88519 A. Tiehm 6739 1981-07-29
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Just W of Panaca on Hwy 25., 37.790152 -114.396266, 1442 - 1442m
88520 M.J. Williams 75-87-4 1975-07-09
USA, Nevada, Washoe, SE of Peavine Peak, NW edge of Reno, near College Drive., 39.542638 -119.826914, 1372 - 1372m
88521 A. Tiehm s.n. 1973-09-03
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Reno, Saddler Way., 39.541794 -119.807312, 1372m
88522 M.J. Williams 80-227-1 1980-07-20
USA, Nevada, Elko, Just N of Herter Creek, near Starr Community Center, road to Deeth., 41.027685 -115.231565, 1585m
88523 B. Hoopler s.n. 1973-09-19
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Reno, NE corner of intersection of Valley Road and Saddler Way., 39.541951 -119.807645, 1372m
88524 M.J. Williams 76-118-1 1976-10-16
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Parker Ranch on Truckee River, E of Sparks, near Lockwood., 39.522155 -119.697129, 1372m
88525 W. Harnach 990 2000-08-23
USA, California, Plumas, Sierra Valley; 1 mi E of the intersection of Dyson Lane and Co. Road A-24, on Dyson Lane, 39.76139 -120.22534, 1494 - 1494m
88526 M.J. Williams 79-193-4 1979-08-01
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Meadow Valley Wash, 2.5 miles SW of Caliente., 37.580555 -114.542425, 1280m
88527 S. Anderson s.n. 1995-06-08
USA, Idaho, Custer, Near Stanley., 44.217423 -114.938582
88528 M.J. Williams 85-64-1 1985-07-15
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Sparks, near corner of El Rancho Drive and Wedekind Road., 39.553408 -119.778622, 1372m
88529 L.C. Higgins 25932 2004-07-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Three Lakes, along FR 217., 36.639308 -112.222545, 2500 - 2500m
88530 A. Tiehm 7549 1982-08-13
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Reno, near the corner of Wells Avenue and Sadlier Way., 39.541687 -119.803446
88531 M.J. Williams 77-121-1 1977-09-24
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Truckee River, near the Derby Dam, E of Sparks., 39.585969 -119.447776, 1372m
92471 R.R. Halse 9858 2016-09-11
USA, Idaho, Fremont, Island Park, area around 4121 Quakie Lane., 44.52467 -111.33348, 1965m
98961 R.R. Halse 10197 2017-09-09
USA, Colorado, Grand, Fraser, 687 County Road 517, in the vicinity of Casa Vista., 39.963684 -105.866349, 2627m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0130716 Jim McGrath 933 2009-09-21
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Floodplain of Navajo River about 1.2mi NE of Dulce, NM. SE edge of shining willow(Salix lucida ssp lasiandra) stand., 36.96046 -106.97039, 2073m
06395 Jennings, W. F. 1326 2001-07-22
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County
08801 Snow, N. 10017 2006-08-08
United States, Colorado, Eagle County, vicinty around campground site 15, Little Mattie Campground, ca 12 air M E of Basalt, slightly N of Ruedi Reservoir, 39.37777778 -106.8063889
24391 Snow, N. 9545 2004-10-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Ca. 0.7 air miles NE of eastern end of Lake Estes, along US Hwy 34, 40.37871389 -105.4777722
Vitek, Ernst 97-640 1997-09-21
Austria, Niederösterreich, Politischer Bezirk Korneuburg, Hagenbrunn, 48.3453 16.4131
United States, Colorado, Grand
United States, Tennessee
UTEP:Herb:85949 Collector(s): L. Tomaskova 2013-09-11
Czech Republic, Grygov - Louka, 210 - 210m
UTEP:Herb:84615 Collector(s): J. Marhout 2013-08-11
Czech Republic, Central Bohemian Region, Blatenske Hills, 200 m West from the Durch in Hradiste, 500 - 500m
UVMVT105492 1895-08-09
United States, Maine, Piscataquis, 45.18083 -69.20469
UVMVT105364 Thompson, E. H.
