UCR0001552 LeRoy Gross 4263 2010-04-06
United States, California, Kern, Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge, far west end of the San Emigdio Mountains. Unit 10B on the map of the Refuge. Started at knoll called Pattiway 34.95959° N, 119.43227° W. Above creek just north of Cerro Noroeste Road, east of Hwy 166, near Camp Dix, 34.95958 -119.43228, 854m
UCR0006339 A.C. Sanders 34848 2008-04-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, hills south of Hwy 138, c. 1 mile SW of Neenach School, west of a N-S line through VABM “Pine”, 34.76722 -118.62056, 970m
UCR0006340 A.C. Sanders 34948 2008-04-17
United States, California, Los Angeles, foot of hill c. 1 mile SW of Neenach School, c. 1.5 mi. west of mouth of Pine Canyon, 34.77222 -118.61861, 945m
UCR0006341 A.C. Sanders 34855 2008-04-11
United States, California, Los Angeles, hills south of Hwy 138, c. 1 mile SW of Neenach School, 34.77139 -118.61833, 990m
UCR0001212 Mitch Provance 1977 2000-04-16
United States, California, Kern, Unnamed Cyn. splitting northward from the E end of Pinetree Cyn, c. 1.5 miles SSE of Chuckwalla Mt.; Southern Sierra Nevada/ West Mojave Desert, 35.24242 -118.08925, 1050m
UCR0006338 A.C. Sanders 34789 2008-04-10
United States, California, Los Angeles, hills south of Hwy 138, c. 1 mile south of Neenach School, slopes N & E of VABM “Pine”, 34.76667 -118.60833, 915m
SBBG191380 R. Burgess 6716 2005-03-27
United States, California, Ventura, Ballinger Canyon, loamy hillsides southwest of Ballinger Canyon Campground. Los Padres National Forest., 34.8794 -119.4465, 1036m
120320 Clifton F. Smith 12291 1992-04-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Russell Ranch Gate on rd to Caliente Pk, N side of Cuyama River, near oil fields and Chalk Mtn, 35.003 -119.811
Alice Eastwood 4045 1937-04-28
United States, California, Kern, Maricopa Grade., 34.986319 -119.431972
RSA0091576 G. Fred Hrusa 14187 1998-03-28
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Carrizo Plain Natural Area. On steep SE-facing slope above headwaters of Bitterwater Ck. Hills immed. to S of Elkhorn Grade Rd.; Ballinger Cyn., 34.9916667 -119.4833333, 840m
David J. Keil 30671 2010-03-25
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Chimineas Ranch, about 1 mile south of main ranch., 35.1365278 -119.9763333
P. De Vries 7189 2009-03-19
United States, California, Kern, Western Transverse Range; San Emigdio Mountains Region; Bitter Creek National Wildlife Preserve, ca. 0.5 mile northeast of junction of Hwy 166 and Cerro Noroeste Road.; Ballinger Canyon 7.5, - 1007m
LeRoy Gross 3661 2009-03-30
United States, California, Kern, West end of the San Emigdio Mountains: Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge; Cienaga Canyon, off of Klipstein Canyon Road. Northeast of Cerro Noroeste Road.; Ballinger Canyon 7.5 Quad., 34.94695 -119.40093, 973m
LeRoy Gross 3683 2009-03-30
United States, California, Kern, West end of the San Emigdio Mountains: Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge; Cienaga Canyon, off of Klipstein Canyon Road. Northeast of Cerro Noroeste Road. Refuge unit number 10A.; Ballinger Canyon 7.5 Quad., 34.94404 -119.39791, 1033m