Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Triosteum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 6, records 501-600 of 5397

Missouri Botanical Garden

103251262Andrew Townesmith   38822020-10-15
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, by Praire Overlook.

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3557220James S. Miller   106392000-07-24
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, Along U.S. Highway 67 at the Big River herb, fruits orange, 37.95 -90.56666, 260m

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572761Julian A. Steyermark   263571937-09-15
United States, Missouri, Chariton, 5 mi W of Shannondale along Chariton River rich wooded slopes at base of sand bluff along river, 39.36777 -92.90111

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572762Ernest J. Palmer   412111933-07-03
United States, Missouri, Sullivan, Near Green Castle wooded banks and bluffs along stream

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572763Frederick Comte   2491956-05-12
United States, Missouri, Warren, No locality given

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572764Arthur Christ   s.n.1971-08-17
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Crowley Ridge area

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572765Ernest J. Palmer   411571933-07-03
United States, Missouri, Adair, 4 mi N of Kirksville wooded hillsides

102469698Tim E. Smith   43482007-04-26
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Ca. 2.75 mi N of Emminence, Emminence Quad, Angeline CA, Spurgeon Hollow NA; partially forested slope above high-quality dolomite glade., 37.1838889 -91.3713889

3506865Arthur Christ   n.1975-05-09
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Brickey's Station rocky woods

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572766Benjamin F. Bush   120461930-10-14
United States, Missouri, Holt, Mound City high mounds, 40.13111 -95.23138

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572768Julian A. Steyermark   190531935-05-25
United States, Missouri, Texas, 3 mi W of Houston along fork of Big Piney River at The Narrows wooded limestone slopes along river

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572769Julian A. Steyermark   410891941-06-11
United States, Missouri, Franklin, 3 mi SE of Morrellton (Anaconda) along Meramec River upper 2/3 to 3/4 portion of rich wooded N facing limestone bluffs, 38.24944 -91.01861

3209371Sidney T. McDaniel   282451985-07-10
United States, Mississippi, Lee, Ca 2 mi W of Tupelo, S side MS8, ca 0.5 mi W of Coonewah Creek, S6 SE4. Bluffs above Coone- wah Creek bottoms.

Triosteum illinoense (Wiegand) Rydb.
1683342Lisle Jeffrey   91-B1937-08-09
United States, Missouri, Boone, See Note. Tracts 10, 14, 15 - Federal Wildlife Area, Ashland.

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572771Julian A. Steyermark   13731A1934-07-18
United States, Missouri, Dallas, 2 mi SW of Windyville along Niangua River along limestone slopes along riverwith #13731

100739644Durward James F. Morré   s.n.1955-06-05
United States, Missouri, Gasconade, Near Drake, Mo.

Triosteum illinoense (Wiegand) Rydb.
1683238Benjamin F. Bush   125671933-05-16
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Rocky woods, Courtney, MO., 39.15556 -94.39333

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572774Julian A. Steyermark   106401936-05-23
United States, Missouri, Morgan, Lake of the Ozarks; opposite mouth of Procter Creek along Osage River limestone slopes with chert along bluffs along river

Triosteum illinoense (Wiegand) Rydb.
1683292Julian A. Steyermark   77938-A1954-10-19
United States, Missouri, Gasconade, See Note. Along Bourbeuse River, 1 1/2 mi (by air) N-NE of Redbird.

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572775Julian A. Steyermark   107401936-05-24
United States, Missouri, Benton, E of Duroc along Osage River wooded slopes along river

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572777Julian A. Steyermark   100531936-04-19
United States, Missouri, Pulaski, S of Portuguese Bend between Dixon and Devil's Elbow along Gasconade River half-way up N facing limestone wooded slopes along river

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572778Julian A. Steyermark   261991937-09-12
United States, Missouri, Callaway, 4 mi SW of Ham's Prairie along Middle River above mouth of Craighead Creek base of limestone N facing slopes along river, 38.74777 -91.97805

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572780John H. Kellogg   s.n.1934-05-27
United States, Missouri, Mercer, Near Saline, 40.52694 -93.72777

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572781Julian A. Steyermark   284291941-04-27
United States, Missouri, Perry, 5-6 mi NW of Silver Lake along Cedar Fork along stream, 37.73666 -90.04527

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572782Julian A. Steyermark   236851937-07-26
United States, Missouri, Wright, 2 mi SE of Cedar Gap along headwaters of Bryant Creek 1/4 way up limestone wooded slopes along creek, 37.08861 -92.65777

