Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Triosteum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 54, records 5301-5396 of 5396

Western Illinois University, ​R. M. Myers Herbarium

Triosteum aurantiacum E.P. Bicknell
MWI00043583Hartman, Ronald L.   2631967-05-12
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station, near Prairie Glen

Triosteum aurantiacum E.P. Bicknell
MWI00043584Henry, Ron D.   33441968-08-17
USA, Illinois, Hancock, Southwest of Denver

Triosteum aurantiacum E.P. Bicknell
MWI00043585Henry, Ron D.   14081966-05-08
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station, Cedar Glen

Triosteum aurantiacum E.P. Bicknell
MWI00043587Hartman, Ronald L.   2941967-06-17
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station, Cedar Glen

MWI00053800Rebman, Jon   74052001-06-08
USA, Illinois, Schuyler, East of Rushville, Crane Creek Area, north of east Lafayette Road, 40.11667 -89.46667, 185m

MWI00055640Pickford, Katie   2006-06-29
USA, Illinois, Rock Island, Niabi Zoo, 43.22778 -89.13056

MWI00017852Henry, Ron D.   5181975-09-06
USA, Illinois, Greene, West of White Hall

MWI00019603Shildneck, Paul   C93511978-06-23
USA, Illinois, Fayette, East of Wright's Corner, Moccasin Creek west of route 118

MWI00021485Henry, Ron D.   38781983-05-28
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, 5 miles northeast, Ferster Woods

MWI00021486Henry, Ron D.   38771983-06-13
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, 5 miles northeast, Ferster Woods

MWI00021487Henry, Ron D.   38761983-07-12
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, 5 miles northeast, Ferster Woods

MWI00024032Wirmum, Claire Kinyuy   1221985-05-23
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, Spring Lake County Park

MWI00027251Myers, R.Maurice   1946-05-05
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, Western Illinois University, west of campus

MWI00027252Myers, R.Maurice   47131974-07-23
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Colchester, Argyle Lake State Park, east side

MWI00027253Myers, R.Maurice   5931948-08-03
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, Spring Lake County Park, north end

MWI00027254Myers, R.Maurice   5921948-08-02
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, Spring Lake County Park

MWI00027255Fuller, George D.   118461946-07-06
USA, Illinois, Cass, New Bluff Springs

MWI00027257Scott, Alice R.   471973-07-18
USA, Illinois, Greene, White Hall, 2 miles north

MWI00027258Neal, Elden E.   9861968-06-07
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Lake Vermont County Park

MWI00027261Neal, Elden E.   1761967-06-28
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Lake Vermont County Park

MWI00027262Clausen, Alvin Tobias   2831966-06-17
USA, Illinois, Peoria, Peoria, Forest Park

MWI00027263Finley, David E.   C101963-05-18
USA, Illinois, McDonough, West of Industry, Grindstone Creek

MWI00030029Henry, Ron D.   33251968-06-02
USA, Illinois, Adams, Burton Cave, 39.886018 -91.24889

MWI00041550Callihan, Danny Paul   3241993-06-09
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, Horn Field, 0.5 miles south of city

MWI00042985Henry, Ron D.   26221982-09-13
USA, Illinois, Hancock, South of Nauvoo, Wait Woods

MWI00043590Henry, Ron D.   5451965-07-23
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station, south of Frank house

MWI00043591Henry, Ron D.   17511967-07-10
USA, Illinois, Hancock, South of Webster

MWI00043592Kibbe, Alice L.   1923-06-17
USA, Illinois, Hancock, Hamilton to Nauvoo, Mississippi River

MWI00043595Kibbe, Alice L.   1927-07-23
USA, Illinois, Hancock, South of Warsaw, near Mallard

MWI00043612Kibbe, Alice L.   1927-07-09
USA, Illinois, Hancock, Southwest of Basco, Bear Creek bottom

MWI00043621Kibbe, Alice L.   1927-07-09
USA, Illinois, Hancock, South of Basco, above Bear creek

