120116 collectors: Erin Foley 2764 2003-07-18
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Arapaho National Forest: Williams Fork Mountains: County Road 3, ca 0.5 mi W of Lost Creek, ca 11 air mi SW of Hot Sulphur Springs., 39.92 -106.13
120117 collectors: Brian Elliott Elizabeth Mark & Kenneth Elliott 7279 1999-06-17
United States, Colorado, Custer County, Wet Mountians, Wet Moutian Vally, Sangre de Cristo Range, and Vicinity: Wet Moutians: ca 2 mi N of Colo Hwy 96 on Country Road 271, ca 5.5 mi W of McKenzie Junction (junction of Colo Hwys 165 & 96); ca 8 air mi NE of silver cliff. NW1/4 S36, 2667m
120111 collectors: Jennifer Ackerfield Melissa Islam 3571 2010-06-10
United States, Colorado, Las Animas County, J.E. Canyon Ranch, approximately 14 miles north of Hwy 160 east of Trinidad. Balou Hole area., 37.38 -103.77, 1585m
158946 collectors: Luanne Lum 2238 2002-06-06
United States, Wyoming, Big Horn County, Big Horn County, Wy Bighorn Basin along BLM Road 1117 about 3.7 mi SE of Hyattville., 44.23 -107.57, 1445m
120109 collectors: N.E. Hastings and C. Bern 194 2005-06-29
United States, Colorado, Arapahoe County, Buckley Air Force Base; S end of transecct 845 m E of SW corner of the installation, 1709m
120110 collectors: N.E. Hastings and C. Bern 124 2005-05-27
United States, Colorado, Arapahoe County, Buckley Air Force Base; W end of transecct 40 m NE of SW corner of the installation, 1714m
100979 collectors: R.J. Rondeau and G.H. Rodda
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, Roadside in North Park, 40.48 -106.21
120152 collectors: N. Sawyer
United States, Colorado, Weld County, Owl Cr, 1 m SW of USDA-ARS, CPER, 40.83 -104.72
158943 collectors: J.H. Sandberg 1745 1891-06-11
United States, Minnesota, Carlton County, N.P. Junction.
161338 collectors: George S. Stadler 87538 1937-06-10
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, White River National Forest. Buford R.S.
161339 collectors: Ralph H. Imler 4002 1937-06-06
United States, Colorado, Denver County, 12 mi SW of Denver
161342 collectors: Jessica Higgins 15 1998-05-31
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Lone Pine unit of Cherokee Park SWA, 7.5 miles west on county road 74E off of Highway 287., 40.77 -105.35
173066 collectors: B. Koblitz 160 2000-05-12
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Phantom Canyon Preserve, ca 25 mi N of Fort Collins along US Hwy 287; along E side of N Fork of Cache La Poudre River, Preserve "Reach 3-4.", 40.86 -105.33, 1920m
173501 collectors: Allison Shaw 183 2010-06-26
United States, Colorado, Teller County, Between Teller C.R. 121 and Witcher Pond, Sanborn Western Camps, Florissant, CO., 38.89 -105.31, 2621m
174211 collectors: Ronald L. Hartman Melanie Arnett, Charity Hall, Brian Jacobs, and Alex Morgan 60680 1998-06-01
United States, Colorado, Custer County, Wet Mountains, Wet Mountain Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range and Vicinity: Wet Mountain Valley : Brush Hollow Road (County Road 260) along Brush Hollow Creek. South 1/2 S32., 38.18 -105.34, 2530m
174497 collectors: L. Scheideman C. Simmons 101 1967-06-06
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Ohio Creek; NE Corner was I30, 2438m
181097 collectors: D.L. Denham 1514 1967-06-11
United States, Colorado, Garfield County, 1.5 miles north of Douglas Pass., 2286m
181098 collectors: D.L. & M.L. Denham 1983-06-25
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Distrubed margin of Moffat 38 in dry, hilly rangeland 2.5 miles from its junction with Colo. 13., 2118m
181099 collectors: D.L. & M.L. Denham 1310 1967-04-09
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Along Coal Creek near Jefferson County line. Moist, disturbed gravel in full sun beside creek., 1829m
181100 collectors: D.L. Denham 1814 1967-09-02
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Slope above Pass Creek, along Colorado highway 84., 2743m
181101 collectors: D.L. Denham 1961 1968-05-12
United States, Colorado, Morgan County, Sandy river bottom of South Platte, about 3 miles northwest of its confluence with Bijou Creek.