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572783Julian A. Steyermark   25835A1937-09-04
United States, Missouri, Ralls, 1.5 mi W of Spalding along Salt River upper wooded slopes along riverAcer saccharum, 39.50444 -91.5575

1199472Alan E. Brant   36861997-05-07
United States, Missouri, Shannon, T31N, R3W, SW4, SW4, Sec. 16. The Sinks Quadrangle. Bottoms and toeslopes of Smokehouse Hollow. Mark Twain National Forest Botanical Survey., 37.375 -91.2833333, 305m

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572784Julian A. Steyermark   230341937-07-06
United States, Missouri, Christian, 3.5 mi SE of Chadwick along Swan Creek upper E facing limestone slopes along creek, 36.90583 -93.00694

1199506Alan E. Brant   37061997-05-20
United States, Missouri, Shannon, T31N, R3W, N2, SW4, Sec. 18. Loggers Lake Quadrangle. Rocky, alluvial soil on seldom flooded stream terrace. Open canopy hardwoods. Mark Twain National Forest Botanical Survey., 37.3777778 -91.3166667, 287m

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572785Julian A. Steyermark   284311941-04-27
United States, Missouri, Perry, 5-6 mi NW of Silver Lake along Cedar Fork low woods along streamwith #28429 and #28430

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572786Julian A. Steyermark   60321938-06-22
United States, Missouri, Clinton, 2 mi E of Plattsburgon N and W facing slopes along Little Platte River upland rocky limestone slopes along river, 39.56472 -94.40388

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572788Julian A. Steyermark   121141936-07-21
United States, Missouri, Oregon, 4 mi SW of Wilderness on NE facing slopes on W side of river slopes in low woods along river, 36.74138 -91.44416

101280503Steve R. Turner   21-0252021-05-05
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, Bluff Overlook Trail near overlook., 38.46317 -90.81545, 164m

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E. J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3571433Dolly D. Darigo   s.n.1983-05-20
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Meramec State Park clearing on deep dry-mesic soil with gentle slope, 38.23333 -91.07694

100375932Julian A. Steyermark   163191934-10-21
United States, Missouri, Crawford, Ca. 7 mi SE of Bourbon along Meramec River

100337504Bruce Schuette   28952007-06-05
United States, Missouri, Clark, Battle of Athens State Historic Site; in campground, 40.5903 -91.7069

100316708Bruce Schuette   27792001-07-27
United States, Missouri, Montgomery, Graham Cave State Park, 38.9011111 -91.5730556

100375736Benjamin F. Bush   3591898-06-08
United States, Missouri, Taney, Swan, 36.7953 -93.0625

100375812John H. Kellogg   241913-05-05
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Jerome, 37.9261 -91.9775

1620627J. Roethke   351977-10-02
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, 0.5 mi S on Co. Trunk N from the Co. Trunk F entrance to Yellowstone Lake State Park.

100377990Anonymous   s.n.
United States, Missouri, Warren, Warrenton, 38.8114 -91.1414

1620639Delzie Demaree   19148-B1939-05-06
United States, Arkansas, Drew, See Note. Prairies. Long prairie. Ladelle Post Office., 76m

100373989Nels J. Holmberg   12412005-05-26
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, Gray Summit, Dana Brown Woods, 0.1 mi SW of Dana Brown Overnight Center, 20 m S of the ridge road, 38.4717 -90.8031, 180m

1620688Delzie Demaree   19148-A1939-05-06
United States, Arkansas, Drew, See Note. Prairies. Long Prairie. Ladelle Post Office., 76m

100851887Andrew Townesmith   28572015-05-19
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, vicinity of Trail House, along Wildflower Trail., 38.4669445 -90.8188889, 190m

1366660James C. Solomon   12111974-08-05
United States, Illinois, Knox, Knox College Field Station. 4.5 mi S of Victoria., 40.9868 -90.0929, 230m

1620676Delzie Demaree   661061927-07-05
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, Jonesboro

100340953Julian A. Steyermark   145721934-08-15
United States, Missouri, Texas, 4 mi SE of Arrol along Jack's Fork of Current River

1620663Ernest J. Palmer   26992-B1925-05-04
United States, Arkansas, Washington, See Note. Rocky open woods, near Farmington.

1620702Scott McCoy   36541935-05-11
United States, Indiana, Spencer, Woods near Mariah Hill.