MWI00043636Henry, Ron D.   2091965-05-27
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station, west of Frank house

MWI00043952Apicella, A.   541978-05-31
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station

MWI00043953Apicella, A.   1161978-07-24
USA, Illinois, Hancock, North of Warsaw, Kibbe Field Station

MWI00044959Koester, A.   1471977-10-11
USA, Illinois, McDonough, Macomb, Horn Field, 0.5 miles south of city

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) Palmer & Steyerm.
MWI00019812Shildneck, Paul   C88021978-05-09
USA, Illinois, Vermilion

William & Mary Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
65813Fleming, Gary P   108101995-07-14
United States, Virginia, Cumberland, Cumberland State Forest. 0.1 mi. est of Willis River Road bridge over the Willis River, 3.1 miles SSW of Trents Mill., 82m

Image Associated With the Occurence
66493Rawinski, Thomas J   100891989-09-21
United States, Virginia, Augusta, South of Grottoes. Cave Hill., 38.255783 -78.835782

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61954Fleming, Gary P   79081993-05-12
United States, Virginia, Dinwiddie, Fort Pickett Military Reservation. 0.25 mi ENE of jct Shacks Hole and Cherry Tree Rds, 3.1 miles WSW of Darvills, 103m

Image Associated With the Occurence
73747Ramsey, Gwynn W; Hooks, Bill ; Bishop, Alfred   161771969-08-28
United States, Virginia, Campbell, Growing along Blackwater Creek between Alleghany Ave and the Farm Basket on Langhorne Rd City of Lynchburg, 180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
932Leonard, S W   15311968-05-29
United States, North Carolina, Durham, 2 mi N of Weaver

Image Associated With the Occurence
28218Wieboldt, Thomas F   28511977-06-11
United States, Virginia, Campbell, S slope of a small knoll, 2.25 mi ENE of Castle Craig, 37.194444 -79.160402, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
41076Thomas, R Dale   592631978-07-02
United States, Louisiana, Richland, North of I-20 at Rest Area 3 miles west of Delhi. Sec. 21, T17N, R9E.

Image Associated With the Occurence
48766Fleming, Gary P   17531985-06-06
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Western slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, 4.2 miles S. of Marshall; ( Wildcat Mtn. Natural Area)., 38.806025 -77.852167, 311m

Image Associated With the Occurence
52881Fleming, Gary P   21441986-05-04
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Western slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, 3.7 mi S of Marshall; elev. 900 ft. (Wildcat Mountain Natural Area), 38.811882 -77.854001, 274m

Image Associated With the Occurence
53012Fleming, Gary P   19231985-07-14
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Western slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, 4.2 miles S. of Marshall. (Wildcat Mountain Natural Area); elev. 1000 ft, 38.806025 -77.852167, 305m

Image Associated With the Occurence
55192Fleming, Gary P   42681989-07-23
United States, Virginia, Culpeper, E. of Rt. 617, 0.5 mi. N. of Rt. 647 and 6.3 mi. SSE of Culpeper; elev. 275 ft, 84m

Image Associated With the Occurence
56385Fleming, Gary P   47471990-05-20
United States, Virginia, Rappahannock, Along Appalachian Trail 0.2 mi. south of Gravel Springs Gap, Shenandoah National Park; 3.1 miles south of Browntown; elev. 2640 ft., 805m

