Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Solanum sarrachoides (Solanum sarachoides)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 7, records 601-646 of 646

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
297232A.G. Ogg, Jr.   s.n.1976-09-27
United States, Washington, Yakima, Near Toppenish., 46.3775 -120.3075

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138814Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   17211911-09-02
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Linnton near Portland., 45.596982 -122.783897

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205142M. Bacon   2101951-08-21
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Garden weed at Winthrop., 48.47806 -120.185

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104795Paul Eide   281930-07-02
United States, Washington, Island, ½ mile from sound, west edge of Whidbey Island., 48.252562 -122.740918

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42026Jennie Torrey   s.n.1926-09-17
United States, Washington, Spokane, Spokane, 47.662935 -117.417482

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38269F.C. Cation   s.n.1924-12-20
United States, Washington, Columbia, Weeds in irrigated alfalfa in Starbuck., 46.51972 -118.12778

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41126George Neville Jones   3321926-08-00
United States, Washington, Benton, Prosser., 46.20694 -119.76778

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225033Jean Gleason   4021941-08-13
United States, Washington, Spokane, Spokane., 47.65889 -117.425

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293619Fathi B. Erteeb   825-F1983-00-00
United States, Washington, Whitman, Pullman, weedy ditch at WSU campus behind Commons Hall between the parking lots., 46.73139 -117.17861

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64313Rocelia Palmer   1621926-07-12
United States, Washington, Snohomish, Arlington., 48.19889 -122.12389

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49067H.T. Darlington   s.n.1913-07-00
United States, Washington, Columbia, Tucannon Valley., 46.48917 -117.95917

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23145A.D.E. Elmer   an1897-06-00
United States, Washington, Whitman, Wawawai., 46.637293 -117.373973

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44936J. Francis Macbride   7371910-09-10
United States, Idaho, Payette, New Plymouth., 43.97 -116.81806, 671m

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298861J. Francis Macbride   7371910-09-10
United States, Idaho, Payette, New Plymouth., 43.97 -116.81806, 671m

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23078J. Francis Macbride   7371910-09-10
United States, Idaho, Payette, New Plymouth, 43.97 -116.81806

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42054L.P. Sheppard   s.n.1927-11-05
United States, Idaho, Kootenai, Weed at Rose Lake., 47.53889 -116.47083

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298862J. Francis Macbride   7381910-09-10
United States, Idaho, Payette, New Plymouth., 43.97 -116.81806

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106624M.W. Gorman   42131917-09-08
United States, Oregon, Multnomah, Hayden Island, 45.623457 -122.703997

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375251R.E. Fye   1691950-09-25
United States, Washington, Whitman, Approximately ¼ miles east of Pullman on Pullman Moscow Highway., 46.721772 -117.153418, 747m

Image Associated With the Occurence
411572G. Fortner   s.n.1996-08-06
United States, Washington, Franklin, Approximately 1.25 miles south of the Wahluke WRA boat launch.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Solanum sarrachoides auct. non Sendtner
400837Walter Fertig   321492017-08-26
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: base of Vermilion Cliffs, Grand Canyon Drive, Kanab Ranchos, 1.3 miles W of Kanab Creek and 2.3 miles N of the Arizona state line. T43S R6W S29 SW4SW4, 37.037843 -112.553876, 1548m

Image Associated With the Occurence
383221Peter F. Zika   246992009-09-16
United States, Washington, Clark, NW 69th Street, near NW 23rd Court, near SE shore of Vancouver Lake, Vancouver., 45.673333 -122.695, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
171977Ira L. Wiggins   111961948-09-22
United States, California, San Mateo, Moss Beach., 37.527364 -122.516168

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109549A.H. Holmgren   7231940-08-05
United States, Nevada, Elko, Scraper Springs, 15 miles NE of Midas., 41.337681 -116.681215, 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
303998Joy Mastrogiuseppe   54301989-11-03
United States, Washington, Whitman, Botany Greenhouse, Washington State University, Pullman., 46.729587 -117.165241

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72738Johan Richard Junger   s.n.1923-04-26

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98782Frank H. Rose   2851938-00-00
United States, Montana, Missoula, Missoula. Escape?