1620714Frank A. Gilbert   6941930-04-30
United States, West Virginia, Lincoln, Rocky woods near Guyan V. High School

1620753Julian A. Steyermark   192411935-06-03
United States, Missouri, Webster, Shaded lower limestone slopes along Finlay Creek; S of Fordland.

1620733Julian A. Steyermark   818411956-06-10
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Open woods on top around sandstone; Bell Cave Bluff along S side of Gasconade River. NW-facing bluff with W-exposures of limestone capped by sandstone, 8 mi NW of Doolittle.

1621851Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.   326441981-04-30
United States, Missouri, Greene, Near jct of Hwy 60 and 65 just E of Springfield city limits.

1621864Lisle Jeffrey   5761933-06-27
United States, Missouri, Boone, Thickets E of old lake E of University of Missouri sheep barn.

1621836Ernest J. Palmer   509001950-09-01
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Rocky open woods, 4 mi NW of Verona.

1621876Francis E. Drouet   5871933-06-27
United States, Missouri, Boone, In scrub oak woods 0.5 mi E of Persinger Station.

1621915Benjamin F. Bush   126071933-05-27
United States, Kansas, Linn, Dry oak woods.

1621939Francis E. Drouet   4481933-05-31
United States, Missouri, Boone, Hillside S of Old Quarry, Columbia.

1621745Ernest J. Palmer   346321928-06-22
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Rocky open woods, near "Castle Rock," along Turkey Creek, 1 mi NE of Joplin. (Note long reflexed pilose hairs of stem.)

1621707Benjamin F. Bush   125611933-05-08
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Rich woods, Courtney., 39.15556 -94.39333

545313Alan E. Brant   25251993-07-20
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, T36N R8E W2 NW4 Sec. 25. Swamp Hollow Fen area on the E side of Swamp Hollow Creek about 300 m N of the power line right-of-way. Potential Natural Features Inventory (PNFS #76), Missouri Dept. of Conservation., 37.8 -90.1, 183m

1621718Ernest J. Palmer   491621949-06-08
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Rocky open woods along Turkey Creek, 1 mi N of Joplin. (Note mixed long and short hairs on stem.)

1621692Benjamin F. Bush   125661933-05-16
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Rocky woods, Courtney., 39.15556 -94.39333

1621809Ernest J. Palmer   66193-B1957-09-18
United States, Missouri, Polk, See Note. Along wooded bluff of Pomme de Terre River, near Burns.

1621801Julian A. Steyermark   779401954-10-19
United States, Missouri, Gasconade, Growing with Steyermark 77938 and Steyermark 77939 along ravine tributary to N-facing bluffs along Bourbeuse River, 1.5 mi (by air) NNE of Redbird.

3572792Julian A. Steyermark   230331937-07-06
United States, Missouri, Christian, 3.5 mi SE of Chadwick along Swan Creek upper E facing slopes along creek, 36.90583 -93.00694

1621768Ernest J. Palmer   66193-A1957-09-18
United States, Missouri, Polk, See Note. Along wooded bluff of Pomme de Terre River. Near Burns.

3572795Julian A. Steyermark   101221936-04-25
United States, Missouri, Taney, W of Table Rock along creek tributary to White River wooded lime slopes along creek

1622148Francis E. Drouet   30091935-05-22
United States, Missouri, Boone, Rocky hillsides near Burnett Schoolhouse, federal wild-life area [now Baskett Wildlife Research and Education Area (BREA)] E of Ashland.

3547840Bill Summers   11911983-05-12
United States, Missouri, Howell, 4 1/2 mi W of Willow Springs low woods bordering Indian Creek, 36.99027 -92.06361

1622136Francis E. Drouet   28511936-05-04
United States, Missouri, Boone, Wooded hillsides along Conner Creek, federal wild-life area [now Baskett Wildlife Research and Education Area (BREA)] E of Ashland.

3552400Bill Summers   77801996-05-16
United States, Missouri, Carter, Mark Twain National Forest, Poplar Bluff Ranger District; 1 1/4 mi S of Highway 60 in Pump Hollow on Forest Service Road 3753, ca. 5 1/2 mi SE of Ellsinore bottom of wooded hollow, area between two running streams disturbed by recent high water; flowers pale yellow, 36.86166 -90.67111

1622062Julian A. Steyermark   163191934-10-21
United States, Missouri, Crawford, Rich slopes at base of limestone bluffs along Meramec River, ca 7 mi SE of Bourbon.