Image Associated With the Occurence
57797Ludwig, J Christopher   16731992-04-25
United States, Virginia, Hanover, 2.5 km WNW of Vontay, 0.8 km N of St. Rte. 611, 0.7 km S of South Anna River, and 0.7 km E of Hanover/Loiusa Co. line. Elev. 270ft, 37.763102 -77.776692, 82m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Triosteum aurantiacum E. P. Bicknell
2184Leonard, S. W.   25051969-06-17
United States, North Carolina, Jackson, Northeast of Caney Fork School, near the end of Co. Rt. 1737.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Triosteum aurantiacum E. P. Bicknell
25828Wieboldt, Thomas F   24151976-05-09
United States, Virginia, Grayson, NW-facing bluff along the New River. 2.5 mi W along Hwy 58 of the Galax Corp limits, 36.64676 -80.975574, 683m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Triosteum aurantiacum E. P. Bicknell
31576Wieboldt, Thomas F   25761976-08-08
United States, Virginia, Giles, base of SW-facing slope along New River at Eggleston, VA, 37.282379 -80.612172, 506m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Triosteum aurantiacum E. P. Bicknell
48014Wieboldt, Thomas F   55471985-05-21
United States, West Virginia, Summers, S-facing slope above the New River. Above Hwy 20 just beyond Brooks Island and about 4 miles N of Hinton, W. VA., 37.739199 -80.907837

Image Associated With the Occurence
2787Barans, Allene C   3581968-06-29
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary, 37.270762 -76.728565

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70229Menzel, R W   2401939-08-01
United States, Virginia, James City, about 1 mile west of Five Forks

Image Associated With the Occurence
60491Crouch, Virginia E   6681989-10-23
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, Lake Matoaka just NW of jct. Mill Neck Rd. & Jamestown Rd

Image Associated With the Occurence
6454Leonard, Steve W   31881970-05-25
United States, North Carolina, Chatham, along US 64, 4.4 miles east of Siler City.

Image Associated With the Occurence
64609Baldwin, Patrick   21211997-05-24
United States, Virginia, Newport News City, adjacent to railroad tracks next to Deer Park on property of Mariners Museum, 37.067069 -76.479154

Image Associated With the Occurence
71043Baldwin Jr, J T   50631945-04-07
United States, Virginia, Shenandoah, In shallow soil over limestone

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66305Fleming, Gary P; Ludwig, Chris   117021996-06-05
United States, Virginia, Alleghany, upper W slope of Warm Springs Mountain, ca. 0.15 mi. N of jct. Rts. 606 and 703, 1.9 mi. SSW of Valley View, 37.878236 -79.914101, 1006m

Image Associated With the Occurence
70169Baldwin Jr, J T   2501939-05-19
United States, Virginia, James City, field about 1.5 miles SW of Williamsburg

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55635Phillips, Roberta; Phillips, Wesley   911968-05-29
United States, Virginia, York, Colonial National Historical Park - Yorktown Tour Road near Coast Guard gate, 37.216112 -76.492138

Image Associated With the Occurence
8454Wieboldt, Thomas F   4571971-06-20
United States, Virginia, Greene, Along access road to Pinefield Shelter along Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park, 38.290685 -78.645852

Image Associated With the Occurence
11288Wieboldt, Thomas F   10511972-06-25
United States, Virginia, Greene, along the Hightop Mt Fire Rd about 0.5 mi E of Smith-Roach Gap, Shenandoah National Park, 38.336409 -78.55138, 853m

Image Associated With the Occurence
16132Windler, D   40291972-07-23
United States, Maryland, Baltimore, Loch Raven across from small dam

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16748Thomas, R Dale   205101970-08-04
United States, Arkansas, Izard, N of railroad and White River; 0.25 mi E of Wilson Creek

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20230Mikula, Bernard   59561950-07-04
United States, Virginia, James City, riverbank, 4 mi S of Williamsburg, 37.217347 -76.70883

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20401Mikula, Bernard   20821949-07-01
United States, Virginia, James City, 4 mi SE of Williamsburg, 37.229677 -76.655918

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20409Mikula, Bernard   72151950-07-29
United States, Virginia, Page, Near Simmons Gap, 38.296796 -78.621962

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26228Corcoran, Celeste M   7551976-06-28
United States, Virginia, Powhatan, 1/4 mile above and south of the James River and 1 mile east of Fine Creek, 37.606249 -77.796442