United States, Vermont, Chittenden, 44.48735 -73.23124
UVMVT172106 1946-07-23
United States, Maine, Waldo, 44.42782 -69.03303
UVMVT172107 1939-07-13
United States, Maine, Aroostook, 46.79327 -68.11687
UVMVT172108 1939-07-13
United States, Maine, Aroostook, 46.79327 -68.11687
Fewless, Gary 13488 2003-08-16
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, 46.69254 -92.02962
OSH0001672 Lammers, Thomas G 16637 2019-07-01
USA, Wisconsin, Winnebago, City of Oshkosh. Lawn at 131 Church Avenue., 44.020415 -88.539465
v0077377WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 15515 1959-09-06
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Tip of Bark Point. Lake shore., 46.87469748 -91.19425067
v0255445WIS Garske, Steven C. 733 2008-09-04
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Just W of CTH B, 46.5283333 -92.2036111
v0077383WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 27711 1974-09-22
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, 1/2 way out on Bark Point, 46.86675782 -91.20452261
v0077381WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 27711 1974-09-22
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, half way out on Bark Point, 46.86675782 -91.20452261
v0077382WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 27711 1974-09-22
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, 1/2 way out on Bark Point, 46.86675782 -91.20452261
v0255446WIS Garske, Steven C. 733 2008-09-04
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Just W of CTH B, 46.5283333 -92.2036111
v0077376WIS Fewless, Gary 4562 1988-07-19
United States, Wisconsin, Brown, Green Bay. City of Green Bay, U[niv.] W[isconsin] G[reen] B[ay], 44.53852355 -87.91611031
v0077378WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 15515 1959-09-06
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Tip of Bark Point. Lake shore., 46.87469748 -91.19425067
v0077385WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 27711 1974-09-22
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, 1/2 way out on Bark Point, 46.86675782 -91.20452261
v0077384WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 27711 1974-09-22
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, 1/2 way out on Bark Point, 46.86675782 -91.20452261
v0077379WIS Fassett, Norman C. 20030 1938-07-10
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Cornucopia. Roadside, Bark Point. W of Cornucopia, 46.86675782 -91.20452261
v0077386WIS Nee, M. 1224 1968-08-22
United States, Wisconsin, Price, Phillips. Phillips, along railroad., 45.68742048 -90.41043135
v0326756WIS Bennett, Charlene A. 352 1976-05-28
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Superior. Ca. 1.0mi S of Superior on Hwy 2, L 2.0mi on Moccasin Mike Rd. The dock is visible. Up from Lake Superior., 46.67311 -91.97214
v0427443WIS Edward G. Voss 10116 1961-07-18
United States, Minnesota, Cook, Gunflint Trail, N of Grand Marais.
UWSP134689 Judziewicz, Emmet J. 14485 2001-11-18
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Downtown Superior, along USH 2 near the Blatnick Bridge., 46.73150387 -92.09271965
United States, Minnesota, Cook
United States, Minnesota, Cook
106495 J.C. Nelson 2919 1919-08-22
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Linnton, Portland., 45.598728 -122.787044
40923 George Neville Jones 143 1925-09-13
United States, Washington, Kitsap, Manchester., 47.55593 -122.544856
298681 Aven Nelson 1569 1911-08-01
United States, Idaho, Custer, Mackay., 43.91472 -113.6125
135210 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3364 1925-06-16
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Linnton near Portland., 45.597647 -122.783181
362084 Denine Trump 16 2001-11-10
United States, Idaho, Latah, Potlatch., 46.92167 -116.89722
362616 Alvaro Ambriz 14 2002-09-12
United States, Washington, Whitman, Pullman. Olsen Street., 46.731159 -117.186865
133868 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3059 1902-06-03
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Albina, Portland., 45.543729 -122.675096
156848 Walter J. Eyerdam 6355 1944-07-10
United States, Washington, Kitsap, Near Winslow, Bainbridge Island., 47.62639 -122.52