3552045Bill Summers   97462001-06-05
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Ca. 4 airmi N of Bloomsdale off Highway OO at the end of Morrison Road in Morrison Hollow on private property owned by Karen Holden deep wooded ravine bordered by dolomite bluffs and ledges; glady slopes, 38.08861 -91.69611

1622097Francis P. Daniels   49491903-00-00
United States, Missouri, Boone, Rich woods, Columbia.

3572732Julian A. Steyermark   80061934-04-23
United States, Missouri, Audrain, S of Mexico near South Fork of Salt River open wooded slopes along riverTriosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense

1622084Benjamin F. Bush   49521891-05-22
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Range: N. England to Minn, Mo. & S.; fever-wort.

3572752Ernest J. Palmer   366271930-06-21
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Near Columbus thickets and open woods, limestone hills, 38.85861 -93.89055

1622120Billy Joe Cox   11741969-06-01
United States, Missouri, Boone, Horse Gentian; Columbia, N along railroad.

1621984Kathleen L. Hornberger   1461979-05-12
United States, Missouri, Barry, Wood's edge, Campground #3, Roaring River State Park.

1622005Lisle Jeffrey   117481933-06-13
United States, Missouri, Boone, Hillside SE of Old Quarry, Columbia.

1622019Francis P. Daniels   49481903-00-00
United States, Missouri, Boone, Rich woods, Columbia.

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
3572772Julian A. Steyermark   256191937-09-02
United States, Missouri, Lewis, 2 mi SW of Monticello along Middle Fabius River rocky limestone slopes along river, 40.1 -91.73833

100375734Benjamin F. Bush   3481900-05-20
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Pleasant Grove, 36.7378 -90.8289

1621616Charles Thom   49511898-06-04
United States, Missouri, Dade, South Greenfield.

545519Mary Susan Taylor   59541989-07-23
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Along Robertsville Road, ca. 1.5 mi S of Missouri Botanical Garden Arboretum in Gray Summit at Hwy. 44, at jct. with spur road, ca. 20 mi W of St. Louis, Dry glade covered with trees, soil gravelly, powdered near gravel road., 38.4592 -90.8319

102824700Tim E. Smith   19341986-04-08
United States, Mississippi, Oktibbeha, Ca. 6.0 mi NW of Starkville. (T20N R13E S34 NE4 & S35 SW4) Pontotoc Ridge. Mesic calcareous bluffs S of Sun Creek. Hardwood overstory.

1621667Norlan C. Henderson   67-7381967-06-10
United States, Missouri, Holt, Roadside embankment, along U.S. Hwy. 59, ca 4 mi S of Craig.

545421Marshall R. Crosby   146441982-10-23
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Lincoln County. Kessler Wildlife area.

102940277Jamie Hill   852013-05-29
United States, Missouri, Cedar, Bluff Springs Conservation Area., 37.7833 -93.75

1621679Ernest J. Palmer   210911922-05-02
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Rocky open woods, near Joplin., 37.084227 -94.513281

544862Peter H. Raven   279691992-05-24
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi (10.5 km) W of DeSoto. Township 39 N. Range 3 E. Section 11. Wooded slopes on cherty substrate, W end of ridge between Barrel Spring Hollow and Yellow Rock Hollow, drainage of Mammoth Creek., 38.125 -90.65, 225m

1621655Bernard B. Smyth   34481892-00-00
United States, Kansas, Shawnee, Topeka., 39.01666 -95.85

1543507James S. Miller   106392000-07-24
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, Along U.S. route 67 at the Big River., 37.95 -90.56666, 260m

1621643Ernest J. Palmer   171001919-10-30
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Dry open woods, Joplin.

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E.J. Palmer & Steyerm.
100334515Nels J. Holmberg   26872008-07-07
United States, Missouri, Warren, Razor Hollow Natural Area, in Daniel Boone Conservation Area, 6 mi S of Jonesburg, 1100 m E of Tower Road along multi-use trail # 223, ca. 20 m Nof intermittent stream, 38.7722 -91.3811, 201m

1565626Carrol F. Eaglesfield   2201997-05-29
United States, Missouri, Henry, Oak-Hickory woods. T43N R26W S9 (NW1/4)

1621578Julian A. Steyermark   135541934-07-16
United States, Missouri, Cedar, Shaded slopes along Bear Creek, N of Bear Creek post office.

Triosteum aurantiacum var. illinoense (Wiegand) E. J. Palmer & Steyerm.
100818136Leroy J. Korschgen   20791973-05-02
United States, Missouri, Pike, Ted Shanks Conservation Area - R.R., 39.545701 -91.193227

Page 6, records 501-600 of 5397


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