 9.1 km southeast of Dairyland. About 120 km southwest of the intersection of Cty. Rd. N and Gomulak Fire Lane., 46.157227 -92.072188
v0406946WIS Paul S. Hlina 5188 2019-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Barnes barrens at the intersection of Halfway and Moore Road., 46.43876 -91.51137, 388m
v0419509WIS Paul S. Hlina 4565 2018-08-21
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Douglas County Widlife Area, 650m south on Center Bird Sanctuary Road from intersection with Bird Road, 46.295336 -91.843789, 331m
v0419547WIS Derek S. Anderson 3370 2020-09-06
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Fish Lake Wildlife Area. About 11.5 km southwest of Grantsburg. About 700 meters north of Cty. Rd. O on Southwest Dike Trail., 45.692909 -92.764436
v0417524WIS Nee, M.H. 67743 2021-10-04
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, 4 km. NW of center of Spring Green, Spring Green Preserve State Natural Area, western unit N of Pearl Road, 43.209167 -90.091944, 240m
v0417994WIS Swagel, Kevin A. 1425 2019-09-25
United States, Wisconsin, Marquette, Springfield Township. Along Dokota Lane, 43.970705 -89.554248, 305m
v0422908WIS Paul S. Hlina 4723 2018-09-12
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Intersection of Dueholm and Stoltz Road, Fish Lake Widlife Area, 45.69141 -92.74416, 283m
v0422909WIS Paul S. Hlina 4723 2018-09-12
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Intersection of Dueholm and Stoltz Road, Fish Lake Widlife Area, 45.69141 -92.74416, 283m
v0422887WIS Paul S. Hlina 4492 2018-07-26
United States, Wisconsin, Washburn, Five Mile Barrens State Natural Area, 1.6 km west of the intersection of the Old log cabin road and Big Sand Lake Road on the northside of the latter road., 46.141046 -91.971531, 325m
v0422843WIS Paul S. Hlina 4186 2017-08-24
United States, Wisconsin, Washburn, Five Mile Barrens SNA, corner of Old Cabin road and Little Sand Bay Road (PJ 1), southwest corner, 46.155512 -91.9689, 331m
v0423348WIS Paul S. Hlina 4186 2017-08-24
United States, Wisconsin, Washburn, Five Mile Barrens SNA, corner of Old Cabin road and Little Sand Bay Road (PJ 1), southwest corner, 46.155512 -91.9689, 331m
v0423347WIS Paul S. Hlina 4186 2017-08-24
United States, Wisconsin, Washburn, Five Mile Barrens SNA, corner of Old Cabin road and Little Sand Bay Road (PJ 1), southwest corner, 46.155512 -91.9689, 331m
v0423346WIS Paul S. Hlina 4186 2017-08-24
United States, Wisconsin, Washburn, Five Mile Barrens SNA, corner of Old Cabin road and Little Sand Bay Road (PJ 1), southwest corner, 46.155512 -91.9689, 331m
v0420079WIS Landis, Frank 2000-55 2000-06-13
United States, Wisconsin, Monroe, Upper Tarr Creek sand savanna, 44.013972 -90.650889
v0421236WIS Brandon D. Corder; Mark Wetter, Stephanie Lyon, Derek S. Anderson, Randy Eide, Charles Schauberger 513 2021-08-14
United States, Wisconsin, Jackson, Bauer-Brockway Barrens State Natural Area, along the trail that runs S from the parking lot on W Bauer Rd., 44.296783 -90.750899
v0421352WIS Paul B. Marcum; Jean Mengelkoch, Mark Wetter, Paul Hina, Trista Cook 7804 2021-08-13
United States, Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Just to the SW of South Fork Barrens State Natural Area, Eau Claire County. Along z-track through barrens., 44.72923 -90.96215
v0424938WIS R., H.T. s.n. 1957-07-30
United States, Wisconsin, Price, Town of Worcester - Ben Chase Farm, approx. 3 mi. SW of Phillips.