Image Associated With the Occurence
34099Smyth, M. L.   S-3907 II1977-10-04
United States, Virginia, Montgomery, Walnut Hill, 6 miles NE of Blacksburg on rt. 628

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41733Watson, Frank D   2241976-06-03
United States, Virginia, Nelson, Three Ridges Mt.; areas around an old homesite along Harpers Creek at ca. 1400 ft., 37.849706 -79.006734, 427m

Image Associated With the Occurence
42298Ware, Donna M Eggers   79521982-09-04
United States, Virginia, James City, On slope just above swamp of tributary to Chisel Run that heads near radio station on VA Rt. 615 near Williamsburg. E-facing slope about halfway between radio station and Williamsburg West subdivision., 37.287022 -76.753617

Image Associated With the Occurence
42299Ware, Donna M E   78651982-06-12
United States, Virginia, James City, NW-facing slope above Grove Creek, ca. 0.1 mi. S of bridge of Colonial Williamsburg's Country Road bridge. On promontory just S of cove S of road., 37.215536 -76.637976

Image Associated With the Occurence
44480Ware, Donna M E   36281971-06-01
Missouri, Greene, Just E of Fantastic Caverns; NW of Springfield.

Image Associated With the Occurence
47736Small, Virginia L   s.n.1982-08-05
United States, Virginia, Montgomery, Falls Ridge Nature Conservancy Preserve, approx. 8.5 mi SE of Blacksburg, off Rt. 603 in Fagg. Between Cedar Ridge & the Cove, closer to the cove.

Image Associated With the Occurence
52880Fleming, Gary P   14661985-05-05
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Western slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, vicinity of Wildcat Mountain, 5.2 miles S. of Marshall; elev.1350 ft., 38.793019 -77.839067, 411m

Image Associated With the Occurence
53008Fleming, Gary P   23241986-07-12
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Open bank of Broad Run, 3.4 miles SW of The Plains; elev. 580 ft, 38.823184 -77.812974, 177m

Image Associated With the Occurence
57757Fleming, Gary P   53711991-04-27
United States, Virginia, Rappahannock, On east-facing side of Big Devils Stairs, Shenandoah National Park; 4.4 miles NW of Washington; elev. ca. 1700 ft., 518m

Image Associated With the Occurence
83092Wieboldt, Thomas F   M-1261980-05-21
United States, Virginia, Albemarle, N of E ridge road and 1/4 mi ENE of mansion, 38.010395 -78.452319, 213m

Image Associated With the Occurence
66293Fleming, Gary P   124321996-09-16
United States, Virginia, Russell, above Tank Hollow, 0.15 mi. SSE of Tank Hollow Falls and 0.25 mi. S of Cleveland city limits., 536m

William Darlington Herbarium - West Chester University, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718282William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718283William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718284William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718285William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718286William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718287William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718288William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718289William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718290William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

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DWC3172700718291William Darlington   
United States, Pennsylvania

Indiana Photographic Scavenger Hunt

Image Associated With the Occurence
Triosteum aurantiacum E. P. Bicknell
Paul E. Rothrock   2020-08-28
United States, Indiana, Marion, Southwestway Park, off Mann Road and south of Southport Road, 39.655623 -86.241043

General Research Observations

R.C. Clark   227391993-05-09
United States, Kentucky, Menifee, Mixed deciduous woods on southeast-facing slope along Sheltowee Trail (USFS #100); west of Gladie Creek, ca. 0.2 mi n of Klaben Branch

Triosteum aurantiacum E.P. Bicknell
Beth Lynch   140606-152014-06-06
United States, Iowa, Winneshiek, Malanaphy Springs State Preserve, 43.35477 -91.83343

000487Ray N. McCann   1919-05-20
United States, Kansas, Franklin, Ottawa

LCDI001387Beth Lynch   180803-12018-08-03
United States, Iowa, Winneshiek, Finch memorial Hardwoods, 43.38152 -91.87803

Page 54, records 5301-5396 of 5396


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