181102 collectors: D.L. Denham 1814 1967-09-02
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Slope above Pass Creek, along Colorado highway 84., 2743m
181103 collectors: D.L., D.L. Jr., & M.L. Denham 1514 1967-06-11
United States, Colorado, Garfield County, 1.5 miles north of Douglas Pass. Douglasfir-Aspen forest., 2286m
181104 collectors: D.L. & M.L. Denham 87228 1987-06-03
United States, Colorado, Weld County, Roadside ditch, farm road 0.5 mile east of Gill., 1433m
181105 collectors: D.L. & M.L. Denham 81206
United States, Colorado, Elbert County, Roadside, I-70 at the Agate interchange., 1707m
181171 collectors: D.L. & M.L. Denham 1974-09-19
United States, Colorado, Logan County, Moist sandbar in South Platte river bottom, just S of Atwood., 1219m
181998 collectors: Alf Lundegren 1966-06-18
182833 collectors: M.L. Denham 1922 1967-07-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Buckingham Park in Lefthand Canyon, 40.1 -105.33, 1929m
182913 collectors: D.L. & M.L. Denham 82316 1982-05-25
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Slope above Elkhead Creek near the Routt Co. line., 1905m
186044 collectors: Jenna M. McAleer 167 2012-05-22
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Soapstone Prairie Natural Area; Cheyenne Rim Trail, ca. 2.1 miles west of lower parking lot, 40.94 -105.11, 1914m
186045 collectors: Jenna M. McAleer 557a 2013-05-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Soapstone Prairie Natural Area; Just west of Cheyenne Rim Trail, ca. 0.5 mile SW of southern entrance to Cedar Canyon, 40.96 -105.13, 1993m
186046 collectors: Jenna M. McAleer 560a 2013-05-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Soapstone Prairie Natural Area; ff Cheyenne Rim Trail, ca. 1 mile east of western propery boundary and ca. 2.25 miles south of northern boundary, 40.96 -105.13, 2042m
186705 collectors: Dick Walter Verda Walter 13090 1990-05-22
United States, Illinois, Stephenson County, 833 S Bolton Road (Walter Farm) between Pearl City Road and Stephenson Road W of Freeport., 152m
186706 collectors: Dick Walter Verda Walter 11992 1989-05-29
United States, Wisconsin, Green County, New Glarus Woods State Park, W of park boundary, 1 mi S of New Glarus., 335m
186707 collectors: Dick Walter Verda Walter 12001 1989-05-30
United States, Missouri, Lewis County, US 61, 3 mi N of road to Fenway Landing, 5.5 mi N of junction with R & B., 152m
186708 collectors: R. G. Walter 1187 1965-05-19
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, On mesa behind Idealite Cement Plant., 1707m
190099 collectors: Jeff Davidson 1973-00-00
United States, Colorado, Teller County, Cripple Creek
190100 collectors: Bob Hyde 98 1959-06-01
United States, Kansas, Ellis County, 3 miles west of Hays
190101 collectors: Robert Hyde 1962-06-20
United States, Wyoming, Park County, Beam Flat, Sunlight Basin
190392 collectors: Pat Carey 95 2017-06-05
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Reservoir Ridge Natural Area, 40.59 -105.16, 1690m
196398 collectors: Anonymous 139 1980-06-03
United States, Colorado, Weld County, Pawnee National Grassland: 1.9 miles East of intersection of Roads 89 amd 122, on North side of Rd. 122
198581 D.L. Denham 1514 1967-06-11
USA, Colorado, Garfield, 1.5 miles north of Douglas Pass, 2286m
197695 D. W. Reichert 361 1978-06-19
United States, Colorado, Logan, Tamarac Game Refuge Along Platte River Bottom. 2 Miles S to SW of Crook, Colo., 1128m
CHAS:Herb:3284 J. W. Eckfeldt 1878-06-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Erie County, Girard Point
CHAS:Herb:1971.13.43 Edna Stimpson 1895-05-08
United States, Illinois, Iroquois County, Milford, 40.6276528773 -87.6954363982