v0432416WIS Derek S. Anderson 4412 2022-09-04
United States, Wisconsin, Polk, Governor Knowles State Forest. Sterling Barrens State Natural Area. About 5.8 km west-northwest of Wolf Creek. About 1.5 km southwest of the intersection of 250th Ave. and 300th St., 45.56948 -92.79448
v0432429WIS Derek S. Anderson 4433 2022-09-12
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Fish Lake Wildlife Area. About 8 km southwest of Grantsburg. About 400 m west of the southern parking lot to Fish Lake Pines SNA located off Hickerson Road., 45.708155 -92.70936
v0429975WIS Edward G. Voss 11827 1964-09-12
United States, Michigan, Newaygo, Near center N edge sec. 32, T13N, R12W, ca. 5 mi. S of White Cloud., 43.47434 -85.77244
UWSP130847 Kirschbaum, Chad D. 346 2000-08-30
United States, Wisconsin, Juneau, Neceedah National Wildlife Refuge, 44.06079631 -90.18223567
UWSP131477 Bogdansky, Alvin L. s.n. 2000-09-30
United States, Wisconsin, Wood, Just W of Nekoosa., 44.31456583 -89.91443029
UWSP132149 Bogdansky, Alvin L. s.n. 1986-09-01
United States, Wisconsin, Wood, N/A, 44.27111412 -89.95353583
UWSP135070 Hawley, Michael s.n. 2002-10-09
United States, Wisconsin, Adams, 18th Ave., 43.82573213 -89.90780892
UWSP135121 Robb, Sheri s.n. 2002-09-23
United States, Wisconsin, Waukesha, Bike trail off HWY 164., 43.13734242 -88.20921643
UWSP135134 Hanson, Bryan s.n. 2002-09-13
United States, Wisconsin, Vernon, Sidie Hollow Co. Park, 43.5438889 -90.9580556
UWSP140879 Hytry, Ryan s.n. 2005-09-24
United States, Wisconsin, Shawano, Shawano Lake. Between WI Hwy 22 and Shawano Lake, 44.8002778 -88.4836111
UWSP140919 Stroede, Robert s.n. 2005-09-17
United States, Wisconsin, Price, 7 mi SW of Fifield, 45.82766077 -90.55956383
UWSP140942 Thompson, Kyle s.n. 2005-09-23
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, 100 yds N of Sump Lake Rd. and CTH D intersection, 45.47242457 -89.6177953
UWSP142377 Stoecklein, Jerry s.n. 2006-09-23
United States, Wisconsin, Langlade, RS Lyle Scout Reservation on Clear Lake Rd, 15 mi E of Elcho on CTH K. Around Lake Aninnan, 45.41506221 -89.0591268
UWSP157579 Garske, Steven C. 808 2010-09-10
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Upper beach of Black Fox Lake. (WGS84)., 46 -91
UWSP163498 Anderson, Derek S. 1929 2011-09-19
United States, Wisconsin, Polk, Interstate State Park, Centennial Bedrock Glade SNA, south of the city of St. Croix Falls. Located off of County Road S., 45.3791667 -92.6602778
UWSP128595 Harrold, Melinda s.n. 1998-09-05
United States, Wisconsin, Langlade, Sawyer Lake Road, near Tiny's Bar, Townstead[Townsend, Oconto Co.?], 45.2421 -88.75859
UWSP-V-0182571 Samantha Brown s.n. 2014-09-13
United States, Wisconsin, Menominee
UWSP-V-0184632 Taylor DeNure N/A 2018-10-05
United States, Wisconsin, Adams
UWSP-V-0189076 Alvin Bogdansky N/A 2017-08-22
United States, Wisconsin, Adams
UWSP-V-0189072 Alvin Bogdansky N/A 2017-08-28
United States, Wisconsin, Jackson
UWSP-V-0187132 John G. Zaborsky 1735 2018-10-05
United States, Wisconsin, Jackson
UWSP-V-0186628 Hannah Milakovich N/A 2020-09-12
United States, Wisconsin, Portage
VSC0064040 Richard Carter 2013-10-15
U.S.A., Georgia, Decatur, 0.17 mi N jct. Faceville Rd. (Hwy. GA 97) and Davis Ln, along NW side of Davis Ln., 30.73584 -84.75677
VSC0011497 Mary Norsworthy 1977-11-24
United States, Texas, Lampasas County
VSC0011870 R. Dale Thomas 1990-10-02
United States, Louisiana, Caldwell Parish
VSC0064039 Richard Carter 2013-10-15
U.S.A., Georgia, Decatur, 0.17 mi N jct. Faceville Rd. (Hwy. GA 97) and Davis Ln, along NW side of Davis Ln., 30.73584 -84.75677
VSC0073846 Richard Carter 1993-07-09
U.S.A., Georgia, Lowndes, Grassy Pond Military Recreational Area, along N boundary of reservation and Grassy Pond Rd, near jct. Loch Laurel Rd and Grassy Pond Rd, ca. 12 airmi SSE of Valdosta, ca. 4 airmi SW of Lake Park, 30.659328 -83.242102
VSC0078879 Richard Carter 2016-11-18
U.S.A., Georgia, Thomas, Arcadia Plantation, Wade Tract, 0.45 mi (322.66°) NW of Metcalf Rd service gate, 30.76035 -83.99929
VSC0079449 Richard Carter 2019-10-22
U.S.A., Georgia, Thomas, Arcadia Plantation, Wade Tract, 0.55 airmi NW (327.07°) of Metcalf Rd south gate, 30.76184 -83.99968
United States, Illinois, Kankakee
United States, Kansas, Cherokee
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery
United States, Indiana, Porter
United States, Illinois, Cass
United States, Indiana, Jasper
United States, Ohio, Lucas
United States, Kansas, Linn
United States, Wisconsin, Juneau
United States, Kansas, Douglas
BRIT273643 John Taylor 20897 1975-10-08
United States, Oklahoma, Coal, Collected from along the East side of Clear Boggy River about 7.5 miles Southwest of Coalgate, OK along state highway #31.
United States, Illinois, Mason
United States, Kansas, Osage
United States, Missouri, Saint Clair