United States, California, Plumas
112771 G.L. Clifton 36762 2001-05-29
USA, California, Plumas, [Sierra Nevada,] Hwy 70, just down river from Camp Rodgers., 39.9585 -121.287583, 634m
21431 Brian LeNeve LOL_648 2016-06-05
United States, California, Plumas, Highway 70 Feather River., 39.9581 -121.273, 640m
Hannah Kang 1166 2024-05-30
United States, California, Plumas, Rock Creek Vicinity. Plumas National Forest. Feather River Canyon. ±0.24 air miles northwest from PG&E Rock Creek Powerhouse. 80 feet northeast from PG&E gate., 39.907376 -121.348826, 688m
Hannah Kang 1173 2024-05-30
United States, California, Plumas, Rock Creek vicinity. Plumas National Forest. Feather River Canyon. ±0.50 air miles northeast from PG&E Rock Creek Powerhouse. 15 feet north off Tobin Ridge Road., 39.910759 -121.33924, 746m
Hannah Kang 1027 2023-08-08
United States, California, Plumas, ±1.1 air miles southwest from the Grizzly Forebay. 150 ft southeast from where Forest Service Road 36 (24N36) intersects with PG&E access road. ±0.65 driving miles south of the beak of 24N36 road., 39.885312 -121.262224, 1395m
SPIF00859 Dr. Dean Taylor 19206
Butte, Soapstone Hill 7.5' USGS quad. This is an extra sample from Dr. Dean Taylors collection # 19206. Unable to find location information. Supplemental location information was copied from JEPS109833: Four Trees Road (Forest Road 23N00) ca. 1.8 mile West of Four Trees.
SPIF00858 Tom Engstrom s.n. 2005-07-19
Shasta, Papoose Creek 7.5' USGS quad. Along 34N29 in the Tributary to Whitney Gulch. SE aspect.
RSA0049654 Dean Wm. Taylor 21140 2011-08-03
United States, California, Butte, Vicinity Stirling City; along Reston Road descending into West Branch Feather River canyon 1.4 miles down (north) from the intersection with the Skyway.; Stirling City 7.5, 39.91609 -121.51659, 1005m
G. Fred Hrusa 13169 1995-07-09
United States, California, Butte, Approx. 1 m. on 22N89, immediately S of Rogers Cow Camp on Hwy 162.; Brush Creek 7.5', 39.75 -121.3, 1100m
Harlan Lewis 752 1950-06-30
United States, California, Plumas, Hwy 24, 7.8 mi. S of Yellow Creek Bridge along Feather River
Harlan Lewis 760 1950-06-30
United States, California, Butte, Hwy 24, 2 miles S of Arch Rock on Feather River, 39.83481 -121.41347
Harlan Lewis 756 1950-07-01
United States, California, Butte, Highway 24, 0.5 mile south of Arch Rock on Feather River., 39.842953 -121.39715
RSA0059904 J. T. Howell 27754 1951-06-29
United States, California, Plumas, Feather River Canyon, 549m
Samantha Hillaire 1255 2008-06-09
United States, California, Plumas, Plumas National Forest, Rock Creek area. Along powerlines and access roads.
RSA0059905 L. P. Janeway 4882 1995-07-29
United States, California, Plumas, Along Pipeline Road 3.3 miles NW of Lower Bucks Lake Dam.; Bucks Lake quad., 39.926667 -121.244722, 1585m
15258 S. Woolhouse 11 2007-06-09
United States, California, Plumas, Highway 70, 39.964 -121.277