1689 Uyen Dias 6564 1986-05-22
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden. Glencoe
1696 Uyen Dias 6294 1985-05-31
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden. Glencoe
1957 J. F. Steffen 44 1988-05-16
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden. Glencoe
9244 S. Masi, J. Epting 1619 1997-05-08
United States, Illinois, Cook, Chicago Botanic Garden. Glencoe
CIBO-0000786 Anne Maley 443 1992-05-28
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Area: Doudy Draw; OSProperty: Stengel II; OSTrail: Doudy Draw; Trailside meadow., 39.926045 -105.257751, 1768m
CIBO-0000788 Elaine Smith 721 1990-06-12
United States, Colorado, Boulder, Area: Van Vleet field; OSProperty: Van Vleet; South of S. Boulder Rd. and west of S. Boulder Creek., 39.98427 -105.22397, 1615m
CIBO-0000789 Open Space Volunteers 514 1989-05-25
United States, Colorado, Boulder, East Rudd Property; on N side of Marshall Mesa., 39.952251 -105.224089, 1829m
CIBO-0000787 T. Marshall 247 1988-05-12
United States, Colorado, Boulder, OSProperty: Kolb; County Kolb Preoperty., 40.049477 -105.173433, 1524m
United States, South Carolina, Charleston
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley
United States, South Carolina, Berkeley
CLEMS0039458 E. A. Bartholomew 1952-06-01
United States, West Virginia, Raleigh, Raleigh
CLEMS0039457 J. E. Saville 1958-04-12
United States, West Virginia, Jefferson, Jefferson
CLEMS0039456 Steven R. Hill 16736 1986-05-11
United States, Virginia, Loudoun, Loudoun, 39.058008 -77.328406
CLEMS0039455 M. T. Strong 524 1988-05-08
United States, Virginia, Loudoun, Loudoun
CLEMS0039454 R. Dale Thomas 133350 1993-04-24
United States, Tennessee, Knox, Knox, 35.969957 -83.920669
CLEMS0039453 Damrel, D.Z. 6879 2017-04-19
United States, South Carolina, Greenville, Greenville. On the N side of the connecting road between Carolina Point Parkway & Market Point Dr, across the street from gates of the Aventine., 34.821667 -82.306667
CLEMS0039452 K. W. Hunt 777 1941-04-08
United States, South Carolina, Charleston, Charleston
CLEMS0039451 Tomotley 1989-05-08
United States, South Carolina, Beaufort, Beaufort
CLEMS0039450 Kingsland, G.C. 1996-04-14
United States, South Carolina, Anderson, Melton Rd - Burgess Rd area
CLEMS0073232 Gordon C. Tucker 4436 1989-06-24
United States, New York, Albany, Albany
ASU0304948 Joanne Cockerill 223 2005-05-10
USA, New Mexico, Grant, Private land within Gila National Forest 7 miles north-northwest of Silver City. North Fork Walnut Creek Road., 32.8604 -108.18, 1951m
09086 P.J. Leary 539 1974-06-10
United States, Oregon, Baker, on a knoll 2 mi NW of Unity off US Hwy 26, 915m
12009 Hiatt H D 1977-03-12
United States, Nevada, Clark, [Las Vegas Valley], Las Vegas, Mormon Church Welfare Farm, in alfalfa fields, 518m
12075 P.J. Leary 2074 1977-06-02
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, along small stream in Condor Cyn, N of Panaca, 1524m
14327 Williams M J 78-177-5 1978-06-30
United States, Nevada, Elko, Belcher's Meadow, top of hill, in dry disturbed area, 2027m
15632 G.T. Austin 1980-07-04
United States, Nevada, Elko, Independence Mts, Jacks Creek, 4.5 mi E of NV Hwy 226, dry meadow, 2073m
20451 Meyer S E 1353 1970-08-21
United States, Utah, Washington, Kolob Reservoir, wet, mesic, marshy areas, 2439m
21723 Pinzl A 5431 1983-07-12
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Schell Creek Range, site of springs, jct of rds & Cave Creek fork, meadow, 2317m
22472 Pinzl A 4160 1981-06-10
United States, Nevada, Elko, Independence Valley, NV Hwy 226, 6.8 rd mi N of Tuscarora turnoff, ranch/meadow area ditch bank, 1607m
