ASU0085667 Laurel Richey 00-887 2000-07-24
Bahamas, Cat Island, Cat Island, Dumphries settlement, on the east side of the main road, the third to last house in the settlement, next to Ms. Iva Ambrose and Zilpha Campbell's yard, set back from the road, 24.601667 -75.650556
Lucas C. Majure 7093 2018-06-03
United States, Florida, Miami Dade, Miami, Coral Gables: Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road.
277241 Walter S. Judd;Lucas C. Majure 7093 2018-06-03
United States of America, Florida, Miami-Dade County, Miami, Coral Gables: Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road.
UVMVT216464 Hill, S. R. 2427 1974-07-07
Bahamas, Long Island, Long Island trail to the lighthouse, Gordons (south tip of the island)., 22.858727 -74.855277
27430 D. S. Correll 46591 1975-12-21
Bahamas, Grand Turk: on rock flats on hills just southeast of Black Salina.
139153 E. Freid, E. Lefaivre 06-270 2006-05-21
Bahamas, Exuma, Little Wax Cay, 26.6743 -77.2667
66142 P. Acevedo-Rdgz., A. Siaca 4421
Puerto Rico, Isla de Mona, Playa de Punta Arena, at the edge of theCajarinas Plantation
20504 D. S. Correll
Bahamas, Inagua, Great Inagua: in coppice at Blakeville Well., 21.0574 -73.3254
20776 D. S. Correll 41858 1974-03-05
Bahamas, Inagua, Great Inagua: in coppice just east of Matthew Town., 21.0574 -73.3254
22519 S. R. Hill 2427 1974-07-07
Bahamas, Long Island, Rocky land on Gordons (south tip of the island.) Long Island
139149 E. Freid, E. Lefaivre 06-266 2006-05-18
Bahamas, Exuma, Exuma Cays Wardrick Wells South of headquarter, 23.5748 -75.8897
139110 E. Freid 04-134 2004-07-04
Bahamas, Inagua, Inagua, soutyh of Matthew townm, 21.0661 -73.5581
26507 D. S. Correll 46041 1975-08-19
Bahamas, Inagua, Great Inagua: in open coppice on northeast edge of Matlhhew Town., 21.0574 -73.3254
26791 D. S. Correll 45858 1975-08-01
Bahamas, Inagua, in open coppice Northjwest Point