359082 Richard R. Halse 5895 2000-07-25
United States, Idaho, Custer, Along State Hwy. 21, 1.5 miles west of Stanley. T10N R13E S5, 44.220284 -114.967225, 1908m
280862 Rich Old s.n. 1979-08-28
United States, Washington, Whitman, By the side of Union Flat Road between Ewartsville and Wawawai canyon., 46.703141 -117.298996
284596 J. Mastrogiuseppe 1160 1977-10-14
United States, Washington, Whitman, Union Flat., 46.783342 -117.38763
65152 Morton E. Peck 13095 1923-07-24
United States, Washington, San Juan, San Juan Islands. 3 ½ miles SE of Roche Harbor [San Juan Island]., 48.572564 -123.082137
135208 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf s.n. 1910-06-25
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Linnton, Portland., 45.599749 -122.783868
133867 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3118 1902-08-03
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Albina, Portland., 45.543729 -122.675096
300668 Richard Old s.n. 1986-08-23
United States, Idaho, Caribou, Wayan., 42.97833 -111.37611
135209 Wilhelm N. Suksdorf 3119 1902-08-03
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Albina, Portland., 45.543729 -122.675096
372411 Don Knoke 1081 2006-07-06
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Across US 97 from Mineral Spring campground. T21N R17E S22, 47.290383 -120.6991, 835m
373648 Joy Mastrogiuseppe 3375 1982-09-22
United States, Idaho, Latah, Just E of Moscow, at margin of wheat field above Paradise Creek. T39N R5W S9 NW4 NW4 SW4, 46.736571 -116.978074
27521 E.P. Sheldon S.10849 1902-07-21
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Lower Albina, Portland., 45.543729 -122.675096
373808 P.F. Zika 197145 2004-05-30
United States, Washington, Whitman, Ewartsville Road, Union Creek drainage near Klemgard Road. T14N R44E S21., 46.69 -117.276667
381704 Sue Winterowd s.n. 2009-10-07
United States, Washington, Stevens, Road about 1/2 mile east of Grouse Creek Road. T31N R41E S12, 48.202208 -117.575276
390571 Alex Harkness 12-139 2012-08-29
United States, Washington, Yakima, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Along Highway 410, about 0.2 miles southeast of junction with Little Naches River Road., 46.98716 -121.09237, 755m
389962 Ben Legler 11435 2009-06-23
United States, Washington, Chelan, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Junction of Forest Service roads at Morrow Meadows., 47.8242 -120.62258, 697m
399960 Walter Fertig 35584 2022-07-18
United States, Washington, Lincoln, Columbia Plateau ecoregion: Crab Creek BLM camping area, north of Crab Creek, west of Harrington-Tokio Road, ca 6 air miles north of Tokio. T21N R36E S22 NE4., 47.301474 -118.254176, 553m
400681 Walter Fertig 35249 2021-07-08
United States, Washington, Chelan, East Cascades Ecoregion: Wenatchee Mountains, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, off closed USFS Road E of FS Road 7200, 0.7 miles south of Camas Land, 11.5 air miles W of Wenatchee. T23N R18E S28 SE4 NE4 SE4, 47.457428 -120.585814, 945m
401200 Walter Fertig 33962 2019-07-14
United States, Washington, Grays Harbor, Pacific Coast Range: 15 Overlake Lane, McCleary, 0.6 miles south of WA Hwy 8, ca 18 air miles west of Olympia. T18N R5W S14 SE4 NW4 SW4, 47.04633 -123.28175, 104m
401071 Walter Fertig 34396 2019-09-18
United States, Washington, Lewis, West Cascades, along Highway 12 north of Millridge Creek, 1.8 miles southwest of White Pass, 1.5 air miles east of Packwood, ca 9 miles southeast of Mount Rainier National Park. T13N R11E S10 SW4 NW4 NW4 SW4., 46.62753 -121.42391, 1256m
370882 John R. Pierce 197 1977-09-19
United States, Montana, Missoula, Grass Valley, along Mullan Road at irrigation ditch crossing 2 miles west of Sunset Memorial Garden; 6 miles WNW of Missoula. T13N R20W S9 SE4, 46.896557 -114.129213, 945m
300619 Richard Old s.n. 1986-09-06
United States, Montana, Missoula, Lolo Hot Springs lodge, Montana side of Lolo Pass., 46.728699 -114.52951
392727 Richard R. Halse 10197 2017-09-09
United States, Colorado, Grand, At Casa Vista, 687 C.R. 517, Fraser., 39.963684 -105.866349, 2627m
215745 W.J. Cody 4450 1950-07-15