33240 Pinzl A 8717 1989-07-10
United States, Nevada, Elko, E Humboldt Range, NW base, ditch by rd connecting SW part of Starr Valley & Secret Valley, Dahl Ranch, 1707m
47511 E.A. Stadelbacher s.n. 1987-05-10
United States, Illinois, Union, right-of-way along Hwy 3; roadside
48689 A. Pinzl 13328 1999-06-13
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, Santa Rosa Range; Cabin Creek, Humboldt National Forest, Hinkey Summit road, where it crosses Cabin Creek, ca. 5.0 miles south of Windy Gap; meadow area, 1841m
55243 A. Pinzl 13623 2000-06-05
United States, Nevada, White Pine, White Pine Range, unnamed spring 2.25 miles south of Prune Spring, 2302m
55471 A. Pinzl 14105 2001-07-11
United States, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Valley, Nevada Highway 229, 1.8 road miles south of Secret Pass, 1936m
56649 W.E. Niles 6344 2000-06-18
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, White Rock Mountains, unnamed spring, 1 mile west of Barrel Spring, 2255m
67237 J.S. Holland 2022-10 2022-06-28
United States, Nevada, Elko, 0.25 miles Southwest of Angel Lake, 12 miles southwest of Wells, East Humboldt Range, 41.02683 -115.084123, 2542m
COCO-V-0002580 O. Landahl 1981-05-18
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Moist, sandy soil along Monument Creek, 1829m
COCO-V-0002578 D. Duba 1971-06-02
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Marsh along Hwy 24, 38.86041 -104.931054, 2091m
COCO-V-0002577 R. Trippel 1928-09-15
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Near Colo. Springs
COCO-V-0002583 K. Darrow 9073 1979-06-26
United States, Colorado, Teller, Mueller Ranch; dry Pikes Peak gravel on E-facing slope; Ponderosa Pine forest, 38.83332 -105.001934, 2545m
COCO-V-0002582 W. Penland 177 1924-07-12
United States, Colorado, Teller, Low plains near Gillette, 38.781933 -105.122758
COCO-V-0002581 S. Darden 1972-09-17
United States, Colorado, Teller, Subalpine aspen and pine forest; R.R.R. Ranch; 14.0 mi S of Florissant, CO; on Hwy 18, 38.730348 -105.2833, 2652m
COCO-V-0002584 D. Duba 1971-06-07
United States, Colorado, Teller, Floodplain along Middle Creek and adj to weedy roadside prairie; near Beulah, 38.08076 -104.97459, 1890m
COCO-V-0002579 R. Jackson 3025 1905-06-25
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Austin Bluffs, vic. of UCCS NE area of section; se-side of Bennett property disturbed community fry. sandy soil; bare, open ground with grasses, basal thistle
MESA05093 Caroline Warren W085 1991-06-24
United States, Colorado, Garfield, CO 139 2 mi. N of Douglas Pass, 39.625144 -108.790797, 2316m
MESA05094 Joann Young 06011978-28 1978-06-01
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Sunnyside area, 39.21542 -108.153785, 1829m
MESA05095 Joann Young 07011978-181
United States, Colorado, Mesa, unknown, 1524m
1017 Cook, William E. 295 1985-09-27
United States, New York, Columbia, 42.222214 -73.734269
United States, North Carolina, Orange
Christiansen 3 1969-05-28
United States, Iowa, Linn, Palisades-Dows Preserve, 41.89428 -91.496367
ASC00053315 R.H. Hevly & M.I. Jenness s.n. 1973-04-13
United States, Arizona, Coconino, US 89, 5-10 mi N of Cameron, 36.020871 -111.41222, 1219m
ASC00075130 G. Rink 2240 2003-07-06
United States, Colorado, Hinsdale, San Juan National Forest, Poison Park Trailhead, weedy., 37.52967 -107.25006, 2804m
ASC00082272 G. Rink 4800 2006-05-24
United States, Colorado, La Plata, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, 37.31084 -107.78164, 2250m
ASC00083168 Leslie N. Goodding 15549 1949-06-02
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Ryan, Kaibab Plateau, 36.692778 -112.355556