Image Associated With the Occurence
345100Jan Nachlinger   109211986-08-21
United States, Nevada, Elko, Delano Mountains, Crittenden Reservoir along Crittenden Creek N of the Twelvemile Ranch, 41.526162 -114.168492, 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
244852M.A. Wetherill   s. n.1960-09-12
United States, Arizona, Coconino, on the grounds of the Museum of Northern Arizons, 2 miles north of Flagstaff

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207205K. F. Parker   76701951-09-09
United States, Arizona, Pima, Canyon below Molino Basin, Santa Catalina Mountains, 32.333333 -110.7, 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
237936Roxanna S. Ferris   131161957-09-15
United States, California, Mono, Along Golden Creek, junction of US Hwy 395 and Green Lake Road, 5 mi S of Bridgeport.

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125551P. A. Munz   155671938-10-09
United States, California, Los Angeles, roadside half mile south of Claremont

Image Associated With the Occurence
245482Chester F. Deaver   29911950-08-15
United States, Arizona, Coconino, ASC campus, Flagstaff

Image Associated With the Occurence
410274Walter Fertig   268972011-08-04
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Arizona Strip: Pipe Spring National Monument, Pioneer and Native American garden area. T40N R4W S17 SE4., 36.863215 -112.739002, 1500m

West Virginia Wesleyan College, George B. Rossbach Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Solanum sarrachoides auct. non Sendtner
WVW021180George B. Rossbach   55611963-08-18
United States, Utah, Box Edler, Rt. 89 and 91, s. of Willard and 8 mi. s. of Brigham City, 1326m

Western Carolina University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Solanum sarrachoides auct. non Sendtner
WCUH0024760Ahles, Harry E.   550381961-08-28
United States, North Carolina, Orange, University of North Carolina Campus, Chapel Hill, 35.912084 -79.051241

Western New Mexico University, Dale A. Zimmerman Herbarium

5968S.M. Tucker   1978-09-23
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Redrock, 1189m

William & Mary Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
67252Nelson, J B   160261994-07-30
United States, Virginia, Pittsylvania, W side of US 29 Bypass on S side of Staunton River, 2 river miles upstream from US 29 Business bridge; Alta Vista

Image Associated With the Occurence
4713Ahles, Harry E   550381961-08-28
United States, North Carolina, Orange, University of North Carolina Campus, Chapel Hill

Image Associated With the Occurence
54859Fleming, Gary P   36781988-09-10
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, at Great Meadow Field Events Center, 2.9 mi SW of The Plains, 38.82763 -77.80997, 174m

General Research Observations

G. Rink   118132012-09-21
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Bill Williams Mountain, lower east slope, 35.203399 -112.180622, 2240m

G. Rink   123272013-09-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Bill Williams Mountain, in the engineering yard at the Williams District Ranger Station, 35.23756 -112.21221, 2115m

G. Rink   123642013-09-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, north side of Bill Williams Mountain, under the powerline downstream of Bennett Spring, behind the Williams District Ranger Station, 35.235192 -112.215572, 2115m

Solanum sarrachoides auct. non Sendtner
Walter Fertig   321492017-08-26
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: base of Vermilion Cliffs, Grand Canyon Drive, Kanab Ranchos, 1.3 miles W of Kanab Creek and 2.3 miles N of the Arizona state line. T43S R6W S29 SW4SW4, 37.037843 -112.553876, 1548m

Solanum sarrachoides auct. non Sendtner
Walter Fertig   243202008-08-30
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Arizona Strip, Pipe Spring National Monument, ca 12 air miles west of Fredonia, 0.3 miles N of AZ Hwy 389 and 9.5 miles S of the UT state line. T40N R4W S17 SE4 SE4, 36.8633 -112.738983, 1509m

Walter Fertig   268972011-08-04
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Pipe Spring National Monument. Native American and pioneer garden area. T40N R4W S17 SE4., 36.863215 -112.739002, 1500m

Page 7, records 601-646 of 646


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