Canada, Alberta, 1 1/2 miles north of Ft. Fitzgerald., 59.866667 -111.616667
192738 W.J. Cody 1724 1948-08-01
Canada, Nunavut, Coral Harbour, South Bay, Southampton Island [Kivalliq Region], 64.14231 -83.165238
268620 S. Vautier 535 1965-06-09
Switzerland, Geneva, Jussy - le - Chateau, 46.237182 6.270648, 480m
241913 Carl G. Alm 2970 1956-09-18
Sweden, Uppland (Upl), Laby Parish, near the new highway bridge (about 2 km east of the parish church)
190397 unknown
France, illegible
405353 Walter Fertig 35788 2023-07-01
United States, Washington, Whitman, Columbia Plateau Ecoregion, Palouse Region: rim of slope above Bishop Boulevard and north of Wal-Mart, 0.6 miles west of the South Fork Palouse River, Pullman. T14N R45E S8, 46.714023 -117.175262, 732m
409952 Walter Fertig 22061 2005-07-16
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau: Pine Hollow along Road 255A just west of junction with Road 255, ca 2 miles west of junction of FS Road 22 and FS Road 447. T37N R1W S34 NE4., 36.561908 -112.378253, 2231m
407737 Walter Fertig 33855 2019-06-24
United States, Washington, Chelan, East Cascades: Wenatchee Mountains, Poison Creek drainage east of Camas Land, 10.5 air miles WNW of Wenatchee, 3.25 miles E of US Hwy 97 and Peshastin Creek, 8 air miles SSE of Leavenworth. Okanogan-Wenatchee NF. T23N R18E S23 NW4 SW4 NW4 NW4, 47.4787 -120.562633, 914m
MWI00032120 Henry, Ron D. 5975 1989-08-19
USA, Illinois, Warren, Cameron, 4 miles west
MWI00050857 Till, Walter 2004-06-27
Austria, Lower Austria, Thermenlinie, 1130 meters northeast of Oeynhausen, immediately east of the entrance to highway #2 in direction to Vienna, southwest part of the Leimerwiese, 47.98333 16.3, 210m
G. Rink 10874 2011-09-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, stock tank about 1.5 miles southwest of Road Tank, 36.65209 -112.202438, 2510m
G. Rink 11459 2012-08-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Mile and a Half Lake, 36.618514 -112.219343, 2530m
G. Rink 11536 2012-08-13
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, Three Lakes, 36.638619 -112.221774, 2520m
Jason W. Baker 848 2016-07-08
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, From the Montana state line, the collection site is approximately 0.4 miles south along Highway 20., 44.672115 -111.282223, 2152m
Walter Fertig 33288 2018-08-03
USA, Washington, Lincoln, Columbia Plateau: south bank of Crab Creek, 0.2 miles E of Harrington-Tokio Road, 5.5 air miles NW of SW end of Sprague Lake, ca 11 miles NE of Ritzville. T21N R36E S23 SE4 NW4 SW4 NW4, 47.29871 -118.24941, 558m
Walter Fertig 33855 2019-06-24
USA, Washington, Chelan, East Cascades: Wenatchee Mountains, Poison Creek drainage east of Camas Land, 10.5 air miles WNW of Wenatchee, 3.25 miles E of US Hwy 97 and Peshastin Creek, 8 air miles SSE of Leavenworth. Okanogan-Wenatchee NF. T23N R18E S23 NW4 SW4 NW4 NW4, 47.4787 -120.562633, 914m
Walter Fertig 33962 2019-07-14
USA, Washington, Grays Harbor, Pacific Coast Range: 15 Overlake Lane, McCleary, 0.6 miles south of WA Hwy 8, ca 18 air miles west of Olympia. T18N R5W S14 SE4 NW4 SW4, 47.04633 -123.28175, 104m
Walter Fertig 34396 2019-09-18
USA, Washington, Lewis, West Cascades, along Highway 12 north of Millridge Creek, 1.8 miles southwest of White Pass, 1.5 air miles east of Packwood, ca 9 miles southeast of Mount Rainier National Park. T13N R11E S10 SW4 NW4 NW4 SW4., 46.62753 -121.42391, 1256m
Walter Fertig 35249 2021-07-08
United States, Washington, Chelan, East Cascades Ecoregion: Wenatchee Mountains, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, off closed USFS Road E of FS Road 7200, 0.7 miles south of Camas Land, 11.5 air miles W of Wenatchee. T23N R18E S28 SE4 NE4 SE4, 47.457428 -120.585814, 945m
Walter Fertig 35584 2022-07-18
United States, Washington, Lincoln, Columbia Plateau ecoregion: Crab Creek BLM camping area, north of Crab Creek, west of Harrington-Tokio Road, ca 6 air miles north of Tokio. T21N R36E S22 NE4., 47.301474 -118.254176, 553m
MESA07133 L.D. Gausselin 16 2022-10-02
USA, Colorado, Mesa, Grand Mesa National Forest, Lake of the Woods parking lot, near start of trail system, 39.0624622 -108.0470402, 3109m